
  • Version 6.4.16
  • Published
  • 851 kB
  • 6 dependencies
  • MIT license


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Core utilities for building navigators



variable BaseNavigationContainer

const BaseNavigationContainer: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<any>;
  • Container component which holds the navigation state. This should be rendered at the root wrapping the whole app.


    props.initialState Initial state object for the navigation tree.


    props.onStateChange Callback which is called with the latest navigation state when it changes.


    props.children Child elements to render the content.


    props.ref Ref object which refers to the navigation object containing helper methods.

variable CurrentRenderContext

const CurrentRenderContext: React.Context<{ options?: object | undefined }>;
  • Context which holds the values for the current navigation tree. Intended for use in SSR. This is not safe to use on the client.

const NavigationContainerRefContext: React.Context<
  • Context which holds the route prop for a screen.

const NavigationContext: React.Context<
key: string;
index: number;
routeNames: string[];
history?: unknown[] | undefined;
routes: (Readonly<{
key: string;
name: string;
path?: string | undefined;
}> &
Readonly<{ params?: Readonly<object | undefined> }> & {
| Readonly<any>
| import('@react-navigation/routers').PartialState<
| undefined;
type: string;
stale: false;
  • Context which holds the navigation prop for a screen.

const NavigationHelpersContext: React.Context<NavigationHelpers<ParamListBase, {}>>;
  • Context which holds the navigation helpers of the parent navigator. Navigators should use this context in their view component.

const NavigationRouteContext: React.Context<any>;
  • Context which holds the route prop for a screen.

variable PreventRemoveContext

const PreventRemoveContext: React.Context<{
preventedRoutes: PreventedRoutes;
setPreventRemove: (id: string, routeKey: string, preventRemove: boolean) => void;


    function createNavigationContainerRef

    createNavigationContainerRef: <
    ParamList extends {} = ReactNavigation.RootParamList
    >() => NavigationContainerRefWithCurrent<ParamList>;

      function createNavigatorFactory

      createNavigatorFactory: <
      State extends NavigationState,
      ScreenOptions extends {},
      EventMap extends EventMapBase,
      NavigatorComponent extends React.ComponentType<any>
      Navigator: NavigatorComponent
      ) => <ParamList extends ParamListBase>() => TypedNavigator<
      • Higher order component to create a Navigator and Screen pair. Custom navigators should wrap the navigator component in createNavigator before exporting.

        Parameter Navigator

        The navigtor component to wrap.


        Factory method to create a Navigator and Screen pair.

      function findFocusedRoute

      findFocusedRoute: (
      state: InitialState
      ) =>
      | (Omit<
      import('@react-navigation/routers').Route<string, object | undefined>,
      > & {
      | Readonly<
      key: string;
      index: number;
      routeNames: string[];
      history?: unknown[] | undefined;
      routes: (Readonly<{
      key: string;
      name: string;
      path?: string | undefined;
      }> &
      params?: Readonly<object | undefined>;
      }> & {
      | Readonly<any>
      | import('@react-navigation/routers').PartialState<
      | undefined;
      type: string;
      stale: false;
      'stale' | 'routes'
      > & {
      routes: (Omit<
      object | undefined
      > &
      | undefined;
      | undefined;

        function getActionFromState

        getActionFromState: (
        state: PartialState<NavigationState>,
        options?: Options
        ) => NavigateAction<NavigationState> | CommonActions.Action | undefined;

          function getFocusedRouteNameFromRoute

          getFocusedRouteNameFromRoute: (route: Route<string>) => string | undefined;

            function getPathFromState

            getPathFromState: <ParamList extends {}>(
            state: State,
            options?: Options<ParamList>
            ) => string;
            • Utility to serialize a navigation state object to a path string.

              Parameter state

              Navigation state to serialize.

              Parameter options

              Extra options to fine-tune how to serialize the path.


              Path representing the state, e.g. /foo/bar?count=42.

              Example 1

              routes: [
              name: 'Chat',
              params: { author: 'Jane', id: 42 },
              screens: {
              Chat: {
              path: 'chat/:author/:id',
              stringify: { author: author => author.toLowerCase() }

            function getStateFromPath

            getStateFromPath: <ParamList extends {}>(
            path: string,
            options?: Options<ParamList>
            ) => ResultState | undefined;
            • Utility to parse a path string to initial state object accepted by the container. This is useful for deep linking when we need to handle the incoming URL.

              Parameter path

              Path string to parse and convert, e.g. /foo/bar?count=42.

              Parameter options

              Extra options to fine-tune how to parse the path.

              Example 1

              screens: {
              Chat: {
              path: 'chat/:author/:id',
              parse: { id: Number }

            function PreventRemoveProvider

            PreventRemoveProvider: ({ children }: Props) => JSX.Element;
            • Component used for managing which routes have to be prevented from removal in native-stack.

            function UNSTABLE_usePreventRemove

            UNSTABLE_usePreventRemove: (
            preventRemove: boolean,
            callback: (options: { data: { action: NavigationAction } }) => void
            ) => void;
            • Hook to prevent screen from being removed. Can be used to prevent users from leaving the screen.

              Parameter preventRemove

              Boolean indicating whether to prevent screen from being removed.

              Parameter callback

              Function which is executed when screen was prevented from being removed.

            function useFocusEffect

            useFocusEffect: (effect: EffectCallback) => void;
            • Hook to run an effect in a focused screen, similar to React.useEffect. This can be used to perform side-effects such as fetching data or subscribing to events. The passed callback should be wrapped in React.useCallback to avoid running the effect too often.

              Parameter callback

              Memoized callback containing the effect, should optionally return a cleanup function.

            function useIsFocused

            useIsFocused: () => boolean;
            • Hook to get the current focus state of the screen. Returns a true if screen is focused, otherwise false. This can be used if a component needs to render something based on the focus state.

            function useNavigation

            useNavigation: <
            T = Omit<
            > & { getState(): NavigationState | undefined }
            >() => T;
            • Hook to access the navigation prop of the parent screen anywhere.


              Navigation prop of the parent screen.

            function useNavigationBuilder

            useNavigationBuilder: <
            State extends NavigationState,
            RouterOptions extends DefaultRouterOptions,
            ActionHelpers extends Record<string, () => void>,
            ScreenOptions extends {},
            EventMap extends Record<string, any>
            createRouter: RouterFactory<State, any, RouterOptions>,
            options: DefaultNavigatorOptions<ParamListBase, State, ScreenOptions, EventMap> &
            NavigationBuilderOptions<ScreenOptions> &
            ) => {
            state: State;
            navigation: {
            | Readonly<{
            type: string;
            payload?: object | undefined;
            source?: string | undefined;
            target?: string | undefined;
            | ((
            state: Readonly<{
            key: string;
            index: number;
            routeNames: string[];
            history?: unknown[] | undefined;
            routes: (Readonly<{
            key: string;
            name: string;
            path?: string | undefined;
            }> &
            Readonly<{ params?: Readonly<object | undefined> }> & {
            | Readonly<any>
            | PartialState<Readonly<any>>
            | undefined;
            type: string;
            stale: false;
            ) => Readonly<{
            type: string;
            payload?: object | undefined;
            source?: string | undefined;
            target?: string | undefined;
            ): void;
            navigate<RouteName extends string>(
            ...args: RouteName extends unknown
            ? [screen: RouteName] | [screen: RouteName, params: object]
            : never
            ): void;
            navigate<RouteName_1 extends string>(
            options: RouteName_1 extends unknown
            | {
            key: string;
            params?: object | undefined;
            merge?: boolean | undefined;
            | {
            name: RouteName_1;
            key?: string | undefined;
            params: object | undefined;
            merge?: boolean | undefined;
            : never
            ): void;
            reset(state: any): void;
            goBack(): void;
            isFocused(): boolean;
            canGoBack(): boolean;
            getId(): string | undefined;
            getParent<T = NavigationHelpers<ParamListBase, {}>>(
            id?: string | undefined
            ): T;
            getState(): Readonly<{
            key: string;
            index: number;
            routeNames: string[];
            history?: unknown[] | undefined;
            routes: (Readonly<{
            key: string;
            name: string;
            path?: string | undefined;
            }> &
            Readonly<{ params?: Readonly<object | undefined> }> & {
            state?: Readonly<any> | PartialState<Readonly<any>> | undefined;
            type: string;
            stale: false;
            } & PrivateValueStore<[ParamListBase, unknown, unknown]> &
            EventEmitter<EventMap> & {
            setParams<RouteName_2 extends string>(
            params: Partial<object | undefined>
            ): void;
            } & ActionHelpers;
            descriptors: Record<
            | Readonly<{
            type: string;
            payload?: object | undefined;
            source?: string | undefined;
            target?: string | undefined;
            | ((
            state: State
            ) => Readonly<{
            type: string;
            payload?: object | undefined;
            source?: string | undefined;
            target?: string | undefined;
            ): void;
            navigate<RouteName extends string>(
            ...args: RouteName extends unknown
            | [screen: RouteName]
            | [screen: RouteName, params: object]
            : never
            ): void;
            navigate<RouteName_1 extends string>(
            options: RouteName_1 extends unknown
            | {
            key: string;
            params?: object | undefined;
            merge?: boolean | undefined;
            | {
            name: RouteName_1;
            key?: string | undefined;
            params: object | undefined;
            merge?: boolean | undefined;
            : never
            ): void;
            reset(state: State | PartialState<State>): void;
            goBack(): void;
            isFocused(): boolean;
            canGoBack(): boolean;
            getId(): string | undefined;
            getParent<T = NavigationHelpers<ParamListBase, {}>>(
            id?: string | undefined
            ): T;
            getState(): State;
            } & PrivateValueStore<[ParamListBase, unknown, unknown]>,
            > & {
            T_1 = NavigationProp<
            key: string;
            index: number;
            routeNames: string[];
            history?: unknown[] | undefined;
            routes: (Readonly<{
            key: string;
            name: string;
            path?: string | undefined;
            }> &
            params?: Readonly<object | undefined>;
            }> & {
            | Readonly<any>
            | PartialState<Readonly<any>>
            | undefined;
            type: string;
            stale: false;
            id?: string | undefined
            ): T_1;
            setParams(params: Partial<object | undefined>): void;
            setOptions(options: Partial<ScreenOptions>): void;
            } & EventConsumer<EventMap & EventMapCore<State>> &
            PrivateValueStore<[ParamListBase, string, EventMap]> &
            Route<Extract<RouteName, string>, ParamList[RouteName]>
            NavigationContent: ({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) => JSX.Element;
            • Hook for building navigators.

              Parameter createRouter

              Factory method which returns router object.

              Parameter options

              Options object containing children and additional options for the router.


              An object containing state, navigation, descriptors objects.

            function useNavigationContainerRef

            useNavigationContainerRef: <
            ParamList extends {} = ReactNavigation.RootParamList
            >() => NavigationContainerRefWithCurrent<ParamList>;

              function useNavigationState

              useNavigationState: <ParamList extends ParamListBase, T>(
              selector: Selector<ParamList, T>
              ) => T;
              • Hook to get a value from the current navigation state using a selector.

                Parameter selector

                Selector function to get a value from the state.

              function usePreventRemoveContext

              usePreventRemoveContext: () => {
              preventedRoutes: import('./PreventRemoveContext').PreventedRoutes;
              setPreventRemove: (id: string, routeKey: string, preventRemove: boolean) => void;

                function useRoute

                useRoute: <
                T extends Route<Extract<RouteName, string>, ParamList[RouteName]>
                >() => T;
                • Hook to access the route prop of the parent screen anywhere.


                  Route prop of the parent screen.

                function validatePathConfig

                validatePathConfig: (config: any, root?: boolean) => void;


                  class PrivateValueStore

                  class PrivateValueStore<T extends [any, any, any]> {}

                    property ''

                    protected ''?: [any, any, any];
                    • UGLY HACK! DO NOT USE THE TYPE!!!

                      TypeScript requires a type to be used to be able to infer it. The type should exist as its own without any operations such as union. So we need to figure out a way to store this type in a property. The problem with a normal property is that it shows up in intelliSense. Adding private keyword works, but the annotation is stripped away in declaration. Turns out if we use an empty string, it doesn't show up in intelliSense.

                    Type Aliases

                    type CompositeNavigationProp

                    type CompositeNavigationProp<
                    A extends NavigationProp<ParamListBase, string, any, any, any>,
                    B extends NavigationHelpersCommon<ParamListBase, any>
                    > = Omit<A & B, keyof NavigationProp<any>> &
                    * Param list from both navigation objects needs to be combined
                    * For example, we should be able to navigate to screens in both A and B
                    (A extends NavigationHelpersCommon<infer T> ? T : never) &
                    (B extends NavigationHelpersCommon<infer U> ? U : never),
                    * The route name should refer to the route name specified in the first type
                    * Ideally it should work for any of them, but it's not possible to infer that way
                    A extends NavigationProp<any, infer R> ? R : string,
                    * ID from both navigation objects needs to be combined for `getParent`
                    | (A extends NavigationProp<any, any, infer I> ? I : never)
                    | (B extends NavigationProp<any, any, infer J> ? J : never),
                    * The type of state should refer to the state specified in the first type
                    A extends NavigationProp<any, any, any, infer S> ? S : NavigationState,
                    * Screen options from both navigation objects needs to be combined
                    * This allows typechecking `setOptions`
                    (A extends NavigationProp<any, any, any, any, infer O> ? O : {}) &
                    (B extends NavigationProp<any, any, any, any, infer P> ? P : {}),
                    * Event consumer config should refer to the config specified in the first type
                    * This allows typechecking `addListener`/`removeListener`
                    A extends NavigationProp<any, any, any, any, any, infer E> ? E : {}

                      type CompositeScreenProps

                      type CompositeScreenProps<
                      A extends {
                      navigation: NavigationProp<
                      string | undefined,
                      route: RouteProp<ParamListBase>;
                      B extends {
                      navigation: NavigationHelpersCommon<any, any>;
                      > = {
                      navigation: CompositeNavigationProp<A['navigation'], B['navigation']>;
                      route: A['route'];

                        type DefaultNavigatorOptions

                        type DefaultNavigatorOptions<
                        ParamList extends ParamListBase,
                        State extends NavigationState,
                        ScreenOptions extends {},
                        EventMap extends EventMapBase
                        > = DefaultRouterOptions<Keyof<ParamList>> & {
                        * Optional ID for the navigator. Can be used with `navigation.getParent(id)` to refer to a parent.
                        id?: string;
                        * Children React Elements to extract the route configuration from.
                        * Only `Screen`, `Group` and `React.Fragment` are supported as children.
                        children: React.ReactNode;
                        * Event listeners for all the screens in the navigator.
                        | ScreenListeners<State, EventMap>
                        | ((props: {
                        route: RouteProp<ParamList>;
                        navigation: any;
                        }) => ScreenListeners<State, EventMap>);
                        * Default options for all screens under this navigator.
                        | ScreenOptions
                        | ((props: {
                        route: RouteProp<ParamList>;
                        navigation: any;
                        }) => ScreenOptions);

                          type Descriptor

                          type Descriptor<
                          ScreenOptions extends {},
                          Navigation extends NavigationProp<any, any, any, any, any, any>,
                          Route extends RouteProp<any, any>
                          > = {
                          * Render the component associated with this route.
                          render(): JSX.Element;
                          * Options for the route.
                          options: ScreenOptions;
                          * Route object for the screen
                          route: Route;
                          * Navigation object for the screen
                          navigation: Navigation;

                            type EventArg

                            type EventArg<
                            EventName extends string,
                            CanPreventDefault extends boolean | undefined = false,
                            Data = undefined
                            > = {
                            * Type of the event (e.g. `focus`, `blur`)
                            readonly type: EventName;
                            readonly target?: string;
                            } & (CanPreventDefault extends true
                            ? {
                            * Whether `event.preventDefault()` was called on this event object.
                            readonly defaultPrevented: boolean;
                            * Prevent the default action which happens on this event.
                            preventDefault(): void;
                            : {}) &
                            (undefined extends Data
                            ? {
                            readonly data?: Readonly<Data>;
                            : {
                            readonly data: Readonly<Data>;

                              type EventConsumer

                              type EventConsumer<EventMap extends EventMapBase> = {
                              * Subscribe to events from the parent navigator.
                              * @param type Type of the event (e.g. `focus`, `blur`)
                              * @param callback Callback listener which is executed upon receiving the event.
                              addListener<EventName extends Keyof<EventMap>>(
                              type: EventName,
                              callback: EventListenerCallback<EventMap, EventName>
                              ): () => void;
                              removeListener<EventName extends Keyof<EventMap>>(
                              type: EventName,
                              callback: EventListenerCallback<EventMap, EventName>
                              ): void;

                                type EventEmitter

                                type EventEmitter<EventMap extends EventMapBase> = {
                                * Emit an event to child screens.
                                * @param options.type Type of the event (e.g. `focus`, `blur`)
                                * @param [options.data] Optional information regarding the event.
                                * @param [options.target] Key of the target route which should receive the event.
                                * If not specified, all routes receive the event.
                                emit<EventName extends Keyof<EventMap>>(
                                options: {
                                type: EventName;
                                target?: string;
                                } & (EventMap[EventName]['canPreventDefault'] extends true
                                ? {
                                canPreventDefault: true;
                                : {}) &
                                (undefined extends EventMap[EventName]['data']
                                ? {
                                data?: EventMap[EventName]['data'];
                                : {
                                data: EventMap[EventName]['data'];
                                ): EventArg<

                                  type EventListenerCallback

                                  type EventListenerCallback<
                                  EventMap extends EventMapBase,
                                  EventName extends keyof EventMap
                                  > = (
                                  e: EventArg<
                                  Extract<EventName, string>,
                                  ) => void;

                                    type EventMapBase

                                    type EventMapBase = Record<
                                    data?: any;
                                    canPreventDefault?: boolean;

                                      type EventMapCore

                                      type EventMapCore<State extends NavigationState> = {
                                      focus: {
                                      data: undefined;
                                      blur: {
                                      data: undefined;
                                      state: {
                                      data: {
                                      state: State;
                                      beforeRemove: {
                                      data: {
                                      action: NavigationAction;
                                      canPreventDefault: true;
                                        type NavigationContainerEventMap = {
                                        * Event which fires when the navigation state changes.
                                        state: {
                                        data: {
                                        * The updated state object after the state change.
                                        state: NavigationState | PartialState<NavigationState> | undefined;
                                        * Event which fires when current options changes.
                                        options: {
                                        data: {
                                        options: object;
                                        * Event which fires when an action is dispatched.
                                        * Only intended for debugging purposes, don't use it for app logic.
                                        * This event will be emitted before state changes have been applied.
                                        __unsafe_action__: {
                                        data: {
                                        * The action object which was dispatched.
                                        action: NavigationAction;
                                        * Whether the action was a no-op, i.e. resulted any state changes.
                                        noop: boolean;
                                        * Stack trace of the action, this will only be available during development.
                                        stack: string | undefined;
                                          type NavigationContainerProps = {
                                          * Initial navigation state for the child navigators.
                                          initialState?: InitialState;
                                          * Callback which is called with the latest navigation state when it changes.
                                          onStateChange?: (state: NavigationState | undefined) => void;
                                          * Callback which is called when an action is not handled.
                                          onUnhandledAction?: (action: NavigationAction) => void;
                                          * Whether this navigation container should be independent of parent containers.
                                          * If this is not set to `true`, this container cannot be nested inside another container.
                                          * Setting it to `true` disconnects any children navigators from parent container.
                                          independent?: boolean;
                                          * Children elements to render.
                                          children: React.ReactNode;
                                            type NavigationContainerRef<ParamList extends {}> = NavigationHelpers<ParamList> &
                                            EventConsumer<NavigationContainerEventMap> & {
                                            * Reset the navigation state of the root navigator to the provided state.
                                            * @param state Navigation state object.
                                            resetRoot(state?: PartialState<NavigationState> | NavigationState): void;
                                            * Get the rehydrated navigation state of the navigation tree.
                                            getRootState(): NavigationState;
                                            * Get the currently focused navigation route.
                                            getCurrentRoute(): Route<string> | undefined;
                                            * Get the currently focused route's options.
                                            getCurrentOptions(): object | undefined;
                                            * Whether the navigation container is ready to handle actions.
                                            isReady(): boolean;
                                            * Stub function for setOptions on navigation object for use with useNavigation.
                                            setOptions(): never;
                                            * Stub function for getParent on navigation object for use with useNavigation.
                                            getParent(): undefined;
                                              type NavigationContainerRefWithCurrent<ParamList extends {}> =
                                              NavigationContainerRef<ParamList> & {
                                              current: NavigationContainerRef<ParamList> | null;
                                                type NavigationHelpers<
                                                ParamList extends ParamListBase,
                                                EventMap extends EventMapBase = {}
                                                > = NavigationHelpersCommon<ParamList> &
                                                EventEmitter<EventMap> & {
                                                * Update the param object for the route.
                                                * The new params will be shallow merged with the old one.
                                                * @param params Params object for the current route.
                                                setParams<RouteName extends keyof ParamList>(
                                                params: Partial<ParamList[RouteName]>
                                                ): void;
                                                  type NavigationProp<
                                                  ParamList extends {},
                                                  RouteName extends keyof ParamList = Keyof<ParamList>,
                                                  NavigatorID extends string | undefined = undefined,
                                                  State extends NavigationState = NavigationState<ParamList>,
                                                  ScreenOptions extends {} = {},
                                                  EventMap extends EventMapBase = {}
                                                  > = Omit<NavigationHelpersCommon<ParamList, State>, 'getParent'> & {
                                                  * Returns the navigation prop from a parent navigator based on the ID.
                                                  * If an ID is provided, the navigation prop from the parent navigator with matching ID (including current) will be returned.
                                                  * If no ID is provided, the navigation prop from the immediate parent navigator will be returned.
                                                  * @param id Optional ID of a parent navigator.
                                                  getParent<T = NavigationProp<ParamListBase> | undefined>(id?: NavigatorID): T;
                                                  * Update the param object for the route.
                                                  * The new params will be shallow merged with the old one.
                                                  * @param params Params object for the current route.
                                                  params: ParamList[RouteName] extends undefined
                                                  ? undefined
                                                  : Partial<ParamList[RouteName]>
                                                  ): void;
                                                  * Update the options for the route.
                                                  * The options object will be shallow merged with default options object.
                                                  * @param options Options object for the route.
                                                  setOptions(options: Partial<ScreenOptions>): void;
                                                  } & EventConsumer<EventMap & EventMapCore<State>> &
                                                  PrivateValueStore<[ParamList, RouteName, EventMap]>;
                                                    type NavigatorScreenParams<
                                                    State extends NavigationState = NavigationState
                                                    > =
                                                    | {
                                                    screen?: never;
                                                    params?: never;
                                                    initial?: never;
                                                    path?: string;
                                                    state: PartialState<State> | State | undefined;
                                                    | {
                                                    [RouteName in keyof ParamList]: undefined extends ParamList[RouteName]
                                                    ? {
                                                    screen: RouteName;
                                                    params?: ParamList[RouteName];
                                                    initial?: boolean;
                                                    path?: string;
                                                    state?: never;
                                                    : {
                                                    screen: RouteName;
                                                    params: ParamList[RouteName];
                                                    initial?: boolean;
                                                    path?: string;
                                                    state?: never;
                                                    }[keyof ParamList];

                                                      type PathConfig

                                                      type PathConfig<ParamList extends {}> = {
                                                      path?: string;
                                                      exact?: boolean;
                                                      parse?: Record<string, (value: string) => any>;
                                                      stringify?: Record<string, (value: any) => string>;
                                                      screens?: PathConfigMap<ParamList>;
                                                      initialRouteName?: keyof ParamList;

                                                        type PathConfigMap

                                                        type PathConfigMap<ParamList extends {}> = {
                                                        [RouteName in keyof ParamList]?: NonNullable<
                                                        > extends NavigatorScreenParams<infer T extends {}>
                                                        ? string | PathConfig<T>
                                                        : string | Omit<PathConfig<{}>, 'screens' | 'initialRouteName'>;

                                                          type RouteConfig

                                                          type RouteConfig<
                                                          ParamList extends ParamListBase,
                                                          RouteName extends keyof ParamList,
                                                          State extends NavigationState,
                                                          ScreenOptions extends {},
                                                          EventMap extends EventMapBase
                                                          > = {
                                                          * Optional key for this screen. This doesn't need to be unique.
                                                          * If the key changes, existing screens with this name will be removed or reset.
                                                          * Useful when we have some common screens and have conditional rendering.
                                                          navigationKey?: string;
                                                          * Route name of this screen.
                                                          name: RouteName;
                                                          * Navigator options for this screen.
                                                          | ScreenOptions
                                                          | ((props: {
                                                          route: RouteProp<ParamList, RouteName>;
                                                          navigation: any;
                                                          }) => ScreenOptions);
                                                          * Event listeners for this screen.
                                                          | ScreenListeners<State, EventMap>
                                                          | ((props: {
                                                          route: RouteProp<ParamList, RouteName>;
                                                          navigation: any;
                                                          }) => ScreenListeners<State, EventMap>);
                                                          * Function to return an unique ID for this screen.
                                                          * Receives an object with the route params.
                                                          * For a given screen name, there will always be only one screen corresponding to an ID.
                                                          * If `undefined` is returned, it acts same as no `getId` being specified.
                                                          getId?: ({ params }: { params: ParamList[RouteName] }) => string | undefined;
                                                          * Initial params object for the route.
                                                          initialParams?: Partial<ParamList[RouteName]>;
                                                          } & RouteConfigComponent<ParamList, RouteName>;

                                                            type RouteConfigComponent

                                                            type RouteConfigComponent<
                                                            ParamList extends ParamListBase,
                                                            RouteName extends keyof ParamList
                                                            > =
                                                            | {
                                                            * React component to render for this screen.
                                                            component: ScreenComponentType<ParamList, RouteName>;
                                                            getComponent?: never;
                                                            children?: never;
                                                            | {
                                                            * Lazily get a React component to render for this screen.
                                                            getComponent: () => ScreenComponentType<ParamList, RouteName>;
                                                            component?: never;
                                                            children?: never;
                                                            | {
                                                            * Render callback to render content of this screen.
                                                            children: (props: {
                                                            route: RouteProp<ParamList, RouteName>;
                                                            navigation: any;
                                                            }) => React.ReactNode;
                                                            component?: never;
                                                            getComponent?: never;

                                                              type RouteGroupConfig

                                                              type RouteGroupConfig<ParamList extends ParamListBase, ScreenOptions extends {}> = {
                                                              * Optional key for the screens in this group.
                                                              * If the key changes, all existing screens in this group will be removed or reset.
                                                              navigationKey?: string;
                                                              * Navigator options for this screen.
                                                              | ScreenOptions
                                                              | ((props: {
                                                              route: RouteProp<ParamList, keyof ParamList>;
                                                              navigation: any;
                                                              }) => ScreenOptions);
                                                              * Children React Elements to extract the route configuration from.
                                                              * Only `Screen`, `Group` and `React.Fragment` are supported as children.
                                                              children: React.ReactNode;

                                                                type RouteProp

                                                                type RouteProp<
                                                                ParamList extends ParamListBase,
                                                                RouteName extends keyof ParamList = Keyof<ParamList>
                                                                > = Route<Extract<RouteName, string>, ParamList[RouteName]>;

                                                                  type ScreenListeners

                                                                  type ScreenListeners<
                                                                  State extends NavigationState,
                                                                  EventMap extends EventMapBase
                                                                  > = Partial<{
                                                                  [EventName in keyof (EventMap & EventMapCore<State>)]: EventListenerCallback<
                                                                  EventMap & EventMapCore<State>,

                                                                    type TypedNavigator

                                                                    type TypedNavigator<
                                                                    ParamList extends ParamListBase,
                                                                    State extends NavigationState,
                                                                    ScreenOptions extends {},
                                                                    EventMap extends EventMapBase,
                                                                    Navigator extends React.ComponentType<any>
                                                                    > = {
                                                                    * Navigator component which manages the child screens.
                                                                    Navigator: React.ComponentType<
                                                                    keyof DefaultNavigatorOptions<any, any, any, any>
                                                                    > &
                                                                    DefaultNavigatorOptions<ParamList, State, ScreenOptions, EventMap>
                                                                    * Component used for grouping multiple route configuration.
                                                                    Group: React.ComponentType<RouteGroupConfig<ParamList, ScreenOptions>>;
                                                                    * Component used for specifying route configuration.
                                                                    Screen: <RouteName extends keyof ParamList>(
                                                                    _: RouteConfig<ParamList, RouteName, State, ScreenOptions, EventMap>
                                                                    ) => null;

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