
  • Version 2.11.8
  • Published
  • 1.46 MB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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Tooltip and Popover Positioning Engine



variable afterMain

const afterMain: string;

    variable afterRead

    const afterRead: string;

      variable afterWrite

      const afterWrite: string;

        variable applyStyles

        const applyStyles: ApplyStylesModifier;

          variable arrow

          const arrow: ArrowModifier;

            variable auto

            const auto: string;

              variable basePlacements

              const basePlacements: BasePlacement[];

                variable beforeMain

                const beforeMain: string;

                  variable beforeRead

                  const beforeRead: string;

                    variable beforeWrite

                    const beforeWrite: string;

                      variable bottom

                      const bottom: string;

                        variable clippingParents

                        const clippingParents: string;

                          variable computeStyles

                          const computeStyles: ComputeStylesModifier;

                            variable end

                            const end: string;

                              variable eventListeners

                              const eventListeners: EventListenersModifier;

                                variable flip

                                const flip: FlipModifier;

                                  variable hide

                                  const hide: HideModifier;

                                    variable left

                                    const left: string;

                                      variable main

                                      const main: string;

                                        variable modifierPhases

                                        const modifierPhases: ModifierPhases[];

                                          variable offset

                                          const offset: OffsetModifier;

                                            variable placements

                                            const placements: Placement[];

                                              variable popper

                                              const popper: string;

                                                variable popperOffsets

                                                const popperOffsets: PopperOffsetsModifier;

                                                  variable preventOverflow

                                                  const preventOverflow: PreventOverflowModifier;

                                                    variable read

                                                    const read: string;

                                                      variable reference

                                                      const reference: string;
                                                        const right: string;

                                                          variable start

                                                          const start: string;

                                                            variable top

                                                            const top: string;

                                                              variable variationPlacements

                                                              const variationPlacements: VariationPlacement[];

                                                                variable viewport

                                                                const viewport: string;

                                                                  variable write

                                                                  const write: string;


                                                                    function createPopper

                                                                    createPopper: <TModifier extends Partial<Modifier<any, any>>>(
                                                                    reference: Element | import('./types').VirtualElement,
                                                                    popper: HTMLElement,
                                                                    options?: Partial<OptionsGeneric<TModifier>>
                                                                    ) => import('./types').Instance;

                                                                      function createPopperBase

                                                                      createPopperBase: <TModifier extends Partial<Modifier<any, any>>>(
                                                                      reference: Element | VirtualElement,
                                                                      popper: HTMLElement,
                                                                      options?: Partial<OptionsGeneric<TModifier>>
                                                                      ) => Instance;

                                                                        function createPopperLite

                                                                        createPopperLite: <TModifier extends Partial<Modifier<any, any>>>(
                                                                        reference: Element | import('./types').VirtualElement,
                                                                        popper: HTMLElement,
                                                                        options?: Partial<OptionsGeneric<TModifier>>
                                                                        ) => import('./types').Instance;

                                                                          function detectOverflow

                                                                          detectOverflow: (state: State, options?: Partial<Options>) => SideObject;

                                                                            function popperGenerator

                                                                            popperGenerator: (
                                                                            generatorOptions?: PopperGeneratorArgs
                                                                            ) => <TModifier extends Partial<Modifier<any, any>>>(
                                                                            reference: Element | VirtualElement,
                                                                            popper: HTMLElement,
                                                                            options?: Partial<OptionsGeneric<TModifier>>
                                                                            ) => Instance;

                                                                              Type Aliases

                                                                              type AutoPlacement

                                                                              type AutoPlacement = 'auto' | 'auto-start' | 'auto-end';

                                                                                type BasePlacement

                                                                                type BasePlacement = typeof top | typeof bottom | typeof right | typeof left;

                                                                                  type Boundary

                                                                                  type Boundary = Element | Array<Element> | typeof clippingParents;

                                                                                    type ClientRectObject

                                                                                    type ClientRectObject = {
                                                                                    x: number;
                                                                                    y: number;
                                                                                    top: number;
                                                                                    left: number;
                                                                                    right: number;
                                                                                    bottom: number;
                                                                                    width: number;
                                                                                    height: number;

                                                                                      type ComputedPlacement

                                                                                      type ComputedPlacement = VariationPlacement | BasePlacement;

                                                                                        type Context

                                                                                        type Context = typeof popper | typeof reference;

                                                                                          type EventListeners

                                                                                          type EventListeners = {
                                                                                          scroll: boolean;
                                                                                          resize: boolean;

                                                                                            type Instance

                                                                                            type Instance = {
                                                                                            state: State;
                                                                                            destroy: () => void;
                                                                                            forceUpdate: () => void;
                                                                                            update: () => Promise<Partial<State>>;
                                                                                            setOptions: (
                                                                                            setOptionsAction: SetAction<Partial<OptionsGeneric<any>>>
                                                                                            ) => Promise<Partial<State>>;

                                                                                              type Modifier

                                                                                              type Modifier<Name, Options extends Obj> = {
                                                                                              name: Name;
                                                                                              enabled: boolean;
                                                                                              phase: ModifierPhases;
                                                                                              requires?: Array<string>;
                                                                                              requiresIfExists?: Array<string>;
                                                                                              fn: (arg0: ModifierArguments<Options>) => State | void;
                                                                                              effect?: (arg0: ModifierArguments<Options>) => (() => void) | void;
                                                                                              options?: Partial<Options>;
                                                                                              data?: Obj;

                                                                                                type ModifierArguments

                                                                                                type ModifierArguments<Options extends Obj> = {
                                                                                                state: State;
                                                                                                instance: Instance;
                                                                                                options: Partial<Options>;
                                                                                                name: string;

                                                                                                  type ModifierPhases

                                                                                                  type ModifierPhases =
                                                                                                  | typeof beforeRead
                                                                                                  | typeof read
                                                                                                  | typeof afterRead
                                                                                                  | typeof beforeMain
                                                                                                  | typeof main
                                                                                                  | typeof afterMain
                                                                                                  | typeof beforeWrite
                                                                                                  | typeof write
                                                                                                  | typeof afterWrite;

                                                                                                    type Obj

                                                                                                    type Obj = {
                                                                                                    [key: string]: any;

                                                                                                      type Offsets

                                                                                                      type Offsets = {
                                                                                                      y: number;
                                                                                                      x: number;

                                                                                                        type Options

                                                                                                        type Options = {
                                                                                                        placement: Placement;
                                                                                                        modifiers: Array<Partial<Modifier<any, any>>>;
                                                                                                        strategy: PositioningStrategy;
                                                                                                        onFirstUpdate?: (arg0: Partial<State>) => void;

                                                                                                          type OptionsGeneric

                                                                                                          type OptionsGeneric<TModifier> = {
                                                                                                          placement: Placement;
                                                                                                          modifiers: Array<TModifier>;
                                                                                                          strategy: PositioningStrategy;
                                                                                                          onFirstUpdate?: (arg0: Partial<State>) => void;

                                                                                                            type Padding

                                                                                                            type Padding = number | Partial<SideObject>;

                                                                                                              type Placement

                                                                                                              type Placement = AutoPlacement | BasePlacement | VariationPlacement;

                                                                                                                type PositioningStrategy

                                                                                                                type PositioningStrategy = 'absolute' | 'fixed';

                                                                                                                  type Rect

                                                                                                                  type Rect = {
                                                                                                                  width: number;
                                                                                                                  height: number;
                                                                                                                  x: number;
                                                                                                                  y: number;

                                                                                                                    type RootBoundary

                                                                                                                    type RootBoundary = typeof viewport | 'document';

                                                                                                                      type SideObject

                                                                                                                      type SideObject = {
                                                                                                                      top: number;
                                                                                                                      left: number;
                                                                                                                      right: number;
                                                                                                                      bottom: number;

                                                                                                                        type State

                                                                                                                        type State = {
                                                                                                                        elements: {
                                                                                                                        reference: Element | VirtualElement;
                                                                                                                        popper: HTMLElement;
                                                                                                                        arrow?: HTMLElement;
                                                                                                                        options: OptionsGeneric<any>;
                                                                                                                        placement: Placement;
                                                                                                                        strategy: PositioningStrategy;
                                                                                                                        orderedModifiers: Array<Modifier<any, any>>;
                                                                                                                        rects: StateRects;
                                                                                                                        scrollParents: {
                                                                                                                        reference: Array<Element | Window | VisualViewport>;
                                                                                                                        popper: Array<Element | Window | VisualViewport>;
                                                                                                                        styles: {
                                                                                                                        [key: string]: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>;
                                                                                                                        attributes: {
                                                                                                                        [key: string]: {
                                                                                                                        [key: string]: string | boolean;
                                                                                                                        modifiersData: {
                                                                                                                        arrow?: {
                                                                                                                        x?: number;
                                                                                                                        y?: number;
                                                                                                                        centerOffset: number;
                                                                                                                        hide?: {
                                                                                                                        isReferenceHidden: boolean;
                                                                                                                        hasPopperEscaped: boolean;
                                                                                                                        referenceClippingOffsets: SideObject;
                                                                                                                        popperEscapeOffsets: SideObject;
                                                                                                                        offset?: OffsetData;
                                                                                                                        preventOverflow?: Offsets;
                                                                                                                        popperOffsets?: Offsets;
                                                                                                                        [key: string]: any;
                                                                                                                        reset: boolean;

                                                                                                                          type StateOffsets

                                                                                                                          type StateOffsets = {
                                                                                                                          popper: Offsets;
                                                                                                                          arrow?: Offsets;

                                                                                                                            type StateRects

                                                                                                                            type StateRects = {
                                                                                                                            reference: Rect;
                                                                                                                            popper: Rect;

                                                                                                                              type StrictModifiers

                                                                                                                              type StrictModifiers =
                                                                                                                              | Partial<OffsetModifier>
                                                                                                                              | Partial<ApplyStylesModifier>
                                                                                                                              | Partial<ArrowModifier>
                                                                                                                              | Partial<HideModifier>
                                                                                                                              | Partial<ComputeStylesModifier>
                                                                                                                              | Partial<EventListenersModifier>
                                                                                                                              | Partial<FlipModifier>
                                                                                                                              | Partial<PreventOverflowModifier>
                                                                                                                              | Partial<PopperOffsetsModifier>;

                                                                                                                                type UpdateCallback

                                                                                                                                type UpdateCallback = (arg0: State) => void;

                                                                                                                                  type Variation

                                                                                                                                  type Variation = typeof start | typeof end;

                                                                                                                                    type VariationPlacement

                                                                                                                                    type VariationPlacement =
                                                                                                                                    | 'top-start'
                                                                                                                                    | 'top-end'
                                                                                                                                    | 'bottom-start'
                                                                                                                                    | 'bottom-end'
                                                                                                                                    | 'right-start'
                                                                                                                                    | 'right-end'
                                                                                                                                    | 'left-start'
                                                                                                                                    | 'left-end';

                                                                                                                                      type VirtualElement

                                                                                                                                      type VirtualElement = {
                                                                                                                                      getBoundingClientRect: () => ClientRect | DOMRect;
                                                                                                                                      contextElement?: Element;

                                                                                                                                        type VisualViewport

                                                                                                                                        type VisualViewport = EventTarget & {
                                                                                                                                        width: number;
                                                                                                                                        height: number;
                                                                                                                                        offsetLeft: number;
                                                                                                                                        offsetTop: number;
                                                                                                                                        scale: number;

                                                                                                                                          type Window

                                                                                                                                          type Window = {
                                                                                                                                          innerHeight: number;
                                                                                                                                          offsetHeight: number;
                                                                                                                                          innerWidth: number;
                                                                                                                                          offsetWidth: number;
                                                                                                                                          pageXOffset: number;
                                                                                                                                          pageYOffset: number;
                                                                                                                                          getComputedStyle: typeof getComputedStyle;
                                                                                                                                          addEventListener(type: any, listener: any, optionsOrUseCapture?: any): void;
                                                                                                                                          removeEventListener(type: any, listener: any, optionsOrUseCapture?: any): void;
                                                                                                                                          Element: Element;
                                                                                                                                          HTMLElement: HTMLElement;
                                                                                                                                          Node: Node;
                                                                                                                                          toString(): '[object Window]';
                                                                                                                                          devicePixelRatio: number;
                                                                                                                                          visualViewport?: VisualViewport;
                                                                                                                                          ShadowRoot: ShadowRoot;

                                                                                                                                            Package Files (16)

                                                                                                                                            Dependencies (0)

                                                                                                                                            No dependencies.

                                                                                                                                            Dev Dependencies (46)

                                                                                                                                            Peer Dependencies (0)

                                                                                                                                            No peer dependencies.


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