
  • Version 6.3.29
  • Published
  • 666 kB
  • 3 dependencies
  • MIT license


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Stack navigator component for iOS and Android with animated transitions and gestures



variable CardAnimationContext

const CardAnimationContext: React.Context<StackCardInterpolationProps>;

    variable GestureHandlerRefContext

    const GestureHandlerRefContext: React.Context<React.Ref<React.ComponentType<any>>>;
      const Header: React.NamedExoticComponent<StackHeaderProps>;


        function createStackNavigator

        createStackNavigator: <ParamList extends ParamListBase>() => any;

          function useCardAnimation

          useCardAnimation: () => import('..').StackCardInterpolationProps;

            function useGestureHandlerRef

            useGestureHandlerRef: () => React.Ref<React.ComponentType<any>>;


              class StackView

              class StackView extends React.Component<Props, State> {}

                property state

                state: State;

                  method getDerivedStateFromProps

                  static getDerivedStateFromProps: (
                  props: Readonly<Props>,
                  state: Readonly<State>
                  ) =>
                  | {
                  routes: Route<string, object | undefined>[];
                  previousRoutes: Route<string, object | undefined>[];
                  descriptors: StackDescriptorMap;
                  previousDescriptors: StackDescriptorMap;
                  openingRouteKeys?: undefined;
                  closingRouteKeys?: undefined;
                  replacingRouteKeys?: undefined;
                  | {
                  routes: (Readonly<{
                  key: string;
                  name: string;
                  path?: string | undefined;
                  }> &
                  Readonly<{ params?: Readonly<object | undefined> }> & {
                  | Readonly<{
                  key: string;
                  index: number;
                  routeNames: string[];
                  history?: unknown[] | undefined;
                  routes: (Readonly<{
                  key: string;
                  name: string;
                  path?: string | undefined;
                  }> &
                  params?: Readonly<object | undefined>;
                  }> &
                  type: string;
                  stale: false;
                  | import('@react-navigation/native').PartialState<
                  key: string;
                  index: number;
                  routeNames: string[];
                  history?: unknown[] | undefined;
                  routes: (Readonly<{
                  key: string;
                  name: string;
                  path?: string | undefined;
                  }> &
                  params?: Readonly<object | undefined>;
                  }> &
                  type: string;
                  stale: false;
                  | undefined;
                  previousRoutes: (Readonly<{
                  key: string;
                  name: string;
                  path?: string | undefined;
                  }> &
                  Readonly<{ params?: Readonly<object | undefined> }> & {
                  | Readonly<{
                  key: string;
                  index: number;
                  routeNames: string[];
                  history?: unknown[] | undefined;
                  routes: (Readonly<{
                  key: string;
                  name: string;
                  path?: string | undefined;
                  }> &
                  params?: Readonly<object | undefined>;
                  }> &
                  type: string;
                  stale: false;
                  | import('@react-navigation/native').PartialState<
                  key: string;
                  index: number;
                  routeNames: string[];
                  history?: unknown[] | undefined;
                  routes: (Readonly<{
                  key: string;
                  name: string;
                  path?: string | undefined;
                  }> &
                  params?: Readonly<object | undefined>;
                  }> &
                  type: string;
                  stale: false;
                  | undefined;
                  previousDescriptors: StackDescriptorMap;
                  openingRouteKeys: string[];
                  closingRouteKeys: string[];
                  replacingRouteKeys: string[];
                  descriptors: StackDescriptorMap;

                    method render

                    render: () => JSX.Element;

                      Type Aliases

                      type StackCardInterpolatedStyle

                      type StackCardInterpolatedStyle = {
                      * Interpolated style for the container view wrapping the card.
                      containerStyle?: any;
                      * Interpolated style for the view representing the card.
                      cardStyle?: any;
                      * Interpolated style for the view representing the semi-transparent overlay below the card.
                      overlayStyle?: any;
                      * Interpolated style representing the card shadow.
                      shadowStyle?: any;

                        type StackCardInterpolationProps

                        type StackCardInterpolationProps = {
                        * Values for the current screen.
                        current: {
                        * Animated node representing the progress value of the current screen.
                        progress: Animated.AnimatedInterpolation<number>;
                        * Values for the screen after this one in the stack.
                        * This can be `undefined` in case the screen animating is the last one.
                        next?: {
                        * Animated node representing the progress value of the next screen.
                        progress: Animated.AnimatedInterpolation<number>;
                        * The index of the card with this interpolation in the stack.
                        index: number;
                        * Animated node representing whether the card is closing (1 - closing, 0 - not closing).
                        closing: Animated.AnimatedInterpolation<0 | 1>;
                        * Animated node representing whether the card is being swiped (1 - swiping, 0 - not swiping).
                        swiping: Animated.AnimatedInterpolation<0 | 1>;
                        * Animated node representing multiplier when direction is inverted (-1 - inverted, 1 - normal).
                        inverted: Animated.AnimatedInterpolation<-1 | 1>;
                        * Layout measurements for various items we use for animation.
                        layouts: {
                        * Layout of the whole screen.
                        screen: Layout;
                        * Safe area insets
                        insets: {
                        top: number;
                        right: number;
                        bottom: number;
                        left: number;

                          type StackCardStyleInterpolator

                          type StackCardStyleInterpolator = (
                          props: StackCardInterpolationProps
                          ) => StackCardInterpolatedStyle;

                            type StackHeaderInterpolatedStyle

                            type StackHeaderInterpolatedStyle = {
                            * Interpolated style for the label of the left button (back button label).
                            leftLabelStyle?: any;
                            * Interpolated style for the left button (usually the back button).
                            leftButtonStyle?: any;
                            * Interpolated style for the right button.
                            rightButtonStyle?: any;
                            * Interpolated style for the header title text.
                            titleStyle?: any;
                            * Interpolated style for the header background.
                            backgroundStyle?: any;

                              type StackHeaderInterpolationProps

                              type StackHeaderInterpolationProps = {
                              * Values for the current screen (the screen which owns this header).
                              current: {
                              * Animated node representing the progress value of the current screen.
                              progress: Animated.AnimatedInterpolation<number>;
                              * Values for the screen after this one in the stack.
                              * This can be `undefined` in case the screen animating is the last one.
                              next?: {
                              * Animated node representing the progress value of the next screen.
                              progress: Animated.AnimatedInterpolation<number>;
                              * Layout measurements for various items we use for animation.
                              layouts: {
                              * Layout of the header
                              header: Layout;
                              * Layout of the whole screen.
                              screen: Layout;
                              * Layout of the title element.
                              title?: Layout;
                              * Layout of the back button label.
                              leftLabel?: Layout;

                                type StackHeaderProps

                                type StackHeaderProps = {
                                * Layout of the screen.
                                layout: Layout;
                                * Options for the back button.
                                back?: {
                                * Title of the previous screen.
                                title: string;
                                * Animated nodes representing the progress of the animation.
                                progress: SceneProgress;
                                * Options for the current screen.
                                options: StackNavigationOptions;
                                * Route object for the current screen.
                                route: Route<string>;
                                * Navigation prop for the header.
                                navigation: StackNavigationProp<ParamListBase>;
                                * Interpolated styles for various elements in the header.
                                styleInterpolator: StackHeaderStyleInterpolator;

                                  type StackHeaderStyleInterpolator

                                  type StackHeaderStyleInterpolator = (
                                  props: StackHeaderInterpolationProps
                                  ) => StackHeaderInterpolatedStyle;

                                    type StackNavigationEventMap

                                    type StackNavigationEventMap = {
                                    * Event which fires when a transition animation starts.
                                    transitionStart: {
                                    data: {
                                    closing: boolean;
                                    * Event which fires when a transition animation ends.
                                    transitionEnd: {
                                    data: {
                                    closing: boolean;
                                    * Event which fires when navigation gesture starts.
                                    gestureStart: {
                                    data: undefined;
                                    * Event which fires when navigation gesture is completed.
                                    gestureEnd: {
                                    data: undefined;
                                    * Event which fires when navigation gesture is canceled.
                                    gestureCancel: {
                                    data: undefined;

                                      type StackNavigationOptions

                                      type StackNavigationOptions = StackHeaderOptions &
                                      Partial<TransitionPreset> & {
                                      * String that can be displayed in the header as a fallback for `headerTitle`.
                                      title?: string;
                                      * Function that given `HeaderProps` returns a React Element to display as a header.
                                      header?: (props: StackHeaderProps) => React.ReactNode;
                                      * Whether the header floats above the screen or part of the screen.
                                      * Defaults to `float` on iOS for non-modals, and `screen` for the rest.
                                      headerMode?: StackHeaderMode;
                                      * Whether to show the header. The header is shown by default.
                                      * Setting this to `false` hides the header.
                                      headerShown?: boolean;
                                      * Whether a shadow is visible for the card during transitions. Defaults to `true`.
                                      cardShadowEnabled?: boolean;
                                      * Whether to have a semi-transparent dark overlay visible under the card during transitions.
                                      * Defaults to `true` on Android and `false` on iOS.
                                      cardOverlayEnabled?: boolean;
                                      * Function that returns a React Element to display as a overlay for the card.
                                      cardOverlay?: (props: {
                                      style: Animated.WithAnimatedValue<StyleProp<ViewStyle>>;
                                      }) => React.ReactNode;
                                      * Style object for the card in stack.
                                      * You can provide a custom background color to use instead of the default background here.
                                      * You can also specify `{ backgroundColor: 'transparent' }` to make the previous screen visible underneath.
                                      * This is useful to implement things like modal dialogs.
                                      * You should also specify `detachPreviousScreen: false` in options when using a transparent background
                                      * so that the previous screen isn't detached and stays below the current screen.
                                      * You might also need to change the animation of the screen using `cardStyleInterpolator`
                                      * so that the previous screen isn't transformed or invisible.
                                      cardStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
                                      * Whether this screen should be presented as a modal or a regular card.
                                      * Specifying this will configure several options:
                                      * - `card`: Use the default OS animations for iOS and Android screen transitions.
                                      * - `modal`: Use Modal animations. This changes a few things:
                                      * - Sets `headerMode` to `screen` for the screen unless specified otherwise.
                                      * - Changes the screen animation to match the platform behavior for modals.
                                      * - `transparentModal`: Similar to `modal`. This changes following things:
                                      * - Sets `headerMode` to `screen` for the screen unless specified otherwise.
                                      * - Sets background color of the screen to transparent, so previous screen is visible
                                      * - Adjusts the `detachPreviousScreen` option so that the previous screen stays rendered.
                                      * - Prevents the previous screen from animating from its last position.
                                      * - Changes the screen animation to a vertical slide animation.
                                      * Defaults to 'card'.
                                      presentation?: 'card' | 'modal' | 'transparentModal';
                                      * Whether transition animation should be enabled the screen.
                                      * If you set it to `false`, the screen won't animate when pushing or popping.
                                      * Defaults to `true` on Android and iOS, `false` on Web.
                                      animationEnabled?: boolean;
                                      * The type of animation to use when this screen replaces another screen. Defaults to `push`.
                                      * When `pop` is used, the `pop` animation is applied to the screen being replaced.
                                      animationTypeForReplace?: 'push' | 'pop';
                                      * Whether you can use gestures to dismiss this screen. Defaults to `true` on iOS, `false` on Android.
                                      * Not supported on Web.
                                      gestureEnabled?: boolean;
                                      * Distance of touch start from the edge of the screen to recognize gestures.
                                      * Not supported on Web.
                                      gestureResponseDistance?: number;
                                      * Number which determines the relevance of velocity for the gesture. Defaults to 0.3.
                                      * Not supported on Web.
                                      gestureVelocityImpact?: number;
                                      * Whether to detach the previous screen from the view hierarchy to save memory.
                                      * Set it to `false` if you need the previous screen to be seen through the active screen.
                                      * Only applicable if `detachInactiveScreens` isn't set to `false`.
                                      * Defaults to `false` for the last screen for modals, otherwise `true`.
                                      detachPreviousScreen?: boolean;
                                      * If `false`, the keyboard will NOT automatically dismiss when navigating to a new screen from this screen.
                                      * Defaults to `true`.
                                      keyboardHandlingEnabled?: boolean;
                                      * Whether inactive screens should be suspended from re-rendering. Defaults to `false`.
                                      * Defaults to `true` when `enableFreeze()` is run at the top of the application.
                                      * Requires `react-native-screens` version >=3.16.0.
                                      * Only supported on iOS and Android.
                                      freezeOnBlur?: boolean;

                                        type StackNavigationProp

                                        type StackNavigationProp<
                                        ParamList extends ParamListBase,
                                        RouteName extends keyof ParamList = keyof ParamList,
                                        NavigatorID extends string | undefined = undefined
                                        > = NavigationProp<
                                        > &

                                          type StackScreenProps

                                          type StackScreenProps<
                                          ParamList extends ParamListBase,
                                          RouteName extends keyof ParamList = keyof ParamList,
                                          NavigatorID extends string | undefined = undefined
                                          > = {
                                          navigation: StackNavigationProp<ParamList, RouteName, NavigatorID>;
                                          route: RouteProp<ParamList, RouteName>;

                                            type TransitionPreset

                                            type TransitionPreset = {
                                            * The direction of swipe gestures, `horizontal` or `vertical`.
                                            gestureDirection: GestureDirection;
                                            * Object which specifies the animation type (timing or spring) and their options (such as duration for timing).
                                            transitionSpec: {
                                            * Transition configuration when adding a screen.
                                            open: TransitionSpec;
                                            * Transition configuration when removing a screen.
                                            close: TransitionSpec;
                                            * Function which specifies interpolated styles for various parts of the card, e.g. the overlay, shadow etc.
                                            cardStyleInterpolator: StackCardStyleInterpolator;
                                            * Function which specifies interpolated styles for various parts of the header, e.g. the title, left button etc.
                                            headerStyleInterpolator: StackHeaderStyleInterpolator;


                                              namespace CardStyleInterpolators

                                              module 'lib/typescript/src/TransitionConfigs/CardStyleInterpolators.d.ts' {}
                                              • Standard iOS-style slide in from the right.

                                              function forBottomSheetAndroid

                                              forBottomSheetAndroid: ({
                                              layouts: { screen },
                                              }: StackCardInterpolationProps) => StackCardInterpolatedStyle;
                                              • Standard bottom sheet slide in from the bottom for Android.

                                              function forFadeFromBottomAndroid

                                              forFadeFromBottomAndroid: ({
                                              layouts: { screen },
                                              }: StackCardInterpolationProps) => StackCardInterpolatedStyle;
                                              • Standard Android-style fade in from the bottom for Android Oreo.

                                              function forFadeFromCenter

                                              forFadeFromCenter: ({
                                              current: { progress },
                                              }: StackCardInterpolationProps) => StackCardInterpolatedStyle;
                                              • Simple fade animation for dialogs

                                              function forHorizontalIOS

                                              forHorizontalIOS: ({
                                              layouts: { screen },
                                              }: StackCardInterpolationProps) => StackCardInterpolatedStyle;
                                              • Standard iOS-style slide in from the right.

                                              function forModalPresentationIOS

                                              forModalPresentationIOS: ({
                                              layouts: { screen },
                                              }: StackCardInterpolationProps) => StackCardInterpolatedStyle;
                                              • Standard iOS-style modal animation in iOS 13.

                                              function forNoAnimation

                                              forNoAnimation: () => StackCardInterpolatedStyle;

                                                function forRevealFromBottomAndroid

                                                forRevealFromBottomAndroid: ({
                                                layouts: { screen },
                                                }: StackCardInterpolationProps) => StackCardInterpolatedStyle;
                                                • Standard Android-style reveal from the bottom for Android Pie.

                                                function forScaleFromCenterAndroid

                                                forScaleFromCenterAndroid: ({
                                                }: StackCardInterpolationProps) => StackCardInterpolatedStyle;
                                                • Standard Android-style zoom for Android 10.

                                                function forVerticalIOS

                                                forVerticalIOS: ({
                                                layouts: { screen },
                                                }: StackCardInterpolationProps) => StackCardInterpolatedStyle;
                                                • Standard iOS-style slide in from the bottom (used for modals).

                                                namespace HeaderStyleInterpolators

                                                module 'lib/typescript/src/TransitionConfigs/HeaderStyleInterpolators.d.ts' {}
                                                • Standard UIKit style animation for the header where the title fades into the back button label.

                                                function forFade

                                                forFade: ({
                                                }: StackHeaderInterpolationProps) => StackHeaderInterpolatedStyle;
                                                • Simple fade animation for the header elements.

                                                function forNoAnimation

                                                forNoAnimation: () => StackHeaderInterpolatedStyle;

                                                  function forSlideLeft

                                                  forSlideLeft: ({
                                                  layouts: { screen },
                                                  }: StackHeaderInterpolationProps) => StackHeaderInterpolatedStyle;
                                                  • Simple translate animation to translate the header to left.

                                                  function forSlideRight

                                                  forSlideRight: ({
                                                  layouts: { screen },
                                                  }: StackHeaderInterpolationProps) => StackHeaderInterpolatedStyle;
                                                  • Simple translate animation to translate the header to right.

                                                  function forSlideUp

                                                  forSlideUp: ({
                                                  layouts: { header },
                                                  }: StackHeaderInterpolationProps) => StackHeaderInterpolatedStyle;
                                                  • Simple translate animation to translate the header to slide up.

                                                  function forUIKit

                                                  forUIKit: ({
                                                  }: StackHeaderInterpolationProps) => StackHeaderInterpolatedStyle;
                                                  • Standard UIKit style animation for the header where the title fades into the back button label.

                                                  namespace TransitionPresets

                                                  module 'lib/typescript/src/TransitionConfigs/TransitionPresets.d.ts' {}
                                                  • Standard iOS navigation transition.

                                                  variable BottomSheetAndroid

                                                  const BottomSheetAndroid: TransitionPreset;
                                                  • Standard bottom sheet slide transition for Android 10.

                                                  variable DefaultTransition

                                                  const DefaultTransition: TransitionPreset;
                                                  • Default navigation transition for the current platform.

                                                  variable FadeFromBottomAndroid

                                                  const FadeFromBottomAndroid: TransitionPreset;
                                                  • Standard Android navigation transition when opening or closing an Activity on Android < 9 (Oreo).

                                                  variable ModalFadeTransition

                                                  const ModalFadeTransition: TransitionPreset;
                                                  • Fade transition for transparent modals.

                                                  variable ModalPresentationIOS

                                                  const ModalPresentationIOS: TransitionPreset;
                                                  • Standard iOS modal presentation style (introduced in iOS 13).

                                                  variable ModalSlideFromBottomIOS

                                                  const ModalSlideFromBottomIOS: TransitionPreset;
                                                  • Standard iOS navigation transition for modals.

                                                  variable ModalTransition

                                                  const ModalTransition: TransitionPreset;
                                                  • Default modal transition for the current platform.

                                                  variable RevealFromBottomAndroid

                                                  const RevealFromBottomAndroid: TransitionPreset;
                                                  • Standard Android navigation transition when opening or closing an Activity on Android 9 (Pie).

                                                  variable ScaleFromCenterAndroid

                                                  const ScaleFromCenterAndroid: TransitionPreset;
                                                  • Standard Android navigation transition when opening or closing an Activity on Android 10 (Q).

                                                  variable SlideFromRightIOS

                                                  const SlideFromRightIOS: TransitionPreset;
                                                  • Standard iOS navigation transition.

                                                  namespace TransitionSpecs

                                                  module 'lib/typescript/src/TransitionConfigs/TransitionSpecs.d.ts' {}
                                                  • Exact values from UINavigationController's animation configuration.

                                                  variable BottomSheetSlideInSpec

                                                  const BottomSheetSlideInSpec: TransitionSpec;
                                                  • Configuration for bottom sheet slide in animation from Material Design. See https://github.com/material-components/material-components-android/blob/fd3639092e1ffef9dc11bcedf79f32801d85e898/lib/java/com/google/android/material/bottomsheet/res/anim/mtrl_bottom_sheet_slide_in.xml

                                                  variable BottomSheetSlideOutSpec

                                                  const BottomSheetSlideOutSpec: TransitionSpec;
                                                  • Configuration for bottom sheet slide out animation from Material Design. See https://github.com/material-components/material-components-android/blob/fd3639092e1ffef9dc11bcedf79f32801d85e898/lib/java/com/google/android/material/bottomsheet/res/anim/mtrl_bottom_sheet_slide_in.xml

                                                  variable FadeInFromBottomAndroidSpec

                                                  const FadeInFromBottomAndroidSpec: TransitionSpec;
                                                  • Configuration for activity open animation from Android Nougat. See http://aosp.opersys.com/xref/android-7.1.2_r37/xref/frameworks/base/core/res/res/anim/activity_open_enter.xml

                                                  variable FadeOutToBottomAndroidSpec

                                                  const FadeOutToBottomAndroidSpec: TransitionSpec;
                                                  • Configuration for activity close animation from Android Nougat. See http://aosp.opersys.com/xref/android-7.1.2_r37/xref/frameworks/base/core/res/res/anim/activity_close_exit.xml

                                                  variable RevealFromBottomAndroidSpec

                                                  const RevealFromBottomAndroidSpec: TransitionSpec;
                                                  • Approximate configuration for activity open animation from Android Pie. See http://aosp.opersys.com/xref/android-9.0.0_r47/xref/frameworks/base/core/res/res/anim/activity_open_enter.xml

                                                  variable ScaleFromCenterAndroidSpec

                                                  const ScaleFromCenterAndroidSpec: TransitionSpec;
                                                  • Approximate configuration for activity open animation from Android Q. See http://aosp.opersys.com/xref/android-10.0.0_r2/xref/frameworks/base/core/res/res/anim/activity_open_enter.xml

                                                  variable TransitionIOSSpec

                                                  const TransitionIOSSpec: TransitionSpec;
                                                  • Exact values from UINavigationController's animation configuration.

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