- Version 20.5.0
- Published
- 6.23 MB
- 15 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @swimlane/ngx-charts
yarn add @swimlane/ngx-charts
pnpm add @swimlane/ngx-charts
Declarative Charting Framework for Angular
- calculateViewDimensions()
- count()
- decimalChecker()
- escapeLabel()
- formatLabel()
- getDomain()
- getScale()
- getScaleType()
- getTickLines()
- getUniqueXDomainValues()
- getXDomainArray()
- gridLayout()
- gridSize()
- hexToRgb()
- id()
- invertColor()
- reduceTicks()
- shadeRGBColor()
- sortByDomain()
- sortByTime()
- sortLinear()
- throttle()
- throttleable()
- tickFormat()
- trimLabel()
- activate
- activeEntries
- autoScale
- baseValue
- clipPath
- clipPathId
- colors
- curve
- deactivate
- deactivateAll()
- dims
- filteredDomain
- getLegendOptions()
- getScaleType()
- getSeriesDomain()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYDomain()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- hideCircles()
- hoveredVertical
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- scaleType
- schemeType
- series
- seriesDomain
- seriesTooltipTemplate
- setColors()
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- timeline
- timelineHeight
- timelinePadding
- timelineTransform
- timelineWidth
- timelineXDomain
- timelineXScale
- timelineYScale
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateDomain()
- updateHoveredVertical()
- updateTimeline()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xDomain
- xScale
- xScaleMax
- xScaleMin
- xSet
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- yScaleMax
- yScaleMin
- activate
- activeEntries
- clipPath
- clipPathId
- colors
- curve
- deactivate
- deactivateAll()
- dims
- filteredDomain
- getLegendOptions()
- getSeriesDomain()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- hideCircles()
- hoveredVertical
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- scaleType
- schemeType
- seriesDomain
- seriesTooltipTemplate
- seriesType
- setColors()
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- timeline
- timelineHeight
- timelinePadding
- timelineTransform
- timelineWidth
- timelineXDomain
- timelineXScale
- timelineYScale
- tooltipAreas
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateDomain()
- updateHoveredVertical()
- updateTimeline()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xDomain
- xScale
- xSet
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- clipPath
- clipPathId
- colors
- curve
- deactivate
- deactivateAll()
- dims
- filteredDomain
- getLegendOptions()
- getSeriesDomain()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYDomain()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- hideCircles()
- hoveredVertical
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- scaleType
- schemeType
- seriesDomain
- seriesTooltipTemplate
- seriesType
- setColors()
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- timeline
- timelineHeight
- timelinePadding
- timelineTransform
- timelineWidth
- timelineXDomain
- timelineXScale
- timelineYScale
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy()
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateDomain()
- updateHoveredVertical()
- updateTimeline()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xDomain
- xScale
- xScaleMax
- xScaleMin
- xSet
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- yScaleMax
- yScaleMin
- activate
- animations
- ariaLabel
- data
- deactivate
- edges
- element
- fill
- getGradient()
- getPath()
- getRadius()
- getStartingPath()
- getStartOpacity()
- gradient
- gradientFill
- gradientId
- gradientStops
- hasGradient
- height
- hideBar
- isActive
- loadAnimation()
- ngOnChanges()
- noBarWhenZero
- offset
- onMouseEnter()
- onMouseLeave()
- orientation
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- path
- roundEdges
- select
- stops
- update()
- updatePathEl()
- width
- x
- y
- activate
- activeEntries
- barOrientation
- barPadding
- colors
- dataLabelFormatting
- dataLabelMaxWidth
- deactivate
- dims
- getGroupDomain()
- getGroupScale()
- getInnerDomain()
- getInnerScale()
- getLegendOptions()
- getValueDomain()
- getValueScale()
- gradient
- groupDomain
- groupPadding
- groupScale
- groupTransform()
- innerDomain
- innerScale
- isSSR
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- ngOnInit()
- noBarWhenZero
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDataLabelMaxWidthChanged()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- roundEdges
- schemeType
- setColors()
- showDataLabel
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- valueDomain
- valueScale
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xScaleMax
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- activate
- activeEntries
- barPadding
- colors
- dataLabelFormatting
- dataLabelMaxWidth
- deactivate
- dims
- getLegendOptions()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYDomain()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- noBarWhenZero
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDataLabelMaxWidthChanged()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- roundEdges
- schemeType
- setColors()
- showDataLabel
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xDomain
- xScale
- xScaleMax
- xScaleMin
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- barChartType
- barPadding
- colors
- deactivate
- dims
- getGroupDomain()
- getInnerDomain()
- getLegendOptions()
- getXScale()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- groupDomain
- groupTransform()
- innerDomain
- isSSR
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- ngOnInit()
- noBarWhenZero
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- schemeType
- setColors()
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- valueDomain
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xScale
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- barChartType
- barPadding
- colors
- dataLabelFormatting
- dataLabelMaxWidth
- deactivate
- dims
- getGroupDomain()
- getInnerDomain()
- getLegendOptions()
- getValueDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- groupDomain
- groupTransform()
- innerDomain
- isSSR
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- ngOnInit()
- noBarWhenZero
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDataLabelMaxWidthChanged()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- schemeType
- setColors()
- showDataLabel
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- valueDomain
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xScale
- xScaleMax
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- barOrientation
- barPadding
- colors
- dataLabelFormatting
- dataLabelMaxHeight
- deactivate
- dims
- getGroupDomain()
- getGroupScale()
- getInnerDomain()
- getInnerScale()
- getLegendOptions()
- getValueDomain()
- getValueScale()
- gradient
- groupDomain
- groupPadding
- groupScale
- groupTransform()
- innerDomain
- innerScale
- isSSR
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- ngOnInit()
- noBarWhenZero
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDataLabelMaxHeightChanged()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- roundEdges
- scaleType
- schemeType
- setColors()
- showDataLabel
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- valueDomain
- valueScale
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yScaleMax
- activate
- activeEntries
- barPadding
- colors
- dataLabelFormatting
- dataLabelMaxHeight
- deactivate
- dims
- getLegendOptions()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYDomain()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- noBarWhenZero
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDataLabelMaxHeightChanged()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- roundEdges
- schemeType
- setColors()
- showDataLabel
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xDomain
- xScale
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- yScaleMax
- yScaleMin
- activate
- activeEntries
- barChartType
- barPadding
- colors
- deactivate
- dims
- getGroupDomain()
- getInnerDomain()
- getLegendOptions()
- getXScale()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- groupDomain
- groupTransform()
- innerDomain
- isSSR
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- ngOnInit()
- noBarWhenZero
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- schemeType
- setColors()
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- valueDomain
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xScale
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- barChartType
- barPadding
- colors
- dataLabelFormatting
- dataLabelMaxHeight
- deactivate
- dims
- getGroupDomain()
- getInnerDomain()
- getLegendOptions()
- getValueDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- groupDomain
- groupTransform()
- innerDomain
- isSSR
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- ngOnInit()
- noBarWhenZero
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDataLabelMaxHeightChanged()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- schemeType
- setColors()
- showDataLabel
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tickFormatting
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- valueDomain
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xScale
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yScale
- yScaleMax
- activate
- colors
- deactivate
- dims
- getSeriesDomain()
- getUniqueBoxChartXDomainValues()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYDomain()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendOptionsConfig
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- results
- roundDomains
- roundEdges
- select
- seriesDomain
- setColors()
- setScales()
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- strokeColor
- strokeWidth
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy()
- transform
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xDomain
- xScale
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- activate
- animations
- ariaLabel
- BarOrientation
- boxPath
- boxStrokeWidth
- cd
- data
- deactivate
- edges
- fill
- getGradient()
- getPath()
- getRadius()
- getStartingLineCoordinates()
- getStartingPath()
- getStartOpacity()
- gradient
- gradientFill
- gradientId
- gradientStops
- hasGradient
- height
- hideBar
- initialized
- isActive
- lineCoordinates
- lineTween()
- loadAnimation()
- maskLine
- maskLineId
- medianLineWidth
- nativeElm
- ngOnChanges()
- noBarWhenZero
- offset
- oldLineCoordinates
- oldPath
- onMouseEnter()
- onMouseLeave()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- pathTween()
- roundEdges
- select
- strokeColor
- strokeWidth
- update()
- updateLineEl()
- updatePathEl()
- whiskerStrokeWidth
- width
- x
- y
- activate
- animations
- box
- colors
- counts
- deactivate
- dims
- getBoxQuantiles()
- getLinesCoordinates()
- gradient
- lineCoordinates
- ngOnChanges()
- onClick()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- quartiles
- roundEdges
- select
- series
- strokeColor
- strokeWidth
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipPlacement
- tooltipTemplate
- tooltipTitle
- tooltipType
- update()
- updateTooltipSettings()
- whiskers
- xScale
- yScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- autoScale
- bubblePadding
- clipPath
- clipPathId
- colors
- data
- deactivate
- deactivateAll()
- dims
- getBubblePadding()
- getLegendOptions()
- getRDomain()
- getRScale()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYDomain()
- getYScale()
- hideCircles()
- isSSR
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxRadius
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- minRadius
- ngOnInit()
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rDomain
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- rScale
- scaleType
- schemeType
- seriesDomain
- setScales()
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy()
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xDomain
- xScale
- xScaleMax
- xScaleMin
- xScaleType
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- yScaleMax
- yScaleMin
- yScaleType
- activate
- activateCircle()
- activeEntries
- areaPath
- circles
- colors
- data
- deactivate
- deactivateCircle()
- getCircles()
- getTooltipText()
- isActive()
- isSSR
- isVisible()
- ngOnChanges()
- ngOnInit()
- onClick()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- placementTypes
- rScale
- select
- styleTypes
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy()
- update()
- visibleValue
- xAxisLabel
- xScale
- xScaleType
- yAxisLabel
- yScale
- yScaleType
- animationReq
- animations
- bandColor
- bandHeight
- bandPath
- cardHeight
- cardWidth
- color
- data
- element
- formattedLabel
- height
- initialized
- label
- labelFontSize
- labelFormatting
- medianSize
- ngOnChanges()
- ngOnDestroy()
- ngOnInit()
- onClick()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- paddedValue()
- scaleText()
- scaleTextSSR()
- select
- setPadding()
- startCount()
- textColor
- textEl
- textFontSize
- textPadding
- textTransform
- textWidth
- transform
- transformBand
- update()
- value
- valueFormatting
- width
- x
- y
- activate
- activateCircle()
- activeEntries
- areaPath
- barOrientation
- barVisible
- circle
- colors
- data
- deactivate
- deactivateCircle()
- getActiveCircle()
- getGradientStops()
- getTooltipMinMaxText()
- getTooltipText()
- gradientFill
- gradientId
- isActive()
- isSSR
- mapDataPointToCircle()
- ngOnChanges()
- ngOnInit()
- onClick()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- placementTypes
- scaleType
- select
- styleTypes
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- type
- update()
- visibleValue
- xScale
- yScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- angleSpan
- arcs
- axisTickFormatting
- bigSegments
- colors
- cornerRadius
- deactivate
- dims
- displayValue
- domain
- getArcs()
- getDisplayValue()
- getDomain()
- getLegendOptions()
- getValueDomain()
- getValueScale()
- isActive()
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- max
- min
- ngAfterViewInit()
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- outerRadius
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- resizeScale
- results
- rotation
- scaleText()
- setColors()
- showAxis
- showText
- smallSegments
- startAngle
- textEl
- textRadius
- textTransform
- textValue
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy()
- transform
- units
- update()
- valueDomain
- valueFormatting
- valueScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- colors
- colorScale
- deactivate
- dims
- getDimension()
- getLegendOptions()
- getRects()
- getValueDomain()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYDomain()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- innerPadding
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- max
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- min
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rects
- rotateXAxisTicks
- scaleType
- setColors()
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- tooltipText
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- valueDomain
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xDomain
- xScale
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- barOrientation
- colors
- dims
- displayValue
- getDisplayValue()
- getValueDomain()
- getValueScale()
- hasPreviousValue
- margin
- max
- min
- ngAfterViewInit()
- onClick()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- previousValue
- scaleText()
- scaleTextSSR()
- setColors()
- transform
- transformLine
- units
- unitsResizeScale
- unitsTextEl
- unitsTextTransform
- unitsTranslate
- update()
- value
- valueDomain
- valueFormatting
- valueResizeScale
- valueScale
- valueTextEl
- valueTextTransform
- valueTranslate
- activate
- activeEntries
- areaPath
- autoScale
- clipPath
- clipPathId
- colors
- curve
- deactivate
- deactivateAll()
- dims
- filteredDomain
- getLegendOptions()
- getSeriesDomain()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYDomain()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- hasRange
- hideCircles()
- hoveredVertical
- isSSR
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- ngOnInit()
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rangeFillOpacity
- referenceLines
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- scaleType
- schemeType
- seriesDomain
- seriesTooltipTemplate
- setColors()
- showGridLines
- showRefLabels
- showRefLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- timeline
- timelineHeight
- timelinePadding
- timelineTransform
- timelineWidth
- timelineXDomain
- timelineXScale
- timelineYScale
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy()
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateDomain()
- updateHoveredVertical()
- updateTimeline()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xDomain
- xScale
- xScaleMax
- xScaleMin
- xSet
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- yScaleMax
- yScaleMin
- activeEntries
- animations
- areaGradientStops
- areaPath
- barOrientation
- colors
- curve
- data
- getAreaGenerator()
- getLineGenerator()
- getRangeGenerator()
- gradientId
- gradientStops
- gradientUrl
- hasGradient
- hasRange
- isActive()
- isInactive()
- ngOnChanges()
- outerPath
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- path
- rangeFillOpacity
- scaleType
- sortData()
- stroke
- update()
- updateGradients()
- xScale
- yScale
- activate
- animate
- barOrientation
- calculateArc()
- cornerRadius
- data
- dblclick
- deactivate
- element
- endAngle
- explodeSlices
- fill
- getGradient()
- getPointerEvents()
- gradient
- gradientFill
- initialized
- innerRadius
- isActive
- loadAnimation()
- max
- ngOnChanges()
- onClick()
- onDblClick()
- outerRadius
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- path
- pointerEvents
- radialGradientId
- select
- startAngle
- startOpacity
- update()
- updateAnimation()
- value
- activate
- activeEntries
- arcWidth
- colors
- data
- dblclick
- deactivate
- dims
- domain
- doughnut
- explodeSlices
- getDomain()
- getLegendOptions()
- gradient
- innerRadius
- labelFormatting
- labels
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margins
- maxLabelLength
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- outerRadius
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- select
- setColors()
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- tooltipText
- translation
- trimLabels
- update()
- activate
- activeEntries
- animations
- calculateLabelPositions()
- color()
- colors
- data
- dblclick
- deactivate
- defaultTooltipText()
- dims
- explodeSlices
- getTooltipTitle()
- gradient
- innerRadius
- isActive()
- label()
- labelFormatting
- labelText()
- labelVisible()
- max
- maxLabelLength
- midAngle()
- ngOnChanges()
- onClick()
- outerArc()
- outerRadius
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- placementTypes
- select
- series
- showLabels
- styleTypes
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- tooltipText
- trackBy()
- trimLabels
- update()
- activate
- activeEntries
- autoScale
- colors
- curve
- deactivate
- deactivateAll()
- dims
- filteredDomain
- getLegendOptions()
- getSeriesDomain()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getXValues()
- getYDomain()
- getYScale()
- getYValues()
- gradient
- isSSR
- labelOffset
- labelTrim
- labelTrimSize
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxYAxisTickLength
- ngOnInit()
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- orientation
- outerRadius
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- radiusTicks
- rangeFillOpacity
- roundDomains
- scaleType
- schemeType
- seriesDomain
- setColors()
- setDims()
- setScales()
- setTicks()
- showGridLines
- showSeriesOnHover
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- thetaTicks
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy()
- transform
- transformPlot
- transformXAxis
- transformYAxis
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xDomain
- xScale
- yAxis
- yAxisDims
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisMinScale
- yAxisScale
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- activate
- active
- activeEntries
- animations
- areaGradientStops
- areaPath
- barOrientation
- circleRadius
- circles
- colors
- curve
- data
- deactivate
- defaultTooltipText()
- getAngle()
- getLineGenerator()
- getRadius()
- gradient
- gradientId
- gradientStops
- gradientUrl
- hasGradient
- inactive
- isActive()
- isInactive()
- name
- ngOnChanges()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- path
- placementTypes
- rangeFillOpacity
- scaleType
- select
- seriesColor
- sortData()
- styleTypes
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- tooltipText
- update()
- updateGradients()
- xScale
- yScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- animations
- barOrientation
- bars
- barsForDataLabels
- click()
- colors
- dataLabelFormatting
- dataLabelWidthChanged
- deactivate
- dims
- getLabel()
- gradient
- isActive()
- ngOnChanges()
- noBarWhenZero
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- roundEdges
- select
- series
- seriesName
- showDataLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipPlacement
- tooltipTemplate
- tooltipType
- trackBy()
- trackDataLabelBy()
- type
- update()
- updateDataLabels()
- updateTooltipSettings()
- xScale
- yScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- animations
- barOrientation
- bars
- barsForDataLabels
- colors
- dataLabelFormatting
- dataLabelHeightChanged
- deactivate
- dims
- getLabel()
- gradient
- isActive()
- isSSR
- ngOnChanges()
- ngOnInit()
- noBarWhenZero
- onClick()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- roundEdges
- select
- series
- seriesName
- showDataLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipPlacement
- tooltipTemplate
- tooltipType
- trackBy()
- trackDataLabelBy()
- type
- update()
- updateDataLabels()
- updateTooltipSettings()
- xScale
- yScale
- addHideListeners()
- hide
- hideTooltip()
- ngOnDestroy()
- onBlur()
- onFocus()
- onMouseClick()
- onMouseEnter()
- onMouseLeave()
- ɵdir
- ɵfac
- show
- showTooltip()
- tooltipAlignment
- tooltipAppendToBody
- tooltipCloseOnClickOutside
- tooltipCloseOnMouseLeave
- tooltipContext
- tooltipCssClass
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipHideTimeout
- tooltipImmediateExit
- tooltipPlacement
- tooltipShowCaret
- tooltipShowEvent
- tooltipShowTimeout
- tooltipSpacing
- tooltipTemplate
- tooltipTitle
- tooltipType
- dimensionsChanged
- dims
- emitTicksHeight()
- fill
- labelOffset
- labelText
- maxTickLength
- ngOnChanges()
- orientation
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- padding
- rotateTicks
- showGridLines
- showLabel
- stroke
- strokeWidth
- tickArguments
- tickFormatting
- ticks
- ticksComponent
- tickStroke
- transform
- trimTicks
- update()
- wrapTicks
- xAxisClassName
- xAxisOffset
- xAxisTickCount
- xOrient
- xScale
- adjustedScale
- approxHeight
- dimensionsChanged
- getMaxPossibleLengthForTick()
- getMaxTicks()
- getRotationAngle()
- getTicks()
- gridLineHeight
- gridLineTransform()
- height
- innerTickSize
- isWrapTicksSupported
- maxAllowedLength
- maxPossibleLengthForTickIfWrapped
- maxTickLength
- maxTicksLength
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnChanges()
- orient
- outerTickSize
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateLabels
- rotateTicks
- scale
- showGridLines
- textAnchor
- textTransform
- tickArguments
- tickChunks()
- tickFormat
- tickFormatting
- tickPadding
- ticks
- ticksElement
- tickStroke
- tickTransform()
- tickTrim()
- tickValues
- trimTicks
- update()
- updateDims()
- verticalSpacing
- width
- wrapTicks
- dimensionsChanged
- dims
- emitTicksWidth()
- fill
- labelOffset
- labelText
- maxTickLength
- ngOnChanges()
- offset
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- padding
- referenceLines
- showGridLines
- showLabel
- showRefLabels
- showRefLines
- stroke
- strokeWidth
- tickArguments
- tickFormatting
- ticks
- ticksComponent
- tickStroke
- transform
- trimTicks
- update()
- wrapTicks
- yAxisClassName
- yAxisOffset
- yAxisTickCount
- yOrient
- yScale
- adjustedScale
- dimensionsChanged
- dy
- getApproximateAxisWidth()
- getMaxTicks()
- getTicks()
- gridLineTransform()
- gridLineWidth
- height
- innerTickSize
- maxTickLength
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnChanges()
- orient
- Orientation
- outerTickSize
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- referenceAreaPath
- referenceLineLength
- referenceLines
- refMax
- refMin
- rotateLabels
- scale
- setReferencelines()
- showGridLines
- showRefLabels
- showRefLines
- textAnchor
- tickArguments
- tickChunks()
- tickFormat
- tickFormatting
- tickPadding
- ticks
- ticksElement
- tickSpacing
- tickStroke
- tickTransform()
- tickTrim()
- tickValues
- transform
- trimTicks
- update()
- updateDims()
- verticalSpacing
- width
- wrapTicks
- x1
- x2
- y1
- y2
Type Aliases
variable colorSets
const colorSets: Color[];
function calculateViewDimensions
calculateViewDimensions: ({ width, height, margins, showXAxis, showYAxis, xAxisHeight, yAxisWidth, showXLabel, showYLabel, showLegend, legendType, legendPosition, columns,}: { width: any; height: any; margins: any; showXAxis?: boolean; showYAxis?: boolean; xAxisHeight?: number; yAxisWidth?: number; showXLabel?: boolean; showYLabel?: boolean; showLegend?: boolean; legendType?: ScaleType; legendPosition?: LegendPosition; columns?: number;}) => ViewDimensions;
function count
count: ( countFrom: number, countTo: number, countDecimals: number, countDuration: number, callback: any) => number;
Counts from a number to the end incrementally.
function decimalChecker
decimalChecker: (countTo: number) => number;
Determine decimals places
function escapeLabel
escapeLabel: (label: any) => string;
Escapes a label.
function formatLabel
formatLabel: (label: any) => string;
Formats a label given a date, number or string.
function getDomain
getDomain: ( values: any[], scaleType: ScaleType, autoScale: boolean, minVal?: number, maxVal?: number) => number[];
function getScale
getScale: ( domain: number[], range: number[], scaleType: ScaleType, roundDomains: boolean) => ScaleTime<number, number> | ScaleLinear<number, number> | ScalePoint<string>;
function getScaleType
getScaleType: (values: any[], checkDateType?: boolean) => ScaleType;
Get the scaleType of enumerable of values.
'time', 'linear' or 'ordinal'
function getTickLines
getTickLines: (label: string, maxLength: number, maxLines: number) => string[];
function getUniqueXDomainValues
getUniqueXDomainValues: (results: any[]) => any[];
Based on the data, return an array with unique values.
function getXDomainArray
getXDomainArray: ( values: Array<string | number | Date>, xScaleMin?: number, xScaleMax?: number) => { domain: any[]; xSet: any[]; scaleType: string };
function gridLayout
gridLayout: ( dims: ViewDimensions, data: GridData[], minWidth: number, designatedTotal: number) => GridItem[];
function gridSize
gridSize: ( dims: ViewDimensions, len: number, minWidth: number) => [number, number];
function hexToRgb
hexToRgb: (value: string) => any;
Converts a hex to RGB
function id
id: () => string;
Generates a short id.
Description: A 4-character alphanumeric sequence (364 = 1.6 million) This should only be used for JavaScript specific models. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6248666/how-to-generate-short-uid-like-ax4j9z-in-js
function invertColor
invertColor: (value: string) => string;
Accepts a color (string) and returns a inverted hex color (string) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9600295/automatically-change-text-color-to-assure-readability
function reduceTicks
reduceTicks: (ticks: any[], maxTicks: number) => any[];
function shadeRGBColor
shadeRGBColor: ( { r, g, b }: { r: any; g: any; b: any }, percent: number) => string;
Given a rgb, it will darken/lighten http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5560248/programmatically-lighten-or-darken-a-hex-color-or-rgb-and-blend-colors
{ r, g, b }
function sortByDomain
sortByDomain: ( data: any, property: string, direction: string, domain: any) => any[];
function sortByTime
sortByTime: (data: any, property: string, direction?: string) => any[];
function sortLinear
sortLinear: (data: any, property: string, direction?: string) => any[];
function throttle
throttle: (func: any, wait: number, options?: any) => () => any;
Throttle a function
function throttleable
throttleable: ( duration: number, options?: any) => ( target: any, key: any, descriptor: any) => { configurable: boolean; enumerable: any; get: () => any };
Throttle decorator
class MyClass { throttleable(10) myFn() { ... } }
function tickFormat
tickFormat: (fieldType: any, groupByType: any) => (label: string) => string;
function trimLabel
trimLabel: (s: any, max?: number) => string;
class AdvancedLegendComponent
class AdvancedLegendComponent implements OnChanges {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<DataItem>;
property animations
animations: boolean;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property data
data: DataItem[];
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<DataItem>;
property defaultValueFormatting
defaultValueFormatting: (value: StringOrNumberOrDate) => string;
property label
label: string;
property labelFormatting
labelFormatting: (value: string) => string;
property legendItems
legendItems: AdvancedLegendItem[];
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< AdvancedLegendComponent, 'ngx-charts-advanced-legend', never, { width: 'width'; data: 'data'; colors: 'colors'; label: 'label'; animations: 'animations'; valueFormatting: 'valueFormatting'; labelFormatting: 'labelFormatting'; percentageFormatting: 'percentageFormatting'; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, never, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AdvancedLegendComponent, never>;
property percentageFormatting
percentageFormatting: (value: number) => number;
property roundedTotal
roundedTotal: number;
property select
select: EventEmitter<DataItem>;
property total
total: number;
property valueFormatting
valueFormatting: (value: StringOrNumberOrDate) => any;
property width
width: number;
method getLegendItems
getLegendItems: () => AdvancedLegendItem[];
method getTotal
getTotal: () => number;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method trackBy
trackBy: (index: number, item: AdvancedLegendItem) => string;
method update
update: () => void;
class AdvancedPieChartComponent
class AdvancedPieChartComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property domain
domain: string[];
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property innerRadius
innerRadius: number;
property label
label: string;
property legendWidth
legendWidth: number;
property margin
margin: number[];
property nameFormatting
nameFormatting: (value: string) => any;
property outerRadius
outerRadius: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< AdvancedPieChartComponent, 'ngx-charts-advanced-pie-chart', never, { gradient: 'gradient'; activeEntries: 'activeEntries'; tooltipDisabled: 'tooltipDisabled'; tooltipText: 'tooltipText'; label: 'label'; valueFormatting: 'valueFormatting'; nameFormatting: 'nameFormatting'; percentageFormatting: 'percentageFormatting'; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AdvancedPieChartComponent, never>;
property percentageFormatting
percentageFormatting: (value: number) => any;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property tooltipText
tooltipText: any;
property transform
transform: string;
property valueFormatting
valueFormatting: (value: number) => any;
method getDomain
getDomain: () => string[];
method onActivate
onActivate: (item: any, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: DataItem) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (item: any, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class AreaChartComponent
class AreaChartComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property autoScale
autoScale: boolean;
property baseValue
baseValue: any;
property clipPath
clipPath: string;
property clipPathId
clipPathId: string;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property curve
curve: CurveFactory;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property filteredDomain
filteredDomain: any;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property hoveredVertical
hoveredVertical: any;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: LegendOptions;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property maxXAxisTickLength
maxXAxisTickLength: number;
property maxYAxisTickLength
maxYAxisTickLength: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< AreaChartComponent, 'ngx-charts-area-chart', never, { legend: 'legend'; legendTitle: 'legendTitle'; legendPosition: 'legendPosition'; xAxis: 'xAxis'; yAxis: 'yAxis'; baseValue: 'baseValue'; autoScale: 'autoScale'; showXAxisLabel: 'showXAxisLabel'; showYAxisLabel: 'showYAxisLabel'; xAxisLabel: 'xAxisLabel'; yAxisLabel: 'yAxisLabel'; timeline: 'timeline'; gradient: 'gradient'; showGridLines: 'showGridLines'; curve: 'curve'; activeEntries: 'activeEntries'; schemeType: 'schemeType'; trimXAxisTicks: 'trimXAxisTicks'; trimYAxisTicks: 'trimYAxisTicks'; rotateXAxisTicks: 'rotateXAxisTicks'; maxXAxisTickLength: 'maxXAxisTickLength'; maxYAxisTickLength: 'maxYAxisTickLength'; xAxisTickFormatting: 'xAxisTickFormatting'; yAxisTickFormatting: 'yAxisTickFormatting'; xAxisTicks: 'xAxisTicks'; yAxisTicks: 'yAxisTicks'; roundDomains: 'roundDomains'; tooltipDisabled: 'tooltipDisabled'; xScaleMin: 'xScaleMin'; xScaleMax: 'xScaleMax'; yScaleMin: 'yScaleMin'; yScaleMax: 'yScaleMax'; wrapTicks: 'wrapTicks'; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate', 'seriesTooltipTemplate'], never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AreaChartComponent, never>;
property rotateXAxisTicks
rotateXAxisTicks: boolean;
property roundDomains
roundDomains: boolean;
property scaleType
scaleType: ScaleType;
property schemeType
schemeType: ScaleType;
property series
series: Series;
property seriesDomain
seriesDomain: string[];
property seriesTooltipTemplate
seriesTooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property timeline
timeline: boolean;
property timelineHeight
timelineHeight: number;
property timelinePadding
timelinePadding: number;
property timelineTransform
timelineTransform: any;
property timelineWidth
timelineWidth: number;
property timelineXDomain
timelineXDomain: any[];
property timelineXScale
timelineXScale: any;
property timelineYScale
timelineYScale: any;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property trackBy
trackBy: TrackByFunction<Series>;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimXAxisTicks
trimXAxisTicks: boolean;
property trimYAxisTicks
trimYAxisTicks: boolean;
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: boolean;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xAxisTickFormatting
xAxisTickFormatting: any;
property xAxisTicks
xAxisTicks: any[];
property xDomain
xDomain: any[];
property xScale
xScale: any;
property xScaleMax
xScaleMax: any;
property xScaleMin
xScaleMin: any;
property xSet
xSet: any;
property yAxis
yAxis: boolean;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisTickFormatting
yAxisTickFormatting: any;
property yAxisTicks
yAxisTicks: any[];
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
property yDomain
yDomain: [number, number];
property yScale
yScale: any;
property yScaleMax
yScaleMax: number;
property yScaleMin
yScaleMin: number;
method deactivateAll
deactivateAll: () => void;
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => LegendOptions;
method getScaleType
getScaleType: (values: any) => ScaleType;
method getSeriesDomain
getSeriesDomain: () => string[];
method getXDomain
getXDomain: () => any[];
method getXScale
getXScale: (domain: any, width: number) => number;
method getYDomain
getYDomain: () => [number, number];
method getYScale
getYScale: (domain: [number, number], height: number) => any;
method hideCircles
hideCircles: () => void;
method onActivate
onActivate: (item: any) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any, series?: Series) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (item: any) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateDomain
updateDomain: (domain: any) => void;
method updateHoveredVertical
updateHoveredVertical: (item: any) => void;
method updateTimeline
updateTimeline: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: number }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: number }) => void;
class AreaChartModule
class AreaChartModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AreaChartModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<AreaChartModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< AreaChartModule, [ typeof i1.AreaChartComponent, typeof i2.AreaChartNormalizedComponent, typeof i3.AreaChartStackedComponent, typeof i4.AreaSeriesComponent ], [typeof i5.ChartCommonModule], [ typeof i1.AreaChartComponent, typeof i2.AreaChartNormalizedComponent, typeof i3.AreaChartStackedComponent, typeof i4.AreaSeriesComponent ]>;
class AreaChartNormalizedComponent
class AreaChartNormalizedComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property clipPath
clipPath: string;
property clipPathId
clipPathId: string;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property curve
curve: any;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property filteredDomain
filteredDomain: any;
property gradient
gradient: any;
property hoveredVertical
hoveredVertical: any;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: LegendOptions;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property maxXAxisTickLength
maxXAxisTickLength: number;
property maxYAxisTickLength
maxYAxisTickLength: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< AreaChartNormalizedComponent, 'ngx-charts-area-chart-normalized', never, { legend: 'legend'; legendTitle: 'legendTitle'; legendPosition: 'legendPosition'; xAxis: 'xAxis'; yAxis: 'yAxis'; showXAxisLabel: 'showXAxisLabel'; showYAxisLabel: 'showYAxisLabel'; xAxisLabel: 'xAxisLabel'; yAxisLabel: 'yAxisLabel'; timeline: 'timeline'; gradient: 'gradient'; showGridLines: 'showGridLines'; curve: 'curve'; activeEntries: 'activeEntries'; schemeType: 'schemeType'; trimXAxisTicks: 'trimXAxisTicks'; trimYAxisTicks: 'trimYAxisTicks'; rotateXAxisTicks: 'rotateXAxisTicks'; maxXAxisTickLength: 'maxXAxisTickLength'; maxYAxisTickLength: 'maxYAxisTickLength'; xAxisTickFormatting: 'xAxisTickFormatting'; yAxisTickFormatting: 'yAxisTickFormatting'; xAxisTicks: 'xAxisTicks'; yAxisTicks: 'yAxisTicks'; roundDomains: 'roundDomains'; tooltipDisabled: 'tooltipDisabled'; wrapTicks: 'wrapTicks'; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate', 'seriesTooltipTemplate'], never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AreaChartNormalizedComponent, never>;
property rotateXAxisTicks
rotateXAxisTicks: boolean;
property roundDomains
roundDomains: boolean;
property scaleType
scaleType: ScaleType;
property schemeType
schemeType: ScaleType;
property seriesDomain
seriesDomain: any;
property seriesTooltipTemplate
seriesTooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property seriesType
seriesType: typeof SeriesType;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property timeline
timeline: any;
property timelineHeight
timelineHeight: number;
property timelinePadding
timelinePadding: number;
property timelineTransform
timelineTransform: any;
property timelineWidth
timelineWidth: any;
property timelineXDomain
timelineXDomain: any;
property timelineXScale
timelineXScale: any;
property timelineYScale
timelineYScale: any;
property tooltipAreas
tooltipAreas: any[];
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property trackBy
trackBy: TrackByFunction<Series>;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimXAxisTicks
trimXAxisTicks: boolean;
property trimYAxisTicks
trimYAxisTicks: boolean;
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: boolean;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xAxisTickFormatting
xAxisTickFormatting: any;
property xAxisTicks
xAxisTicks: any[];
property xDomain
xDomain: any[];
property xScale
xScale: any;
property xSet
xSet: any[];
property yAxis
yAxis: boolean;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisTickFormatting
yAxisTickFormatting: any;
property yAxisTicks
yAxisTicks: any[];
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
property yDomain
yDomain: [number, number];
property yScale
yScale: any;
method deactivateAll
deactivateAll: () => void;
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => LegendOptions;
method getSeriesDomain
getSeriesDomain: () => string[];
method getXDomain
getXDomain: () => any[];
method getXScale
getXScale: (domain: any, width: number) => any;
method getYScale
getYScale: (domain: any, height: number) => any;
method hideCircles
hideCircles: () => void;
method onActivate
onActivate: (item: any) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any, series?: any) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (item: any) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateDomain
updateDomain: (domain: any) => void;
method updateHoveredVertical
updateHoveredVertical: (item: any) => void;
method updateTimeline
updateTimeline: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: number }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: number }) => void;
class AreaChartStackedComponent
class AreaChartStackedComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property clipPath
clipPath: string;
property clipPathId
clipPathId: string;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property curve
curve: any;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property filteredDomain
filteredDomain: any;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property hoveredVertical
hoveredVertical: any;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: any;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property maxXAxisTickLength
maxXAxisTickLength: number;
property maxYAxisTickLength
maxYAxisTickLength: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< AreaChartStackedComponent, 'ngx-charts-area-chart-stacked', never, { legend: 'legend'; legendTitle: 'legendTitle'; legendPosition: 'legendPosition'; xAxis: 'xAxis'; yAxis: 'yAxis'; showXAxisLabel: 'showXAxisLabel'; showYAxisLabel: 'showYAxisLabel'; xAxisLabel: 'xAxisLabel'; yAxisLabel: 'yAxisLabel'; timeline: 'timeline'; gradient: 'gradient'; showGridLines: 'showGridLines'; curve: 'curve'; activeEntries: 'activeEntries'; schemeType: 'schemeType'; trimXAxisTicks: 'trimXAxisTicks'; trimYAxisTicks: 'trimYAxisTicks'; rotateXAxisTicks: 'rotateXAxisTicks'; maxXAxisTickLength: 'maxXAxisTickLength'; maxYAxisTickLength: 'maxYAxisTickLength'; xAxisTickFormatting: 'xAxisTickFormatting'; yAxisTickFormatting: 'yAxisTickFormatting'; xAxisTicks: 'xAxisTicks'; yAxisTicks: 'yAxisTicks'; roundDomains: 'roundDomains'; tooltipDisabled: 'tooltipDisabled'; xScaleMin: 'xScaleMin'; xScaleMax: 'xScaleMax'; yScaleMin: 'yScaleMin'; yScaleMax: 'yScaleMax'; wrapTicks: 'wrapTicks'; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate', 'seriesTooltipTemplate'], never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AreaChartStackedComponent, never>;
property rotateXAxisTicks
rotateXAxisTicks: boolean;
property roundDomains
roundDomains: boolean;
property scaleType
scaleType: ScaleType;
property schemeType
schemeType: ScaleType;
property seriesDomain
seriesDomain: any;
property seriesTooltipTemplate
seriesTooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property seriesType
seriesType: typeof SeriesType;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property timeline
timeline: boolean;
property timelineHeight
timelineHeight: number;
property timelinePadding
timelinePadding: number;
property timelineTransform
timelineTransform: any;
property timelineWidth
timelineWidth: number;
property timelineXDomain
timelineXDomain: any;
property timelineXScale
timelineXScale: any;
property timelineYScale
timelineYScale: any;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimXAxisTicks
trimXAxisTicks: boolean;
property trimYAxisTicks
trimYAxisTicks: boolean;
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: boolean;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xAxisTickFormatting
xAxisTickFormatting: any;
property xAxisTicks
xAxisTicks: any[];
property xDomain
xDomain: any[];
property xScale
xScale: any;
property xScaleMax
xScaleMax: any;
property xScaleMin
xScaleMin: any;
property xSet
xSet: any[];
property yAxis
yAxis: boolean;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisTickFormatting
yAxisTickFormatting: any;
property yAxisTicks
yAxisTicks: any[];
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
property yDomain
yDomain: [number, number];
property yScale
yScale: any;
property yScaleMax
yScaleMax: number;
property yScaleMin
yScaleMin: number;
method deactivateAll
deactivateAll: () => void;
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => LegendOptions;
method getSeriesDomain
getSeriesDomain: () => string[];
method getXDomain
getXDomain: () => any[];
method getXScale
getXScale: (domain: any, width: number) => any;
method getYDomain
getYDomain: () => [number, number];
method getYScale
getYScale: (domain: any, height: number) => any;
method hideCircles
hideCircles: () => void;
method onActivate
onActivate: (item: any) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any, series?: any) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (item: any) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method trackBy
trackBy: (index: any, item: any) => string;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateDomain
updateDomain: (domain: any) => void;
method updateHoveredVertical
updateHoveredVertical: (item: any) => void;
method updateTimeline
updateTimeline: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: number }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: number }) => void;
class AreaComponent
class AreaComponent implements