
  • Version 8.2.9
  • Published
  • 344 kB
  • 20 dependencies
  • MIT license


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Storybook for Angular: Develop Angular components in isolation with hot reloading.



function applicationConfig

applicationConfig: <TArgs = any>(
config: ApplicationConfig
) => DecoratorFunction<AngularRenderer, TArgs>;
  • Decorator to set the config options which are available during the application bootstrap operation

function argsToTemplate

argsToTemplate: <A extends Record<string, any>>(
args: A,
options?: ArgsToTemplateOptions<keyof A>
) => string;
  • Converts an object of arguments to a string of property and event bindings and excludes undefined values. Why? Because Angular treats undefined values in property bindings as an actual value and does not apply the default value of the property as soon as the binding is set. This feels counter-intuitive and is a common source of bugs in stories.

    Example 1

    // component.ts
    @Component({ selector: 'example' })
    export class ExampleComponent {
    @Input() input1: string = 'Default Input1';
    @Input() input2: string = 'Default Input2';
    @Output() click = new EventEmitter();
    // component.stories.ts
    import { argsToTemplate } from '@storybook/angular';
    export const Input1: Story = {
    render: (args) => ({
    props: args,
    // Problem1: <example [input1]="input1" [input2]="input2" (click)="click($event)"></example>
    // This will set input2 to undefined and the internal default value will not be used.
    // Problem2: <example [input1]="input1" (click)="click($event)"></example>
    // The default value of input2 will be used, but it is not overridable by the user via controls.
    // Solution: Now the controls will be applicable to both input1 and input2, and the default values will be used if the user does not override them.
    template: `<example ${argsToTemplate(args)}"></example>`,
    args: {
    // In this Story, we want to set the input1 property, and the internal default property of input2 should be used.
    input1: 'Input 1',
    click: { action: 'clicked' },

function componentWrapperDecorator

componentWrapperDecorator: <TArgs = any>(
element: any,
| ICollection
| ((storyContext: StoryContext<AngularRenderer, TArgs>) => ICollection)
) => DecoratorFunction<AngularRenderer, TArgs>;

    function moduleMetadata

    moduleMetadata: <TArgs = any>(
    metadata: Partial<NgModuleMetadata>
    ) => DecoratorFunction<AngularRenderer, TArgs>;


      interface AngularOptions

      interface AngularOptions {}

        property enableIvy

        enableIvy?: boolean;

          property enableNgcc

          enableNgcc?: boolean;

            interface AngularRenderer

            interface AngularRenderer extends WebRenderer {}

              property component

              component: any;

                property storyResult

                storyResult: StoryFnAngularReturnType;

                  interface IStory

                  interface StoryFnAngularReturnType {}

                    property applicationConfig

                    applicationConfig?: ApplicationConfig;

                      property moduleMetadata

                      moduleMetadata?: NgModuleMetadata;

                        property props

                        props?: ICollection;

                          property styles

                          styles?: string[];

                            property template

                            template?: string;

                              property userDefinedTemplate

                              userDefinedTemplate?: boolean;

                                Type Aliases

                                type AngularParameters

                                type Parameters = DefaultParameters & {
                                bootstrapModuleOptions?: unknown;

                                  type Decorator

                                  type Decorator<TArgs = StrictArgs> = DecoratorFunction<AngularRenderer, TArgs>;

                                    type FrameworkOptions

                                    type FrameworkOptions = AngularOptions & {
                                    builder?: BuilderOptions;

                                      type Loader

                                      type Loader<TArgs = StrictArgs> = LoaderFunction<AngularRenderer, TArgs>;

                                        type Meta

                                        type Meta<TArgs = Args> = ComponentAnnotations<
                                        • Metadata to configure the stories for a component.

                                          See Also

                                          • [Default export](https://storybook.js.org/docs/formats/component-story-format/#default-export)

                                        type Preview

                                        type Preview = ProjectAnnotations<AngularRenderer>;

                                          type StorybookConfig

                                          type StorybookConfig = Omit<
                                          keyof StorybookConfigWebpack | keyof StorybookConfigFramework
                                          > &
                                          StorybookConfigWebpack &
                                          • The interface for Storybook configuration in main.ts files.

                                          type StoryContext

                                          type StoryContext<TArgs = StrictArgs> = GenericStoryContext<AngularRenderer, TArgs>;

                                            type StoryFn

                                            type StoryFn<TArgs = Args> = AnnotatedStoryFn<
                                            • Story function that represents a CSFv2 component example.

                                              See Also

                                              • [Named Story exports](https://storybook.js.org/docs/formats/component-story-format/#named-story-exports)

                                            type StoryObj

                                            type StoryObj<TArgs = Args> = StoryAnnotations<
                                            • Story object that represents a CSFv3 component example.

                                              See Also

                                              • [Named Story exports](https://storybook.js.org/docs/formats/component-story-format/#named-story-exports)

                                            Package Files (6)

                                            Dependencies (20)

                                            Dev Dependencies (20)

                                            Peer Dependencies (15)


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