
  • Version 4.0.3
  • Published
  • 435 kB
  • 16 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i @tarojs/cli
yarn add @tarojs/cli
pnpm add @tarojs/cli


cli tool for taro



variable _default

const _default: {
doctor: { validators: ((args: any) => any)[] };
Project: typeof Project;
Creator: typeof Creator;
defineConfig: typeof defineConfig;
getRootPath: typeof getRootPath;

    variable doctor

    const doctor: { validators: ((args: any) => any)[] };


      function defineConfig

      defineConfig: <T extends CompilerTypes = CompilerWebpackTypes>(
      config: UserConfigExport<T>
      ) => UserConfigExport<T>;
      • v3.6.9 暂不支持 react native

      function getRootPath

      getRootPath: () => string;


        class Creator

        class Creator {}


          constructor(sourceRoot?: string);

            property rootPath

            rootPath: string;

              method init

              init: () => void;

                method sourceRoot

                sourceRoot: (rootPath?: string) => string;

                  method templatePath

                  templatePath: (...args: string[]) => string;

                    method write

                    write: () => void;

                      class Project

                      class Project extends Creator {}


                        constructor(options: IProjectConfOptions);

                          property askCompiler

                          askCompiler: AskMethods;

                            property askCSS

                            askCSS: AskMethods;

                              property askDescription

                              askDescription: AskMethods;

                                property askFramework

                                askFramework: AskMethods;

                                  property askNpm

                                  askNpm: AskMethods;

                                    property askProjectName

                                    askProjectName: AskMethods;

                                      property askTemplate

                                      askTemplate: AskMethods;

                                        property askTemplateSource

                                        askTemplateSource: AskMethods;

                                          property askTypescript

                                          askTypescript: AskMethods;

                                            property conf

                                            conf: IProjectConfOptions;

                                              property rootPath

                                              rootPath: string;

                                                method ask

                                                ask: () => Promise<{
                                                projectName: string;
                                                projectDir: string;
                                                npm: NpmType;
                                                templateSource: string;
                                                clone?: boolean | undefined;
                                                template: string;
                                                description?: string | undefined;
                                                typescript?: boolean | undefined;
                                                css: CSSType;
                                                date?: string | undefined;
                                                src?: string | undefined;
                                                sourceRoot?: string | undefined;
                                                env?: string | undefined;
                                                autoInstall?: boolean | undefined;
                                                hideDefaultTemplate?: boolean | undefined;
                                                framework: FrameworkType;
                                                compiler?: CompilerType | undefined;

                                                  method create

                                                  create: () => Promise<void>;

                                                    method fetchTemplates

                                                    fetchTemplates: (answers: IProjectConf) => Promise<ITemplates[]>;

                                                      method init

                                                      init: () => void;

                                                        method write

                                                        write: (cb?: () => void) => void;


                                                          interface ConfigEnv

                                                          interface ConfigEnv {}

                                                            property command

                                                            command: string;
                                                            • taro 当前执行的命令

                                                            property mode

                                                            mode: string;
                                                            • 当前模式 (mode)

                                                            Type Aliases

                                                            type UserConfigExport

                                                            type UserConfigExport<T extends CompilerTypes = CompilerWebpackTypes> =
                                                            | IProjectConfig<T>
                                                            | Promise<IProjectConfig<T>>
                                                            | UserConfigFn;

                                                              type UserConfigFn

                                                              type UserConfigFn<T extends CompilerTypes = CompilerWebpackTypes> = (
                                                              merge: WebpackMerge,
                                                              env: ConfigEnv
                                                              ) => IProjectConfig<T> | Promise<IProjectConfig<T>>;


                                                                namespace @tarojs/components

                                                                module '@tarojs/components' {}

                                                                  namespace *.css

                                                                  module '*.css' {}

                                                                    namespace *.gif

                                                                    module '*.gif' {}

                                                                      namespace *.jpeg

                                                                      module '*.jpeg' {}

                                                                        namespace *.jpg

                                                                        module '*.jpg' {}

                                                                          namespace *.json

                                                                          module '*.json' {}

                                                                            variable value

                                                                            const value: any;

                                                                              namespace *.less

                                                                              module '*.less' {}

                                                                                namespace *.png

                                                                                module '*.png' {}

                                                                                  namespace *.sass

                                                                                  module '*.sass' {}

                                                                                    namespace *.scss

                                                                                    module '*.scss' {}

                                                                                      namespace *.styl

                                                                                      module '*.styl' {}

                                                                                        namespace *.svg

                                                                                        module '*.svg' {}

                                                                                          Package Files (8)

                                                                                          Dependencies (16)

                                                                                          Dev Dependencies (9)

                                                                                          Peer Dependencies (0)

                                                                                          No peer dependencies.


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