- Version 1.0.1
- Published
- 1.23 MB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
npm i @stencil/router
yarn add @stencil/router
pnpm add @stencil/router
Stencil Router
Type Aliases
function injectHistory
injectHistory: (Component: any) => void;
function matchPath
matchPath: (pathname: string, options?: MatchOptions) => MatchResults | null;
Public API for matching a URL pathname to a path pattern.
interface ActiveRouter
interface ActiveRouter {}
interface LocationSegments
interface LocationSegments {}
interface MatchOptions
interface MatchOptions {}
interface MatchResults
interface MatchResults {}
interface RouteRenderProps
interface RouteRenderProps {}
property history
history: RouterHistory;
property match
match: MatchResults;
index signature
[key: string]: any;
interface RouterHistory
interface RouterHistory {}
property action
action: string;
property block
block: (prompt?: string | Prompt) => () => void;
property createHref
createHref: (location: LocationSegments) => string;
property go
go: (n: number) => void;
property goBack
goBack: () => void;
property goForward
goForward: () => void;
property length
length: number;
property listen
listen: (listener: Function) => () => void;
property location
location: LocationSegments;
property push
push: (path: string | LocationSegments, state?: any) => void;
property replace
replace: (path: string | LocationSegments, state?: any) => void;
property win
win: Window;
Type Aliases
type Listener
type Listener = () => void;
namespace Components
namespace Components {}
interface StencilAsyncContent
interface StencilAsyncContent {}
property 'documentLocation'
documentLocation?: string;
interface StencilRoute
interface StencilRoute {}
property 'component'
component?: string;
property 'componentProps'
componentProps?: { [key: string]: any };
property 'componentUpdated'
componentUpdated?: (options: RouteViewOptions) => void;
property 'exact'
exact: boolean;
property 'group'
group: string | null;
property 'history'
history?: RouterHistory;
property 'historyType'
historyType?: HistoryType;
property 'location'
location?: LocationSegments;
property 'match'
match: MatchResults | null;
property 'routeRender'
routeRender?: (props: RouteRenderProps) => any;
property 'routeViewsUpdated'
routeViewsUpdated?: (options: RouteViewOptions) => void;
property 'scrollTopOffset'
scrollTopOffset?: number;
property 'url'
url?: string | string[];
interface StencilRouteLink
interface StencilRouteLink {}
property 'activeClass'
activeClass: string;
property 'anchorClass'
anchorClass?: string;
property 'anchorId'
anchorId?: string;
property 'anchorRole'
anchorRole?: string;
property 'anchorTabIndex'
anchorTabIndex?: string;
property 'anchorTitle'
anchorTitle?: string;
property 'ariaHaspopup'
ariaHaspopup?: string;
property 'ariaLabel'
ariaLabel?: string;
property 'ariaPosinset'
ariaPosinset?: string;
property 'ariaSetsize'
ariaSetsize?: number;
property 'custom'
custom: string;
Custom tag to use instead of an anchor
property 'exact'
exact: boolean;
property 'history'
history?: RouterHistory;
property 'location'
location?: LocationSegments;
property 'root'
root?: string;
property 'strict'
strict: boolean;
property 'url'
url?: string;
property 'urlMatch'
urlMatch?: Path;
interface StencilRouter
interface StencilRouter {}
property 'historyType'
historyType: HistoryType;
property 'root'
root: string;
property 'scrollTopOffset'
scrollTopOffset?: number;
property 'titleSuffix'
titleSuffix: string;
interface StencilRouterPrompt
interface StencilRouterPrompt {}
interface StencilRouterRedirect
interface StencilRouterRedirect {}
interface StencilRouteSwitch
interface StencilRouteSwitch {}
property 'group'
group: string;
property 'location'
location?: LocationSegments;
property 'routeViewsUpdated'
routeViewsUpdated?: (options: RouteViewOptions) => void;
property 'scrollTopOffset'
scrollTopOffset?: number;
interface StencilRouteTitle
interface StencilRouteTitle {}
property 'pageTitle'
pageTitle: string;
property 'titleSuffix'
titleSuffix: string;
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Dev Dependencies (1)
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