
  • Version 7.114.0
  • Published
  • 39.6 kB
  • 3 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i @sentry/hub
yarn add @sentry/hub
pnpm add @sentry/hub


Sentry hub which handles global state managment.



variable addBreadcrumb

const addBreadcrumb: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable addGlobalEventProcessor

const addGlobalEventProcessor: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable captureEvent

const captureEvent: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable captureException

const captureException: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable captureMessage

const captureMessage: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable closeSession

const closeSession: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable configureScope

const configureScope: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable getCurrentHub

const getCurrentHub: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable getHubFromCarrier

const getHubFromCarrier: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable getMainCarrier

const getMainCarrier: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable makeMain

const makeMain: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable makeSession

const makeSession: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable SessionFlusher

const SessionFlusher: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable setContext

const setContext: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable setExtra

const setExtra: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable setExtras

const setExtras: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable setHubOnCarrier

const setHubOnCarrier: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable setTag

const setTag: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable setTags

const setTags: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable setUser

const setUser: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable startTransaction

const startTransaction: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable updateSession

const updateSession: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.

variable withScope

const withScope: any;
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8.


class Hub

class Hub extends HubCore {}
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8

class Scope

class Scope extends ScopeCore {}
  • Deprecated

    This export has moved to @sentry/core. The @sentry/hub package will be removed in v8

Package Files (1)

Dependencies (3)

Dev Dependencies (0)

No dev dependencies.

Peer Dependencies (0)

No peer dependencies.


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