- Version 6.0.4
- Published
- 52 kB
- 2 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @rollup/plugin-babel
yarn add @rollup/plugin-babel
pnpm add @rollup/plugin-babel
Seamless integration between Rollup and Babel.
Type Aliases
function babel
babel: (options?: RollupBabelInputPluginOptions) => Plugin;
A Rollup plugin for seamless integration between Rollup and Babel.
Parameter options
Plugin options.
Plugin instance.
function createBabelInputPluginFactory
createBabelInputPluginFactory: ( customCallback?: RollupBabelCustomInputPluginBuilder) => typeof getBabelInputPlugin;
function createBabelOutputPluginFactory
createBabelOutputPluginFactory: ( customCallback?: RollupBabelCustomOutputPluginBuilder) => typeof getBabelOutputPlugin;
function getBabelInputPlugin
getBabelInputPlugin: (options?: RollupBabelInputPluginOptions) => Plugin;
A Rollup plugin for seamless integration between Rollup and Babel.
Parameter options
Plugin options.
Plugin instance.
function getBabelOutputPlugin
getBabelOutputPlugin: (options?: RollupBabelOutputPluginOptions) => Plugin;
interface RollupBabelCustomInputPlugin
interface RollupBabelCustomInputPlugin {}
interface RollupBabelCustomOutputPlugin
interface RollupBabelCustomOutputPlugin {}
interface RollupBabelCustomPluginConfigOptions
interface RollupBabelCustomPluginConfigOptions {}
property code
code: string;
property customOptions
customOptions: Record<string, any>;
interface RollupBabelCustomPluginResultOptions
interface RollupBabelCustomPluginResultOptions {}
property code
code: string;
property config
config: babelCore.PartialConfig;
property customOptions
customOptions: Record<string, any>;
property transformOptions
transformOptions: babelCore.TransformOptions;
interface RollupBabelInputPluginOptions
interface RollupBabelInputPluginOptions extends Omit<babelCore.TransformOptions, 'include' | 'exclude'> {}
property babelHelpers
babelHelpers?: 'bundled' | 'runtime' | 'inline' | 'external';
It is recommended to configure this option explicitly (even if with its default value) so an informed decision is taken on how those babel helpers are inserted into the code. 'bundled'
property exclude
exclude?: FilterPattern;
A picomatch pattern, or array of patterns, which specifies the files in the build the plugin should ignore. When relaying on Babel configuration files you can only exclude additional files with this option, you cannot override what you have configured for Babel itself. undefined;
property extensions
extensions?: string[];
An array of file extensions that Babel should transpile. If you want to transpile TypeScript files with this plugin it's essential to include .ts and .tsx in this option. ['.js', '.jsx', '.es6', '.es', '.mjs']
property filter
filter?: ReturnType<CreateFilter>;
Custom filter function can be used to determine whether or not certain modules should be operated upon. Example: import { createFilter } from '@rollup/pluginutils'; const include = 'include/**.js'; const exclude = 'exclude/**.js'; const filter = createFilter(include, exclude, {}); undefined;
property include
include?: FilterPattern;
A picomatch pattern, or array of patterns, which specifies the files in the build the plugin should operate on. When relying on Babel configuration files you cannot include files already excluded there. undefined;
property skipPreflightCheck
skipPreflightCheck?: boolean;
Before transpiling your input files this plugin also transpile a short piece of code for each input file. This is used to validate some misconfiguration errors, but for sufficiently big projects it can slow your build times so if you are confident about your configuration then you might disable those checks with this option. false
interface RollupBabelOutputPluginOptions
interface RollupBabelOutputPluginOptions extends Omit<babelCore.TransformOptions, 'include' | 'exclude'> {}
property allowAllFormats
allowAllFormats?: boolean;
Use with other formats than UMD/IIFE. false
Type Aliases
type RollupBabelCustomInputPluginBuilder
type RollupBabelCustomInputPluginBuilder = ( babel: typeof babelCore) => RollupBabelCustomInputPlugin;
type RollupBabelCustomInputPluginConfig
type RollupBabelCustomInputPluginConfig = ( this: TransformPluginContext, cfg: babelCore.PartialConfig, options: RollupBabelCustomPluginConfigOptions) => babelCore.TransformOptions;
type RollupBabelCustomInputPluginOptions
type RollupBabelCustomInputPluginOptions = ( options: RollupBabelInputPluginOptions & Record<string, any>) => { customOptions: Record<string, any>; pluginOptions: RollupBabelInputPluginOptions;};
type RollupBabelCustomInputPluginResult
type RollupBabelCustomInputPluginResult = ( this: TransformPluginContext, result: babelCore.BabelFileResult, options: RollupBabelCustomPluginResultOptions) => babelCore.BabelFileResult;
type RollupBabelCustomOutputPluginBuilder
type RollupBabelCustomOutputPluginBuilder = ( babel: typeof babelCore) => RollupBabelCustomOutputPlugin;
type RollupBabelCustomOutputPluginConfig
type RollupBabelCustomOutputPluginConfig = ( this: PluginContext, cfg: babelCore.PartialConfig, options: RollupBabelCustomPluginConfigOptions) => babelCore.TransformOptions;
type RollupBabelCustomOutputPluginOptions
type RollupBabelCustomOutputPluginOptions = ( options: RollupBabelOutputPluginOptions & Record<string, any>) => { customOptions: Record<string, any>; pluginOptions: RollupBabelOutputPluginOptions;};
type RollupBabelCustomOutputPluginResult
type RollupBabelCustomOutputPluginResult = ( this: PluginContext, result: babelCore.BabelFileResult, options: RollupBabelCustomPluginResultOptions) => babelCore.BabelFileResult;
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