
  • Version 0.10.2
  • Published
  • 111 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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yarn add @stencil/angular-output-target
pnpm add @stencil/angular-output-target


Angular output target for @stencil/core components.



function angularOutputTarget

angularOutputTarget: (outputTarget: OutputTargetAngular) => OutputTargetCustom;


    interface OutputTargetAngular

    interface OutputTargetAngular {}

      property componentCorePackage

      componentCorePackage: string;
      • The package name of the component library. This is used to generate the import statements.

      property customElementsDir

      customElementsDir?: string;

        property directivesArrayFile

        directivesArrayFile?: string;

          property directivesProxyFile

          directivesProxyFile: string;
          • The path to the proxy file that will be generated. This can be an absolute path or a relative path from the root directory of the Stencil library.

          property excludeComponents

          excludeComponents?: string[];

            property inlineProperties

            inlineProperties?: boolean;
            • Experimental (!) When true, tries to inline the properties of components. This is required to enable Angular Language Service to type-check and show jsdocs when using the components in html-templates.

            property outputType

            outputType?: OutputType;
            • The type of output that should be generated. - component - Generate many component wrappers tied to a single Angular module (lazy/hydrated approach). - scam - Generate a Single Component Angular Module for each component. - standalone - Generate a component with the standalone flag set to true.

            property valueAccessorConfigs

            valueAccessorConfigs?: ValueAccessorConfig[];

              interface ValueAccessorConfig

              interface ValueAccessorConfig {}

                property elementSelectors

                elementSelectors: string | string[];

                  property event

                  event: string;

                    property targetAttr

                    targetAttr: string;

                      property type

                      type: ValueAccessorTypes;

                        Package Files (3)

                        Dependencies (0)

                        No dependencies.

                        Dev Dependencies (8)

                        Peer Dependencies (1)


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