
  • Version 13.1.1
  • Published
  • 1.14 MB
  • 10 dependencies
  • Apache-2.0 license


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A collection of useful crypto utilities for @polkadot





variable cryptoIsReady

const cryptoIsReady: any;

    variable packageInfo

    const packageInfo: { name: string; path: string; type: string; version: string };


      function addressEq

      addressEq: (a: string | Uint8Array, b: string | Uint8Array) => boolean;
      • addressEq Compares two addresses, either in ss58, Uint8Array or hex format. For the input values, return true is the underlying public keys do match.

        Example 1

        import { u8aEq } from '@polkadot/util';
        u8aEq(new Uint8Array([0x68, 0x65]), new Uint8Array([0x68, 0x65])); // true

      function addressToEvm

      addressToEvm: (
      address: string | Uint8Array,
      ignoreChecksum?: boolean
      ) => Uint8Array;
      • addressToEvm Converts an SS58 address to its corresponding EVM address.

      function base32Decode

      base32Decode: (value: string, ipfsCompat?: boolean) => Uint8Array;
      • base32Decode Delookup a base32 value. From the provided input, decode the base32 and return the result as an Uint8Array.

      function base32Encode

      base32Encode: (value: any, ipfsCompat?: boolean) => string;
      • base32Encode Creates a base32 value. From the provided input, create the base32 and return the result as a string.

      function base32Validate

      base32Validate: (value?: unknown, ipfsCompat?: boolean) => value is string;
      • base32Validate Validates a base32 value. Validates that the supplied value is valid base32, throwing exceptions if not

      function base58Decode

      base58Decode: (value: string, ipfsCompat?: boolean) => Uint8Array;
      • base58Decode Decodes a base58 value. From the provided input, decode the base58 and return the result as an Uint8Array.

      function base58Encode

      base58Encode: (value: any, ipfsCompat?: boolean) => string;
      • base58Encode Creates a base58 value. From the provided input, create the base58 and return the result as a string.

      function base58Validate

      base58Validate: (value?: unknown, ipfsCompat?: boolean) => value is string;
      • base58Validate Validates a base58 value. Validates that the supplied value is valid base58, throwing exceptions if not

      function base64Decode

      base64Decode: (value: string, ipfsCompat?: boolean) => Uint8Array;
      • base64Decode Decodes a base64 value. From the provided input, decode the base64 and return the result as an Uint8Array.

      function base64Encode

      base64Encode: (value: any, ipfsCompat?: boolean) => string;
      • base64Encode Creates a base64 value. From the provided input, create the base64 and return the result as a string.

      function base64Pad

      base64Pad: (value: string) => string;
      • base64Pad Adds padding characters for correct length

      function base64Trim

      base64Trim: (value: string) => string;
      • base64Trim Trims padding characters

      function base64Validate

      base64Validate: (value?: unknown, ipfsCompat?: boolean) => value is string;
      • base64Validate Validates a base64 value. Validates that the supplied value is valid base64

      function blake2AsHex

      blake2AsHex: (
      data: string | Uint8Array,
      bitLength?: 256 | 512 | 64 | 128 | 384 | undefined,
      key?: Uint8Array | null | undefined,
      onlyJs?: boolean | undefined
      ) => any;
      • blake2AsHex Creates a blake2b hex from the input.

      function blake2AsU8a

      blake2AsU8a: (
      data: string | Uint8Array,
      bitLength?: 64 | 128 | 256 | 384 | 512,
      key?: Uint8Array | null,
      onlyJs?: boolean
      ) => Uint8Array;
      • blake2AsU8a Creates a blake2b u8a from the input. From a Uint8Array input, create the blake2b and return the result as a u8a with the specified bitLength.

        Example 1

        import { blake2AsU8a } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
        blake2AsU8a('abc'); // => [0xba, 0x80, 0xa5, 0x3f, 0x98, 0x1c, 0x4d, 0x0d]

      function checkAddress

      checkAddress: (address: string, prefix: Prefix) => [boolean, string | null];
      • checkAddress Validates an ss58 address. From the provided input, validate that the address is a valid input.

      function checkAddressChecksum

      checkAddressChecksum: (decoded: Uint8Array) => [boolean, number, number, number];

        function createKeyDerived

        createKeyDerived: (
        who: string | Uint8Array,
        index: bigint | BN | number
        ) => Uint8Array;

          function createKeyMulti

          createKeyMulti: (
          who: (string | Uint8Array)[],
          threshold: bigint | BN | number
          ) => Uint8Array;

            function cryptoWaitReady

            cryptoWaitReady: () => Promise<boolean>;

              function decodeAddress

              decodeAddress: (
              encoded?: string | Uint8Array | null,
              ignoreChecksum?: boolean,
              ss58Format?: Prefix
              ) => Uint8Array;

                function deriveAddress

                deriveAddress: (
                who: string | Uint8Array,
                suri: string,
                ss58Format?: Prefix
                ) => string;
                • deriveAddress Creates a sr25519 derived address from the supplied and path. Creates a sr25519 derived address based on the input address/publicKey and the uri supplied.

                function ed25519DeriveHard

                ed25519DeriveHard: (seed: Uint8Array, chainCode: Uint8Array) => Uint8Array;

                  function ed25519PairFromRandom

                  ed25519PairFromRandom: () => Keypair;
                  • ed25519PairFromRandom Creates a new public/secret keypair. Returns a new generate object containing a publicKey & secretKey.

                    Example 1

                    import { ed25519PairFromRandom } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
                    ed25519PairFromRandom(); // => { secretKey: [...], publicKey: [...] }

                  function ed25519PairFromSecret

                  ed25519PairFromSecret: (secretKey: Uint8Array) => Keypair;
                  • ed25519PairFromSecret Creates a new public/secret keypair from a secret. Returns a object containing a publicKey & secretKey generated from the supplied secret.

                    Example 1

                    import { ed25519PairFromSecret } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
                    ed25519PairFromSecret(...); // => { secretKey: [...], publicKey: [...] }

                  function ed25519PairFromSeed

                  ed25519PairFromSeed: (seed: Uint8Array, onlyJs?: boolean) => Keypair;
                  • ed25519PairFromSeed Creates a new public/secret keypair from a seed. Returns a object containing a publicKey & secretKey generated from the supplied seed.

                    Example 1

                    import { ed25519PairFromSeed } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
                    ed25519PairFromSeed(...); // => { secretKey: [...], publicKey: [...] }

                  function ed25519PairFromString

                  ed25519PairFromString: (value: string) => Keypair;
                  • ed25519PairFromString Creates a new public/secret keypair from a string. Returns a object containing a publicKey & secretKey generated from the supplied string. The string is hashed and the value used as the input seed.

                    Example 1

                    import { ed25519PairFromString } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
                    ed25519PairFromString('test'); // => { secretKey: [...], publicKey: [...] }

                  function ed25519Sign

                  ed25519Sign: (
                  message: string | Uint8Array,
                  { publicKey, secretKey }: Partial<Keypair>,
                  onlyJs?: boolean
                  ) => Uint8Array;
                  • ed25519Sign Signs a message using the supplied secretKey Returns message signature of message, using the secretKey.

                    Example 1

                    import { ed25519Sign } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
                    ed25519Sign([...], [...]); // => [...]

                  function ed25519Verify

                  ed25519Verify: (
                  message: string | Uint8Array,
                  signature: string | Uint8Array,
                  publicKey: string | Uint8Array,
                  onlyJs?: boolean
                  ) => boolean;
                  • ed25519Sign Verifies the signature on the supplied message. Verifies the signature on message with the supplied publicKey. Returns true on sucess, false otherwise.

                    Example 1

                    import { ed25519Verify } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
                    ed25519Verify([...], [...], [...]); // => true/false

                  function encodeAddress

                  encodeAddress: (key: string | Uint8Array, ss58Format?: Prefix) => string;

                    function encodeDerivedAddress

                    encodeDerivedAddress: (
                    who: string | Uint8Array,
                    index: bigint | BN | number,
                    ss58Format?: Prefix
                    ) => string;
                    • encodeDerivedAddress Creates a derived address as used in Substrate utility. Creates a Substrate derived address based on the input address/publicKey and the index supplied.

                    function encodeMultiAddress

                    encodeMultiAddress: (
                    who: (string | Uint8Array)[],
                    threshold: bigint | BN | number,
                    ss58Format?: Prefix
                    ) => string;
                    • encodeMultiAddress Creates a multisig address. Creates a Substrate multisig address based on the input address and the required threshold.

                    function ethereumEncode

                    ethereumEncode: (addressOrPublic?: string | Uint8Array) => HexString;

                      function evmToAddress

                      evmToAddress: (
                      evmAddress: string | Uint8Array,
                      ss58Format?: Prefix,
                      hashType?: HashType
                      ) => string;
                      • evmToAddress Converts an EVM address to its corresponding SS58 address.

                      function hdEthereum

                      hdEthereum: (seed: Uint8Array, path?: string) => Keypair;

                        function hdLedger

                        hdLedger: (_mnemonic: string, path: string) => Keypair;

                          function hdValidatePath

                          hdValidatePath: (path: string) => boolean;

                            function hmacSha256AsU8a

                            hmacSha256AsU8a: (
                            key: Uint8Array | string,
                            data: Uint8Array,
                            onlyJs?: boolean
                            ) => Uint8Array;
                            • hmacSha256AsU8a creates a Hmac Sha256 Uint8Array from the key & data

                            function hmacSha512AsU8a

                            hmacSha512AsU8a: (
                            key: Uint8Array | string,
                            data: Uint8Array,
                            onlyJs?: boolean
                            ) => Uint8Array;
                            • hmacSha512AsU8a creates a Hmac Sha512 Uint8Array from the key & data

                            function hmacShaAsU8a

                            hmacShaAsU8a: (
                            key: Uint8Array | string,
                            data: Uint8Array,
                            bitLength?: 256 | 512,
                            onlyJs?: boolean
                            ) => Uint8Array;
                            • hmacShaAsU8a creates a Hmac Sha (256/512) Uint8Array from the key & data

                            function isAddress

                            isAddress: (
                            address?: string | null,
                            ignoreChecksum?: boolean,
                            ss58Format?: Prefix
                            ) => address is string;

                              function isBase32

                              isBase32: (value?: unknown, ipfsCompat?: boolean) => value is string;
                              • isBase32 Checks if the input is in base32, returning true/false

                              function isBase58

                              isBase58: (value?: unknown, ipfsCompat?: boolean) => value is string;
                              • isBase58 Checks if the input is in base58, returning true/false

                              function isBase64

                              isBase64: (value?: unknown, ipfsCompat?: boolean) => value is string;
                              • isBase64 Checks if the input is in base64, returning true/false

                              function isEthereumAddress

                              isEthereumAddress: (address?: string) => boolean;

                                function isEthereumChecksum

                                isEthereumChecksum: (_address: string) => boolean;

                                  function jsonDecrypt

                                  jsonDecrypt: (
                                  { encoded, encoding }: EncryptedJson,
                                  passphrase?: string | null
                                  ) => Uint8Array;

                                    function jsonDecryptData

                                    jsonDecryptData: (
                                    encrypted?: Uint8Array | null,
                                    passphrase?: string | null,
                                    encType?: EncryptedJsonEncoding[]
                                    ) => Uint8Array;

                                      function jsonEncrypt

                                      jsonEncrypt: (
                                      data: Uint8Array,
                                      contentType: string[],
                                      passphrase?: string | null
                                      ) => EncryptedJson;

                                        function jsonEncryptFormat

                                        jsonEncryptFormat: (
                                        encoded: Uint8Array,
                                        contentType: string[],
                                        isEncrypted: boolean
                                        ) => EncryptedJson;

                                          function keccak256AsU8a

                                          keccak256AsU8a: (data: string | Uint8Array, onlyJs?: boolean) => Uint8Array;
                                          • keccak256AsU8a Creates a keccak256 Uint8Array from the input.

                                          function keccak512AsU8a

                                          keccak512AsU8a: (data: string | Uint8Array, onlyJs?: boolean) => Uint8Array;
                                          • keccak512AsU8a Creates a keccak512 Uint8Array from the input.

                                          function keccakAsHex

                                          keccakAsHex: (
                                          value: string | Uint8Array,
                                          bitLength?: 256 | 512 | undefined,
                                          onlyJs?: boolean | undefined
                                          ) => any;
                                          • keccakAsHex Creates a keccak hex string from the input.

                                          function keccakAsU8a

                                          keccakAsU8a: (
                                          value: string | Uint8Array,
                                          bitLength?: 256 | 512,
                                          onlyJs?: boolean
                                          ) => Uint8Array;
                                          • keccakAsU8a Creates a keccak Uint8Array from the input. From either a string or a Buffer input, create the keccak and return the result as a Uint8Array.

                                            Example 1

                                            import { keccakAsU8a } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
                                            keccakAsU8a('123'); // => Uint8Array

                                          function keyExtractPath

                                          keyExtractPath: (derivePath: string) => ExtractResult;
                                          • Extract derivation junctions from the supplied path

                                          function keyExtractSuri

                                          keyExtractSuri: (suri: string) => ExtractResult;
                                          • Extracts the phrase, path and password from a SURI format for specifying secret keys <secret>/<soft-key>//<hard-key>///<password> (the ///password may be omitted, and /<soft-key> and //<hard-key> maybe repeated and mixed).

                                          function keyFromPath

                                          keyFromPath: (
                                          pair: Keypair,
                                          path: DeriveJunction[],
                                          type: KeypairType
                                          ) => Keypair;

                                            function keyHdkdEcdsa

                                            keyHdkdEcdsa: (
                                            keypair: import('../types.js').Keypair,
                                            junction: import('./DeriveJunction.js').DeriveJunction
                                            ) => import('../types.js').Keypair;

                                              function keyHdkdEd25519

                                              keyHdkdEd25519: (
                                              keypair: import('../types.js').Keypair,
                                              junction: import('./DeriveJunction.js').DeriveJunction
                                              ) => import('../types.js').Keypair;

                                                function keyHdkdSr25519

                                                keyHdkdSr25519: (
                                                keypair: Keypair,
                                                { chainCode, isSoft }: DeriveJunction
                                                ) => Keypair;

                                                  function mnemonicGenerate

                                                  mnemonicGenerate: (
                                                  numWords?: 12 | 15 | 18 | 21 | 24,
                                                  wordlist?: string[],
                                                  onlyJs?: boolean
                                                  ) => string;
                                                  • mnemonicGenerate Creates a valid mnemonic string using using [BIP39](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039.mediawiki).

                                                    Example 1

                                                    import { mnemonicGenerate } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
                                                    const mnemonic = mnemonicGenerate(); // => string

                                                  function mnemonicToEntropy

                                                  mnemonicToEntropy: (
                                                  mnemonic: string,
                                                  wordlist?: string[],
                                                  onlyJs?: boolean
                                                  ) => Uint8Array;

                                                    function mnemonicToLegacySeed

                                                    mnemonicToLegacySeed: (
                                                    mnemonic: string,
                                                    password?: string,
                                                    onlyJs?: boolean,
                                                    byteLength?: 32 | 64
                                                    ) => Uint8Array;
                                                    • mnemonicToLegacySeed Creates a valid Ethereum/Bitcoin-compatible seed from a mnemonic input

                                                      Example 1

                                                      import { mnemonicGenerate, mnemonicToLegacySeed, mnemonicValidate } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
                                                      const mnemonic = mnemonicGenerate(); // => string
                                                      const isValidMnemonic = mnemonicValidate(mnemonic); // => boolean
                                                      if (isValidMnemonic) {
                                                      console.log(`Seed generated from mnemonic: ${mnemonicToLegacySeed(mnemonic)}`); => u8a

                                                    function mnemonicToMiniSecret

                                                    mnemonicToMiniSecret: (
                                                    mnemonic: string,
                                                    password?: string,
                                                    wordlist?: string[],
                                                    onlyJs?: boolean
                                                    ) => Uint8Array;

                                                      function mnemonicValidate

                                                      mnemonicValidate: (
                                                      mnemonic: string,
                                                      wordlist?: string[],
                                                      onlyJs?: boolean
                                                      ) => boolean;
                                                      • mnemonicValidate Validates a mnemonic input using [BIP39](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039.mediawiki).

                                                        Example 1

                                                        import { mnemonicGenerate, mnemonicValidate } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
                                                        const mnemonic = mnemonicGenerate(); // => string
                                                        const isValidMnemonic = mnemonicValidate(mnemonic); // => boolean

                                                      function naclDecrypt

                                                      naclDecrypt: (
                                                      encrypted: Uint8Array,
                                                      nonce: Uint8Array,
                                                      secret: Uint8Array
                                                      ) => Uint8Array | null;
                                                      • naclDecrypt Decrypts a message using the supplied secretKey and nonce Returns an decrypted message, using the secret and nonce.

                                                        Example 1

                                                        import { naclDecrypt } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
                                                        naclDecrypt([...], [...], [...]); // => [...]

                                                      function naclEncrypt

                                                      naclEncrypt: (
                                                      message: Uint8Array,
                                                      secret: Uint8Array,
                                                      nonce?: Uint8Array
                                                      ) => Encrypted;
                                                      • naclEncrypt Encrypts a message using the supplied secretKey and nonce Returns an encrypted message, using the secretKey and nonce. If the nonce was not supplied, a random value is generated.

                                                        Example 1

                                                        import { naclEncrypt } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
                                                        naclEncrypt([...], [...]); // => [...]

                                                      function pbkdf2Encode

                                                      pbkdf2Encode: (
                                                      passphrase?: string | Uint8Array,
                                                      salt?: Uint8Array,
                                                      rounds?: number,
                                                      onlyJs?: boolean
                                                      ) => Result;

                                                        function randomAsHex

                                                        randomAsHex: (length?: number | undefined) => any;
                                                        • randomAsHex Creates a hex string filled with random bytes.

                                                        function randomAsNumber

                                                        randomAsNumber: () => number;
                                                        • randomAsNumber Creates a random number from random bytes. Returns a random number generated from the secure bytes.

                                                          Example 1

                                                          import { randomAsNumber } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
                                                          randomAsNumber(); // => <random number>

                                                        function randomAsU8a

                                                        randomAsU8a: (length?: number) => Uint8Array;
                                                        • randomAsU8a Creates a Uint8Array filled with random bytes. Returns a Uint8Array with the specified (optional) length filled with random bytes.

                                                          Example 1

                                                          import { randomAsU8a } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
                                                          randomAsU8a(); // => Uint8Array([...])

                                                        function scryptEncode

                                                        scryptEncode: (
                                                        passphrase?: string | Uint8Array,
                                                        salt?: Uint8Array,
                                                        params?: ScryptParams,
                                                        onlyJs?: boolean
                                                        ) => Result;

                                                          function scryptFromU8a

                                                          scryptFromU8a: (data: Uint8Array) => Result;

                                                            function scryptToU8a

                                                            scryptToU8a: (salt: Uint8Array, { N, p, r }: ScryptParams) => Uint8Array;

                                                              function secp256k1Compress

                                                              secp256k1Compress: (publicKey: Uint8Array, onlyJs?: boolean) => Uint8Array;

                                                                function secp256k1Expand

                                                                secp256k1Expand: (publicKey: Uint8Array, onlyJs?: boolean) => Uint8Array;

                                                                  function secp256k1PairFromSeed

                                                                  secp256k1PairFromSeed: (seed: Uint8Array, onlyJs?: boolean) => Keypair;
                                                                  • secp256k1PairFromSeed Returns a object containing a publicKey & secretKey generated from the supplied seed.

                                                                  function secp256k1PrivateKeyTweakAdd

                                                                  secp256k1PrivateKeyTweakAdd: (
                                                                  seckey: Uint8Array,
                                                                  tweak: Uint8Array,
                                                                  onlyBn?: boolean
                                                                  ) => Uint8Array;

                                                                    function secp256k1Recover

                                                                    secp256k1Recover: (
                                                                    msgHash: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                    signature: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                    recovery: number,
                                                                    hashType?: HashType,
                                                                    onlyJs?: boolean
                                                                    ) => Uint8Array;
                                                                    • secp256k1Recover Recovers a publicKey from the supplied signature

                                                                    function secp256k1Sign

                                                                    secp256k1Sign: (
                                                                    message: Uint8Array | string,
                                                                    { secretKey }: Partial<Keypair>,
                                                                    hashType?: HashType,
                                                                    onlyJs?: boolean
                                                                    ) => Uint8Array;
                                                                    • secp256k1Sign Returns message signature of message, using the supplied pair

                                                                    function secp256k1Verify

                                                                    secp256k1Verify: (
                                                                    msgHash: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                    signature: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                    address: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                    hashType?: HashType,
                                                                    onlyJs?: boolean
                                                                    ) => boolean;
                                                                    • secp256k1Verify Verifies the signature of message, using the supplied pair

                                                                    function setSS58Format

                                                                    setSS58Format: (prefix: Prefix) => void;
                                                                    • Sets the global SS58 format to use for address encoding


                                                                      Use keyring.setSS58Format

                                                                    function sha256AsU8a

                                                                    sha256AsU8a: (data: string | Uint8Array, onlyJs?: boolean) => Uint8Array;
                                                                    • sha256AsU8a Creates a sha256 Uint8Array from the input.

                                                                    function sha512AsU8a

                                                                    sha512AsU8a: (data: string | Uint8Array, onlyJs?: boolean) => Uint8Array;
                                                                    • sha512AsU8a Creates a sha512 Uint8Array from the input.

                                                                    function shaAsU8a

                                                                    shaAsU8a: (
                                                                    value: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                    bitLength?: 256 | 512,
                                                                    onlyJs?: boolean
                                                                    ) => Uint8Array;
                                                                    • shaAsU8a Creates a sha Uint8Array from the input.

                                                                    function signatureVerify

                                                                    signatureVerify: (
                                                                    message: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                    signature: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                    addressOrPublicKey: string | Uint8Array
                                                                    ) => VerifyResult;

                                                                      function sortAddresses

                                                                      sortAddresses: (
                                                                      addresses: (string | Uint8Array)[],
                                                                      ss58Format?: Prefix
                                                                      ) => string[];

                                                                        function sr25519Agreement

                                                                        sr25519Agreement: (
                                                                        secretKey: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                        publicKey: string | Uint8Array
                                                                        ) => Uint8Array;
                                                                        • sr25519Agreement Key agreement between other's public key and self secret key

                                                                        function sr25519DeriveHard

                                                                        sr25519DeriveHard: (
                                                                        keypair: import('../types.js').Keypair,
                                                                        chainCode: Uint8Array
                                                                        ) => import('../types.js').Keypair;

                                                                          function sr25519DerivePublic

                                                                          sr25519DerivePublic: (
                                                                          publicKey: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                          chainCode: Uint8Array
                                                                          ) => Uint8Array;

                                                                            function sr25519DeriveSoft

                                                                            sr25519DeriveSoft: (
                                                                            keypair: import('../types.js').Keypair,
                                                                            chainCode: Uint8Array
                                                                            ) => import('../types.js').Keypair;

                                                                              function sr25519PairFromSeed

                                                                              sr25519PairFromSeed: (seed: string | Uint8Array) => Keypair;
                                                                              • sr25519PairFromSeed Returns a object containing a publicKey & secretKey generated from the supplied seed.

                                                                              function sr25519Sign

                                                                              sr25519Sign: (
                                                                              message: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                              { publicKey, secretKey }: Partial<Keypair>
                                                                              ) => Uint8Array;
                                                                              • sr25519Sign Returns message signature of message, using the supplied pair

                                                                              function sr25519Verify

                                                                              sr25519Verify: (
                                                                              message: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                              signature: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                              publicKey: string | Uint8Array
                                                                              ) => boolean;
                                                                              • sr25519Verify Verifies the signature of message, using the supplied pair

                                                                              function sr25519VrfSign

                                                                              sr25519VrfSign: (
                                                                              message: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                              { secretKey }: Partial<Keypair>,
                                                                              context?: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                              extra?: string | Uint8Array
                                                                              ) => Uint8Array;
                                                                              • sr25519VrfSign Sign with sr25519 vrf signing (deterministic)

                                                                              function sr25519VrfVerify

                                                                              sr25519VrfVerify: (
                                                                              message: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                              signOutput: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                              publicKey: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                              context?: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                              extra?: string | Uint8Array
                                                                              ) => boolean;
                                                                              • sr25519VrfVerify Verify with sr25519 vrf verification

                                                                              function validateAddress

                                                                              validateAddress: (
                                                                              encoded?: string | null,
                                                                              ignoreChecksum?: boolean,
                                                                              ss58Format?: Prefix
                                                                              ) => encoded is string;

                                                                                function xxhashAsHex

                                                                                xxhashAsHex: (
                                                                                data: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                                bitLength?: 256 | 512 | 64 | 128 | 384 | 320 | 192 | 448 | undefined,
                                                                                onlyJs?: boolean | undefined
                                                                                ) => any;
                                                                                • xxhashAsHex Creates a xxhash64 hex from the input.

                                                                                function xxhashAsU8a

                                                                                xxhashAsU8a: (
                                                                                data: string | Uint8Array,
                                                                                bitLength?: 64 | 128 | 192 | 256 | 320 | 384 | 448 | 512,
                                                                                onlyJs?: boolean
                                                                                ) => Uint8Array;
                                                                                • xxhashAsU8a Creates a xxhash64 u8a from the input. From either a string, Uint8Array or a Buffer input, create the xxhash64 and return the result as a Uint8Array with the specified bitLength.

                                                                                  Example 1

                                                                                  import { xxhashAsU8a } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
                                                                                  xxhashAsU8a('abc'); // => 0x44bc2cf5ad770999

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