
  • Version 7.6.17
  • Published
  • 38 kB
  • 6 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i @storybook/addon-storyshots-puppeteer
yarn add @storybook/addon-storyshots-puppeteer
pnpm add @storybook/addon-storyshots-puppeteer


Image snapshots addition to StoryShots based on puppeteer



variable defaultAxeConfig

const defaultAxeConfig: AxeConfig;

    variable defaultCommonConfig

    const defaultCommonConfig: CommonConfig;

      variable defaultImageSnapshotConfig

      const defaultImageSnapshotConfig: ImageSnapshotConfig;

        variable defaultPuppeteerTestConfig

        const defaultPuppeteerTestConfig: PuppeteerTestConfig;


          function axeTest

          axeTest: (customConfig?: Partial<AxeConfig>) => {
          ({ context }: any): Promise<void>;
          timeout: number;
          afterAll: () => Promise<void>;
          beforeAll: { (): Promise<void>; timeout: number };

            function imageSnapshot

            imageSnapshot: (customConfig?: Partial<ImageSnapshotConfig>) => {
            ({ context }: any): Promise<void>;
            timeout: number;
            afterAll: () => Promise<void>;
            beforeAll: { (): Promise<void>; timeout: number };

              function puppeteerTest

              puppeteerTest: (customConfig?: Partial<PuppeteerTestConfig>) => {
              ({ context }: any): Promise<void>;
              timeout: number;
              afterAll: () => Promise<void>;
              beforeAll: { (): Promise<void>; timeout: number };


                interface AxeConfig

                interface AxeConfig extends CommonConfig {}

                  property beforeAxeTest

                  beforeAxeTest: (page: Page, options: Options) => Promise<void>;

                    interface CommonConfig

                    interface CommonConfig {}

                      property browserLaunchOptions

                      browserLaunchOptions: LaunchOptions;
                      • Puppeteer browser launch options:

                      property chromeExecutablePath

                      chromeExecutablePath?: string;

                        property customizePage

                        customizePage: (page: Page) => Promise<void>;

                          property getCustomBrowser

                          getCustomBrowser?: () => Promise<Browser>;

                            property getGotoOptions

                            getGotoOptions: (options: Options) => DirectNavigationOptions | undefined;

                              property setupTimeout

                              setupTimeout: number;

                                property storybookUrl

                                storybookUrl: string;

                                  property testTimeout

                                  testTimeout: number;

                                    interface Context

                                    interface Context {}

                                      property kind

                                      kind: string;

                                        property parameters

                                        parameters: {
                                        [key: string]: any;

                                          property story

                                          story: string;

                                            interface ImageSnapshotConfig

                                            interface ImageSnapshotConfig extends CommonConfig {}

                                              property afterScreenshot

                                              afterScreenshot: (options: {
                                              image: string | void | Buffer;
                                              context: Context;
                                              }) => Promise<void>;

                                                property beforeScreenshot

                                                beforeScreenshot: (
                                                page: Page,
                                                options: Options
                                                ) => Promise<void | ElementHandle>;

                                                  property getMatchOptions

                                                  getMatchOptions: (options: Options) => MatchImageSnapshotOptions | undefined;

                                                    property getScreenshotOptions

                                                    getScreenshotOptions: (options: Options) => Base64ScreenShotOptions;

                                                      interface PuppeteerTestConfig

                                                      interface PuppeteerTestConfig extends CommonConfig {}

                                                        property testBody

                                                        testBody: ((page: Page, options: Options) => void | Promise<void>) & {
                                                        filter?: (options: Options) => boolean;

                                                          Package Files (5)

                                                          Dependencies (6)

                                                          Dev Dependencies (4)

                                                          Peer Dependencies (2)


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