- Version 1.40.18
- Published
- 291 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
npm i @types/atom
yarn add @types/atom
pnpm add @types/atom
TypeScript definitions for atom
- create()
- createReadStream()
- createWriteStream()
- exists()
- existsSync()
- getBaseName()
- getDigest()
- getDigestSync()
- getEncoding()
- getParent()
- getPath()
- getRealPath()
- getRealPathSync()
- isDirectory()
- isFile()
- isSymbolicLink()
- onDidChange()
- onDidDelete()
- onDidRename()
- onWillThrowWatchError()
- read()
- setEncoding()
- write()
- writeSync()
- checkoutHead()
- checkoutReference()
- destroy()
- getAheadBehindCount()
- getCachedPathStatus()
- getCachedUpstreamAheadBehindCount()
- getConfigValue()
- getDiffStats()
- getDirectoryStatus()
- getLineDiffs()
- getOriginURL()
- getPath()
- getPathStatus()
- getReferences()
- getReferenceTarget()
- getShortHead()
- getType()
- getUpstreamBranch()
- getWorkingDirectory()
- hasBranch()
- isDestroyed()
- isPathIgnored()
- isPathModified()
- isPathNew()
- isProjectAtRoot()
- isStatusModified()
- isStatusNew()
- isSubmodule()
- onDidChangeStatus()
- onDidChangeStatuses()
- onDidDestroy()
- open()
- relativize()
- abortTransaction()
- addMarkerLayer()
- append()
- backwardsScan()
- backwardsScanInRange()
- characterIndexForPosition()
- clearUndoStack()
- clipPosition()
- clipRange()
- createCheckpoint()
- delete()
- deleteRow()
- deleteRows()
- deserialize()
- destroy()
- destroyed
- findMarkers()
- getChangesSinceCheckpoint()
- getDefaultMarkerLayer()
- getEncoding()
- getEndPosition()
- getFirstPosition()
- getId()
- getLastLine()
- getLastRow()
- getLength()
- getLineCount()
- getLines()
- getMarker()
- getMarkerCount()
- getMarkerLayer()
- getMarkers()
- getMaxCharacterIndex()
- getPath()
- getRange()
- getStoppedChangingDelay()
- getText()
- getTextInRange()
- getUri()
- groupChangesSinceCheckpoint()
- groupLastChanges()
- hasAstral()
- hasMultipleEditors()
- id
- insert()
- isAlive()
- isDestroyed()
- isEmpty()
- isInConflict()
- isModified()
- isRetained()
- isRowBlank()
- lineEndingForRow()
- lineForRow()
- lineLengthForRow()
- load()
- loadSync()
- markPosition()
- markRange()
- nextNonBlankRow()
- onDidChange()
- onDidChangeEncoding()
- onDidChangeModified()
- onDidChangePath()
- onDidChangeText()
- onDidConflict()
- onDidCreateMarker()
- onDidDelete()
- onDidDestroy()
- onDidReload()
- onDidSave()
- onDidStopChanging()
- onDidUpdateMarkers()
- onWillChange()
- onWillReload()
- onWillSave()
- onWillThrowWatchError()
- positionForCharacterIndex()
- previousNonBlankRow()
- rangeForRow()
- redo()
- refcount
- release()
- reload()
- replace()
- retain()
- revertToCheckpoint()
- save()
- saveAs()
- scan()
- scanInRange()
- serialize()
- setEncoding()
- setFile()
- setPath()
- setText()
- setTextInRange()
- setTextViaDiff()
- transact()
- undo()
- abortTransaction()
- addCursorAtBufferPosition()
- addCursorAtScreenPosition()
- addGutter()
- addMarkerLayer()
- addSelectionForBufferRange()
- addSelectionForScreenRange()
- autoIndentSelectedRows()
- backspace()
- backwardsScanInBufferRange()
- bufferPositionForScreenPosition()
- bufferRangeForScopeAtCursor()
- bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition()
- bufferRangeForScreenRange()
- clipBufferPosition()
- clipBufferRange()
- clipScreenPosition()
- clipScreenRange()
- copySelectedText()
- createCheckpoint()
- cutSelectedText()
- cutToEndOfBufferLine()
- cutToEndOfLine()
- decorateMarker()
- decorateMarkerLayer()
- delete()
- deleteLine()
- deleteToBeginningOfLine()
- deleteToBeginningOfSubword()
- deleteToBeginningOfWord()
- deleteToEndOfLine()
- deleteToEndOfSubword()
- deleteToEndOfWord()
- deleteToNextWordBoundary()
- deleteToPreviousWordBoundary()
- findMarkers()
- foldAll()
- foldAllAtIndentLevel()
- foldBufferRow()
- foldCurrentRow()
- foldSelectedLines()
- getBuffer()
- getCurrentParagraphBufferRange()
- getCursorAtScreenPosition()
- getCursorBufferPosition()
- getCursorBufferPositions()
- getCursors()
- getCursorScreenPosition()
- getCursorScreenPositions()
- getCursorsOrderedByBufferPosition()
- getDecorations()
- getDefaultMarkerLayer()
- getEncoding()
- getGrammar()
- getGutters()
- getHighlightDecorations()
- getLastBufferRow()
- getLastCursor()
- getLastScreenRow()
- getLastSelection()
- getLineCount()
- getLineDecorations()
- getLineHeightInPixels()
- getLineNumberDecorations()
- getLongTitle()
- getMarker()
- getMarkerCount()
- getMarkerLayer()
- getMarkers()
- getOverlayDecorations()
- getPath()
- getPlaceholderText()
- getRootScopeDescriptor()
- getScreenLineCount()
- getSelectedBufferRange()
- getSelectedBufferRanges()
- getSelectedScreenRange()
- getSelectedScreenRanges()
- getSelectedText()
- getSelections()
- getSelectionsOrderedByBufferPosition()
- getSoftTabs()
- getSoftWrapColumn()
- getTabLength()
- getTabText()
- getText()
- getTextInBufferRange()
- getTitle()
- getWordUnderCursor()
- groupChangesSinceCheckpoint()
- gutterWithName()
- hasMultipleCursors()
- id
- indentationForBufferRow()
- indentLevelForLine()
- indentSelectedRows()
- insertNewline()
- insertNewlineAbove()
- insertNewlineBelow()
- insertText()
- isBufferRowCommented()
- isEmpty()
- isFoldableAtBufferRow()
- isFoldableAtScreenRow()
- isFoldedAtBufferRow()
- isFoldedAtCursorRow()
- isFoldedAtScreenRow()
- isModified()
- isReadOnly()
- isSoftWrapped()
- lineTextForBufferRow()
- lineTextForScreenRow()
- lowerCase()
- markBufferPosition()
- markBufferRange()
- markScreenPosition()
- markScreenRange()
- moveDown()
- moveLeft()
- moveRight()
- moveToBeginningOfLine()
- moveToBeginningOfNextParagraph()
- moveToBeginningOfNextWord()
- moveToBeginningOfPreviousParagraph()
- moveToBeginningOfScreenLine()
- moveToBeginningOfWord()
- moveToBottom()
- moveToEndOfLine()
- moveToEndOfScreenLine()
- moveToEndOfWord()
- moveToFirstCharacterOfLine()
- moveToNextSubwordBoundary()
- moveToNextWordBoundary()
- moveToPreviousSubwordBoundary()
- moveToPreviousWordBoundary()
- moveToTop()
- moveUp()
- mutateSelectedText()
- observeCursors()
- observeDecorations()
- observeGrammar()
- observeGutters()
- observeSelections()
- onDidAddCursor()
- onDidAddDecoration()
- onDidAddGutter()
- onDidAddSelection()
- onDidChange()
- onDidChangeCursorPosition()
- onDidChangeEncoding()
- onDidChangeGrammar()
- onDidChangeModified()
- onDidChangePath()
- onDidChangePlaceholderText()
- onDidChangeSelectionRange()
- onDidChangeSoftWrapped()
- onDidChangeTitle()
- onDidConflict()
- onDidDestroy()
- onDidInsertText()
- onDidRemoveCursor()
- onDidRemoveDecoration()
- onDidRemoveGutter()
- onDidRemoveSelection()
- onDidSave()
- onDidStopChanging()
- onWillInsertText()
- outdentSelectedRows()
- pasteText()
- redo()
- revertToCheckpoint()
- save()
- saveAs()
- scan()
- scanInBufferRange()
- scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition()
- screenPositionForBufferPosition()
- screenRangeForBufferRange()
- scrollToBufferPosition()
- scrollToCursorPosition()
- scrollToScreenPosition()
- selectAll()
- selectDown()
- selectionIntersectsBufferRange()
- selectLargerSyntaxNode()
- selectLeft()
- selectLinesContainingCursors()
- selectMarker()
- selectRight()
- selectSmallerSyntaxNode()
- selectToBeginningOfLine()
- selectToBeginningOfNextParagraph()
- selectToBeginningOfNextWord()
- selectToBeginningOfPreviousParagraph()
- selectToBeginningOfWord()
- selectToBottom()
- selectToBufferPosition()
- selectToEndOfLine()
- selectToEndOfWord()
- selectToFirstCharacterOfLine()
- selectToNextSubwordBoundary()
- selectToNextWordBoundary()
- selectToPreviousSubwordBoundary()
- selectToPreviousWordBoundary()
- selectToScreenPosition()
- selectToTop()
- selectUp()
- selectWordsContainingCursors()
- setCursorBufferPosition()
- setCursorScreenPosition()
- setEncoding()
- setIndentationForBufferRow()
- setPlaceholderText()
- setReadOnly()
- setSelectedBufferRange()
- setSelectedBufferRanges()
- setSelectedScreenRange()
- setSelectedScreenRanges()
- setSoftTabs()
- setSoftWrapped()
- setTabLength()
- setText()
- setTextInBufferRange()
- syntaxTreeScopeDescriptorForBufferPosition()
- toggleFoldAtBufferRow()
- toggleLineCommentsInSelection()
- toggleSoftTabs()
- toggleSoftWrapped()
- tokenForBufferPosition()
- transact()
- transpose()
- undo()
- unfoldAll()
- unfoldBufferRow()
- unfoldCurrentRow()
- upperCase()
- usesSoftTabs()
- beep()
- center()
- clipboard
- close()
- commands
- config
- confirm()
- contextMenu
- deserializers
- displayWindow()
- executeJavaScriptInDevTools()
- focus()
- getAppName()
- getConfigDirPath()
- getCurrentWindow()
- getLoadSettings()
- getPosition()
- getReleaseChannel()
- getSize()
- getStartupMarkers()
- getVersion()
- getWindowDimensions()
- getWindowLoadTime()
- grammars
- hide()
- history
- inDevMode()
- inSafeMode()
- inSpecMode()
- isFullScreen()
- isMaximized()
- isReleasedVersion()
- keymaps
- menu
- notifications
- onDidBeep()
- onDidThrowError()
- onWillThrowError()
- open()
- openDevTools()
- packages
- pickFolder()
- project
- reload()
- restartApplication()
- setFullScreen()
- setPosition()
- setSize()
- setWindowDimensions()
- show()
- styles
- textEditors
- themes
- toggleDevTools()
- toggleFullScreen()
- tooltips
- views
- whenShellEnvironmentLoaded()
- workspace
- clearAutoscroll()
- clearSelection()
- compare()
- getBeginningOfCurrentWordBufferPosition()
- getBeginningOfNextWordBufferPosition()
- getBufferColumn()
- getBufferPosition()
- getBufferRow()
- getCurrentBufferLine()
- getCurrentLineBufferRange()
- getCurrentParagraphBufferRange()
- getCurrentWordBufferRange()
- getCurrentWordPrefix()
- getEndOfCurrentWordBufferPosition()
- getIndentLevel()
- getMarker()
- getNextWordBoundaryBufferPosition()
- getPreviousWordBoundaryBufferPosition()
- getScopeDescriptor()
- getScreenColumn()
- getScreenPosition()
- getScreenRow()
- getSyntaxTreeScopeDescriptor()
- hasPrecedingCharactersOnLine()
- isAtBeginningOfLine()
- isAtEndOfLine()
- isBetweenWordAndNonWord()
- isInsideWord()
- isLastCursor()
- isSurroundedByWhitespace()
- isVisible()
- moveDown()
- moveLeft()
- moveRight()
- moveToBeginningOfLine()
- moveToBeginningOfNextParagraph()
- moveToBeginningOfNextWord()
- moveToBeginningOfPreviousParagraph()
- moveToBeginningOfScreenLine()
- moveToBeginningOfWord()
- moveToBottom()
- moveToEndOfLine()
- moveToEndOfScreenLine()
- moveToEndOfWord()
- moveToFirstCharacterOfLine()
- moveToNextSubwordBoundary()
- moveToNextWordBoundary()
- moveToPreviousSubwordBoundary()
- moveToPreviousWordBoundary()
- moveToTop()
- moveUp()
- onDidChangePosition()
- onDidChangeVisibility()
- onDidDestroy()
- setBufferPosition()
- setScreenPosition()
- setVisible()
- skipLeadingWhitespace()
- subwordRegExp()
- wordRegExp()
- clearTail()
- compare()
- copy()
- destroy()
- getBufferRange()
- getEndBufferPosition()
- getEndScreenPosition()
- getHeadBufferPosition()
- getHeadScreenPosition()
- getInvalidationStrategy()
- getProperties()
- getScreenRange()
- getStartBufferPosition()
- getStartScreenPosition()
- getTailBufferPosition()
- getTailScreenPosition()
- hasTail()
- isDestroyed()
- isEqual()
- isExclusive()
- isReversed()
- isValid()
- matchesProperties()
- onDidChange()
- onDidDestroy()
- plantTail()
- setBufferRange()
- setHeadBufferPosition()
- setHeadScreenPosition()
- setProperties()
- setScreenRange()
- setTailBufferPosition()
- setTailScreenPosition()
- activate()
- activateNextPane()
- activatePreviousPane()
- getActivePane()
- getActivePaneItem()
- getPaneItems()
- getPanes()
- hide()
- isVisible()
- observeActivePane()
- observeActivePaneItem()
- observePaneItems()
- observePanes()
- observeVisible()
- onDidAddPane()
- onDidAddPaneItem()
- onDidChangeActivePane()
- onDidChangeActivePaneItem()
- onDidChangeHovered()
- onDidChangeVisible()
- onDidDestroyPane()
- onDidDestroyPaneItem()
- onDidStopChangingActivePaneItem()
- onWillDestroyPane()
- onWillDestroyPaneItem()
- show()
- toggle()
- containedInBufferRange
- containedInScreenRange
- containsBufferPosition
- containsBufferRange
- endBufferPosition
- endBufferRow
- endScreenPosition
- endScreenRow
- endsInBufferRange
- endsInScreenRange
- intersectsBufferRange
- intersectsBufferRowRange
- intersectsScreenRange
- intersectsScreenRowRange
- startBufferPosition
- startBufferRow
- startScreenPosition
- startScreenRow
- startsInBufferRange
- startsInScreenRange
- addGrammar()
- assignLanguageMode()
- autoAssignLanguageMode()
- decodeTokens()
- getGrammars()
- getGrammarScore()
- grammarForScopeName()
- loadGrammar()
- loadGrammarSync()
- maintainLanguageMode()
- onDidAddGrammar()
- onDidRemoveGrammar()
- onDidUpdateGrammar()
- readGrammar()
- readGrammarSync()
- removeGrammar()
- removeGrammarForScopeName()
- selectGrammar()
- add()
- addKeystrokeResolver()
- build()
- clear()
- destroy()
- findKeyBindings()
- getKeyBindings()
- getPartialMatchTimeout()
- handleKeyboardEvent()
- keystrokeForKeyboardEvent()
- loadKeymap()
- onDidFailToMatchBinding()
- onDidFailToReadFile()
- onDidMatchBinding()
- onDidPartiallyMatchBindings()
- onDidReloadKeymap()
- onDidUnloadKeymap()
- watchKeymap()
- activatePackage()
- deactivatePackage()
- disablePackage()
- enablePackage()
- getActivePackage()
- getActivePackages()
- getApmPath()
- getAvailablePackageMetadata()
- getAvailablePackageNames()
- getAvailablePackagePaths()
- getLoadedPackage()
- getLoadedPackages()
- getPackageDirPaths()
- hasActivatedInitialPackages()
- hasLoadedInitialPackages()
- isBundledPackage()
- isPackageActive()
- isPackageDisabled()
- isPackageLoaded()
- onDidActivateInitialPackages()
- onDidActivatePackage()
- onDidDeactivatePackage()
- onDidLoadInitialPackages()
- onDidLoadPackage()
- onDidTriggerActivationHook()
- onDidUnloadPackage()
- resolvePackagePath()
- triggerActivationHook()
- triggerDeferredActivationHooks()
- activate()
- activateItem()
- activateItemAtIndex()
- activateItemForURI()
- activateNextItem()
- activatePreviousItem()
- addItem()
- addItems()
- destroy()
- destroyActiveItem()
- destroyInactiveItems()
- destroyItem()
- destroyItems()
- getActiveItem()
- getActiveItemIndex()
- getItems()
- isActive()
- isDestroyed()
- itemAtIndex()
- itemForURI()
- moveItem()
- moveItemLeft()
- moveItemRight()
- moveItemToPane()
- observeActive()
- observeActiveItem()
- observeFlexScale()
- observeItems()
- onChooseLastMRUItem()
- onChooseNextMRUItem()
- onDidActivate()
- onDidAddItem()
- onDidChangeActive()
- onDidChangeActiveItem()
- onDidChangeFlexScale()
- onDidDestroy()
- onDidMoveItem()
- onDidRemoveItem()
- onDoneChoosingMRUItem()
- onWillDestroy()
- onWillDestroyItem()
- onWillRemoveItem()
- saveActiveItem()
- saveActiveItemAs()
- saveItem()
- saveItemAs()
- saveItems()
- splitDown()
- splitLeft()
- splitRight()
- splitUp()
- addSelectionAbove()
- addSelectionBelow()
- autoIndentSelectedRows()
- backspace()
- clear()
- compare()
- copy()
- cut()
- cutToEndOfBufferLine()
- cutToEndOfLine()
- delete()
- deleteLine()
- deleteSelectedText()
- deleteToBeginningOfLine()
- deleteToBeginningOfSubword()
- deleteToBeginningOfWord()
- deleteToEndOfLine()
- deleteToEndOfSubword()
- deleteToEndOfWord()
- deleteToNextWordBoundary()
- deleteToPreviousWordBoundary()
- expandOverLine()
- expandOverWord()
- fold()
- getBufferRange()
- getBufferRowRange()
- getScreenRange()
- getText()
- indentSelectedRows()
- insertText()
- intersectsBufferRange()
- intersectsWith()
- isEmpty()
- isReversed()
- isSingleScreenLine()
- joinLines()
- merge()
- onDidChangeRange()
- onDidDestroy()
- outdentSelectedRows()
- selectAll()
- selectDown()
- selectLeft()
- selectLine()
- selectRight()
- selectToBeginningOfLine()
- selectToBeginningOfNextParagraph()
- selectToBeginningOfNextWord()
- selectToBeginningOfPreviousParagraph()
- selectToBeginningOfWord()
- selectToBottom()
- selectToBufferPosition()
- selectToEndOfBufferLine()
- selectToEndOfLine()
- selectToEndOfWord()
- selectToFirstCharacterOfLine()
- selectToNextSubwordBoundary()
- selectToNextWordBoundary()
- selectToPreviousSubwordBoundary()
- selectToPreviousWordBoundary()
- selectToScreenPosition()
- selectToTop()
- selectUp()
- selectWord()
- setBufferRange()
- setScreenRange()
- toggleLineComments()
- getBaseCharacterWidth()
- getComponent()
- getModel()
- getNextUpdatePromise()
- getScrollHeight()
- getScrollLeft()
- getScrollTop()
- hasFocus()
- onDidAttach()
- onDidChangeScrollLeft()
- onDidChangeScrollTop()
- onDidDetach()
- pixelPositionForBufferPosition()
- pixelPositionForScreenPosition()
- scrollToBottom()
- scrollToTop()
- setScrollLeft()
- setScrollTop()
- activateNextPane()
- activatePreviousPane()
- addBottomPanel()
- addFooterPanel()
- addHeaderPanel()
- addLeftPanel()
- addModalPanel()
- addOpener()
- addRightPanel()
- addTopPanel()
- buildTextEditor()
- createItemForURI()
- getActivePane()
- getActivePaneContainer()
- getActivePaneItem()
- getActiveTextEditor()
- getBottomDock()
- getBottomPanels()
- getCenter()
- getFooterPanels()
- getHeaderPanels()
- getLeftDock()
- getLeftPanels()
- getModalPanels()
- getPaneContainers()
- getPaneItems()
- getPanes()
- getRightDock()
- getRightPanels()
- getTextEditors()
- getTopPanels()
- hide()
- isTextEditor()
- observeActivePane()
- observeActivePaneItem()
- observeActiveTextEditor()
- observePaneItems()
- observePanes()
- observeTextEditors()
- onDidAddPane()
- onDidAddPaneItem()
- onDidAddTextEditor()
- onDidChangeActivePane()
- onDidChangeActivePaneItem()
- onDidChangeActiveTextEditor()
- onDidDestroyPane()
- onDidDestroyPaneItem()
- onDidOpen()
- onDidStopChangingActivePaneItem()
- onWillDestroyPane()
- onWillDestroyPaneItem()
- open()
- paneContainerForItem()
- paneContainerForURI()
- paneForItem()
- paneForURI()
- panelForItem()
- reopenItem()
- replace()
- scan()
- toggle()
- activateNextPane()
- activatePreviousPane()
- destroyActivePane()
- getActivePane()
- getActivePaneItem()
- getActiveTextEditor()
- getPaneItems()
- getPanes()
- getTextEditors()
- observeActivePane()
- observeActivePaneItem()
- observePaneItems()
- observePanes()
- observeTextEditors()
- onDidAddPane()
- onDidAddPaneItem()
- onDidAddTextEditor()
- onDidChangeActivePane()
- onDidChangeActivePaneItem()
- onDidDestroyPane()
- onDidDestroyPaneItem()
- onDidStopChangingActivePaneItem()
- onWillDestroyPane()
- onWillDestroyPaneItem()
- paneForItem()
- paneForURI()
- saveAll()
Type Aliases
function watchPath
watchPath: ( rootPath: string, options: {}, eventCallback: (events: FilesystemChangeEvent) => void) => Promise<PathWatcher>;
Invoke a callback with each filesystem event that occurs beneath a specified path. If you only need to watch events within the project's root paths, use Project::onDidChangeFiles instead.
class BufferedNodeProcess
class BufferedNodeProcess extends BufferedProcess {}
Like BufferedProcess, but accepts a Node script as the command to run. This is necessary on Windows since it doesn't support shebang #! lines.
constructor(options: NodeProcessOptions);
Runs the given Node script by spawning a new child process.
class BufferedProcess
class BufferedProcess {}
A wrapper which provides standard error/output line buffering for Node's ChildProcess.
constructor(options: ProcessOptions);
property process
readonly process?: any;
method kill
kill: () => void;
Terminate the process.
method onWillThrowError
onWillThrowError: ( callback: (errorObject: HandleableErrorEvent) => void) => Disposable;
Will call your callback when an error will be raised by the process. Usually this is due to the command not being available or not on the PATH. You can call handle() on the object passed to your callback to indicate that you have handled this error.
method start
start: () => void;
Runs the process.
class CompositeDisposable
class CompositeDisposable implements DisposableLike {}
An object that aggregates multiple Disposable instances together into a single disposable, so they can all be disposed as a group.
constructor(...disposables: DisposableLike[]);
Construct an instance, optionally with one or more disposables.
method add
add: (...disposables: DisposableLike[]) => void;
Add disposables to be disposed when the composite is disposed. If this object has already been disposed, this method has no effect.
method clear
clear: () => void;
Clear all disposables. They will not be disposed by the next call to dispose.
method delete
delete: (disposable: DisposableLike) => void;
Alias to CompositeDisposable::remove.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose all disposables added to this composite disposable. If this object has already been disposed, this method has no effect.
method remove
remove: (disposable: DisposableLike) => void;
Remove a previously added disposable.
class Directory
class Directory {}
Represents a directory on disk that can be watched for changes.
constructor(directoryPath: string, symlink?: boolean);
Configures a new Directory instance, no files are accessed.
method contains
contains: (pathToCheck: string) => boolean;
Determines if the given path (real or symbolic) is inside this directory. This method does not actually check if the path exists, it just checks if the path is under this directory.
method create
create: (mode?: number) => Promise<boolean>;
Creates the directory on disk that corresponds to ::getPath() if no such directory already exists.
method exists
exists: () => Promise<boolean>;
Returns a promise that resolves to a boolean, true if the directory exists, false otherwise.
method existsSync
existsSync: () => boolean;
Returns a boolean, true if the directory exists, false otherwise.
method getBaseName
getBaseName: () => string;
Returns the string basename of the directory.
method getEntries
getEntries: ( callback: (error: Error | null, entries: Array<File | Directory>) => void) => void;
Reads file entries in this directory from disk asynchronously.
method getEntriesSync
getEntriesSync: () => Array<File | Directory>;
Reads file entries in this directory from disk synchronously.
method getFile
getFile: (filename: string) => File;
Traverse within this Directory to a child File. This method doesn't actually check to see if the File exists, it just creates the File object.
method getParent
getParent: () => Directory;
Traverse to the parent directory.
method getPath
getPath: () => string;
This may include unfollowed symlinks or relative directory entries. Or it may be fully resolved, it depends on what you give it.
method getRealPathSync
getRealPathSync: () => string;
All relative directory entries are removed and symlinks are resolved to their final destination.
method getSubdirectory
getSubdirectory: (dirname: string) => Directory;
Traverse within this a Directory to a child Directory. This method doesn't actually check to see if the Directory exists, it just creates the Directory object.
method isDirectory
isDirectory: () => this is Directory;
Returns a boolean, always true.
method isFile
isFile: () => this is File;
Returns a boolean, always false.
method isRoot
isRoot: () => boolean;
Return a boolean, true if this Directory is the root directory of the filesystem, or false if it isn't.
method isSymbolicLink
isSymbolicLink: () => boolean;
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not this is a symbolic link.
method onDidChange
onDidChange: (callback: () => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback when the directory's contents change.
method relativize
relativize: (fullPath: string) => string;
Returns the relative string path to the given path from this directory.
class Disposable
class Disposable implements DisposableLike {}
A handle to a resource that can be disposed.
constructor(disposableAction?: () => void);
Construct a Disposable.
method disposalAction
disposalAction: () => void;
A callback which will be called within dispose().
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Perform the disposal action, indicating that the resource associated with this disposable is no longer needed.
method isDisposable
static isDisposable: (object: object) => boolean;
Ensure that Object correctly implements the Disposable contract.
class Emitter
class Emitter<OptionalEmissions = { [key: string]: any }, RequiredEmissions = {}> implements DisposableLike {}
Utility class to be used when implementing event-based APIs that allows for handlers registered via ::on to be invoked with calls to ::emit.
Construct an emitter.
method clear
clear: () => void;
Clear out any existing subscribers.
method dispose
dispose: () => boolean;
Unsubscribe all handlers.
method emit
emit: { <T extends keyof OptionalEmissions>( eventName: T, value?: OptionalEmissions[T] ): void; <T extends keyof RequiredEmissions>( eventName: T, value: RequiredEmissions[T] ): void;};
Invoke the handlers registered via ::on for the given event name.
method on
on: { <T extends keyof OptionalEmissions>( eventName: T, handler: (value?: OptionalEmissions[T]) => void ): Disposable; <T extends keyof RequiredEmissions>( eventName: T, handler: (value: RequiredEmissions[T]) => void ): Disposable;};
Registers a handler to be invoked whenever the given event is emitted.
method once
once: { <T extends keyof OptionalEmissions>( eventName: T, handler: (value?: OptionalEmissions[T]) => void ): Disposable; <T extends keyof RequiredEmissions>( eventName: T, handler: (value: RequiredEmissions[T]) => void ): Disposable;};
Register the given handler function to be invoked the next time an event with the given name is emitted via ::emit.
method preempt
preempt: { <T extends keyof OptionalEmissions>( eventName: T, handler: (value?: OptionalEmissions[T]) => void ): Disposable; <T extends keyof RequiredEmissions>( eventName: T, handler: (value: RequiredEmissions[T]) => void ): Disposable;};
Register the given handler function to be invoked before all other handlers existing at the time of subscription whenever events by the given name are emitted via ::emit.
class File
class File {}
Represents an individual file that can be watched, read from, and written to.
constructor(filePath: string, symlink?: boolean);
Configures a new File instance, no files are accessed.
method create
create: () => Promise<boolean>;
Creates the file on disk that corresponds to ::getPath() if no such file already exists.
method createReadStream
createReadStream: () => ReadStream;
Returns a stream to read the content of the file.
method createWriteStream
createWriteStream: () => WriteStream;
Returns a stream to write content to the file.
method exists
exists: () => Promise<boolean>;
Returns a promise that resolves to a boolean, true if the file exists, false otherwise.
method existsSync
existsSync: () => boolean;
Returns a boolean, true if the file exists, false otherwise.
method getBaseName
getBaseName: () => string;
Return the string filename without any directory information.
method getDigest
getDigest: () => Promise<string>;
Get the SHA-1 digest of this file.
method getDigestSync
getDigestSync: () => string;
Get the SHA-1 digest of this file.
method getEncoding
getEncoding: () => string;
Returns the string encoding name for this file (default: "utf8").
method getParent
getParent: () => Directory;
Return the Directory that contains this file.
method getPath
getPath: () => string;
Returns the string path for the file.
method getRealPath
getRealPath: () => Promise<string>;
Returns a promise that resolves to the file's completely resolved string path.
method getRealPathSync
getRealPathSync: () => string;
Returns this file's completely resolved string path.
method isDirectory
isDirectory: () => this is Directory;
Returns a boolean, always false.
method isFile
isFile: () => this is File;
Returns a boolean, always true.
method isSymbolicLink
isSymbolicLink: () => boolean;
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not this is a symbolic link.
method onDidChange
onDidChange: (callback: () => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback when the file's contents change.
method onDidDelete
onDidDelete: (callback: () => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback when the file is deleted.
method onDidRename
onDidRename: (callback: () => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback when the file's path changes.
method onWillThrowWatchError
onWillThrowWatchError: ( callback: (event: PathWatchErrorThrownEvent) => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback when there is an error with the watch. When your callback has been invoked, the file will have unsubscribed from the file watches.
method read
read: (flushCache?: boolean) => Promise<string | null>;
Reads the contents of the file.
method setEncoding
setEncoding: (encoding: string) => void;
Sets the file's character set encoding name.
method write
write: (text: string) => Promise<undefined>;
Overwrites the file with the given text.
method writeSync
writeSync: (text: string) => undefined;
Overwrites the file with the given text.
class GitRepository
class GitRepository {}
Represents the underlying git operations performed by Atom.
constructor( path: string, options?: { refreshOnWindowFocus?: boolean | undefined; config?: Config | undefined; project?: Project | undefined; });
method checkoutHead
checkoutHead: (path: string) => boolean;
Restore the contents of a path in the working directory and index to the version at HEAD.
method checkoutReference
checkoutReference: (reference: string, create: boolean) => boolean;
Checks out a branch in your repository.
method destroy
destroy: () => void;
Destroy this GitRepository object.
method getAheadBehindCount
getAheadBehindCount: ( reference: string, path?: string) => { ahead: number; behind: number };
Returns the number of commits behind the current branch is from the its upstream remote branch. The default reference is the HEAD.
Parameter reference
The branch reference name.
Parameter path
The path in the repository to get this ifnromation for, only needed if the repository contains submodules. Returns the number of commits behind the current branch is from its upstream remote branch.
method getCachedPathStatus
getCachedPathStatus: (path: string) => number | null;
Get the cached status for the given path.
method getCachedUpstreamAheadBehindCount
getCachedUpstreamAheadBehindCount: (path?: string) => { ahead: number; behind: number;};
Get the cached ahead/behind commit counts for the current branch's upstream branch.
method getConfigValue
getConfigValue: (key: string, path?: string) => string;
Returns the git configuration value specified by the key.
method getDiffStats
getDiffStats: (path: string) => { added: number; deleted: number };
Retrieves the number of lines added and removed to a path. This compares the working directory contents of the path to the HEAD version.
method getDirectoryStatus
getDirectoryStatus: (path: string) => number;
Get the status of a directory in the repository's working directory.
method getLineDiffs
getLineDiffs: ( path: string, text: string) => Array<{ oldStart: number; newStart: number; oldLines: number; newLines: number;}>;
Retrieves the line diffs comparing the HEAD version of the given path and the given text.
method getOriginURL
getOriginURL: (path?: string) => string;
Returns the origin url of the repository.
method getPath
getPath: () => string;
Returns the string path of the repository.
method getPathStatus
getPathStatus: (path: string) => number;
Get the status of a single path in the repository.
method getReferences
getReferences: (path?: string) => { heads: string[]; remotes: string[]; tags: string[];};
Gets all the local and remote references.
method getReferenceTarget
getReferenceTarget: (reference: string, path?: string) => string;
Returns the current string SHA for the given reference.
method getShortHead
getShortHead: (path?: string) => string;
Retrieves a shortened version of the HEAD reference value.
method getType
getType: () => 'git';
A string indicating the type of version control system used by this repository.
method getUpstreamBranch
getUpstreamBranch: (path?: string) => string | null;
Returns the upstream branch for the current HEAD, or null if there is no upstream branch for the current HEAD.
method getWorkingDirectory
getWorkingDirectory: () => string;
Returns the string working directory path of the repository.
method hasBranch
hasBranch: (branch: string) => boolean;
Returns true if the given branch exists.
method isDestroyed
isDestroyed: () => boolean;
Returns a boolean indicating if this repository has been destroyed.
method isPathIgnored
isPathIgnored: (path: string) => boolean;
Is the given path ignored?
method isPathModified
isPathModified: (path: string) => boolean;
Returns true if the given path is modified.
method isPathNew
isPathNew: (path: string) => boolean;
Returns true if the given path is new.
method isProjectAtRoot
isProjectAtRoot: () => boolean;
Returns true if at the root, false if in a subfolder of the repository.
method isStatusModified
isStatusModified: (status: number) => boolean;
Returns true if the given status indicates modification.
method isStatusNew
isStatusNew: (status: number) => boolean;
Returns true if the given status indicates a new path.
method isSubmodule
isSubmodule: (path: string) => boolean;
Is the given path a submodule in the repository?
method onDidChangeStatus
onDidChangeStatus: ( callback: (event: RepoStatusChangedEvent) => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback when a specific file's status has changed. When a file is updated, reloaded, etc, and the status changes, this will be fired.
method onDidChangeStatuses
onDidChangeStatuses: (callback: () => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback when a multiple files' statuses have changed.
method onDidDestroy
onDidDestroy: (callback: () => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback when this GitRepository's destroy() method is invoked.
method open
static open: ( path: string, options?: { refreshOnWindowFocus?: boolean | undefined }) => GitRepository;
Creates a new GitRepository instance.
method relativize
relativize: () => string;
Makes a path relative to the repository's working directory.
class Notification
class Notification {}
A notification to the user containing a message and type.
constructor( type: 'info' | 'warning' | 'success', message: string, options?: NotificationOptions);
constructor( type: 'error' | 'fatal', message: string, options?: ErrorNotificationOptions);
method dismiss
dismiss: () => void;
Dismisses the notification, removing it from the UI. Calling this programmatically will call all callbacks added via onDidDismiss.
method getMessage
getMessage: () => string;
Returns the Notification's message.
method getType
getType: () => string;
Returns the Notification's type.
method onDidDismiss
onDidDismiss: (callback: (notification: Notification) => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback when the notification is dismissed.
method onDidDisplay
onDidDisplay: (callback: (notification: Notification) => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback when the notification is displayed.
class Point
class Point {}
Represents a point in a buffer in row/column coordinates.
constructor(row?: number, column?: number);
Construct a Point object
property column
column: number;
A zero-indexed number representing the column of the Point.
property row
row: number;
A zero-indexed number representing the row of the Point.
method compare
compare: (other: PointCompatible) => number;
Compare another Point to this Point instance. Returns -1 if this point precedes the argument. Returns 0 if this point is equivalent to the argument. Returns 1 if this point follows the argument.
method copy
copy: () => Point;
Returns a new Point with the same row and column.
method freeze
freeze: () => Readonly<Point>;
Makes this point immutable and returns itself.
method fromObject
static fromObject: (object: PointCompatible, copy?: boolean) => Point;
Create a Point from an array containing two numbers representing the row and column.
method isEqual
isEqual: (other: PointCompatible) => boolean;
Returns a boolean indicating whether this point has the same row and column as the given Point.
method isGreaterThan
isGreaterThan: (other: PointCompatible) => boolean;
Returns a Boolean indicating whether this point follows the given Point.
method isGreaterThanOrEqual
isGreaterThanOrEqual: (other: PointCompatible) => boolean;
Returns a Boolean indicating whether this point follows or is equal to the given Point.
method isLessThan
isLessThan: (other: PointCompatible) => boolean;
Returns a Boolean indicating whether this point precedes the given Point.
method isLessThanOrEqual
isLessThanOrEqual: (other: PointCompatible) => boolean;
Returns a Boolean indicating whether this point precedes or is equal to the given Point.
method min
static min: (point1: PointCompatible, point2: PointCompatible) => Point;
Returns the given Point that is earlier in the buffer.
method negate
negate: () => Point;
Returns a new Point with the row and column negated.
method serialize
serialize: () => [number, number];
Returns an array of this point's row and column.
method toArray
toArray: () => [number, number];
Returns an array of this point's row and column.
method toString
toString: () => string;
Returns a string representation of the point.
method translate
translate: (other: PointCompatible) => Point;
Build and return a new point by adding the rows and columns of the given point.
method traverse
traverse: (other: PointCompatible) => Point;
Build and return a new Point by traversing the rows and columns specified by the given point.
class Range
class Range {}
Represents a region in a buffer in row/column coordinates.
constructor(pointA?: PointCompatible, pointB?: PointCompatible);
Construct a Range object.
property end
end: Point;
A Point representing the end of the Range.
property start
start: Point;
A Point representing the start of the Range.
method compare
compare: (otherRange: RangeCompatible) => number;
Compare two Ranges. Returns -1 if this range starts before the argument or contains it. Returns 0 if this range is equivalent to the argument. Returns 1 if this range starts after the argument or is contained by it.
method containsPoint
containsPoint: (point: PointCompatible, exclusive?: boolean) => boolean;
Returns a boolean indicating whether this range contains the given point.
method containsRange
containsRange: (otherRange: RangeCompatible, exclusive?: boolean) => boolean;
Returns a boolean indicating whether this range contains the given range.
method copy
copy: () => Range;
Returns a new range with the same start and end positions.
method coversSameRows
coversSameRows: (otherRange: RangeLike) => boolean;
Returns a Boolean indicating whether this range starts and ends on the same row as the argument.
method deserialize
static deserialize: (array: object) => Range;
Call this with the result of Range::serialize to construct a new Range.
method freeze
freeze: () => Readonly<Range>;
Freezes the range and its start and end point so it becomes immutable and returns itself.
method fromObject
static fromObject: (object: RangeCompatible, copy?: boolean) => Range;
Convert any range-compatible object to a Range.
method getRowCount
getRowCount: () => number;
Get the number of rows in this range.
method getRows
getRows: () => number[];
Returns an array of all rows in the range.
method intersectsRow
intersectsRow: (row: number) => boolean;
Returns a boolean indicating whether this range intersects the given row number.
method intersectsRowRange
intersectsRowRange: (startRow: number, endRow: number) => boolean;
Returns a boolean indicating whether this range intersects the row range indicated by the given startRow and endRow numbers.
method intersectsWith
intersectsWith: (otherRange: RangeLike, exclusive?: boolean) => boolean;
Determines whether this range intersects with the argument.
method isEmpty
isEmpty: () => boolean;
Is the start position of this range equal to the end position?
method isEqual
isEqual: (otherRange: RangeCompatible) => boolean;
Returns a Boolean indicating whether this range has the same start and end points as the given Range.
method isSingleLine
isSingleLine: () => boolean;
Returns a boolean indicating whether this range starts and ends on the same row.
method negate
negate: () => Range;
Returns a new range with the start and end positions negated.
method serialize
serialize: () => number[][];
Returns a plain javascript object representation of the Range.
method toString
toString: () => string;
Returns a string representation of the range.
method translate
translate: (startDelta: PointCompatible, endDelta?: PointCompatible) => Range;
Build and return a new range by translating this range's start and end points by the given delta(s).
method traverse
traverse: (delta: PointCompatible) => Range;
Build and return a new range by traversing this range's start and end points by the given delta.
method union
union: (other: RangeLike) => Range;
Returns a new range that contains this range and the given range.
class Task
class Task {}
Run a node script in a separate process.
constructor(taskPath: string);
Creates a task. You should probably use .once
method cancel
cancel: () => boolean;
Cancel the running task and emit an event if it was canceled.
method on
on: (eventName: string, callback: (param: any) => void) => Disposable;
Call a function when an event is emitted by the child process.
method once
static once: (taskPath: string, ...args: any[]) => Task;
A helper method to easily launch and run a task once.
method send
send: (message: string | number | boolean | object | null | any[]) => void;
Send message to the task. Throws an error if this task has already been terminated or if sending a message to the child process fails.
method start
start: (...args: any[]) => void;
Starts the task. Throws an error if this task has already been terminated or if sending a message to the child process fails.
method terminate
terminate: () => void;
Forcefully stop the running task. No more events are emitted once this method is called.
class TextBuffer
class TextBuffer {}
A mutable text container with undo/redo support and the ability to annotate logical regions in the text.
constructor(text: string);
Create a new buffer with the given starting text.
constructor(params?: { text?: string | undefined; shouldDestroyOnFileDelete?(): boolean;});
Create a new buffer with the given params.
property destroyed
readonly destroyed: boolean;
Whether or not the bufffer has been destroyed.
property id
readonly id: string;
The unique identifier for this buffer.
property refcount
readonly refcount: number;
The number of retainers for the buffer.
method abortTransaction
abortTransaction: () => void;
Abort the currently running transaction.
Only intended to be called within the
option to::transact
method addMarkerLayer
addMarkerLayer: (options?: { maintainHistory?: boolean | undefined; persistent?: boolean | undefined; role?: string | undefined;}) => MarkerLayer;
Create a layer to contain a set of related markers.
method append
append: (text: string, options?: TextEditOptions) => Range;
Append text to the end of the buffer.
method backwardsScan
backwardsScan: { (regex: RegExp, iterator: (params: BufferScanResult) => void): void; ( regex: RegExp, options: ScanContextOptions, iterator: (params: ContextualBufferScanResult) => void ): void;};
Scan regular expression matches in the entire buffer in reverse order, calling the given iterator function on each match.
method backwardsScanInRange
backwardsScanInRange: { ( regex: RegExp, range: RangeCompatible, iterator: (params: BufferScanResult) => void ): void; ( regex: RegExp, range: RangeCompatible, options: ScanContextOptions, iterator: (params: ContextualBufferScanResult) => void ): void;};
Scan regular expression matches in a given range in reverse order, calling the given iterator function on each match.
method characterIndexForPosition
characterIndexForPosition: (position: PointCompatible) => number;
Convert a position in the buffer in row/column coordinates to an absolute character offset, inclusive of line ending characters.
method clearUndoStack
clearUndoStack: () => void;
Clear the undo stack.
method clipPosition
clipPosition: (position: PointCompatible) => Point;
Clip the given point so it is at a valid position in the buffer.
method clipRange
clipRange: (range: RangeCompatible) => Range;
Clip the given range so it starts and ends at valid positions.
method createCheckpoint
createCheckpoint: (options?: HistoryTransactionOptions) => number;
Create a pointer to the current state of the buffer for use with
. A checkpoint ID value.
method delete
delete: (range: RangeCompatible) => Range;
Delete the text in the given range.
method deleteRow
deleteRow: (row: number) => Range;
Delete the line associated with a specified 0-indexed row.
Parameter row
A number representing the row to delete.
method deleteRows
deleteRows: (startRow: number, endRow: number) => Range;
Delete the lines associated with the specified 0-indexed row range.
If the row range is out of bounds, it will be clipped. If the
is greater than theendRow
, they will be reordered.
method deserialize
static deserialize: (params: object) => Promise<TextBuffer>;
Restore a TextBuffer based on an earlier state created using the TextBuffer::serialize method.
method destroy
destroy: () => void;
Destroy the buffer, even if there are retainers for it.
method findMarkers
findMarkers: (params: FindMarkerOptions) => Marker[];
Find markers conforming to the given parameters in the default marker layer.
method getChangesSinceCheckpoint
getChangesSinceCheckpoint: ( checkpoint: number) => Array<{ start: Point; oldExtent: Point; newExtent: Point; newText: string;}>;
Returns a list of changes since the given checkpoint. If the given checkpoint is no longer present in the undo history, this method will return an empty Array.
method getDefaultMarkerLayer
getDefaultMarkerLayer: () => MarkerLayer;
Get the default MarkerLayer.
method getEncoding
getEncoding: () => string;
Returns the string encoding of this buffer.
method getEndPosition
getEndPosition: () => Point;
Get the maximal position in the buffer, where new text would be appended.
method getFirstPosition
getFirstPosition: () => Point;
Get the first position in the buffer, which is always [0, 0].
method getId
getId: () => string;
Returns the unique identifier for this buffer.
method getLastLine
getLastLine: () => string;
Get the text of the last line of the buffer, without its line ending.
method getLastRow
getLastRow: () => number;
Get the last 0-indexed row in the buffer.
method getLength
getLength: () => number;
Get the length of the buffer's text.
method getLineCount
getLineCount: () => number;
Get the number of lines in the buffer.
method getLines
getLines: () => string[];
Get the text of all lines in the buffer, without their line endings.
method getMarker
getMarker: (id: number) => Marker;
Get an existing marker by its id from the default marker layer.
method getMarkerCount
getMarkerCount: () => number;
Get the number of markers in the default marker layer.
method getMarkerLayer
getMarkerLayer: (id: string) => MarkerLayer | undefined;
Get a MarkerLayer by id. Returns a MarkerLayer or undefined if no layer exists with the given id.
method getMarkers
getMarkers: () => Marker[];
Get all existing markers on the default marker layer.
method getMaxCharacterIndex
getMaxCharacterIndex: () => number;
Get the length of the buffer in characters.
method getPath
getPath: () => string | undefined;
Get the path of the associated file.
method getRange
getRange: () => Range;
Get the range spanning from [0, 0] to ::getEndPosition.
method getStoppedChangingDelay
getStoppedChangingDelay: () => number;
Get the number of milliseconds that will elapse without a change before ::onDidStopChanging observers are invoked following a change.
method getText
getText: () => string;
Get the entire text of the buffer. Avoid using this unless you know that the buffer's text is reasonably short.
method getTextInRange
getTextInRange: (range: RangeCompatible) => string;
Get the text in a range.
method getUri
getUri: () => string;
Get the path of the associated file.
method groupChangesSinceCheckpoint
groupChangesSinceCheckpoint: ( checkpoint: number, options?: HistoryTransactionOptions) => boolean;
Group all changes since the given checkpoint into a single transaction for purposes of undo/redo. A boolean indicating whether the operation succeeded.
method groupLastChanges
groupLastChanges: () => boolean;
Group the last two text changes for purposes of undo/redo.
This operation will only succeed if there are two changes on the undo stack. It will not group past the beginning of an open transaction. A boolean indicating whether the operation succeeded.
method hasAstral
hasAstral: () => boolean;
Return true if the buffer contains any astral-plane Unicode characters that are encoded as surrogate pairs.
method hasMultipleEditors
hasMultipleEditors: () => boolean;
Identifies if the buffer belongs to multiple editors.
method insert
insert: ( position: PointCompatible, text: string, options?: TextEditOptions) => Range;
Insert text at the given position.
method isAlive
isAlive: () => boolean;
Returns whether or not this buffer is alive.
method isDestroyed
isDestroyed: () => boolean;
Returns whether or not this buffer has been destroyed.
method isEmpty
isEmpty: () => boolean;
Determine whether the buffer is empty.
method isInConflict
isInConflict: () => boolean;
Determine if the in-memory contents of the buffer conflict with the on-disk contents of its associated file.
method isModified
isModified: () => boolean;
Determine if the in-memory contents of the buffer differ from its contents on disk. If the buffer is unsaved, always returns true unless the buffer is empty.
method isRetained
isRetained: () => boolean;
Returns whether or not this buffer has a retainer.
method isRowBlank
isRowBlank: (row: number) => boolean;
Determine if the given row contains only whitespace.
method lineEndingForRow
lineEndingForRow: (row: number) => string | undefined;
Get the line ending for the given 0-indexed row.
method lineForRow
lineForRow: (row: number) => string | undefined;
Get the text of the line at the given 0-indexed row, without its line ending.
Parameter row
A number representing the row.
method lineLengthForRow
lineLengthForRow: (row: number) => number;
Get the length of the line for the given 0-indexed row, without its line ending.
method load
static load: ( filePath: string | TextBufferFileBackend, params?: BufferLoadOptions) => Promise<TextBuffer>;
Create a new buffer backed by the given file path.
method loadSync
static loadSync: (filePath: string, params?: BufferLoadOptions) => TextBuffer;
Create a new buffer backed by the given file path. For better performance, use TextBuffer.load instead.
method markPosition
markPosition: ( position: PointCompatible, options?: { invalidate?: | 'never' | 'surround' | 'overlap' | 'inside' | 'touch' | undefined; exclusive?: boolean | undefined; }) => Marker;
Create a marker at the given position with no tail in the default marker layer.
method markRange
markRange: ( range: RangeCompatible, properties?: { reversed?: boolean | undefined; invalidate?: | 'never' | 'surround' | 'overlap' | 'inside' | 'touch' | undefined; exclusive?: boolean | undefined; }) => Marker;
Create a marker with the given range in the default marker layer.
method nextNonBlankRow
nextNonBlankRow: (startRow: number) => number | null;
Given a row, find the next row that's not blank. Returns a number or null if there's no next non-blank row.
method onDidChange
onDidChange: (callback: (event: BufferChangedEvent) => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback synchronously when the content of the buffer changes. You should probably not be using this in packages.
method onDidChangeEncoding
onDidChangeEncoding: (callback: (encoding: string) => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback when the value of ::getEncoding changes.
method onDidChangeModified
onDidChangeModified: (callback: (modified: boolean) => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback if the value of ::isModified changes.
method onDidChangePath
onDidChangePath: (callback: (path: string) => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback when the value of ::getPath changes.
method onDidChangeText
onDidChangeText: ( callback: (event: BufferStoppedChangingEvent) => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback synchronously when a transaction finishes with a list of all the changes in the transaction.
method onDidConflict
onDidConflict: (callback: () => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback when the in-memory contents of the buffer become in conflict with the contents of the file on disk.
method onDidCreateMarker
onDidCreateMarker: (callback: (marker: Marker) => void) => Disposable;
method onDidDelete
onDidDelete: (callback: () => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback after the file backing the buffer is deleted.
method onDidDestroy
onDidDestroy: (callback: () => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback when the buffer is destroyed.
method onDidReload
onDidReload: (callback: () => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback after the buffer is reloaded from the contents of its file on disk.
method onDidSave
onDidSave: (callback: (event: FileSavedEvent) => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback after the buffer is saved to disk.
method onDidStopChanging
onDidStopChanging: ( callback: (event: BufferStoppedChangingEvent) => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback asynchronously following one or more changes after ::getStoppedChangingDelay milliseconds elapse without an additional change.
method onDidUpdateMarkers
onDidUpdateMarkers: (callback: () => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback when all marker ::onDidChange observers have been notified following a change to the buffer.
method onWillChange
onWillChange: (callback: (event: BufferChangingEvent) => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback synchronously before the content of the buffer changes.
method onWillReload
onWillReload: (callback: () => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback before the buffer is reloaded from the contents of its file on disk.
method onWillSave
onWillSave: (callback: () => Promise<void> | void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback before the buffer is saved to disk. If the given callback returns a promise, then the buffer will not be saved until the promise resolves.
method onWillThrowWatchError
onWillThrowWatchError: ( callback: (errorObject: HandleableErrorEvent) => void) => Disposable;
Invoke the given callback when there is an error in watching the file.
method positionForCharacterIndex
positionForCharacterIndex: (offset: number) => Point;
Convert an absolute character offset, inclusive of newlines, to a position in the buffer in row/column coordinates.
method previousNonBlankRow
previousNonBlankRow: (startRow: number) => number | null;
Given a row, find the first preceding row that's not blank. Returns a number or null if there's no preceding non-blank row.
method rangeForRow
rangeForRow: (row: number, includeNewline?: boolean) => Range;
Get the range for the given row.
Parameter row
A number representing a 0-indexed row.
Parameter includeNewline
A boolean indicating whether or not to include the newline, which results in a range that extends to the start of the next line. (default: false)
method redo
redo: (options?: HistoryTraversalOptions) => boolean;
Redo the last operation. A boolean of whether or not a change was made.
method release
release: () => TextBuffer;
Releases a retainer on the buffer, destroying the buffer if there are no additional retainers.
method reload
reload: () => void;
Reload the buffer's contents from disk.
method replace
replace: (regex: RegExp, replacementText: string) => number;
Replace all regular expression matches in the entire buffer.
method retain
retain: () => TextBuffer;
Places a retainer on the buffer, preventing its destruction until the final retainer has called ::release().
method revertToCheckpoint
revertToCheckpoint: ( checkpoint: number, options?: HistoryTraversalOptions) => boolean;
Revert the buffer to the state it was in when the given checkpoint was created. A boolean indicating whether the operation succeeded.
method save
save: () => Promise<void>;
Save the buffer.
method saveAs
saveAs: (filePath: string) => Promise<void>;
Save the buffer at a specific path.
method scan
scan: { (regex: RegExp, iterator: (params: BufferScanResult) => void): void; ( regex: RegExp, options: ScanContextOptions, iterator: (params: ContextualBufferScanResult) => void ): void;};
Scan regular expression matches in the entire buffer, calling the given iterator function on each match.
method scanInRange
scanInRange: { ( regex: RegExp, range: RangeCompatible, iterator: (params: BufferScanResult) => void ): void; ( regex: RegExp, range: RangeCompatible, options: ScanContextOptions, iterator: (params: ContextualBufferScanResult) => void ): void;};
Scan regular expression matches in a given range , calling the given iterator function on each match.
method serialize
serialize: (options?: { markerLayers?: boolean | undefined; history?: boolean | undefined;}) => object;
Returns a plain javascript object representation of the TextBuffer.
method setEncoding
setEncoding: (encoding: string) => void;
Sets the character set encoding for this buffer.
method setFile
setFile: (fileBackend: TextBufferFileBackend) => void;
Experimental: Set a custom {TextBufferFileBackend} object as the buffer's backing store.
method setPath
setPath: (filePath: string) => void;
Set the path for the buffer's associated file.
method setText
setText: (text: string) => Range;
Replace the entire contents of the buffer with the given text.
method setTextInRange
setTextInRange: ( range: RangeCompatible, text: string, options?: TextEditOptions) => Range;
Set the text in the given range.
method setTextViaDiff
setTextViaDiff: (text: string) => void;
Replace the current buffer contents by applying a diff based on the given text.
method transact
transact: { <T>( optionsOrInterval: | number | ({ groupingInterval?: number | undefined; } & HistoryTransactionOptions), fn: () => T ): T; <T>(fn: () => T): T;};
Batch multiple operations as a single undo/redo step.
method undo
undo: (options?: HistoryTraversalOptions) => boolean;
Undo the last operation. If a transaction is in progress, aborts it. A boolean of whether or not a change was made.
class TextEditor
class TextEditor {}
This class represents all essential editing state for a single TextBuffer, including cursor and selection positions, folds, and soft wraps.
constructor(options?: {});
property id
readonly id: number;
method abortTransaction
abortTransaction: () => void;
Abort an open transaction, undoing any operations performed so far within the transaction.
method addCursorAtBufferPosition
addCursorAtBufferPosition: ( bufferPosition: PointCompatible, options?: { autoscroll?: boolean | undefined }) => Cursor;
Add a cursor at the given position in buffer coordinates.
method addCursorAtScreenPosition
addCursorAtScreenPosition: (screenPosition: PointCompatible) => Cursor;
Add a cursor at the position in screen coordinates.
method addGutter
addGutter: (options: GutterOptions) => Gutter;
Add a custom Gutter.
method addMarkerLayer
addMarkerLayer: (options?: { maintainHistory?: boolean | undefined; persistent?: boolean | undefined;}) => DisplayMarkerLayer;
Create a marker layer to group related markers.
method addSelectionForBufferRange
addSelectionForBufferRange: ( bufferRange: RangeCompatible, options?: { reversed?: boolean | undefined; preserveFolds?: boolean | undefined; }) => Selection;
Add a selection for the given range in buffer coordinates.
method addSelectionForScreenRange
addSelectionForScreenRange: ( screenRange: RangeCompatible, options?: { reversed?: boolean | undefined; preserveFolds?: boolean | undefined; }) => Selection;
Add a selection for the given range in screen coordinates.
method autoIndentSelectedRows
autoIndentSelectedRows: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
Indent rows intersecting selections based on the grammar's suggested indent level.
method backspace
backspace: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete the character preceding the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected text.
method backwardsScanInBufferRange
backwardsScanInBufferRange: ( regex: RegExp, range: RangeCompatible, iterator: (params: BufferScanResult) => void) => void;
Scan regular expression matches in a given range in reverse order, calling the given iterator function on each match.
method bufferPositionForScreenPosition
bufferPositionForScreenPosition: ( bufferPosition: PointCompatible, options?: { clipDirection?: 'backward' | 'forward' | 'closest' | undefined }) => Point;
Convert a position in screen-coordinates to buffer-coordinates.
method bufferRangeForScopeAtCursor
bufferRangeForScopeAtCursor: (scopeSelector: string) => Range;
Get the range in buffer coordinates of all tokens surrounding the cursor that match the given scope selector.
method bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition
bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition: (scope: string, point: PointCompatible) => Range;
Undocumented: Buffer range for syntax scope at position
method bufferRangeForScreenRange
bufferRangeForScreenRange: (screenRange: RangeCompatible) => Range;
Convert a range in screen-coordinates to buffer-coordinates.
method clipBufferPosition
clipBufferPosition: (bufferPosition: PointCompatible) => Point;
Clip the given Point to a valid position in the buffer.
method clipBufferRange
clipBufferRange: (range: RangeCompatible) => Range;
Clip the start and end of the given range to valid positions in the buffer. See ::clipBufferPosition for more information.
method clipScreenPosition
clipScreenPosition: ( screenPosition: PointCompatible, options?: { clipDirection?: 'backward' | 'forward' | 'closest' | undefined }) => Point;
Clip the given Point to a valid position on screen.
method clipScreenRange
clipScreenRange: ( range: RangeCompatible, options?: { clipDirection?: 'backward' | 'forward' | 'closest' | undefined }) => Range;
Clip the start and end of the given range to valid positions on screen. See ::clipScreenPosition for more information.
method copySelectedText
copySelectedText: () => void;
For each selection, copy the selected text.
method createCheckpoint
createCheckpoint: () => number;
Create a pointer to the current state of the buffer for use with ::revertToCheckpoint and ::groupChangesSinceCheckpoint.
method cutSelectedText
cutSelectedText: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
For each selection, cut the selected text.
method cutToEndOfBufferLine
cutToEndOfBufferLine: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
For each selection, if the selection is empty, cut all characters of the containing buffer line following the cursor. Otherwise cut the selected text.
method cutToEndOfLine
cutToEndOfLine: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
For each selection, if the selection is empty, cut all characters of the containing screen line following the cursor. Otherwise cut the selected text.
method decorateMarker
decorateMarker: ( marker: DisplayMarker, decorationParams: DecorationOptions) => Decoration;
Add a decoration that tracks a DisplayMarker. When the marker moves, is invalidated, or is destroyed, the decoration will be updated to reflect the marker's state.
method decorateMarkerLayer
decorateMarkerLayer: ( markerLayer: MarkerLayer | DisplayMarkerLayer, decorationParams: DecorationLayerOptions) => LayerDecoration;
Add a decoration to every marker in the given marker layer. Can be used to decorate a large number of markers without having to create and manage many individual decorations.
method delete
delete: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete the character following the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected text.
method deleteLine
deleteLine: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
Delete all lines intersecting selections.
method deleteToBeginningOfLine
deleteToBeginningOfLine: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete all characters of the containing line that precede the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected text.
method deleteToBeginningOfSubword
deleteToBeginningOfSubword: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete all characters of the containing subword following the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected text.
method deleteToBeginningOfWord
deleteToBeginningOfWord: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete all characters of the containing word that precede the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected text.
method deleteToEndOfLine
deleteToEndOfLine: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
For each selection, if the selection is not empty, deletes the selection otherwise, deletes all characters of the containing line following the cursor. If the cursor is already at the end of the line, deletes the following newline.
method deleteToEndOfSubword
deleteToEndOfSubword: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete all characters of the containing subword following the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected text.
method deleteToEndOfWord
deleteToEndOfWord: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete all characters of the containing word following the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected text.
method deleteToNextWordBoundary
deleteToNextWordBoundary: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
Similar to ::deleteToEndOfWord, but deletes only up to the next word boundary.
method deleteToPreviousWordBoundary
deleteToPreviousWordBoundary: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
Similar to ::deleteToBeginningOfWord, but deletes only back to the previous word boundary.
method findMarkers
findMarkers: (properties: FindDisplayMarkerOptions) => DisplayMarker[];
Find all DisplayMarkers on the default marker layer that match the given properties.
This method finds markers based on the given properties. Markers can be associated with custom properties that will be compared with basic equality. In addition, there are several special properties that will be compared with the range of the markers rather than their properties.
method foldAll
foldAll: () => void;
Fold all foldable lines.
method foldAllAtIndentLevel
foldAllAtIndentLevel: (level: number) => void;
Fold all foldable lines at the given indent level.
Parameter level
A zero-indexed number.
method foldBufferRow
foldBufferRow: (bufferRow: number) => void;
Fold the given row in buffer coordinates based on its indentation level. If the given row is foldable, the fold will begin there. Otherwise, it will begin at the first foldable row preceding the given row.
method foldCurrentRow
foldCurrentRow: () => void;
Fold the most recent cursor's row based on its indentation level. The fold will extend from the nearest preceding line with a lower indentation level up to the nearest following row with a lower indentation level.
method foldSelectedLines
foldSelectedLines: () => void;
For each selection, fold the rows it intersects.
method getBuffer
getBuffer: () => TextBuffer;
Retrieves the current TextBuffer.
method getCurrentParagraphBufferRange
getCurrentParagraphBufferRange: () => Range;
Get the range of the paragraph surrounding the most recently added cursor.
method getCursorAtScreenPosition
getCursorAtScreenPosition: (position: PointCompatible) => Cursor | undefined;
Get a Cursor at given screen coordinates Point.
method getCursorBufferPosition
getCursorBufferPosition: () => Point;
Get the position of the most recently added cursor in buffer coordinates.
method getCursorBufferPositions
getCursorBufferPositions: () => Point[];
Get the position of all the cursor positions in buffer coordinates.
method getCursors
getCursors: () => Cursor[];
Get an Array of all Cursors.
method getCursorScreenPosition
getCursorScreenPosition: () => Point;
Get the position of the most recently added cursor in screen coordinates.
method getCursorScreenPositions
getCursorScreenPositions: () => Point[];
Get the position of all the cursor positions in screen coordinates.
method getCursorsOrderedByBufferPosition
getCursorsOrderedByBufferPosition: () => Cursor[];
Get all Cursors, ordered by their position in the buffer instead of the order in which they were added.
method getDecorations
getDecorations: (propertyFilter?: DecorationOptions) => Decoration[];
Get all decorations.
method getDefaultMarkerLayer
getDefaultMarkerLayer: () => DisplayMarkerLayer;
Get the default DisplayMarkerLayer. All marker APIs not tied to an explicit layer interact with this default layer.
method getEncoding
getEncoding: () => string;
Returns the string character set encoding of this editor's text buffer.
method getGrammar
getGrammar: () => Grammar;
Get the current Grammar of this editor.
method getGutters
getGutters: () => Gutter[];
Get this editor's gutters.
method getHighlightDecorations
getHighlightDecorations: (propertyFilter?: DecorationOptions) => Decoration[];
Get all decorations of type 'highlight'.
method getLastBufferRow
getLastBufferRow: () => number;
Returns a number representing the last zero-indexed buffer row number of the editor.
method getLastCursor
getLastCursor: () => Cursor;
Returns the most recently added Cursor.
method getLastScreenRow
getLastScreenRow: () => number;
Returns a number representing the last zero-indexed screen row number of the editor.
method getLastSelection
getLastSelection: () => Selection;
Get the most recently added Selection.
method getLineCount
getLineCount: () => number;
Returns a number representing the number of lines in the buffer.
method getLineDecorations
getLineDecorations: (propertyFilter?: DecorationOptions) => Decoration[];
Get all decorations of type 'line'.
method getLineHeightInPixels
getLineHeightInPixels: () => number;
Retrieves the rendered line height in pixels.
method getLineNumberDecorations
getLineNumberDecorations: (propertyFilter?: DecorationOptions) => Decoration[];
Get all decorations of type 'line-number'.
method getLongTitle
getLongTitle: () => string;
Get unique title for display in other parts of the UI, such as the window title. If the editor's buffer is unsaved, its title is "untitled" If the editor's buffer is saved, its unique title is formatted as one of the following,
"" when it is the only editing buffer with this file name. " — " when other buffers have this file name.
method getMarker
getMarker: (id: number) => DisplayMarker;
Get the DisplayMarker on the default layer for the given marker id.
method getMarkerCount
getMarkerCount: () => number;
Get the number of markers in the default marker layer.
method getMarkerLayer
getMarkerLayer: (id: number) => DisplayMarkerLayer | undefined;
Get a DisplayMarkerLayer by id.
method getMarkers
getMarkers: () => DisplayMarker[];
Get all DisplayMarkers on the default marker layer. Consider using ::findMarkers.
method getOverlayDecorations
getOverlayDecorations: (propertyFilter?: DecorationOptions) => Decoration[];
Get all decorations of type 'overlay'.
method getPath
getPath: () => string | undefined;
Returns the string path of this editor's text buffer.
method getPlaceholderText
getPlaceholderText: () => string;
Retrieves the greyed out placeholder of a mini editor.
method getRootScopeDescriptor
getRootScopeDescriptor: () => ScopeDescriptor;
Returns a ScopeDescriptor that includes this editor's language. e.g. [".source.ruby"], or [".source.coffee"].
method getScreenLineCount
getScreenLineCount: () => number;
Returns a number representing the number of screen lines in the editor. This accounts for folds.
method getSelectedBufferRange
getSelectedBufferRange: () => Range;
Get the Range of the most recently added selection in buffer coordinates.
method getSelectedBufferRanges
getSelectedBufferRanges: () => Range[];
Get the Ranges of all selections in buffer coordinates. The ranges are sorted by when the selections were added. Most recent at the end.
method getSelectedScreenRange
getSelectedScreenRange: () => Range;
Get the Range of the most recently added selection in screen coordinates.
method getSelectedScreenRanges
getSelectedScreenRanges: () => Range[];
Get the Ranges of all selections in screen coordinates. The ranges are sorted by when the selections were added. Most recent at the end.
method getSelectedText
getSelectedText: () => string;
Get the selected text of the most recently added selection.
method getSelections
getSelections: () => Selection[];
Get current Selections.
method getSelectionsOrderedByBufferPosition
getSelectionsOrderedByBufferPosition: () => Selection[];
Get all Selections, ordered by their position in the buffer instead of the order in which they were added.
method getSoftTabs
getSoftTabs: () => boolean;
Returns a boolean indicating whether softTabs are enabled for this editor.
method getSoftWrapColumn
getSoftWrapColumn: () => number;
Gets the column at which column will soft wrap.
method getTabLength
getTabLength: () => number;
Get the on-screen length of tab characters.
method getTabText
getTabText: () => string;
Get the text representing a single level of indent. If soft tabs are enabled, the text is composed of N spaces, where N is the tab length. Otherwise the text is a tab character (\t).
method getText
getText: () => string;
Returns a string representing the entire contents of the editor.
method getTextInBufferRange
getTextInBufferRange: (range: RangeCompatible) => string;
Get the text in the given range in buffer coordinates.
method getTitle
getTitle: () => string;
Get the editor's title for display in other parts of the UI such as the tabs. If the editor's buffer is saved, its title is the file name. If it is unsaved, its title is "untitled".
method getWordUnderCursor
getWordUnderCursor: (options?: { wordRegex?: RegExp | undefined; includeNonWordCharacters?: boolean | undefined; allowPrevious?: boolean | undefined;}) => string;
Returns the word surrounding the most recently added cursor.
method groupChangesSinceCheckpoint
groupChangesSinceCheckpoint: (checkpoint: number) => boolean;
Group all changes since the given checkpoint into a single transaction for purposes of undo/redo. If the given checkpoint is no longer present in the undo history, no grouping will be performed and this method will return false.
method gutterWithName
gutterWithName: (name: string) => Gutter | null;
Get the gutter with the given name.
method hasMultipleCursors
hasMultipleCursors: () => boolean;
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not there are multiple cursors.
method indentationForBufferRow
indentationForBufferRow: (bufferRow: number) => number;
Get the indentation level of the given buffer row. Determines how deeply the given row is indented based on the soft tabs and tab length settings of this editor. Note that if soft tabs are enabled and the tab length is 2, a row with 4 leading spaces would have an indentation level of 2.
method indentLevelForLine
indentLevelForLine: (line: string) => number;
Get the indentation level of the given line of text. Determines how deeply the given line is indented based on the soft tabs and tab length settings of this editor. Note that if soft tabs are enabled and the tab length is 2, a row with 4 leading spaces would have an indentation level of 2.
method indentSelectedRows
indentSelectedRows: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
Indent rows intersecting selections by one level.
method insertNewline
insertNewline: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
For each selection, replace the selected text with a newline.
method insertNewlineAbove
insertNewlineAbove: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
For each cursor, insert a newline at the end of the preceding line.
method insertNewlineBelow
insertNewlineBelow: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
For each cursor, insert a newline at beginning the following line.
method insertText
insertText: ( text: string, options?: TextInsertionOptions & ReadonlyEditOptions) => Range | false;
method isBufferRowCommented
isBufferRowCommented: (bufferRow: number) => boolean;
Determine if the given row is entirely a comment.
method isEmpty
isEmpty: () => boolean;
Returns boolean true if this editor has no content.
method isFoldableAtBufferRow
isFoldableAtBufferRow: (bufferRow: number) => boolean;
Determine whether the given row in buffer coordinates is foldable. A foldable row is a row that starts a row range that can be folded.
method isFoldableAtScreenRow
isFoldableAtScreenRow: (bufferRow: number) => boolean;
Determine whether the given row in screen coordinates is foldable. A foldable row is a row that starts a row range that can be folded.
method isFoldedAtBufferRow
isFoldedAtBufferRow: (bufferRow: number) => boolean;
Determine whether the given row in buffer coordinates is folded.
method isFoldedAtCursorRow
isFoldedAtCursorRow: () => boolean;
Determine whether the most recently added cursor's row is folded.
method isFoldedAtScreenRow
isFoldedAtScreenRow: (screenRow: number) => boolean;
Determine whether the given row in screen coordinates is folded.
method isModified
isModified: () => boolean;
Returns boolean true if this editor has been modified.
method isReadOnly
isReadOnly: () => boolean;
Whether or not this editor is in read-only mode.
method isSoftWrapped
isSoftWrapped: () => boolean;
Determine whether lines in this editor are soft-wrapped.
method lineTextForBufferRow
lineTextForBufferRow: (bufferRow: number) => string;
Returns a string representing the contents of the line at the given buffer row.
method lineTextForScreenRow
lineTextForScreenRow: (screenRow: number) => string;
Returns a string representing the contents of the line at the given screen row.
method lowerCase
lowerCase: (options?: ReadonlyEditOptions) => void;
Convert the selected text to lower case. For each selection, if the selection is empty, converts the containing word to upper case. Otherwise convert the selected text to upper case.
method markBufferPosition
markBufferPosition: ( bufferPosition: PointCompatible, options?: { invalidate?: | 'never' | 'surround' | 'overlap' | 'inside' | 'touch' | undefined; }) => DisplayMarker;
Create a marker on the default marker layer with the given buffer position and no tail. To group multiple markers together in their own private layer, see ::addMarkerLayer.
method markBufferRange
markBufferRange: ( range: RangeCompatible, properties?: { maintainHistory?: boolean | undefined; reversed?: boolean | undefined; invalidate?: | 'never' | 'surround' | 'overlap' | 'inside' | 'touch' | undefined; }) => DisplayMarker;
Create a marker on the default marker layer with the given range in buffer coordinates. This marker will maintain its logical location as the buffer is changed, so if you mark a particular word, the marker will remain over that word e