- Version 8.8.2
- Published
- 1.05 MB
- 18 dependencies
- BSD-3-Clause license
npm i @salesforce/core
yarn add @salesforce/core
pnpm add @salesforce/core
Core libraries to interact with SFDX projects, orgs, and APIs.
- getAuthorizationUrl()
- getClientId()
- getConnectionOptions()
- getDefaultInstanceUrl()
- getDevHubAuthInfos()
- getFields()
- getOrgFrontDoorUrl()
- getRedirectUri()
- getSfdxAuthUrl()
- getUsername()
- handleAliasAndDefaultSettings()
- hasAuthentications()
- identifyPossibleScratchOrgs()
- init()
- isAccessTokenFlow()
- isJwt()
- isOauth()
- isRefreshTokenFlow()
- isUsingAccessToken()
- listAllAuthorizations()
- parseSfdxAuthUrl()
- save()
- setAlias()
- setAsDefault()
- update()
- addUsername()
- checkScratchOrg()
- cleanLocalOrgData()
- cloneSandbox()
- createSandbox()
- delete()
- deleteFrom()
- determineIfDevHubOrg()
- determineIfSandbox()
- determineIfScratch()
- getConfigAggregator()
- getConnection()
- getDefaultOptions()
- getDevHubOrg()
- getField()
- getFields()
- getOrgId()
- getSandboxConfig()
- getUsername()
- init()
- isDevHubOrg()
- isSandbox()
- isScratch()
- querySandboxProcessById()
- querySandboxProcessByOrgId()
- querySandboxProcessBySandboxInfoId()
- querySandboxProcessBySandboxName()
- readUserAuthFiles()
- refreshAuth()
- refreshSandbox()
- remove()
- removeUsername()
- resumeSandbox()
- retrieveMaxApiVersion()
- retrieveOrganizationInformation()
- retrieveOrgUsersConfig()
- sandboxStatus()
- scratchOrgCreate()
- setSandboxConfig()
- setTracksSource()
- supportsSourceTracking()
- tracksSource()
- updateLocalInformation()
- clearInstances()
- findPackage()
- getActivePackage()
- getAliasesFromPackageId()
- getDefaultPackage()
- getInstance()
- getPackage()
- getPackageAliases()
- getPackageDirectories()
- getPackageFromPath()
- getPackageIdFromAlias()
- getPackageNameFromPath()
- getPackagePath()
- getPath()
- getPluginConfiguration()
- getSfProjectJson()
- getUniquePackageDirectories()
- getUniquePackageNames()
- hasMultiplePackages()
- hasPackageAliases()
- hasPackages()
- resolve()
- resolveProjectConfig()
- resolveProjectPath()
- resolveProjectPathSync()
- retrieveSfProjectJson()
- setActivePackage()
- setPluginConfiguration()
- addPackageAlias()
- addPackageDirectory()
- getDefaultOptions()
- getFileName()
- getPackageAliases()
- getPackageDirectories()
- getPackageDirectoriesSync()
- getUniquePackageDirectories()
- getUniquePackageNames()
- hasMultiplePackages()
- hasPackageAliases()
- hasPackages()
- read()
- readSync()
- refreshSync()
- schemaValidate()
- schemaValidateSync()
- write()
- writeSync()
- 'SF_ENV'
- 'SF_S3_HOST'
Type Aliases
- AuthFields
- AuthSideEffects
- CometSubscription
- ConfigContents
- ConfigEntry
- ConfigInfo
- ConfigPropertyMeta
- ConfigPropertyMetaInput
- ConfigStore
- ConfigValue
- DeviceCodePollingResponse
- DeviceCodeResponse
- Fields
- FieldValue
- LoggerLevelValue
- LoggerOptions
- LogLine
- NamedPackageDir
- OrgAuthorization
- PermissionSetAssignmentFields
- ResultEvent
- ResumeSandboxRequest
- SandboxInfo
- SandboxProcessObject
- SandboxRequest
- SandboxRequestCacheEntry
- SandboxUserAuthRequest
- SandboxUserAuthResponse
- ScratchOrgCreateOptions
- ScratchOrgCreateResult
- ScratchOrgInfo
- ScratchOrgLifecycleEvent
- ScratchOrgRequest
- StatusEvent
- StatusResult
- StructuredMessage
- UserFields
variable accessTokenRegex
const accessTokenRegex: RegExp;
variable envVars
const envVars: EnvVars;
const ORG_CONFIG_ALLOWED_PROPERTIES: ( | { key: OrgConfigProperties; description: string; input?: undefined; hidden?: undefined; encrypted?: undefined; } | { key: OrgConfigProperties; description: string; input: { validator: (value: AnyJson) => boolean; failedMessage: string }; hidden?: undefined; encrypted?: undefined; } | { key: OrgConfigProperties; description: string; hidden: boolean; input: { validator: (value: AnyJson) => boolean; failedMessage: string }; encrypted?: undefined; } | { key: OrgConfigProperties; description: string; encrypted: boolean; input: { validator: (value: AnyJson) => boolean; failedMessage: string }; hidden?: undefined; })[];
const REQUIRED_FIELDS: { id: string; username: string; lastName: string; alias: string; timeZoneSidKey: string; localeSidKey: string; emailEncodingKey: string; profileId: string; languageLocaleKey: string; email: string;};
A Map of Required Salesforce User fields.
variable scratchOrgLifecycleEventName
const scratchOrgLifecycleEventName: string;
variable scratchOrgLifecycleStages
const scratchOrgLifecycleStages: readonly [ 'prepare request', 'send request', 'wait for org', 'available', 'authenticate', 'deploy settings', 'done'];
const SF_ALLOWED_PROPERTIES: { key: SfConfigProperties; description: string; input: { validator: (value: AnyJson) => boolean; failedMessage: string };}[];
const SFDX_ALLOWED_PROPERTIES: ( | { key: SfdxPropertyKeys; description: string; newKey: OrgConfigProperties; deprecated: boolean; input: { validator: (value: AnyJson) => boolean; failedMessage: string }; encrypted?: undefined; hidden?: undefined; } | { key: SfdxPropertyKeys; newKey: OrgConfigProperties; deprecated: boolean; description: string; input?: undefined; encrypted?: undefined; hidden?: undefined; } | { key: SfdxPropertyKeys; newKey: OrgConfigProperties; deprecated: boolean; description: string; encrypted: boolean; input: { validator: (value: AnyJson) => boolean; failedMessage: string }; hidden?: undefined; } | { key: SfdxPropertyKeys; newKey: SfConfigProperties; deprecated: boolean; description: string; input: { validator: (value: AnyJson) => boolean; failedMessage: string }; encrypted?: undefined; hidden?: undefined; } | { key: SfdxPropertyKeys; description: string; hidden: boolean; newKey: string; deprecated: boolean; input: { validator: (value: AnyJson) => boolean; failedMessage: string }; encrypted?: undefined; })[];
const SFDX_HTTP_HEADERS: { 'content-type': string; 'user-agent': string };
variable sfdxAuthUrlRegex
const sfdxAuthUrlRegex: RegExp;
function getJwtAudienceUrl
getJwtAudienceUrl: ( options: OAuth2Config & { createdOrgInstance?: string }) => Promise<string>;
function lockInit
lockInit: (filePath: string) => Promise<LockInitResponse>;
This method exists as a separate function so it can be used by ConfigFile OR outside of ConfigFile.
Parameter filePath
where to save the file
2 functions: - writeAndUnlock: a function that takes the data to write and writes it to the file, then unlocks the file whether write succeeded or not - unlock: a function that unlocks the file (in case you don't end up calling writeAndUnlock)
function matchesAccessToken
matchesAccessToken: (value: string) => boolean;
Tests whether a given string is an access token
Parameter value
function scratchOrgCreate
scratchOrgCreate: ( options: ScratchOrgCreateOptions) => Promise<ScratchOrgCreateResult>;
function scratchOrgResume
scratchOrgResume: (jobId: string) => Promise<ScratchOrgCreateResult>;
function trimTo15
trimTo15: { (id: string): string; (id?: undefined): undefined; (id: string): string;};
Converts an 18 character Salesforce ID to 15 characters.
Parameter id
The id to convert.
function validateApiVersion
validateApiVersion: (value: string) => boolean;
Tests whether an API version matches the format
.Parameter value
The API version as a string.
function validateEmail
validateEmail: (value: string) => boolean;
Tests whether an email matches the format
Parameter value
The email as a string.
function validatePathDoesNotContainInvalidChars
validatePathDoesNotContainInvalidChars: (value: string) => boolean;
Tests whether a path is in the correct format; the value doesn't include the characters "[", "]", "?", "<", ">", "?", "|"
Parameter value
The path as a string.
function validateSalesforceId
validateSalesforceId: (value: string) => boolean;
Tests whether a Salesforce ID is in the correct format, a 15- or 18-character length string with only letters and numbers
Parameter value
The ID as a string.
class AuthInfo
class AuthInfo extends AsyncOptionalCreatable<AuthInfo.Options> {}
Handles persistence and fetching of user authentication information using JWT, OAuth, or refresh tokens. Sets up the refresh flows that jsForce will use to keep tokens active. An AuthInfo can also be created with an access token, but AuthInfos created with access tokens can't be persisted to disk.
**See** [Authorization](https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.sfdx_dev.meta/sfdx_dev/sfdx_dev_auth.htm)
**See** [Salesforce DX Usernames and Orgs](https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.sfdx_dev.meta/sfdx_dev/sfdx_dev_cli_usernames_orgs.htm)
// Creating a new authentication file.const authInfo = await AuthInfo.create({username: myAdminUsername,oauth2Options: {loginUrl, authCode, clientId, clientSecret});authInfo.save();// Creating an authorization info with an access token.const authInfo = await AuthInfo.create({username: accessToken});// Using an existing authentication file.const authInfo = await AuthInfo.create({username: myAdminUsername});// Using the AuthInfoconst connection = await Connection.create({ authInfo });
constructor(options?: AuthInfo.Options);
Constructor **Do not directly construct instances of this class -- use AuthInfo.create instead.**
Parameter options
The options for the class instance
method getAuthorizationUrl
static getAuthorizationUrl: ( options: JwtOAuth2Config & { scope?: string }, oauth2?: OAuth2) => string;
Get the authorization URL.
Parameter options
The options to generate the URL.
method getClientId
getClientId: () => string;
method getConnectionOptions
getConnectionOptions: () => ConnectionOptions;
Get the auth fields (decrypted) needed to make a connection.
method getDefaultInstanceUrl
static getDefaultInstanceUrl: () => string;
Returns the default instance url
method getDevHubAuthInfos
static getDevHubAuthInfos: () => Promise<OrgAuthorization[]>;
Find all dev hubs available in the local environment.
method getFields
getFields: (decrypt?: boolean) => Readonly<AuthFields>;
Get the authorization fields.
Parameter decrypt
Decrypt the fields.
Returns a ReadOnly object of the fields. If you need to modify the fields, use AuthInfo.update()
method getOrgFrontDoorUrl
getOrgFrontDoorUrl: () => string;
Get the org front door (used for web based oauth flows)
method getRedirectUri
getRedirectUri: () => string;
method getSfdxAuthUrl
getSfdxAuthUrl: () => string;
Get the SFDX Auth URL.
**See** [SFDX Authorization](https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.sfdx_cli_reference.meta/sfdx_cli_reference/cli_reference_force_auth.htm#cli_reference_force_auth)
method getUsername
getUsername: () => string;
Get the username.
method handleAliasAndDefaultSettings
handleAliasAndDefaultSettings: (sideEffects: AuthSideEffects) => Promise<void>;
Convenience function to handle typical side effects encountered when dealing with an AuthInfo. Given the values supplied in parameter sideEffects, this function will set auth alias, default auth and default dev hub.
Parameter sideEffects
instance of AuthSideEffects
method hasAuthentications
static hasAuthentications: () => Promise<boolean>;
Returns true if one or more authentications are persisted.
method identifyPossibleScratchOrgs
static identifyPossibleScratchOrgs: ( fields: AuthFields, orgAuthInfo: AuthInfo) => Promise<void>;
Given a set of decrypted fields and an authInfo, determine if the org belongs to an available dev hub, or if the org is a sandbox of another CLI authed production org.
Parameter fields
Parameter orgAuthInfo
method init
init: () => Promise<void>;
Initializes an instance of the AuthInfo class.
method isAccessTokenFlow
isAccessTokenFlow: () => boolean;
Returns true if
is using an access token flow.
method isJwt
isJwt: () => boolean;
Returns true if
is using the JWT flow.
method isOauth
isOauth: () => boolean;
Returns true if
is using the oauth flow.
method isRefreshTokenFlow
isRefreshTokenFlow: () => boolean;
Returns true if
is using the refresh token flow.
method isUsingAccessToken
isUsingAccessToken: () => boolean;
Returns true if this org is using access token auth.
method listAllAuthorizations
static listAllAuthorizations: ( orgAuthFilter?: (orgAuth: OrgAuthorization) => boolean) => Promise<OrgAuthorization[]>;
Get a list of all authorizations based on auth files stored in the global directory. One can supply a filter (see
Parameter orgAuthFilter
) and calling this function without a filter will return all authorizations.
Parameter orgAuthFilter
A predicate function that returns true for those org authorizations that are to be retained.
method parseSfdxAuthUrl
static parseSfdxAuthUrl: ( sfdxAuthUrl: string) => Pick<AuthFields, 'clientId' | 'clientSecret' | 'refreshToken' | 'loginUrl'>;
Parse a sfdx auth url, usually obtained by
.Parameter sfdxAuthUrl
Example 1
await AuthInfo.create(AuthInfo.parseSfdxAuthUrl(sfdxAuthUrl));
method save
save: (authData?: AuthFields) => Promise<AuthInfo>;
Updates the cache and persists the authentication fields (encrypted).
Parameter authData
New data to save.
method setAlias
setAlias: (alias: string) => Promise<void>;
Sets the provided alias to the username
Parameter alias
alias to set
method setAsDefault
setAsDefault: (options?: { org?: boolean; devHub?: boolean }) => Promise<void>;
Set the target-env (default) or the target-dev-hub to the alias if it exists otherwise to the username. Method will try to set the local config first but will default to global config if that fails.
Parameter options
method update
update: (authData?: AuthFields) => AuthInfo;
Update the authorization fields, encrypting sensitive fields, but do not persist. For convenience
object is returned.Parameter authData
Authorization fields to update.
class AuthRemover
class AuthRemover extends AsyncOptionalCreatable {}
Handles the removing of authorizations, which includes deleting the auth file in the global .sfdx folder, deleting any configs that are associated with the username/alias, and deleting any aliases associated with the username
const remover = await AuthRemover.create();await remover.removeAuth('example@mycompany.com');const remover = await AuthRemover.create();await remover.removeAllAuths();const remover = await AuthRemover.create();const auth = await remover.findAuth(example@mycompany.com);await remover.removeAuth(auth.username);
method findAllAuths
findAllAuths: () => Record<string, AuthFields & JsonMap>;
Finds all org authorizations in the global info file (.sf/sf.json)
{Record<string, AuthFields>}
method findAuth
findAuth: (usernameOrAlias?: string) => Promise<AuthFields>;
Finds authorization files for username/alias in the global .sfdx folder **Throws** *SfError{ name: 'TargetOrgNotSetError' }* if no target-org **Throws** *SfError{ name: 'NamedOrgNotFoundError' }* if specified user is not found
Parameter usernameOrAlias
username or alias of the auth you want to find, defaults to the configured target-org
method init
protected init: () => Promise<void>;
method removeAllAuths
removeAllAuths: () => Promise<void>;
Removes all authentication files and any configs or aliases associated with them
method removeAuth
removeAuth: (usernameOrAlias: string) => Promise<void>;
Removes the authentication and any configs or aliases associated with it
Parameter usernameOrAlias
the username or alias that you want to remove
class CometClient
abstract class CometClient extends EventEmitter {}
Comet client interface. The is to allow for mocking the inner streaming Cometd implementation. The Faye implementation is used by default but it could be used to adapt another Cometd impl.
method addExtension
abstract addExtension: (extension: StreamingExtension) => void;
Add a custom extension to the underlying client.
Parameter extension
The json function for the extension.
method disable
abstract disable: (label: string) => void;
Disable polling features.
Parameter label
Polling feature label.
method disconnect
abstract disconnect: () => void;
Method to call to disconnect the client from the server.
method handshake
abstract handshake: (callback: () => void) => void;
handshake with the streaming channel
Parameter callback
Callback for the handshake when it successfully completes. The handshake should throw errors when errors are encountered.
method setHeader
abstract setHeader: (name: string, value: string) => void;
Sets an http header name/value.
Parameter name
The header name.
Parameter value
The header value.
method subscribe
abstract subscribe: ( channel: string, callback: (message: JsonMap) => void) => CometSubscription;
Subscribes to Comet topics. Subscribe should perform a handshake if one hasn't been performed yet.
Parameter channel
The topic to subscribe to.
Parameter callback
The callback to execute once a message has been received.
class Config
class Config extends ConfigFile<ConfigFile.Options, ConfigProperties> {}
The files where sfdx config values are stored for projects and the global space.
*Note:* It is not recommended to instantiate this object directly when resolving config values. Instead use ConfigAggregator
const localConfig = await Config.create();localConfig.set('target-org', 'username@company.org');await localConfig.write();https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.sfdx_dev.meta/sfdx_dev/sfdx_dev_cli_config_values.htm
constructor(options?: ConfigFile.Options);
method addAllowedProperties
static addAllowedProperties: (metas: ConfigPropertyMeta[]) => void;
Add an array of allowed config properties.
Parameter metas
Array of objects to set as the allowed config properties.
method clear
static clear: () => Promise<void>;
Clear all the configured properties both local and global.
method getAllowedProperties
static getAllowedProperties: () => ConfigPropertyMeta[];
Returns an array of objects representing the allowed config properties.
method getFileName
static getFileName: () => string;
Returns the default file name for a config file.
method getPropertyConfig
getPropertyConfig: (propertyName: string) => ConfigPropertyMeta;
Get an individual property config.
**Throws** *SfError{ name: 'UnknownConfigKeyError' }* An attempt to get a property that's not supported.
Parameter propertyName
The name of the property.
method getPropertyConfigMeta
static getPropertyConfigMeta: ( propertyName: string) => Nullable<ConfigPropertyMeta>;
method init
protected init: () => Promise<void>;
Initializer for supported config types.
method read
read: (force?: boolean) => Promise<ConfigProperties>;
Read, assign, and return the config contents.
method readSync
readSync: (force?: boolean) => Dictionary<T>;
method set
set: <K extends string>(key: K, value: Dictionary<T>) => Dictionary<T>;
method unset
unset: (key: string) => boolean;
Unsets a value for a property.
**Throws** *SfError{ name: 'UnknownConfigKeyError' }* If the input validator fails.
Parameter key
The property to unset.
method update
static update: <K extends string>( isGlobal: boolean, propertyName: K, value?: Dictionary<T>) => Promise<ConfigContents>;
The value of a supported config property.
Parameter isGlobal
True for a global config. False for a local config.
Parameter propertyName
The name of the property to set.
Parameter value
The property value.
method write
write: () => Promise<ConfigProperties>;
Writes Config properties taking into account encrypted properties.
Parameter newContents
The new Config value to persist.
method writeSync
writeSync: (newContents?: Dictionary<T>) => Dictionary<T>;
DO NOT CALL - The config file needs to encrypt values which can only be done asynchronously. Call SfdxConfig.write instead.
**Throws** *SfError{ name: 'InvalidWriteError' }* Always.
Parameter newContents
Contents to write
class ConfigAggregator
class ConfigAggregator extends AsyncOptionalCreatable<ConfigAggregator.Options> {}
Aggregate global and local project config files, as well as environment variables for
. The resolution happens in the following bottom-up order:1. Environment variables (
) 1. Workspace settings (<workspace-root>/.sf/config.json
) 1. Global settings ($HOME/.sf/config.json
)Use ConfigAggregator.create to instantiate the aggregator.
const aggregator = await ConfigAggregator.create();console.log(aggregator.getPropertyValue('target-org'));
constructor(options?: ConfigAggregator.Options);
**Do not directly construct instances of this class -- use ConfigAggregator.create instead.**
property encrypted
protected static encrypted: boolean;
property instance
protected static instance: AsyncOptionalCreatable;
method addAllowedProperties
addAllowedProperties: ( configMetas: ConfigPropertyMeta | ConfigPropertyMeta[]) => void;
Add an allowed config property.
method create
static create: < P extends ConfigAggregator.Options, T extends AsyncOptionalCreatable<P>>( this: new (options?: P) => T, options?: P) => Promise<T>;
method getAllowedProperties
protected getAllowedProperties: () => ConfigPropertyMeta[];
Get the allowed properties.
method getConfig
getConfig: () => JsonMap;
Get the resolved config object from the local, global and environment config instances.
method getConfigInfo
getConfigInfo: () => ConfigInfo[];
Get all resolved config property keys, values, locations, and paths.
> console.log(aggregator.getConfigInfo());[{ key: 'logLevel', val: 'INFO', location: 'Environment', path: '$SF_LOG_LEVEL'}{ key: 'target-org', val: '<username>', location: 'Local', path: './.sf/config.json'}]
method getEnvVars
getEnvVars: () => Dictionary<string>;
Get the config properties that are environment variables.
method getGlobalConfig
getGlobalConfig: () => Config;
Get the global config instance.
method getInfo
getInfo: (key: string, throwOnDeprecation?: boolean) => ConfigInfo;
Get a resolved config property. If a property is deprecated, it will try to use the the new key, if there is a config there.
Parameter key
The key of the property.
Parameter throwOnDeprecation
True, if you want an error throw when reading a deprecated config
method getLocalConfig
getLocalConfig: () => Config | undefined;
Get the local project config instance.
method getLocation
getLocation: (key: string) => Optional<ConfigAggregator.Location>;
Gets a resolved config property location.
For example,
will return: 1.Location.GLOBAL
if resolved to an environment variable. 1.Location.LOCAL
if resolved to local project config. 1.Location.ENVIRONMENT
if resolved to the global config.Parameter key
The key of the property.
method getPath
getPath: (key: string) => Optional<string>;
Get a resolved file path or environment variable name of the property.
For example,
will return: 1.$SF_LOG_LEVEL
if resolved to an environment variable. 1../.sf/config.json
if resolved to the local config. 1.~/.sf/config.json
if resolved to the global config. 1.undefined
, if not resolved.**Note:** that the path returned may be the absolute path instead of relative paths such as
.Parameter key
The key of the property.
method getPropertyMeta
getPropertyMeta: (key: string) => ConfigPropertyMeta;
Get a resolved config property meta. If the property is deprecated, it will return the new key's meta, if it exists, with a deprecation warning
**Throws** *SfError{ name: 'UnknownConfigKeyError' }* An attempt to get a property that's not supported.
Parameter key
The key of the property.
method getPropertyValue
getPropertyValue: <T extends AnyJson>(key: string) => Optional<T>;
Get a resolved config property. If you use a deprecated property, a warning will be emitted and it will attempt to resolve the new property's value
**Throws** *SfError{ name: 'UnknownConfigKeyError' }* An attempt to get a property that's not supported.
Parameter key
The key of the property.
method getValue
static getValue: (key: string) => ConfigInfo;
Get the info for a given key. If the ConfigAggregator was not asynchronously created OR the ConfigAggregator.reload was not called, the config value may be encrypted.
Parameter key
The config key.
method init
init: () => Promise<void>;
Initialize this instances async dependencies.
method loadProperties
protected loadProperties: () => Promise<void>;
Loads all the properties and aggregates them according to location.
method reload
reload: () => Promise<ConfigAggregator>;
Re-read all property configurations from disk.
method setAllowedProperties
protected setAllowedProperties: (properties: ConfigPropertyMeta[]) => void;
Set the allowed properties.
Parameter properties
The properties to set.
method unsetByValue
unsetByValue: (key: string) => Promise<void>;
class ConfigFile
class ConfigFile< T extends ConfigFile.Options = ConfigFile.Options, P extends ConfigContents = ConfigContents> extends BaseConfigStore<T, P> {}
Represents a json config file used to manage settings and state. Global config files are stored in the home directory hidden state folder (.sfdx) and local config files are stored in the project path, either in the hidden state folder or wherever specified.
class MyConfig extends ConfigFile {public static getFileName(): string {return 'myConfigFilename.json';}}const myConfig = await MyConfig.create({isGlobal: true});myConfig.set('mykey', 'myvalue');await myConfig.write();
constructor(options?: ConfigFile.Options);
Create an instance of a config file without reading the file. Call
after creating the ConfigFile OR instantiate with ConfigFile.create instead.Parameter options
The options for the class instance
property hasRead
protected hasRead: boolean;
property logger
protected logger: Logger;
method access
access: (perm?: number) => Promise<boolean>;
Determines if the config file is read/write accessible. Returns
if the user has capabilities specified by perm.Parameter perm
The permission.
**See** https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/fs.html#fs_fs_access_path_mode_callback
method accessSync
accessSync: (perm?: number) => boolean;
Determines if the config file is read/write accessible. Returns
if the user has capabilities specified by perm.Parameter perm
The permission.
**See** https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/fs.html#fs_fs_access_path_mode_callback
method exists
exists: () => Promise<boolean>;
Check to see if the config file exists. Returns
if the config file exists and has access, false otherwise.
method existsSync
existsSync: () => boolean;
Check to see if the config file exists. Returns
if the config file exists and has access, false otherwise.
method getDefaultOptions
static getDefaultOptions: ( isGlobal?: boolean, filename?: string) => ConfigFile.Options;
Returns the default options for the config file.
Parameter isGlobal
If the file should be stored globally or locally.
Parameter filename
The name of the config file.
method getFileName
static getFileName: () => string;
Returns the config's filename.
method getPath
getPath: () => string;
Returns the absolute path to the config file.
The first time getPath is called, the path is resolved and becomes immutable. This allows implementers to override options properties, like filePath, on the init method for async creation. If that is required for creation, the config files can not be synchronously created.
method init
protected init: () => Promise<void>;
Used to initialize asynchronous components.
**Throws** *
{ code: 'ENOENT' }* If the ConfigFile.getFilename file is not found when options.throwOnNotFound is true.
method isGlobal
isGlobal: () => boolean;
if this config is using the global path,false
method read
read: (throwOnNotFound?: boolean, force?: boolean) => Promise<P>;
Read the config file and set the config contents. Returns the config contents of the config file. As an optimization, files are only read once per process and updated in memory and via
. To force a read from the filesystem passforce=true
. **Throws** *SfError{ name: 'UnexpectedJsonFileFormat' }* There was a problem reading or parsing the file.Parameter throwOnNotFound
Optionally indicate if a throw should occur on file read.
Parameter force
Optionally force the file to be read from disk even when already read within the process.
method readSync
readSync: (throwOnNotFound?: boolean, force?: boolean) => P;
Read the config file and set the config contents. Returns the config contents of the config file. As an optimization, files are only read once per process and updated in memory and via
. To force a read from the filesystem passforce=true
. **Throws** *SfError{ name: 'UnexpectedJsonFileFormat' }* There was a problem reading or parsing the file.Parameter throwOnNotFound
Optionally indicate if a throw should occur on file read.
Parameter force
Optionally force the file to be read from disk even when already read within the process.
method resolveRootFolder
static resolveRootFolder: (isGlobal: boolean) => Promise<string>;
Helper used to determine what the local and global folder point to. Returns the file path of the root folder.
Parameter isGlobal
True if the config should be global. False for local.
method resolveRootFolderSync
static resolveRootFolderSync: (isGlobal: boolean) => string;
Helper used to determine what the local and global folder point to. Returns the file path of the root folder.
Parameter isGlobal
True if the config should be global. False for local.
method stat
stat: () => Promise<fsStats>;
Get the stats of the file. Returns the stats of the file.
method statSync
statSync: () => fsStats;
Get the stats of the file. Returns the stats of the file.
method unlink
unlink: () => Promise<void>;
Delete the config file if it exists.
**Throws** *
{ name: 'TargetFileNotFound' }* If the ConfigFile.getFilename file is not found. fs.unlink
method unlinkSync
unlinkSync: () => void;
Delete the config file if it exists.
**Throws** *
{ name: 'TargetFileNotFound' }* If the ConfigFile.getFilename file is not found. fs.unlink
method write
write: () => Promise<P>;
Write the config file with new contents. If no new contents are provided it will write the existing config contents that were set from ConfigFile.read, or an empty file if ConfigFile.read was not called.
Parameter newContents
The new contents of the file.
method writeSync
writeSync: () => P;
Write the config file with new contents. If no new contents are provided it will write the existing config contents that were set from ConfigFile.read, or an empty file if ConfigFile.read was not called.
Parameter newContents
The new contents of the file.
class Connection
class Connection<S extends Schema = Schema> extends JSForceConnection<S> {}
Handles connections and requests to Salesforce Orgs.
// Uses latest API versionconst connection = await Connection.create({authInfo: await AuthInfo.create({ username: 'myAdminUsername' })});connection.query('SELECT Name from Account');// Use different API versionconnection.setApiVersion("42.0");connection.query('SELECT Name from Account');
constructor(options: Connection.Options<S>);
Constructor **Do not directly construct instances of this class -- use Connection.create instead.**
Parameter options
The options for the class instance.
property tooling
readonly tooling: Tooling<S>;
Tooling api reference.
method autoFetchQuery
autoFetchQuery: <T extends Schema = S>( soql: string, queryOptions?: Partial<QueryOptions & { tooling: boolean }>) => Promise<QueryResult<T>>;
Executes a query and auto-fetches (i.e., "queryMore") all results. This is especially useful with large query result sizes, such as over 2000 records. The default maximum fetch size is 10,000 records. Modify this via the options argument.
Parameter soql
The SOQL string.
Parameter queryOptions
The query options. NOTE: the autoFetch option will always be true.
method baseUrl
baseUrl: () => string;
The Force API base url for the instance.
method create
static create: <S extends Schema>( this: new (options: Connection.Options<S>) => Connection<S>, options: Connection.Options<S>) => Promise<Connection<S>>;
Creates an instance of a Connection. Performs additional async initializations.
Parameter options
Constructor options.
method deploy
deploy: ( zipInput: Buffer, options: DeployOptionsWithRest) => Promise<DeployResultLocator<AsyncResult & Schema>>;
deploy a zipped buffer from the SDRL with REST or SOAP
Parameter zipInput
data to deploy
Parameter options
JSForce deploy options + a boolean for rest
method getApiVersion
getApiVersion: () => string;
Get the API version used for all connection requests.
method getAuthInfo
getAuthInfo: () => AuthInfo;
Getter for AuthInfo.
method getAuthInfoFields
getAuthInfoFields: () => AuthFields;
Getter for the AuthInfo fields.
method getConnectionOptions
getConnectionOptions: () => AuthFields;
Getter for the auth fields.
method getUsername
getUsername: () => Optional<string>;
Getter for the username of the Salesforce Org.
method init
init: () => Promise<void>;
Async initializer.
method isResolvable
isResolvable: () => Promise<boolean>;
Verify that instance has a reachable DNS entry, otherwise will throw error
method isUsingAccessToken
isUsingAccessToken: () => boolean;
Returns true if this connection is using access token auth.
method normalizeUrl
normalizeUrl: (url: string) => string;
Normalize a Salesforce url to include a instance information.
Parameter url
Partial url.
method refreshAuth
refreshAuth: () => Promise<void>;
Executes a HEAD request on the baseUrl to force an auth refresh. This is useful for the raw methods (request, requestRaw) that use the accessToken directly and don't handle refreshes.
This method issues a request using the current access token to check if it is still valid. If the request returns 200, no refresh happens, and we keep the token. If it returns 401, jsforce will request a new token and set it in the connection instance.
method request
request: <R = unknown>( request: string | HttpRequest, options?: JsonMap) => StreamPromise<R>;
Send REST API request with given HTTP request info, with connected session information and SFDX headers.
Parameter request
HTTP request object or URL to GET request.
Parameter options
HTTP API request options.
method retrieveMaxApiVersion
retrieveMaxApiVersion: () => Promise<string>;
Retrieves the highest api version that is supported by the target server instance.
method setApiVersion
setApiVersion: (version: string) => void;
Set the API version for all connection requests.
**Throws** *SfError{ name: 'IncorrectAPIVersionError' }* Incorrect API version.
Parameter version
The API version.
method singleRecordQuery
singleRecordQuery: <T extends Record>( soql: string, options?: SingleRecordQueryOptions) => Promise<T>;
Executes a query using either standard REST or Tooling API, returning a single record. Will throw if either zero records are found OR multiple records are found.
Parameter soql
The SOQL string.
Parameter options
The query options.
method useLatestApiVersion
useLatestApiVersion: () => Promise<void>;
Use the latest API version available on
class DefaultUserFields
class DefaultUserFields extends AsyncCreatable<DefaultUserFields.Options> {}
Provides a default set of fields values that can be used to create a user. This is handy for software development purposes.
const connection: Connection = await Connection.create({authInfo: await AuthInfo.create({ username: 'user@example.com' })});const org: Org = await Org.create({ connection });const options: DefaultUserFields.Options = {templateUser: org.getUsername()};const fields = (await DefaultUserFields.create(options)).getFields();
constructor(options: DefaultUserFields.Options);
method getFields
getFields: () => UserFields;
Get user fields.
method init
protected init: () => Promise<void>;
Initialize asynchronous components.
class DeviceOauthService
class DeviceOauthService extends AsyncCreatable<OAuth2Config> {}
Handles device based login flows
const oauthConfig = {loginUrl: this.flags.instanceurl,clientId: this.flags.clientid,};const deviceOauthService = await DeviceOauthService.create(oauthConfig);const loginData = await deviceOauthService.requestDeviceLogin();console.log(loginData);const approval = await deviceOauthService.awaitDeviceApproval(loginData);const authInfo = await deviceOauthService.authorizeAndSave(approval);
constructor(options: OAuth2Config);
property GRANT_TYPE
static GRANT_TYPE: string;
static RESPONSE_TYPE: string;
property SCOPE
static SCOPE: string;
method authorizeAndSave
authorizeAndSave: (approval: DeviceCodePollingResponse) => Promise<AuthInfo>;
Creates and saves new AuthInfo
method awaitDeviceApproval
awaitDeviceApproval: ( loginData: DeviceCodeResponse) => Promise<Nullable<DeviceCodePollingResponse>>;
Polls the server until successful response OR max attempts have been made
method init
protected init: () => Promise<void>;
method requestDeviceLogin
requestDeviceLogin: () => Promise<DeviceCodeResponse>;
Begin the authorization flow by requesting the login
class EnvVars
class EnvVars extends Env {}
constructor(env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv);
method asDictionary
asDictionary: () => Dictionary<unknown>;
method asMap
asMap: () => Map<string, unknown>;
method getPropertyFromEnv
getPropertyFromEnv: <T>(property: string, prefix?: string) => Nullable<T>;
method propertyToEnvName
static propertyToEnvName: (property: string, prefix?: string) => string;
class Global
class Global {}
Global constants, methods, and configuration.
property DIR
static readonly DIR: string;
The full system path to the preferred global state folder
property SF_DIR
static readonly SF_DIR: string;
The full system path to the global sf state folder.
**See** Global.SF_STATE_FOLDER
static readonly SF_STATE_FOLDER: string;
The global folder in which sf state is stored.
property SFDX_DIR
static readonly SFDX_DIR: string;
The full system path to the global sfdx state folder.
Enable interoperability between
.When @salesforce/core@v2 is deprecated and no longer used, this can be removed.
static readonly SFDX_STATE_FOLDER: string;
The global folder in which sfdx state is stored.
static readonly STATE_FOLDER: string;
The preferred global folder in which state is stored.
method createDir
static createDir: (dirPath?: string) => Promise<void>;
Creates a directory within Global.SFDX_DIR, or Global.SFDX_DIR itself if the
param is not provided. This is resolved or rejected when the directory creation operation has completed.Parameter dirPath
The directory path to be created within Global.SFDX_DIR.
method getEnvironmentMode
static getEnvironmentMode: () => Mode;
Gets the current mode environment variable as a Mode instance.
console.log(Global.getEnvironmentMode() === Mode.PRODUCTION);
class Lifecycle
class Lifecycle {}
An asynchronous event listener and emitter that follows the singleton pattern. The singleton pattern allows lifecycle events to be emitted from deep within a library and still be consumed by any other library or tool. It allows other developers to react to certain situations or events in your library without them having to manually call the method themselves.
An example might be transforming metadata before it is deployed to an environment. As long as an event was emitted from the deploy library and you were listening on that event in the same process, you could transform the metadata before the deploy regardless of where in the code that metadata was initiated.
Example 1
// Listen for an event in a plugin hookLifecycle.getInstance().on('deploy-metadata', transformMetadata)// Deep in the deploy code, fire the event for all libraries and plugins to hear.Lifecycle.getInstance().emit('deploy-metadata', metadataToBeDeployed);// if you don't need to await anythinguse `void Lifecycle.getInstance().emit('deploy-metadata', metadataToBeDeployed)` ;
property telemetryEventName
static readonly telemetryEventName: string;
property warningEventName
static readonly warningEventName: string;
method emit
emit: <T = AnyJson>(eventName: string, data: T) => Promise<void>;
Emit a given event, causing all callback functions to be run in the order they were registered
Parameter eventName
The name of the event to emit
Parameter data
The argument to be passed to the callback function
method emitTelemetry
emitTelemetry: (data: AnyJson) => Promise<void>;
Emit a
event, causing all callback functions to be run in the order they were registeredParameter data
The data to emit
method emitWarning
emitWarning: (warning: string) => Promise<void>;
Emit a
event, causing all callback functions to be run in the order they were registeredParameter data
The warning (string) to emit
method getInstance
static getInstance: () => Lifecycle;
Retrieve the singleton instance of this class so that all listeners and emitters can interact from any library or tool
method getListeners
getListeners: (eventName: string) => callback[];
Get an array of listeners (callback functions) for a given event
Parameter eventName
The name of the event to get listeners of
method on
on: <T = AnyJson>( eventName: string, cb: (data: T) => Promise<void>, uniqueListenerIdentifier?: string) => void;
Create a new listener for a given event
Parameter eventName
The name of the event that is being listened for
Parameter cb
The callback function to run when the event is emitted
Parameter uniqueListenerIdentifier
A unique identifier for the listener. If a listener with the same identifier is already registered, a new one will not be added
method onTelemetry
onTelemetry: (cb: (data: Record<string, unknown>) => Promise<void>) => void;
Create a listener for the
eventParameter cb
The callback function to run when the event is emitted
method onWarning
onWarning: (cb: (warning: string) => Promise<void>) => void;
Create a listener for the
eventParameter cb
The callback function to run when the event is emitted
method removeAllListeners
removeAllListeners: (eventName: string) => void;
Remove all listeners for a given event
Parameter eventName
The name of the event to remove listeners of
method staticVersion
static staticVersion: () => string;
return the package.json version of the sfdx-core library.
method version
version: () => string;
return the package.json version of the sfdx-core library.
class Logger
class Logger {}
A logging abstraction powered by Pino that provides both a default logger configuration that will log to the default path, and a way to create custom loggers based on the same foundation.
// Gets the root sfdx loggerconst logger = await Logger.root();// Creates a child logger of the root sfdx logger with custom fields appliedconst childLogger = await Logger.child('myRootChild', {tag: 'value'});// Creates a custom logger unaffiliated with the root loggerconst myCustomLogger = new Logger('myCustomLogger');// Creates a child of a custom logger unaffiliated with the root logger with custom fields appliedconst myCustomChildLogger = myCustomLogger.child('myCustomChild', {tag: 'value'});// get a raw pino logger from the root instance of Logger// you can use these to avoid constructing another Logger wrapper class and to get better type supportconst logger = Logger.getRawRootLogger().child({name: 'foo', otherProp: 'bar'});logger.info({some: 'stuff'}, 'a message');// get a raw pino logger from the current instanceconst childLogger = await Logger.child('myRootChild', {tag: 'value'});const logger = childLogger.getRawLogger();**See** https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.sfdx_setup.meta/sfdx_setup/sfdx_dev_cli_log_messages.htm
constructor(optionsOrName: string | LoggerOptions);
Constructs a new
.Parameter optionsOrName
A set of
or name to use with the default options.**Throws** *SfError{ name: 'RedundantRootLoggerError' }* More than one attempt is made to construct the root
static readonly DEFAULT_LEVEL: number;
The default
when constructing newLogger
property LEVEL_NAMES
static readonly LEVEL_NAMES: string[];
A list of all lower case
names.**See** LoggerLevel
property ROOT_NAME
static readonly ROOT_NAME: string;
The name of the root sfdx
method addField
addField: (name: string, value: FieldValue) => Logger;
Add a field to all log lines for this logger. For convenience
object is returned.Parameter name
The name of the field to add.
Parameter value
The value of the field to be logged.
method child
static child: (name: string, fields?: Fields) => Promise<Logger>;
Create a child of the root logger, inheriting this instance's configuration such as
, transports, etc.Parameter name
The name of the child logger.
Parameter fields
Additional fields included in all log lines.
Create a child logger, typically to add a few log record fields. For convenience this object is returned.
Parameter name
The name of the child logger that is emitted w/ log line. Will be prefixed with the parent logger name and
Parameter fields
Additional fields included in all log lines for the child logger.
method childFromRoot
static childFromRoot: (name: string, fields?: Fields) => Logger;
Create a child of the root logger, inheriting this instance's configuration such as
, transports, etc.Parameter name
The name of the child logger.
Parameter fields
Additional fields included in all log lines.
method debug
debug: (...args: unknown[]) => Logger;
Logs at
level with filtering applied. For conveniencethis
object is returned.Parameter args
Any number of arguments to be logged.
method debugCallback
debugCallback: (cb: () => unknown[] | string) => void;
Logs at
level with filtering applied.Parameter cb
A callback that returns on array objects to be logged.
method destroyRoot
static destroyRoot: () => void;
Destroys the root
method error
error: (...args: unknown[]) => Logger;
Logs at
level with filtering applied. For conveniencethis
object is returned.Parameter args
Any number of arguments to be logged.
method fatal
fatal: (...args: unknown[]) => Logger;
Logs at
level with filtering applied. For conveniencethis
object is returned.Parameter args
Any number of arguments to be logged.
method getBufferedRecords
getBufferedRecords: () => LogLine[];
Gets an array of log line objects. Each element is an object that corresponds to a log line.
method getLevel
getLevel: () => LoggerLevelValue;
Gets the current level of this logger.
method getLevelByName
static getLevelByName: (levelName: string) => LoggerLevelValue;
Gets a numeric
value by string name.Parameter levelName
The level name to convert to a
enum value.**Throws** *SfError{ name: 'UnrecognizedLoggerLevelNameError' }* The level name was not case-insensitively recognized as a valid
value.See Also
method getName
getName: () => string;
Gets the name of this logger.
method getRawLogger
getRawLogger: () => PinoLogger;
get the bare (pino) logger instead of using the class hierarchy
method getRawRootLogger
static getRawRootLogger: () => PinoLogger;
get the bare (pino) logger instead of using the class hierarchy
method getRoot
static getRoot: () => Logger;
Gets the root logger. It's a singleton
method info
info: (...args: unknown[]) => Logger;
Logs at
level with filtering applied. For conveniencethis
object is returned.Parameter args
Any number of arguments to be logged.
method readLogContentsAsText
readLogContentsAsText: () => string;
Reads a text blob of all the log lines contained in memory or the log file.
method root
static root: () => Promise<Logger>;
Gets the root logger. It's a singleton See also getRawLogger if you don't need the root logger
method setLevel
setLevel: (level?: LoggerLevelValue) => Logger;
Set the logging level of all streams for this logger. If a specific
is not provided, this method will attempt to read it from the environment variableSFDX_LOG_LEVEL
, and if not found, Logger.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL will be used instead. For conveniencethis
object is returned.Parameter level
The logger level.
**Throws** *SfError{ name: 'UnrecognizedLoggerLevelNameError' }* A value of
was invalid.// Sets the level from the environment or default valuelogger.setLevel()// Set the level from the INFO enumlogger.setLevel(LoggerLevel.INFO)// Sets the level case-insensitively from a string valuelogger.setLevel(Logger.getLevelByName('info'))
method shouldLog
shouldLog: (level: LoggerLevelValue) => boolean;
Compares the requested log level with the current log level. Returns true if the requested log level is greater than or equal to the current log level.
Parameter level
The requested log level to compare against the currently set log level.
method trace
trace: (...args: any[]) => Logger;
Logs at
level with filtering applied. For conveniencethis
object is returned.Parameter args
Any number of arguments to be logged.
method warn
warn: (...args: unknown[]) => Logger;
Logs at
level with filtering applied. For conveniencethis
object is returned.Parameter args
Any number of arguments to be logged.
class Messages
class Messages<T extends string> {}
The core message framework manages messages and allows them to be accessible by all plugins and consumers of sfdx-core. It is set up to handle localization down the road at no additional effort to the consumer. Messages can be used for anything from user output (like the console), to error messages, to returned data from a method.
Messages are loaded from loader functions. The loader functions will only run when a message is required. This prevents all messages from being loaded into memory at application startup. The functions can load from memory, a file, or a server.
In the beginning of your app or file, add the loader functions to be used later. If using json or js files in a root messages directory (
), load the entire directory automatically with Messages.importMessagesDirectory. Message files must be the following formates.A
file:{"msgKey": "A message displayed in the user","msgGroup": {"anotherMsgKey": "Another message displayed to the user"},"listOfMessage": ["message1", "message2"]}A
file:module.exports = {msgKey: 'A message displayed in the user',msgGroup: {anotherMsgKey: 'Another message displayed to the user'},listOfMessage: ['message1', 'message2']}A
file:# msgKeyA message displayed in the user# msgGroup.anotherMsgKeyAnother message displayed to the user# listOfMessage- message1- message2The values support [util.format](https://nodejs.org/api/util.html#util_util_format_format_args) style strings that apply the tokens passed into Message.getMessage
**Note:** When running unit tests individually, you may see errors that the messages aren't found. This is because
isn't loaded when tests run like they are when the package is required. To allow tests to run, import the message directory in each test (it will only do it once) or load the message file the test depends on individually.// Create loader functions for all files in the messages directoryMessages.importMessagesDirectory(__dirname);// or, for ESM codeMessages.importMessagesDirectoryFromMetaUrl(import.meta.url)// Now you can use the messages from anywhere in your code or file.// If using importMessageDirectory, the bundle name is the file name.const messages: Messages = Messages.loadMessages(packageName, bundleName);// Messages now contains all the message in the bundleName file.messages.getMessage('authInfoCreationError');
constructor(bundleName: string, locale: string, messages: StoredMessageMap);
Create a new messages bundle.
**Note:** Use {Messages.loadMessages} unless you are writing your own loader function.
Parameter bundleName
The bundle name.
Parameter locale
The locale.
Parameter messages
The messages. Can not be modified once created.
property bundleName
readonly bundleName: string;
The bundle name.
property locale
readonly locale: string;
The locale of the messages in this bundle.
property messages
readonly messages: StoredMessageMap;
property readFile
static readFile: (filePath: string) => AnyJson;
Internal readFile. Exposed for unit testing. Do not use util/fs.readFile as messages.js should have no internal dependencies.
Parameter filePath
read file target.
method createError
createError: ( key: T, tokens?: Tokens, actionTokens?: Tokens, exitCodeOrCause?: number | Error, cause?: Error) => SfError;
Convenience method to create errors using message labels.
will be the upper-cased key, remove prefixederror.
and will always end in Error.error.actions
will be loaded using${key}.actions
if available.Parameter key
The key of the error message.
Parameter tokens
The error message tokens.
Parameter actionTokens
The action messages tokens.
Parameter exitCodeOrCause
The exit code which will be used by SfdxCommand or the underlying error that caused this error to be raised.
Parameter cause
The underlying error that caused this error to be raised.
method createInfo
createInfo: ( key: T, tokens?: Tokens, actionTokens?: Tokens) => StructuredMessage;
Convenience method to create info using message labels.
will be the upper-cased key, remove prefixedinfo.
and will always end in Info.info.actions
will be loaded using${key}.actions
if available.Parameter key
The key of the warning message.
Parameter tokens
The warning message tokens.
Parameter actionTokens
The action messages tokens.
method createWarning
createWarning: ( key: T, tokens?: Tokens, actionTokens?: Tokens) => StructuredMessage;
Convenience method to create warning using message labels.
will be the upper-cased key, remove prefixedwarning.
and will always end in Warning.warning.actions
will be loaded using${key}.actions
if available.Parameter key
The key of the warning message.
Parameter tokens
The warning message tokens.
Parameter actionTokens
The action messages tokens.
method generateFileLoaderFunction
static generateFileLoaderFunction: ( bundleName: string, filePath: string) => LoaderFunction<string>;
Generate a file loading function. Use Messages.importMessageFile unless overriding the bundleName is required, then manually pass the loader function to Messages.setLoaderFunction.
Parameter bundleName
The name of the bundle.
Parameter filePath
The messages file path.
method getLocale
static getLocale: () => string;
Get the locale. This will always return 'en_US' but will return the machine's locale in the future.
method getMessage
getMessage: (key: T, tokens?: Tokens) => string;
Get a message using a message key and use the tokens as values for tokenization.
If the key happens to be an array of messages, it will combine with OS.EOL.
Parameter key
The key of the message.
Parameter tokens
The values to substitute in the message.
**See** https://nodejs.org/api/util.html#util_util_format_format_args **Note** Unlike util.format(), specifiers are required for a token to be rendered.
method getMessages
getMessages: (key: T, tokens?: Tokens) => string[];
Get messages using a message key and use the tokens as values for tokenization.
This will return all messages if the key is an array in the messages file.
{"myKey": [ "message1", "message2" ]}# myKey* message1* message2Parameter key
The key of the messages.
Parameter tokens
The values to substitute in the message.
**See** https://nodejs.org/api/util.html#util_util_format_format_args **Note** Unlike util.format(), specifiers are required for a token to be rendered.
method importMessageFile
static importMessageFile: (packageName: string, filePath: string) => void;
Add a single message file to the list of loading functions using the file name as the bundle name. The loader will only be added if the bundle name is not already taken.
Parameter packageName
The npm package name.
Parameter filePath
The path of the file.
method importMessagesDirectory
static importMessagesDirectory: ( moduleDirectoryPath: string, truncateToProjectPath?: boolean, packageName?: string) => void;
Import all json and js files in a messages directory. Use the file name as the bundle key when Messages.loadMessages is called. By default, we're assuming the moduleDirectoryPart is a typescript project and will truncate to root path (where the package.json file is). If your messages directory is in another spot or you are not using typescript, pass in false for truncateToProjectPath.
// e.g. If your message directory is in the project root, you would do:Messages.importMessagesDirectory(__dirname);Parameter moduleDirectoryPath
The path to load the messages folder.
Parameter truncateToProjectPath
Will look for the messages directory in the project root (where the package.json file is located). i.e., the module is typescript and the messages folder is in the top level of the module directory.
Parameter packageName
The npm package name. Figured out from the root directory's package.json.
method importMessagesDirectoryFromMetaUrl
static importMessagesDirectoryFromMetaUrl: ( metaUrl: string, truncateToProjectPath?: boolean, packageName?: string) => void;
Support ESM plugins who can't use __dirname
Parameter metaUrl
pass in
Parameter truncateToProjectPath
Will look for the messages directory in the project root (where the package.json file is located). i.e., the module is typescript and the messages folder is in the top level of the module directory.
Parameter packageName
The npm package name. Figured out from the root directory's package.json.
method isCached
static isCached: (packageName: string, bundleName: string) => boolean;
Check if a bundle already been loaded.
Parameter packageName
The npm package name.
Parameter bundleName
The bundle name.
method loadMessages
static loadMessages: ( packageName: string, bundleName: string) => Messages<string>;
Load messages for a given package and bundle. If the bundle is not already cached, use the loader function created from Messages.setLoaderFunction or Messages.importMessagesDirectory.
Messages.importMessagesDirectory(__dirname);const messages = Messages.loadMessages('packageName', 'bundleName');Parameter packageName
The name of the npm package.
Parameter bundleName
The name of the bundle to load.
method setLoaderFunction
static setLoaderFunction: ( packageName: string, bundle: string, loader: LoaderFunction<string>) => void;
Set a custom loader function for a package and bundle that will be called on Messages.loadMessages.
Parameter packageName
The npm package name.
Parameter bundle
The name of the bundle.
Parameter loader
The loader function.
class MyDomainResolver
class MyDomainResolver extends AsyncOptionalCreatable<MyDomainResolver.Options> {}
A class used to resolve MyDomains. After a ScratchOrg is created its host name my not be propagated to the Salesforce DNS service. This service is not exclusive to Salesforce My Domain URL and could be used for any hostname.
(async () => {const options: MyDomainResolver.Options = {url: new URL('http://mydomain.salesforce.com'),timeout: Duration.minutes(5),frequency: Duration.seconds(10)};const resolver: MyDomainResolver = await MyDomainResolver.create(options);const ipAddress: AnyJson = await resolver.resolve();console.log(`Successfully resolved host: ${options.url} to address: ${ipAddress}`);})();
constructor(options?: MyDomainResolver.Options);
Constructor **Do not directly construct instances of this class -- use MyDomainResolver.create instead.**
Parameter options
The options for the class instance
method getCnames
getCnames: () => Promise<string[]>;
method getFrequency
getFrequency: () => Duration;
method getTimeout
getTimeout: () => Duration;
method init
protected init: () => Promise<void>;
Used to initialize asynchronous components.
method resolve
resolve: () => Promise<string>;
Method that performs the dns lookup of the host. If the lookup fails the internal polling client will try again given the optional interval. Returns the resolved ip address.
If SFDX_DISABLE_DNS_CHECK environment variable is set to true, it will immediately return the host without executing the dns loookup.
class Org
class Org extends AsyncOptionalCreatable<Org.Options> {}
Provides a way to manage a locally authenticated Org.
**See** AuthInfo
**See** Connection
**See** Aliases
**See** Config
// Email usernameconst org1: Org = await Org.create({ aliasOrUsername: 'foo@example.com' });// The target-org config propertyconst org2: Org = await Org.create();// Full Connectionconst org3: Org = await Org.create({connection: await Connection.create({authInfo: await AuthInfo.create({ username: 'username' })})});**See** https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.sfdx_dev.meta/sfdx_dev/sfdx_dev_cli_usernames_orgs.htm
constructor(options?: Org.Options);
method addUsername
addUsername: (auth: AuthInfo | string) => Promise<Org>;
Adds a username to the user config for this org. For convenience
object is returned.const org: Org = await Org.create({connection: await Connection.create({authInfo: await AuthInfo.create('foo@example.com')})});const userAuth: AuthInfo = await AuthInfo.create({username: 'bar@example.com'});await org.addUsername(userAuth);Parameter auth
The AuthInfo for the username to add.
method checkScratchOrg
checkScratchOrg: ( devHubUsernameOrAlias?: string) => Promise<Partial<AuthFields>>;
method cleanLocalOrgData
cleanLocalOrgData: ( orgDataPath?: string, throwWhenRemoveFails?: boolean) => Promise<void>;
Clean all data files in the org's data path. Usually /.sfdx/orgs/.
Parameter orgDataPath
A relative path other than "orgs/".
Parameter throwWhenRemoveFails
Should the remove org operations throw an error on failure?
method cloneSandbox
cloneSandbox: ( sandboxReq: SandboxRequest, sourceSandboxName: string, options: { wait?: Duration; interval?: Duration }) => Promise<SandboxProcessObject>;
Parameter sandboxReq
SandboxRequest options to create the sandbox with
Parameter sourceSandboxName
the name of the sandbox that your new sandbox will be based on
Parameter options
Wait: The amount of time to wait before timing out, defaults to 0, Interval: The time interval between polling defaults to 30 seconds
{SandboxProcessObject} the newly created sandbox process object
method createSandbox
createSandbox: ( sandboxReq: SandboxRequest, options?: { wait?: Duration; interval?: Duration; async?: boolean }) => Promise<SandboxProcessObject>;
create a sandbox from a production org 'this' needs to be a production org with sandbox licenses available
Parameter sandboxReq
SandboxRequest options to create the sandbox with
Parameter options
Wait: The amount of time to wait before timing out, Interval: The time interval between polling
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Will delete 'this' instance remotely and any files locally
method deleteFrom
deleteFrom: (controllingOrg: string | Org) => Promise<void>;
Will delete 'this' instance remotely and any files locally
Parameter controllingOrg
username or Org that 'this.devhub' or 'this.production' refers to. AKA a DevHub for a scratch org, or a Production Org for a sandbox
method determineIfDevHubOrg
determineIfDevHubOrg: (forceServerCheck?: boolean) => Promise<boolean>;
if the org is a Dev Hub.Use a cached value. If the cached value is not set, then check access to the ScratchOrgInfo object to determine if the org is a dev hub.
Parameter forceServerCheck
Ignore the cached value and go straight to the server which will be required if the org flips on the dev hub after the value is already cached locally.
method determineIfSandbox
determineIfSandbox: () => Promise<boolean>;
if the org is a sandbox.Use a cached value. If the cached value is not set, then check
Organization.IsSandbox == true && Organization.TrialExpirationDate == null
using Org.retrieveOrganizationInformation.
method determineIfScratch
determineIfScratch: () => Promise<boolean>;
if the org is a scratch org.Use a cached value. If the cached value is not set, then check
Organization.IsSandbox == true && Organization.TrialExpirationDate != null
using Org.retrieveOrganizationInformation.
method getConfigAggregator
getConfigAggregator: () => ConfigAggregator;
Returns for the config aggregator.
method getConnection
getConnection: (apiVersion?: string) => Connection;
Returns the JSForce connection for the org. side effect: If you pass it an apiVersion, it will set it on the Org so that future calls to getConnection() will also use that version.
Parameter apiVersion
The API version to use for the connection.
method getDefaultOptions
protected getDefaultOptions: () => Org.Options;
**Throws** *SfError{ name: 'NotSupportedError' }* Throws an unsupported error.
method getDevHubOrg
getDevHubOrg: () => Promise<Org | undefined>;
Returns the Org object or null if this org is not affiliated with a Dev Hub (according to the local config).
method getField
getField: <T = AnyJson>(key: Org.Fields) => T;
Returns an org field. Returns undefined if the field is not set or invalid.
method getFields
getFields: (keys: Org.Fields[]) => JsonMap;
Returns a map of requested fields.
method getOrgId
getOrgId: () => string;
Returns the orgId for this org.
method getSandboxConfig
getSandboxConfig: (orgId: string) => Promise<Nullable<SandboxFields>>;
get the sandbox config for the given orgId
Parameter orgId
orgId of the sandbox
method getUsername
getUsername: () => string | undefined;
Returns the admin username used to create the org.
method init
protected init: () => Promise<void>;
Initialize async components.
method isDevHubOrg
isDevHubOrg: () => boolean;
if the org is a Dev Hub.**Note** This relies on a cached value in the auth file. If that property is not cached, this method will **always return false even if the org is a dev hub**. If you need accuracy, use the Org.determineIfDevHubOrg method.
method isSandbox
isSandbox: () => Promise<boolean>;
Check if org is a sandbox org by checking its SandboxOrgConfig.
method isScratch
isScratch: () => boolean;
if the org is a scratch org.**Note** This relies on a cached value in the auth file. If that property is not cached, this method will **always return false even if the org is a scratch org**. If you need accuracy, use the Org.determineIfScratch method.
method querySandboxProcessById
querySandboxProcessById: (id: string) => Promise<SandboxProcessObject>;
query SandboxProcess via Id
Parameter id
SandboxProcessId to query for
method querySandboxProcessByOrgId
querySandboxProcessByOrgId: ( sandboxOrgId: string) => Promise<SandboxProcessObject>;
query SandboxProcess via SandboxOrganization (sandbox Org ID)
Parameter sandboxOrgId
SandboxOrganization ID to query for
method querySandboxProcessBySandboxInfoId
querySandboxProcessBySandboxInfoId: ( id: string) => Promise<SandboxProcessObject>;
query SandboxProcess via SandboxInfoId
Parameter id
SandboxInfoId to query for
method querySandboxProcessBySandboxName
querySandboxProcessBySandboxName: ( name: string) => Promise<SandboxProcessObject>;
query SandboxProcess via sandbox name
Parameter name
SandboxName to query for
method readUserAuthFiles
readUserAuthFiles: () => Promise<AuthInfo[]>;
Reads and returns the content of all user auth files for this org as an array.
method refreshAuth
refreshAuth: () => Promise<void>;
Executes a HEAD request on the baseUrl to force an auth refresh. This is useful for the raw methods (request, requestRaw) that use the accessToken directly and don't handle refreshes.
This method issues a request using the current access token to check if it is still valid. If the request returns 200, no refresh happens, and we keep the token. If it returns 401, jsforce will request a new token and set it in the connection instance.
method refreshSandbox
refreshSandbox: ( sandboxInfo: SandboxInfo, options?: { wait?: Duration; interval?: Duration; async?: boolean }) => Promise<SandboxProcessObject>;
Refresh (update) a sandbox from a production org. 'this' needs to be a production org with sandbox licenses available
Parameter sandboxInfo
SandboxInfo to update the sandbox with
Parameter options
Wait: The amount of time to wait before timing out, Interval: The time interval between polling
method remove
remove: (throwWhenRemoveFails?: boolean) => Promise<void>;
Cleans up all org related artifacts including users, sandbox config (if a sandbox), source tracking files, and auth file.
Parameter throwWhenRemoveFails
Determines if the call should throw an error or fail silently.
method removeUsername
removeUsername: (auth: AuthInfo | string) => Promise<Org>;
Removes a username from the user config for this object. For convenience
object is returned.**Throws** *SfError{ name: 'MissingAuthInfoError' }* Auth info is missing.
Parameter auth
The AuthInfo containing the username to remove.
method resumeSandbox
resumeSandbox: ( resumeSandboxRequest: ResumeSandboxRequest, options?: { wait?: Duration; interval?: Duration; async?: boolean }) => Promise<SandboxProcessObject>;
Resume a sandbox create or refresh from a production org.
needs to be a production org with sandbox licenses available.Parameter resumeSandboxRequest
SandboxRequest options to create/refresh the sandbox with
Parameter options
Wait: The amount of time to wait (default: 0 minutes) before timing out, Interval: The time interval (default: 30 seconds) between polling
method retrieveMaxApiVersion
retrieveMaxApiVersion: () => Promise<string>;
Retrieves the highest api version that is supported by the target server instance. If the apiVersion configured for Sfdx is greater than the one returned in this call an api version mismatch occurs. In the case of the CLI that results in a warning.
method retrieveOrganizationInformation
retrieveOrganizationInformation: () => Promise<OrganizationInformation>;
Retrieve a handful of fields from the Organization table in Salesforce. If this does not have the data you need, just use Connection.singleRecordQuery with
SELECT <needed fields> FROM Organization
org information
method retrieveOrgUsersConfig
retrieveOrgUsersConfig: () => Promise<OrgUsersConfig>;
method sandboxStatus
sandboxStatus: ( sandboxname: string, options: { wait?: Duration; interval?: Duration }) => Promise<SandboxProcessObject>;
Reports sandbox org creation status. If the org is ready, authenticates to the org.
Parameter string
the sandbox name
Parameter options
Wait: The amount of time to wait before timing out, Interval: The time interval between polling
{SandboxProcessObject} the sandbox process object
method scratchOrgCreate
scratchOrgCreate: ( options: ScratchOrgRequest) => Promise<ScratchOrgCreateResult>;
Creates a scratchOrg 'this' needs to be a valid dev-hub
Parameter ScratchOrgCreateOptions
method setSandboxConfig
setSandboxConfig: (orgId: string, config: SandboxFields) => Promise<Org>;
set the sandbox config related to this given org
Parameter orgId
orgId of the sandbox
Parameter config
config of the sandbox
method setTracksSource
setTracksSource: (value: boolean) => Promise<void>;
Set the tracking property on the org's auth file
Parameter value
true or false (whether the org should use source tracking or not)
method supportsSourceTracking
supportsSourceTracking: () => Promise<boolean>;
method tracksSource
tracksSource: () => Promise<boolean>;
if the org uses source tracking. Side effect: updates files where the property doesn't currently exist
method updateLocalInformation
updateLocalInformation: () => Promise< | Pick< AuthFields, | Org.Fields.NAME | Org.Fields.INSTANCE_NAME | Org.Fields.NAMESPACE_PREFIX | Org.Fields.IS_SANDBOX | Org.Fields.IS_SCRATCH | Org.Fields.TRIAL_EXPIRATION_DATE > | undefined>;
Some organization information is locally cached, such as if the org name or if it is a scratch org. This method populates/updates the filesystem from information retrieved from the org.
class OrgUsersConfig
class OrgUsersConfig extends ConfigFile<OrgUsersConfig.Options, UserConfig> {}
A config file that stores usernames for an org.
constructor(options?: OrgUsersConfig.Options);
Constructor. **Do not directly construct instances of this class -- use OrgUsersConfig.create instead.**
Parameter options
The options for the class instance
method getOptions
static getOptions: (orgId: string) => OrgUsersConfig.Options;
Gets the config options for a given org ID.
Parameter orgId
The orgId. Generally this org would have multiple users configured.
class PermissionSetAssignment
class PermissionSetAssignment {}
A class for assigning a Salesforce User to one or more permission sets.
method create
create: ( id: string, permSetString: string) => Promise<PermissionSetAssignmentFields>;
Assigns a user to one or more permission sets.
Parameter id
A user id
Parameter permSetString
An array of permission set names.
method init
static init: (org: Org) => Promise<PermissionSetAssignment>;
Creates a new instance of PermissionSetAssignment.
Parameter org
The target org for the assignment.
class PollingClient
class PollingClient extends AsyncOptionalCreatable<PollingClient.Options> {}
This is a polling client that can be used to poll the status of long running tasks. It can be used as a replacement for Streaming when streaming topics are not available or when streaming handshakes are failing. Why wouldn't you want to use this? It can impact Salesforce API usage.
const options: PollingClient.Options = {async poll(): Promise<StatusResult> {return Promise.resolve({ completed: true, payload: 'Hello World' });},frequency: Duration.milliseconds(10),timeout: Duration.minutes(1)};const client = await PollingClient.create(options);const pollResult = await client.subscribe();console.log(`pollResult: ${pollResult}`);
constructor(options?: PollingClient.Options);
Parameter options
Polling client options
property logger
protected logger: Logger;
method init
init: () => Promise<void>;
Asynchronous initializer.
method subscribe
subscribe: <T = AnyJson>() => Promise<T>;
Returns a promise to call the specified polling function using the interval and timeout specified in the polling options.
class SandboxRequestCache
class SandboxRequestCache extends TTLConfig< TTLConfig.Options, SandboxRequestCacheEntry> {}
method getDefaultOptions
static getDefaultOptions: () => TTLConfig.Options;
method getFileName
static getFileName: () => string;
method set
static set: ( key: string, sandboxProcessObject: SandboxRequestCacheEntry) => Promise<void>;
method unset
static unset: (key: string) => Promise<void>;
class SchemaValidator
class SchemaValidator {}
Loads a JSON schema and performs validations against JSON objects.
constructor(logger: Logger, schemaPath: string);
Creates a new
instance given a logger and path to a schema file.Parameter logger
An Logger instance on which to base this class's logger.
Parameter schemaPath
The path to the schema file to load and use for validation.
method load
load: () => Promise<JsonMap>;
Loads a JSON schema from the
parameter provided at instantiation.
method loadSync
loadSync: () => JsonMap;
Loads a JSON schema from the
parameter provided at instantiation.
method validate
validate: (json: AnyJson) => Promise<AnyJson>;
Performs validation of JSON data against the schema located at the
value provided at instantiation.**Throws** *SfError{ name: 'ValidationSchemaFieldError' }* If there are known validations errors. **Throws** *SfError{ name: 'ValidationSchemaUnknownError' }* If there are unknown validations errors.
Parameter json
A JSON value to validate against this instance's target schema.
The validated JSON data.
method validateSync
validateSync: <T extends AnyJson>(json: T) => T;
Performs validation of JSON data against the schema located at the
value provided at instantiation.**Throws** *SfError{ name: 'ValidationSchemaFieldError' }* If there are known validations errors. **Throws** *SfError{ name: 'ValidationSchemaUnknownError' }* If there are unknown validations errors.
Parameter json
A JSON value to validate against this instance's target schema.
The validated JSON data.
class ScratchOrgCache
class ScratchOrgCache extends TTLConfig<TTLConfig.Options, CachedOptions> {}
property encryptedKeys
protected static readonly encryptedKeys: string[];
method getDefaultOptions
static getDefaultOptions: () => TTLConfig.Options;
method getFileName
static getFileName: () => string;
method unset
static unset: (key: string) => Promise<void>;
class ScratchOrgSettingsGenerator
class SettingsGenerator {}
Helper class for dealing with the settings that are defined in a scratch definition file. This class knows how to extract the settings from the definition, how to expand them into a MD directory and how to generate a package.xml.
constructor(options?: { mdApiTmpDir?: string; shapeDirName?: string; asDirectory?: boolean; capitalizeRecordTypes?: boolean;});
method createDeploy
createDeploy: () => Promise<void>;
Create temporary deploy directory used to upload the scratch org shape. This will create the dir, all of the .setting files and minimal object files needed for objectSettings
method createDeployPackageContents
createDeployPackageContents: (apiVersion: string) => Promise<void>;
method deploySettingsViaFolder
deploySettingsViaFolder: ( scratchOrg: Org, apiVersion: string, timeout?: Duration) => Promise<void>;
Deploys the settings to the org.
method extract
extract: ( scratchDef: ScratchOrgInfo) => Promise<{ settings: Record<string, unknown> | undefined; objectSettings: { [objectName: string]: any };}>;
extract the settings from the scratch def file, if they are present.
method getDestinationPath
getDestinationPath: () => string | undefined;
Returns the destination where the writer placed the settings content.
method getShapeDirName
getShapeDirName: () => string;
method hasSettings
hasSettings: () => boolean;
True if we are currently tracking setting or object setting data.
class SfdcUrl
class SfdcUrl extends URL {}
constructor(input: any, base?: any);
static readonly PRODUCTION: string;
property SANDBOX
static readonly SANDBOX: string;
Salesforce URLs
method checkLightningDomain
checkLightningDomain: () => Promise<true>;
Tests whether this url has the lightning domain extension This method that performs the dns lookup of the host. If the lookup fails the internal polling (1 second), client will try again until timeout If SF_DOMAIN_RETRY environment variable is set (number) it overrides the default timeout duration (240 seconds)
{Promise<true | never>} The resolved ip address or never
SfError If can't resolve DNS.
method getJwtAudienceUrl
getJwtAudienceUrl: (createdOrgInstance?: string) => Promise<string>;
Returns the appropriate jwt audience url for this url Use SF_AUDIENCE_URL env var to override the audience url
Parameter createdOrgInstance
The Salesforce instance the org was created on. e.g.
{Promise} The audience url
method isInternalUrl
isInternalUrl: () => boolean;
Tests whether this url is an internal Salesforce domain
{boolean} true if this is an internal domain
method isLightningDomain
isLightningDomain: () => boolean;
Test whether this url represents a lightning domain
{boolean} true if this domain is a lightning domain
method isLocalUrl
isLocalUrl: () => boolean;
Tests whether this url runs on a local machine
{boolean} true if this is a local machine
method isSalesforceDomain
isSalesforceDomain: () => boolean;
Tests whether this url contains a Salesforce owned domain
{boolean} true if this is a salesforce domain
method isValidUrl
static isValidUrl: (input: string | URL) => boolean;
method lookup
lookup: () => Promise<string>;
Method that performs the dns lookup of the host. If the lookup fails the internal polling (1 second), client will try again until timeout If SF_DOMAIN_RETRY environment variable is set (number) it overrides the default timeout duration (240 seconds)
the resolved ip address.
SfError If can't resolve DNS.
method toLightningDomain
toLightningDomain: () => string;
class SfError
class SfError<T extends ErrorDataProperties = ErrorDataProperties> extends Error {}
A generalized sfdx error which also contains an action. The action is used in the CLI to help guide users past the error.
To throw an error in a synchronous function you must either pass the error message and actions directly to the constructor, e.g.
// To load a message bundle (Note that __dirname should contain a messages folder)Messages.importMessagesDirectory(__dirname);const messages = Messages.load('myPackageName', 'myBundleName');// To throw a non-bundle based error:throw new SfError(message.getMessage('myError'), 'MyErrorName');
constructor( message: string, name?: string, actions?: string[], exitCodeOrCause?: number | Error, cause?: {});
Create an SfError.
Parameter message
The error message.
Parameter name
The error name. Defaults to 'SfError'.
Parameter actions
The action message(s).
Parameter exitCodeOrCause
The exit code which will be used by SfdxCommand or he underlying error that caused this error to be raised.
Parameter cause
The underlying error that caused this error to be raised.
property actions
actions?: string[];
Action messages. Hints to the users regarding what can be done to fix related issues.
property code
code: string;
property context
context?: string;
The related context for this error.
property data
data?: AnyJson;
property exitCode
exitCode: number;
SfdxCommand can return this process exit code.
property name
readonly name: string;
method create
static create: <T extends AnyJson = AnyJson>( inputs: SfErrorOptions<T>) => SfError<T>;
like the constructor, but takes an typed object and let you also set context and data properties
method setContext
setContext: (context: string) => SfError;
Sets the context of the error. For convenience
object is returned.Parameter context
The command name.
method setData
setData: (data: T) => SfError;
An additional payload for the error. For convenience
object is returned.Parameter data
The payload data.
method toObject
toObject: () => SfErrorToObjectResult;
Convert an SfError state to an object. Returns a plain object representing the state of this error.
method wrap
static wrap: <T extends AnyJson = AnyJson>(err: unknown) => SfError<T>;
Convert an Error to an SfError.
Parameter err
The error to convert.
class SfProject
class SfProject {}
Represents an SFDX project directory. This directory contains a SfProjectJson config file as well as a hidden .sfdx folder that contains all the other local project config files.
const project = await SfProject.resolve();const projectJson = await project.resolveProjectConfig();console.log(projectJson.sfdcLoginUrl);
protected constructor(path: string);
Do not directly construct instances of this class -- use SfProject.resolve instead.
method clearInstances
static clearInstances: () => void;
Clear the cache to force reading from disk.
*NOTE: Only call this method if you must and you know what you are doing.*
method findPackage
findPackage: ( predicate: (packageDir: NamedPackageDir) => boolean) => Optional<any>;
Returns the package directory.
Parameter packageName
Name of the package directory. E.g., 'force-app'
method getActivePackage
getActivePackage: () => Nullable<any>;
Get the currently activated package on the project. This has no implication on sfdx-project.json but is useful for keeping track of package and source specific options in a process.
method getAliasesFromPackageId
getAliasesFromPackageId: (id: string) => string[];
method getDefaultPackage
getDefaultPackage: () => NamedPackageDir;
Get the project's default package directory defined in sfdx-project.json using first 'default: true' found. The first entry is returned if no default is specified.
method getInstance
static getInstance: (path?: string) => SfProject;
Get a Project from a given path or from the working directory.
Parameter path
The path of the project.
**Throws** *SfError{ name: 'InvalidProjectWorkspaceError' }* If the current folder is not located in a workspace.
method getPackage
getPackage: (packageName: string) => Optional<any>;
Returns the package directory.
Parameter packageName
Name of the package directory. E.g., 'force-app'
method getPackageAliases
getPackageAliases: () => Nullable<Dictionary<string>>;
Returns a read-only list of
within sfdx-project.json, first reading and validating the file if necessary. i.e. modifying this array will not affect the sfdx-project.json file.
method getPackageDirectories
getPackageDirectories: () => NamedPackageDir[];
Returns a read-only list of
within sfdx-project.json, first reading and validating the file if necessary. i.e. modifying this array will not affect the sfdx-project.json file.
method getPackageFromPath
getPackageFromPath: (path: string) => Optional<any>;
Returns the package from a file path.
Parameter path
A file path. E.g. /Users/jsmith/projects/ebikes-lwc/force-app/apex/my-cls.cls
method getPackageIdFromAlias
getPackageIdFromAlias: (alias: string) => Optional<string>;
method getPackageNameFromPath
getPackageNameFromPath: (path: string) => Optional<string>;
Returns the package name, E.g. 'force-app', from a file path.
Parameter path
A file path. E.g. /Users/jsmith/projects/ebikes-lwc/force-app/apex/my-cls.cls
method getPackagePath
getPackagePath: (packageName: string) => Optional<string>;
Returns the absolute path of the package directory ending with the path separator. E.g., /Users/jsmith/projects/ebikes-lwc/force-app/
Parameter packageName
Name of the package directory. E.g., 'force-app'
method getPath
getPath: () => string;
Returns the project path.
method getPluginConfiguration
getPluginConfiguration: <T extends Record<string, unknown>>( pluginName: string) => Promise<Readonly<T>>;
retrieve the configuration for a named plugin from sfdx-project.json.plugins.pluginName
Example 1
const project = await SfProject.resolve();const pluginConfig = await project.getPluginConfiguration('myPlugin');optionally pass a type parameter for your plugin configuration's schema
method getSfProjectJson
getSfProjectJson: (isGlobal?: boolean) => SfProjectJson;
Get the sfdx-project.json config. The global sfdx-project.json is used for user defaults that are not checked in to the project specific file.
*Note:* When reading values from SfProjectJson, it is recommended to use SfProject.resolveProjectConfig instead.
This is the sync method of SfProject.resolveSfProjectJson
Parameter isGlobal
True to get the global project file, otherwise the local project config.
method getUniquePackageDirectories
getUniquePackageDirectories: () => NamedPackageDir[];
Returns a read-only list of
within sfdx-project.json, first reading and validating the file if necessary. i.e. modifying this array will not affect the sfdx-project.json file.There can be multiple packages in packageDirectories that point to the same directory. This method only returns one packageDirectory entry per unique directory path. This is useful when doing source operations based on directories but probably not as useful for packaging operations that want to do something for each package entry.
method getUniquePackageNames
getUniquePackageNames: () => string[];
Get a list of the unique package names from within sfdx-project.json. Use SfProject.getUniquePackageDirectories for data other than the names.
method hasMultiplePackages
hasMultiplePackages: () => boolean;
Has multiple package directories (MPD) defined in the project.
method hasPackageAliases
hasPackageAliases: () => Promise<boolean>;
method hasPackages
hasPackages: () => boolean;
Has package directories defined in the project.
method resolve
static resolve: (path?: string) => Promise<SfProject>;
Get a Project from a given path or from the working directory.
Parameter path
The path of the project.
**Throws** *SfError{ name: 'InvalidProjectWorkspaceError' }* If the current folder is not located in a workspace.
method resolveProjectConfig
resolveProjectConfig: () => Promise<JsonMap>;
The project config is resolved from local and global SfProjectJson, ConfigAggregator, and a set of defaults. It is recommended to use this when reading values from SfProjectJson.
The global SfProjectJson is used to allow the user to provide default values they may not want checked into their project's source.
A resolved config object that contains a bunch of different properties, including some 3rd party custom properties.
method resolveProjectPath
static resolveProjectPath: (dir?: string) => Promise<string>;
Performs an upward directory search for an sfdx project file. Returns the absolute path to the project.
Parameter dir
The directory path to start traversing from.
**Throws** *SfError{ name: 'InvalidProjectWorkspaceError' }* If the current folder is not located in a workspace.
**See** traverseForFile
**See** [process.cwd()](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd)
method resolveProjectPathSync
static resolveProjectPathSync: (dir?: string) => string;
Performs a synchronous upward directory search for an sfdx project file. Returns the absolute path to the project.
Parameter dir
The directory path to start traversing from.
**Throws** *SfError{ name: 'InvalidProjectWorkspaceError' }* If the current folder is not located in a workspace.
**See** traverseForFileSync
**See** [process.cwd()](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd)
method retrieveSfProjectJson
retrieveSfProjectJson: (isGlobal?: boolean) => Promise<SfProjectJson>;
Get the sfdx-project.json config. The global sfdx-project.json is used for user defaults that are not checked in to the project specific file.
*Note:* When reading values from SfProjectJson, it is recommended to use SfProject.resolveProjectConfig instead.
Parameter isGlobal
True to get the global project file, otherwise the local project config.
method setActivePackage
setActivePackage: (packageName: Nullable<string>) => void;
Set the currently activated package on the project. This has no implication on sfdx-project.json but is useful for keeping track of package and source specific options in a process.
Parameter packageName
The package name to activate. E.g. 'force-app'
method setPluginConfiguration
setPluginConfiguration: <T extends Record<string, unknown>>( pluginName: string, config: T) => Promise<void>;
set the configuration for a named plugin from sfdx-project.json.plugins.pluginName, overwriting existing configuration
Example 1
const project = await SfProject.resolve();const pluginConfig = await project.setPluginConfiguration('myPlugin', {foo: 'bar', myLimit: 25});optionally pass a type parameter for your plugin configuration's schema
class SfProjectJson
class SfProjectJson extends ConfigFile<ConfigFile.Options, ProjectJson> {}
The sfdx-project.json config object. This file determines if a folder is a valid sfdx project.
*Note:* Any non-standard (not owned by Salesforce) properties stored in sfdx-project.json should be in a top level property that represents your project. Plugins should store their configuration
Example 1
reading a standard property
const project = await SfProject.resolve();const projectJson = await project.resolveProjectConfig();const namespace = projectJson.get('namespace');@example writingconst project = await SfProject.resolve();const projectJson = await project.resolveProjectConfig();projectJson.set('namespace', 'new');await projectJson.write();**See** [force:project:create](https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.sfdx_dev.meta/sfdx_dev/sfdx_dev_ws_create_new.htm)
See Also
SfProject.getPluginConfiguration and
property BLOCKLIST
static BLOCKLIST: string[];
json properties that are uppercase, or allow uppercase keys inside them
method addPackageAlias
addPackageAlias: (alias: string, id: string) => void;
Add a package alias to the project. If the alias already exists, it will be overwritten.
Parameter alias
Parameter id
method addPackageDirectory
addPackageDirectory: (packageDir: PackageDir) => void;
Add a package directory to the project. If the package directory already exists, the new directory properties will be merged with the existing properties.
Parameter packageDir
method getDefaultOptions
static getDefaultOptions: (isGlobal?: boolean) => ConfigFile.Options;
method getFileName
static getFileName: () => string;
method getPackageAliases
getPackageAliases: () => Nullable<Dictionary<string>>;
Get package aliases defined in the project.
method getPackageDirectories
getPackageDirectories: () => Promise<PackageDir[]>;
Returns the
within sfdx-project.json, first reading and validating the file if necessary.
method getPackageDirectoriesSync
getPackageDirectoriesSync: () => NamedPackageDir[];
Returns a read-only list of
within sfdx-project.json, first reading and validating the file if necessary. i.e. modifying this array will not affect the sfdx-project.json file.
method getUniquePackageDirectories
getUniquePackageDirectories: () => NamedPackageDir[];
Returns a read-only list of
within sfdx-project.json, first reading and validating the file if necessary. i.e. modifying this array will not affect the sfdx-project.json file.There can be multiple packages in packageDirectories that point to the same directory. This method only returns one packageDirectory entry per unique directory path. This is useful when doing source operations based on directories but probably not as useful for packaging operations that want to do something for each package entry.
method getUniquePackageNames
getUniquePackageNames: () => string[];
Get a list of the unique package names from within sfdx-project.json. Use SfProject.getUniquePackageDirectories for data other than the names.
method hasMultiplePackages
hasMultiplePackages: () => boolean;
Has multiple package directories (MPD) defined in the project.
method hasPackageAliases
hasPackageAliases: () => Promise<boolean>;
Has at least one package alias defined in the project.
method hasPackages
hasPackages: () => boolean;
Has package directories defined in the project.
method read
read: () => Promise<ProjectJson>;
method readSync
readSync: () => ProjectJson;
method refreshSync
refreshSync: () => SfProjectJson;
force a reread of the project contents if you know they may have been modified
method schemaValidate
schemaValidate: () => Promise<void>;
Validates sfdx-project.json against the schema.
Set the
environment variable totrue
to throw an error when schema validation fails. A warning is logged by default when the file is invalid.***See*** [sfdx-project.schema.json] ((https://github.com/forcedotcom/schemas/blob/main/sfdx-project.schema.json)
method schemaValidateSync
schemaValidateSync: () => void;
Validates sfdx-project.json against the schema.
Set the
environment variable totrue
to throw an error when schema validation fails. A warning is logged by default when the file is invalid.***See*** [sfdx-project.schema.json] ((https://github.com/forcedotcom/schemas/blob/main/sfdx-project.schema.json)
method write
write: () => Promise<ProjectJson>;
method writeSync
writeSync: () => ProjectJson;
class StateAggregator
class StateAggregator extends AsyncOptionalCreatable {}
property aliases
aliases: AliasAccessor;
property orgs
orgs: OrgAccessor;
property sandboxes
sandboxes: SandboxAccessor;
method clearInstance
static clearInstance: (path?: string) => void;
Clear the cache to force reading from disk.
*NOTE: Only call this method if you must and you know what you are doing.*
method getInstance
static getInstance: () => Promise<StateAggregator>;
Reuse a StateAggregator if one was already created for the current global state directory Otherwise, create one and adds it to map for future reuse. HomeDir might be stubbed in tests
method init
protected init: () => Promise<void>;
class StreamingClient
class StreamingClient extends AsyncOptionalCreatable<StreamingClient.Options> {}
Api wrapper to support Salesforce streaming. The client contains an internal implementation of a cometd specification.
Salesforce client and timeout information
Streaming API imposes two timeouts, as supported in the Bayeux protocol.
Socket timeout: 110 seconds A client receives events (JSON-formatted HTTP responses) while it waits on a connection. If no events are generated and the client is still waiting, the connection times out after 110 seconds and the server closes the connection. Clients should reconnect before two minutes to avoid the connection timeout.
Reconnect timeout: 40 seconds After receiving the events, a client needs to reconnect to receive the next set of events. If the reconnection doesn't happen within 40 seconds, the server expires the subscription and the connection is closed. If this happens, the client must start again and handshake, subscribe, and connect. Each Streaming API client logs into an instance and maintains a session. When the client handshakes, connects, or subscribes, the session timeout is restarted. A client session times out if the client doesn’t reconnect to the server within 40 seconds after receiving a response (an event, subscribe result, and so on).
Note that these timeouts apply to the Streaming API client session and not the Salesforce authentication session. If the client session times out, the authentication session remains active until the organization-specific timeout policy goes into effect.
const streamProcessor = (message: JsonMap): StatusResult => {const payload = ensureJsonMap(message.payload);const id = ensureString(payload.id);if (payload.status !== 'Active') {return { completed: false };}return {completed: true,payload: id};};const org = await Org.create();const options = new StreamingClient.DefaultOptions(org, 'MyPushTopics', streamProcessor);const asyncStatusClient = await StreamingClient.create(options);await asyncStatusClient.handshake();const info: RequestInfo = {method: 'POST',url: `${org.getField(OrgFields.INSTANCE_URL)}/SomeService`,headers: { HEADER: 'HEADER_VALUE'},body: 'My content'};await asyncStatusClient.subscribe(async () => {const connection = await org.getConnection();// Now that we are subscribed, we can initiate the request that will cause the events to start streaming.const requestResponse: JsonCollection = await connection.request(info);const id = ensureJsonMap(requestResponse).id;console.log(`this.id: ${JSON.stringify(ensureString(id), null, 4)}`);});
constructor(options?: StreamingClient.Options);
Parameter options
Streaming client options AsyncCreatable.create
method handshake
handshake: () => Promise<StreamingClient.ConnectionState>;
Provides a convenient way to handshake with the server endpoint before trying to subscribe.
method init
init: () => Promise<void>;
Asynchronous initializer.
method replay
replay: (replayId: number) => void;
Allows replaying of of Streaming events starting with replayId.
Parameter replayId
The starting message id to replay from.
method subscribe
subscribe: (streamInit?: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<AnyJson | void>;
Subscribe to streaming events. When the streaming processor that's set in the options completes execution it returns a payload in the StatusResult object. The payload is just echoed here for convenience.
**Throws** *SfError{ name: 'StreamingClient.TimeoutErrorType.SUBSCRIBE'}* When the subscribe timeout occurs.
Parameter streamInit
This function should call the platform apis that result in streaming updates on push topics. StatusResult
class TTLConfig
class TTLConfig<T extends TTLConfig.Options, P extends JsonMap> extends ConfigFile< T, TTLConfig.Contents<P>> {}
A Time To Live configuration file where each entry is timestamped and removed once the TTL has expired.
Example 1
import { Duration } from '@salesforce/kit';const config = await TTLConfig.create({isGlobal: false,ttl: Duration.days(1)});
method getLatestEntry
getLatestEntry: () => Nullable<[string, TTLConfig.Entry<P>]>;
method getLatestKey
getLatestKey: () => Nullable<string>;
method init
protected init: () => Promise<void>;
method isExpired
isExpired: (dateTime: number, value: P & { timestamp: string }) => boolean;
method set
set: (key: string, value: Partial<TTLConfig.Entry<P>>) => void;
class User
class User extends AsyncCreatable<User.Options> {}
A class for creating a User, generating a password for a user, and assigning a user to one or more permission sets. See methods for examples.
constructor(options: User.Options);
method assignPassword
assignPassword: (info: AuthInfo, password?: SecureBuffer<void>) => Promise<void>;
Assigns a password to a user. For a user to have the ability to assign their own password, the org needs the following org feature: EnableSetPasswordInApi.
Parameter info
The AuthInfo object for user to assign the password to.
Parameter password
[throwWhenRemoveFails = User.generatePasswordUtf8()] A SecureBuffer containing the new password.
method assignPermissionSets
assignPermissionSets: (id: string, permsetNames: string[]) => Promise<void>;
Methods to assign one or more permission set names to a user.
Parameter id
The Salesforce id of the user to assign the permission set to.
Parameter permsetNames
An array of permission set names.
const username = 'user@example.com';const connection: Connection = await Connection.create({authInfo: await AuthInfo.create({ username })});const org = await Org.create({ connection });const user: User = await User.create({ org });const fields: UserFields = await user.retrieve(username);await user.assignPermissionSets(fields.id, ['sfdx', 'approver']);
method createUser
createUser: (fields: UserFields) => Promise<AuthInfo>;
Method for creating a new User.
By default scratch orgs only allow creating 2 additional users. Work with Salesforce Customer Service to increase user limits.
The Org Preferences required to increase the number of users are: Standard User Licenses Salesforce CRM Content User
Parameter fields
The required fields for creating a user.
const connection: Connection = await Connection.create({authInfo: await AuthInfo.create({ username: 'user@example.com' })});const org = await Org.create({ connection });const defaultUserFields = await DefaultUserFields.create({ templateUser: 'devhub_user@example.com' });const user: User = await User.create({ org });const info: AuthInfo = await user.createUser(defaultUserFields.getFields());
method generatePasswordUtf8
static generatePasswordUtf8: ( passwordCondition?: PasswordConditions) => SecureBuffer<void>;
Generate default password for a user. Returns An encrypted buffer containing a utf8 encoded password.
method init
init: () => Promise<void>;
Initialize a new instance of a user and return it.
method retrieve
retrieve: (username: string) => Promise<UserFields>;
Method to retrieve the UserFields for a user.
Parameter username
The username of the user.
const username = 'boris@thecat.com';const connection: Connection = await Connection.create({authInfo: await AuthInfo.create({ username })});const or