
  • Version 11.3.1
  • Published
  • 539 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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React Native Network Info API for iOS & Android



variable _default

const _default: {
configure: typeof configure;
fetch: typeof fetch;
refresh: typeof refresh;
addEventListener: typeof addEventListener;
useNetInfo: typeof useNetInfo;
useNetInfoInstance: typeof useNetInfoInstance;


    function addEventListener

    addEventListener: (
    listener: Types.NetInfoChangeHandler
    ) => Types.NetInfoSubscription;
    • Subscribe to the global singleton's connection information. The callback is called with a parameter of type [NetInfoState](README.md#netinfostate) whenever the connection state changes. Your listener will be called with the latest information soon after you subscribe and then with any subsequent changes afterwards. You should not assume that the listener is called in the same way across devices or platforms.

      Parameter listener

      The listener which is called when the network state changes.


      A function which can be called to unsubscribe.

    function configure

    configure: (configuration: Partial<Types.NetInfoConfiguration>) => void;
    • Configures the library with the given configuration. Note that calling this will stop all previously added listeners from being called again. It is best to call this right when your application is started to avoid issues. The configuration sets up a global singleton instance.

      Parameter configuration

      The new configuration to set.

    function fetch

    fetch: (requestedInterface?: string) => Promise<Types.NetInfoState>;
    • Returns a Promise that resolves to a NetInfoState object. This function operates on the global singleton instance configured using configure()

      Parameter requestedInterface

      interface from which to obtain the information


      A Promise which contains the current connection state.

    function refresh

    refresh: () => Promise<Types.NetInfoState>;
    • Force-refreshes the internal state of the global singleton managed by this library.


      A Promise which contains the updated connection state.

    function useNetInfo

    useNetInfo: (
    configuration?: Partial<Types.NetInfoConfiguration>
    ) => Types.NetInfoState;
    • A React Hook into this library's singleton which updates when the connection state changes.

      Parameter configuration

      Configure the isolated network checker managed by this hook


      The connection state.

    function useNetInfoInstance

    useNetInfoInstance: (
    isPaused?: boolean,
    configuration?: Partial<Types.NetInfoConfiguration>
    ) => { netInfo: Types.NetInfoState; refresh: () => void };
    • A React Hook which manages an isolated instance of the network info manager. This is not a hook into a singleton shared state. NetInfo.configure, NetInfo.addEventListener, NetInfo.fetch, NetInfo.refresh are performed on a global singleton and have no affect on this hook.

      Parameter isPaused

      Pause the internal network checks.

      Parameter configuration

      Configure the isolated network checker managed by this hook


      the netInfo state and a refresh function


    interface NetInfoConfiguration

    interface NetInfoConfiguration {}

      property reachabilityHeaders

      reachabilityHeaders?: Record<string, string>;

        property reachabilityLongTimeout

        reachabilityLongTimeout: number;

          property reachabilityMethod

          reachabilityMethod?: NetInfoMethodType;

            property reachabilityRequestTimeout

            reachabilityRequestTimeout: number;

              property reachabilityShortTimeout

              reachabilityShortTimeout: number;

                property reachabilityShouldRun

                reachabilityShouldRun: () => boolean;

                  property reachabilityTest

                  reachabilityTest: (response: Response) => Promise<boolean>;

                    property reachabilityUrl

                    reachabilityUrl: string;

                      property shouldFetchWiFiSSID

                      shouldFetchWiFiSSID: boolean;

                        property useNativeReachability

                        useNativeReachability: boolean;

                          interface NetInfoConnectedDetails

                          interface NetInfoConnectedDetails {}

                            property isConnectionExpensive

                            isConnectionExpensive: boolean;

                              interface NetInfoUnknownState

                              interface NetInfoUnknownState {}

                                property details

                                details: null;

                                  property isConnected

                                  isConnected: boolean | null;

                                    property isInternetReachable

                                    isInternetReachable: null;

                                      property isWifiEnabled

                                      isWifiEnabled?: boolean;

                                        property type

                                        type: NetInfoStateType.unknown;


                                          enum NetInfoCellularGeneration

                                          enum NetInfoCellularGeneration {
                                          '2g' = '2g',
                                          '3g' = '3g',
                                          '4g' = '4g',
                                          '5g' = '5g',

                                            member '2g'

                                            '2g' = '2g'

                                              member '3g'

                                              '3g' = '3g'

                                                member '4g'

                                                '4g' = '4g'

                                                  member '5g'

                                                  '5g' = '5g'

                                                    enum NetInfoStateType

                                                    enum NetInfoStateType {
                                                    unknown = 'unknown',
                                                    none = 'none',
                                                    cellular = 'cellular',
                                                    wifi = 'wifi',
                                                    bluetooth = 'bluetooth',
                                                    ethernet = 'ethernet',
                                                    wimax = 'wimax',
                                                    vpn = 'vpn',
                                                    other = 'other',
                                                    • Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.

                                                      This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

                                                    member bluetooth

                                                    bluetooth = 'bluetooth'

                                                      member cellular

                                                      cellular = 'cellular'

                                                        member ethernet

                                                        ethernet = 'ethernet'

                                                          member none

                                                          none = 'none'

                                                            member other

                                                            other = 'other'

                                                              member unknown

                                                              unknown = 'unknown'

                                                                member vpn

                                                                vpn = 'vpn'

                                                                  member wifi

                                                                  wifi = 'wifi'

                                                                    member wimax

                                                                    wimax = 'wimax'

                                                                      Type Aliases

                                                                      type NetInfoBluetoothState

                                                                      type NetInfoBluetoothState = NetInfoConnectedState<NetInfoStateType.bluetooth>;

                                                                        type NetInfoCellularState

                                                                        type NetInfoCellularState = NetInfoConnectedState<
                                                                        cellularGeneration: NetInfoCellularGeneration | null;
                                                                        carrier: string | null;

                                                                          type NetInfoChangeHandler

                                                                          type NetInfoChangeHandler = (state: NetInfoState) => void;

                                                                            type NetInfoConnectedStates

                                                                            type NetInfoConnectedStates =
                                                                            | NetInfoCellularState
                                                                            | NetInfoWifiState
                                                                            | NetInfoBluetoothState
                                                                            | NetInfoEthernetState
                                                                            | NetInfoWimaxState
                                                                            | NetInfoVpnState
                                                                            | NetInfoOtherState;

                                                                              type NetInfoDisconnectedStates

                                                                              type NetInfoDisconnectedStates = NetInfoUnknownState | NetInfoNoConnectionState;

                                                                                type NetInfoEthernetState

                                                                                type NetInfoEthernetState = NetInfoConnectedState<
                                                                                ipAddress: string | null;
                                                                                subnet: string | null;

                                                                                  type NetInfoMethodType

                                                                                  type NetInfoMethodType = 'HEAD' | 'GET';

                                                                                    type NetInfoNoConnectionState

                                                                                    type NetInfoNoConnectionState = NetInfoDisconnectedState<NetInfoStateType.none>;

                                                                                      type NetInfoOtherState

                                                                                      type NetInfoOtherState = NetInfoConnectedState<NetInfoStateType.other>;

                                                                                        type NetInfoState

                                                                                        type NetInfoState = NetInfoDisconnectedStates | NetInfoConnectedStates;

                                                                                          type NetInfoSubscription

                                                                                          type NetInfoSubscription = () => void;

                                                                                            type NetInfoVpnState

                                                                                            type NetInfoVpnState = NetInfoConnectedState<NetInfoStateType.vpn>;

                                                                                              type NetInfoWifiState

                                                                                              type NetInfoWifiState = NetInfoConnectedState<
                                                                                              ssid: string | null;
                                                                                              bssid: string | null;
                                                                                              strength: number | null;
                                                                                              ipAddress: string | null;
                                                                                              subnet: string | null;
                                                                                              frequency: number | null;
                                                                                              linkSpeed: number | null;
                                                                                              rxLinkSpeed: number | null;
                                                                                              txLinkSpeed: number | null;

                                                                                                type NetInfoWimaxState

                                                                                                type NetInfoWimaxState = NetInfoConnectedState<NetInfoStateType.wimax>;

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