- Version 3.5.42
- Published
- 61 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for bluebird
- [Symbol.toStringTag]
- all()
- allSettled()
- any()
- asCallback()
- attempt()
- bind()
- call()
- cancel()
- cast()
- catch()
- catchReturn()
- catchThrow()
- caught
- config()
- coroutine()
- defer()
- delay()
- disposer()
- done()
- each()
- error()
- filter()
- finally()
- fromCallback()
- fromNode()
- get()
- is()
- isCancelled()
- isFulfilled()
- isPending()
- isRejected()
- isResolved()
- join()
- lastly
- longStackTraces()
- map()
- mapSeries()
- method()
- nodeify()
- onPossiblyUnhandledRejection()
- Promise
- promisify()
- promisifyAll()
- props()
- race()
- reason()
- reduce()
- reflect()
- reject()
- resolve()
- return()
- some()
- spread()
- suppressUnhandledRejections()
- tap()
- tapCatch()
- then()
- thenReturn()
- thenThrow()
- throw()
- timeout()
- toJSON()
- toString()
- try()
- using()
- value()
- version
Type Aliases
function getNewLibraryCopy
getNewLibraryCopy: () => typeof Bluebird;
Returns a new independent copy of the Bluebird library.
This method should be used before you use any of the methods which would otherwise alter the global Bluebird object - to avoid polluting global state.
function noConflict
noConflict: () => typeof Bluebird;
This is relevant to browser environments with no module loader.
Release control of the Promise namespace to whatever it was before this library was loaded. Returns a reference to the library namespace so you can attach it to something else.
function setScheduler
setScheduler: (scheduler: (callback: (...args: any[]) => void) => void) => void;
Changes how bluebird schedules calls a-synchronously.
Parameter scheduler
Should be a function that asynchronously schedules the calling of the passed in function
class AggregateError
class AggregateError extends Error implements ArrayLike<Error> {}
A collection of errors.
is an array-like object, with numeric indices and a.length
property. It supports all generic array methods such as.forEach
s are caught in.error
handlers, even if the contained errors are not operational.Promise.some
as rejection reason when they fail.
property length
length: number;
method every
every: ( callback: (element: Error, index: number, array: AggregateError) => boolean, thisArg?: any) => boolean;
method filter
filter: ( callback: (element: Error, index: number, array: AggregateError) => boolean, thisArg?: any) => AggregateError;
method forEach
forEach: ( callback: (element: Error, index: number, array: AggregateError) => void, thisArg?: any) => undefined;
method indexOf
indexOf: (searchElement: Error, fromIndex?: number) => number;
method join
join: (separator?: string) => string;
method lastIndexOf
lastIndexOf: (searchElement: Error, fromIndex?: number) => number;
method map
map: ( callback: (element: Error, index: number, array: AggregateError) => boolean, thisArg?: any) => AggregateError;
method pop
pop: () => Error;
method push
push: (...errors: Error[]) => number;
method reduce
reduce: ( callback: ( accumulator: any, element: Error, index: number, array: AggregateError ) => any, initialValue?: any) => any;
method reduceRight
reduceRight: ( callback: ( previousValue: any, element: Error, index: number, array: AggregateError ) => any, initialValue?: any) => any;
method reverse
reverse: () => AggregateError;
method shift
shift: () => Error;
method slice
slice: (begin?: number, end?: number) => AggregateError;
method some
some: ( callback: (element: Error, index: number, array: AggregateError) => boolean, thisArg?: any) => boolean;
method sort
sort: ( compareFunction?: (errLeft: Error, errRight: Error) => number) => AggregateError;
method unshift
unshift: (...errors: Error[]) => number;
class Bluebird
class Bluebird<R> implements PromiseLike<R>, Bluebird.Inspection<R> {}
constructor( callback: ( resolve: (thenableOrResult?: Resolvable<R>) => void, reject: (error?: any) => void, onCancel?: (callback: () => void) => void ) => void);
Create a new promise. The passed in function will receive functions
as its arguments which can be called to seal the fate of the created promise.If promise cancellation is enabled, passed in function will receive one more function argument
that allows to register an optional cancellation callback.
property [Symbol.toStringTag]
readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string;
property caught
caught: { <U = R>(onReject: (error: any) => Resolvable<U>): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5>( filter1: Constructor<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2>, filter3: Constructor<E3>, filter4: Constructor<E4>, filter5: Constructor<E5>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2 | E3 | E4 | E5) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5>( filter1: Constructor<E1> | CatchFilter<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2> | CatchFilter<E2>, filter3: Constructor<E3> | CatchFilter<E3>, filter4: Constructor<E4> | CatchFilter<E4>, filter5: Constructor<E5> | CatchFilter<E5>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2 | E3 | E4 | E5) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1, E2, E3, E4>( filter1: Constructor<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2>, filter3: Constructor<E3>, filter4: Constructor<E4>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2 | E3 | E4) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1, E2, E3, E4>( filter1: Constructor<E1> | CatchFilter<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2> | CatchFilter<E2>, filter3: Constructor<E3> | CatchFilter<E3>, filter4: Constructor<E4> | CatchFilter<E4>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2 | E3 | E4) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1, E2, E3>( filter1: Constructor<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2>, filter3: Constructor<E3>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2 | E3) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1, E2, E3>( filter1: Constructor<E1> | CatchFilter<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2> | CatchFilter<E2>, filter3: Constructor<E3> | CatchFilter<E3>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2 | E3) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1, E2>( filter1: Constructor<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1, E2>( filter1: Constructor<E1> | CatchFilter<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2> | CatchFilter<E2>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1>( filter1: Constructor<E1>, onReject: (error: E1) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1>( filter1: Constructor<E1> | CatchFilter<E1>, onReject: (error: E1) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>;};
This is a catch-all exception handler, shortcut for calling
.then(null, handler)
on this promise.Any exception happening in a
-chain will propagate to nearest.catch
for compatibility with earlier ECMAScript version.
property lastly
lastly: (handler: () => any) => Bluebird<R>;
property Promise
static Promise: typeof Bluebird;
Create a new promise. The passed in function will receive functions
as its arguments which can be called to seal the fate of the created promise. If promise cancellation is enabled, passed in function will receive one more function argumentonCancel
that allows to register an optional cancellation callback.
property version
static version: string;
The version number of the library
method all
static all: { <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>( values: [ Resolvable<T1>, Resolvable<T2>, Resolvable<T3>, Resolvable<T4>, Resolvable<T5> ] ): Bluebird<[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5]>; <T1, T2, T3, T4>( values: [Resolvable<T1>, Resolvable<T2>, Resolvable<T3>, Resolvable<T4>] ): Bluebird<[T1, T2, T3, T4]>; <T1, T2, T3>( values: [Resolvable<T1>, Resolvable<T2>, Resolvable<T3>] ): Bluebird<[T1, T2, T3]>; <T1, T2>(values: [Resolvable<T1>, Resolvable<T2>]): Bluebird<[T1, T2]>; <T1>(values: [Resolvable<T1>]): Bluebird<[T1]>; <R>(values: Resolvable<Iterable<Resolvable<R>>>): Bluebird<R[]>;};
Same as calling
. With the exception that if this promise is bound to a value, the returned promise is bound to that value too.Given an array, or a promise of an array, which contains promises (or a mix of promises and values) return a promise that is fulfilled when all the items in the array are fulfilled. The promise's fulfillment value is an array with fulfillment values at respective positions to the original array. If any promise in the array rejects, the returned promise is rejected with the rejection reason.
method allSettled
static allSettled: { <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>( values: [ Resolvable<T1>, Resolvable<T2>, Resolvable<T3>, Resolvable<T4>, Resolvable<T5> ] ): Bluebird< [ Bluebird.Inspection<T1>, Bluebird.Inspection<T2>, Bluebird.Inspection<T3>, Bluebird.Inspection<T4>, Bluebird.Inspection<T5> ] >; <T1, T2, T3, T4>( values: [Resolvable<T1>, Resolvable<T2>, Resolvable<T3>, Resolvable<T4>] ): Bluebird< [ Bluebird.Inspection<T1>, Bluebird.Inspection<T2>, Bluebird.Inspection<T3>, Bluebird.Inspection<T4> ] >; <T1, T2, T3>( values: [Resolvable<T1>, Resolvable<T2>, Resolvable<T3>] ): Bluebird< [ Bluebird.Inspection<T1>, Bluebird.Inspection<T2>, Bluebird.Inspection<T3> ] >; <T1, T2>(values: [Resolvable<T1>, Resolvable<T2>]): Bluebird< [Bluebird.Inspection<T1>, Bluebird.Inspection<T2>] >; <T1>(values: [Resolvable<T1>]): Bluebird<[Bluebird.Inspection<T1>]>; <R>(values: Resolvable<Iterable<Resolvable<R>>>): Bluebird< Bluebird.Inspection<R>[] >;};
method any
static any: <R>(values: Resolvable<Iterable<Resolvable<R>>>) => Bluebird<R>;
Same as calling
. With the exception that if this promise is bound to a value, the returned promise is bound to that value too.Like
, with 1 ascount
. However, if the promise fulfills, the fulfillment value is not an array of 1 but the value directly.
method asCallback
asCallback: { ( callback: (err: any, value?: R) => void, options?: Bluebird.SpreadOption ): this; (...sink: any[]): this;};
method attempt
static attempt: <R>(fn: () => Resolvable<R>) => Bluebird<R>;
method bind
static bind: (thisArg: any) => Bluebird<void>;
Create a promise that follows this promise, but is bound to the given
value. A bound promise will call its handlers with the bound value set tothis
.Additionally promises derived from a bound promise will also be bound promises with the same
binding as the original promise.Sugar for
. See.bind()
method call
call: <U extends keyof Q, Q>( this: Bluebird<Q>, propertyName: U, ...args: any[]) => Bluebird<Q[U] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? ReturnType<Q[U]> : never>;
This is a convenience method for doing:
promise.then(function(obj){ return obj[propertyName].call(obj, arg...); });
method cancel
cancel: () => void;
Cancel this
. Will not do anything if this promise is already settled or if the cancellation feature has not been enabled
method cast
static cast: <R>(value: Resolvable<R>) => Bluebird<R>;
Cast the given
to a trusted promise.If
is already a trustedPromise
, it is returned as is. Ifvalue
is not a thenable, a fulfilled is: Promise returned withvalue
as its fulfillment value. Ifvalue
is a thenable (Promise-like object, like those returned by jQuery's$.ajax
), returns a trusted that: Promise assimilates the state of the thenable.
method catch
catch: { <U = R>(onReject: (error: any) => Resolvable<U>): Bluebird<U | R>; <U, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5>( filter1: Constructor<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2>, filter3: Constructor<E3>, filter4: Constructor<E4>, filter5: Constructor<E5>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2 | E3 | E4 | E5) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5>( filter1: Constructor<E1> | CatchFilter<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2> | CatchFilter<E2>, filter3: Constructor<E3> | CatchFilter<E3>, filter4: Constructor<E4> | CatchFilter<E4>, filter5: Constructor<E5> | CatchFilter<E5>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2 | E3 | E4 | E5) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1, E2, E3, E4>( filter1: Constructor<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2>, filter3: Constructor<E3>, filter4: Constructor<E4>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2 | E3 | E4) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1, E2, E3, E4>( filter1: Constructor<E1> | CatchFilter<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2> | CatchFilter<E2>, filter3: Constructor<E3> | CatchFilter<E3>, filter4: Constructor<E4> | CatchFilter<E4>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2 | E3 | E4) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1, E2, E3>( filter1: Constructor<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2>, filter3: Constructor<E3>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2 | E3) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1, E2, E3>( filter1: Constructor<E1> | CatchFilter<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2> | CatchFilter<E2>, filter3: Constructor<E3> | CatchFilter<E3>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2 | E3) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1, E2>( filter1: Constructor<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1, E2>( filter1: Constructor<E1> | CatchFilter<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2> | CatchFilter<E2>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1>( filter1: Constructor<E1>, onReject: (error: E1) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U, E1>( filter1: Constructor<E1> | CatchFilter<E1>, onReject: (error: E1) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<R | U>;};
This is a catch-all exception handler, shortcut for calling
.then(null, handler)
on this promise.Any exception happening in a
-chain will propagate to nearest.catch
for compatibility with earlier ECMAScript version.This extends
to work more like catch-clauses in languages like Java or C#.Instead of manually checking
or.name === "SomeError"
, you may specify a number of error constructors which are eligible for this catch handler. The catch handler that is first met that has eligible constructors specified, is the one that will be called.This method also supports predicate-based filters. If you pass a predicate function instead of an error constructor, the predicate will receive the error as an argument. The return result of the predicate will be used determine whether the error handler should be called.
for compatibility with earlier ECMAScript version.
method catchReturn
catchReturn: { <U>(value: U): Bluebird<R | U>; <U>( filter1: Constructor<Error>, filter2: Constructor<Error>, filter3: Constructor<Error>, filter4: Constructor<Error>, filter5: Constructor<Error>, value: U ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U>( filter1: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter2: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter3: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter4: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter5: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, value: U ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U>( filter1: Constructor<Error>, filter2: Constructor<Error>, filter3: Constructor<Error>, filter4: Constructor<Error>, value: U ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U>( filter1: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter2: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter3: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter4: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, value: U ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U>( filter1: Constructor<Error>, filter2: Constructor<Error>, filter3: Constructor<Error>, value: U ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U>( filter1: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter2: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter3: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, value: U ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U>( filter1: Constructor<Error>, filter2: Constructor<Error>, value: U ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U>( filter1: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter2: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, value: U ): Bluebird<R | U>; <U>(filter1: Constructor<Error>, value: U): Bluebird<R | U>; <U>(filter1: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, value: U): Bluebird< R | U >;};
Convenience method for:
.catch(function() { return value; });
in the case where
doesn't change its value. That meansvalue
is bound at the time of calling.catchReturn()
method catchThrow
catchThrow: { (reason: Error): Bluebird<R>; ( filter1: Constructor<Error>, filter2: Constructor<Error>, filter3: Constructor<Error>, filter4: Constructor<Error>, filter5: Constructor<Error>, reason: Error ): Bluebird<R>; ( filter1: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter2: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter3: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter4: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter5: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, reason: Error ): Bluebird<R>; ( filter1: Constructor<Error>, filter2: Constructor<Error>, filter3: Constructor<Error>, filter4: Constructor<Error>, reason: Error ): Bluebird<R>; ( filter1: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter2: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter3: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter4: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, reason: Error ): Bluebird<R>; ( filter1: Constructor<Error>, filter2: Constructor<Error>, filter3: Constructor<Error>, reason: Error ): Bluebird<R>; ( filter1: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter2: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter3: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, reason: Error ): Bluebird<R>; ( filter1: Constructor<Error>, filter2: Constructor<Error>, reason: Error ): Bluebird<R>; ( filter1: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, filter2: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, reason: Error ): Bluebird<R>; (filter1: Constructor<Error>, reason: Error): Bluebird<R>; ( filter1: Constructor<Error> | CatchFilter<Error>, reason: Error ): Bluebird<R>;};
Convenience method for:
.catch(function() { throw reason; }); Same limitations apply as with
method config
static config: (options: { warnings?: boolean | { wForgottenReturn: boolean } | undefined; longStackTraces?: boolean | undefined; cancellation?: boolean | undefined; monitoring?: boolean | undefined; asyncHooks?: boolean | undefined;}) => void;
Configure long stack traces, warnings, monitoring and cancellation. Note that even though false is the default here, a development environment might be detected which automatically enables long stack traces and warnings.
method coroutine
static coroutine: { <T>( generatorFunction: () => IterableIterator<any>, options?: Bluebird.CoroutineOptions ): () => Bluebird<T>; <T, A1>( generatorFunction: (a1: A1) => IterableIterator<any>, options?: Bluebird.CoroutineOptions ): (a1: A1) => Bluebird<T>; <T, A1, A2>( generatorFunction: (a1: A1, a2: A2) => IterableIterator<any>, options?: Bluebird.CoroutineOptions ): (a1: A1, a2: A2) => Bluebird<T>; <T, A1, A2, A3>( generatorFunction: (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3) => IterableIterator<any>, options?: Bluebird.CoroutineOptions ): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3) => Bluebird<T>; <T, A1, A2, A3, A4>( generatorFunction: ( a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4 ) => IterableIterator<any>, options?: Bluebird.CoroutineOptions ): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4) => Bluebird<T>; <T, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5>( generatorFunction: ( a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5 ) => IterableIterator<any>, options?: Bluebird.CoroutineOptions ): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5) => Bluebird<T>; <T, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6>( generatorFunction: ( a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5, a6: A6 ) => IterableIterator<any>, options?: Bluebird.CoroutineOptions ): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5, a6: A6) => Bluebird<T>; <T, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7>( generatorFunction: ( a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5, a6: A6, a7: A7 ) => IterableIterator<any>, options?: Bluebird.CoroutineOptions ): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5, a6: A6, a7: A7) => Bluebird<T>; <T, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8>( generatorFunction: ( a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5, a6: A6, a7: A7, a8: A8 ) => IterableIterator<any>, options?: Bluebird.CoroutineOptions ): ( a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5, a6: A6, a7: A7, a8: A8 ) => Bluebird<T>;};
Returns a function that can use
to run asynchronous code synchronously.This feature requires the support of generators which are drafted in the next version of the language. Node version greater than
is required and needs to be executed with the--harmony-generators
) command-line switch.
method defer
static defer: <R>() => Bluebird.Resolver<R>;
See Also
Create a promise with undecided fate and return a
to control it. See resolution?: Promise(#promise-resolution).
method delay
static delay: { <R>(ms: number, value: Resolvable<R>): Bluebird<R>; (ms: number): Bluebird<void>;};
Same as calling
Promise.delay(ms, this)
.Returns a promise that will be resolved with value (or undefined) after given ms milliseconds. If value is a promise, the delay will start counting down when it is fulfilled and the returned promise will be fulfilled with the fulfillment value of the value promise.
method disposer
disposer: ( disposeFn: (arg: R, promise: Bluebird<R>) => Resolvable<void>) => Bluebird.Disposer<R>;
A meta method used to specify the disposer method that cleans up a resource when using
.Returns a Disposer object which encapsulates both the resource as well as the method to clean it up. The user can pass this object to
to get access to the resource when it becomes available, as well as to ensure its automatically cleaned up.The second argument passed to a disposer is the result promise of the using block, which you can inspect synchronously.
method done
done: <U>( onFulfilled?: (value: R) => Resolvable<U>, onRejected?: (error: any) => Resolvable<U>) => void;
, but any unhandled rejection that ends up here will be thrown as an error.
method each
static each: <R>( values: Resolvable<Iterable<Resolvable<R>>>, iterator: IterateFunction<R, any>) => Bluebird<R[]>;
Same as calling ``Bluebird.each(thisPromise, iterator)``. With the exception that if this promise is bound to a value, the returned promise is bound to that value too.
Iterate over an array, or a promise of an array, which contains promises (or a mix of promises and values) with the given iterator function with the signature
(item, index, value)
where item is the resolved value of a respective promise in the input array. Iteration happens serially. If any promise in the input array is rejected the returned promise is rejected as well.Resolves to the original array unmodified, this method is meant to be used for side effects. If the iterator function returns a promise or a thenable, the result for the promise is awaited for before continuing with next iteration.
method error
error: <U>(onReject: (reason: any) => Resolvable<U>) => Bluebird<U>;
but instead of catching all types of exceptions, it only catches those that don't originate from thrown errors but rather from explicit rejections.
method filter
static filter: <R>( values: Resolvable<Iterable<Resolvable<R>>>, filterer: IterateFunction<R, boolean>, option?: Bluebird.ConcurrencyOption) => Bluebird<R[]>;
Same as calling ``Promise.filter(thisPromise, filterer)``. With the exception that if this promise is bound to a value, the returned promise is bound to that value too.
Filter an array, or a promise of an array, which contains a promises (or a mix of promises and values) with the given
function with the signature(item, index, arrayLength)
is the resolved value of a respective promise in the input array. If any promise in the input array is rejected the returned promise is rejected as well.The return values from the filtered functions are coerced to booleans, with the exception of promises and thenables which are awaited for their eventual result.
*The original array is not modified.
method finally
finally: (handler: () => Resolvable<any>) => Bluebird<R>;
Pass a handler that will be called regardless of this promise's fate. Returns a new promise chained from this promise.
There are special semantics for
in that the final value cannot be modified from the handler.Alias
for compatibility with earlier ECMAScript version.
method fromCallback
static fromCallback: <T>( resolver: (callback: (err: any, result?: T) => void) => void, options?: Bluebird.FromNodeOptions) => Bluebird<T>;
method fromNode
static fromNode: <T>( resolver: (callback: (err: any, result?: T) => void) => void, options?: Bluebird.FromNodeOptions) => Bluebird<T>;
Returns a promise that is resolved by a node style callback function.
method get
get: <U extends keyof R>(key: U) => Bluebird<R[U]>;
This is a convenience method for doing:
promise.then(function(obj){ return obj[propertyName]; });
method is
static is: (value: any) => boolean;
See if
is a trusted Promise.
method isCancelled
isCancelled: () => boolean;
See if this
has been cancelled.
method isFulfilled
isFulfilled: () => boolean;
See if this
has been fulfilled.
method isPending
isPending: () => boolean;
See if this
is still defer.
method isRejected
isRejected: () => boolean;
See if this
has been rejected.
method isResolved
isResolved: () => boolean;
See if this
is resolved -> either fulfilled or rejected.
method join
static join: { <R, A1>( arg1: Resolvable<A1>, handler: (arg1: A1) => Resolvable<R> ): Bluebird<R>; <R, A1, A2>( arg1: Resolvable<A1>, arg2: Resolvable<A2>, handler: (arg1: A1, arg2: A2) => Resolvable<R> ): Bluebird<R>; <R, A1, A2, A3>( arg1: Resolvable<A1>, arg2: Resolvable<A2>, arg3: Resolvable<A3>, handler: (arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3) => Resolvable<R> ): Bluebird<R>; <R, A1, A2, A3, A4>( arg1: Resolvable<A1>, arg2: Resolvable<A2>, arg3: Resolvable<A3>, arg4: Resolvable<A4>, handler: (arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3, arg4: A4) => Resolvable<R> ): Bluebird<R>; <R, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5>( arg1: Resolvable<A1>, arg2: Resolvable<A2>, arg3: Resolvable<A3>, arg4: Resolvable<A4>, arg5: Resolvable<A5>, handler: ( arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3, arg4: A4, arg5: A5 ) => Resolvable<R> ): Bluebird<R>; <R>(...values: Resolvable<R>[]): Bluebird<R[]>;};
Promise.join( Promise|any values..., function handler ) -> Promise For coordinating multiple concurrent discrete promises.
Note: In 1.x and 0.x Promise.join used to be a Promise.all that took the values in as arguments instead in an array. This behavior has been deprecated but is still supported partially - when the last argument is an immediate function value the new semantics will apply
use .all instead
method longStackTraces
static longStackTraces: () => void;
Call this right after the library is loaded to enabled long stack traces.
Long stack traces cannot be disabled after being enabled, and cannot be enabled after promises have already been created. Long stack traces imply a substantial performance penalty, around 4-5x for throughput and 0.5x for latency.
method map
static map: <R, U>( values: Resolvable<Iterable<Resolvable<R>>>, mapper: IterateFunction<R, U>, options?: Bluebird.ConcurrencyOption) => Bluebird<U[]>;
Same as calling
Bluebird.map(thisPromise, mapper)
. With the exception that if this promise is bound to a value, the returned promise is bound to that value too.Map an array, or a promise of an array, which contains a promises (or a mix of promises and values) with the given
function with the signature(item, index, arrayLength)
is the resolved value of a respective promise in the input array. If any promise in the input array is rejected the returned promise is rejected as well.If the
function returns promises or thenables, the returned promise will wait for all the mapped results to be resolved as well.*The original array is not modified.*
method mapSeries
static mapSeries: <R, U>( values: Resolvable<Iterable<Resolvable<R>>>, iterator: IterateFunction<R, U>) => Bluebird<U[]>;
Same as calling ``Bluebird.mapSeries(thisPromise, iterator)``. With the exception that if this promise is bound to a value, the returned promise is bound to that value too.
Given an Iterable(arrays are Iterable), or a promise of an Iterable, which produces promises (or a mix of promises and values), iterate over all the values in the Iterable into an array and iterate over the array serially, in-order.
Returns a promise for an array that contains the values returned by the iterator function in their respective positions. The iterator won't be called for an item until its previous item, and the promise returned by the iterator for that item are fulfilled. This results in a mapSeries kind of utility but it can also be used simply as a side effect iterator similar to Array#forEach.
If any promise in the input array is rejected or any promise returned by the iterator function is rejected, the result will be rejected as well.
method method
static method: { <R>(fn: () => Resolvable<R>): () => Bluebird<R>; <R, A1>(fn: (arg1: A1) => Resolvable<R>): (arg1: A1) => Bluebird<R>; <R, A1, A2>(fn: (arg1: A1, arg2: A2) => Resolvable<R>): ( arg1: A1, arg2: A2 ) => Bluebird<R>; <R, A1, A2, A3>(fn: (arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3) => Resolvable<R>): ( arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3 ) => Bluebird<R>; <R, A1, A2, A3, A4>( fn: (arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3, arg4: A4) => Resolvable<R> ): (arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3, arg4: A4) => Bluebird<R>; <R, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5>( fn: (arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3, arg4: A4, arg5: A5) => Resolvable<R> ): (arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3, arg4: A4, arg5: A5) => Bluebird<R>; <R>(fn: (...args: any[]) => Resolvable<R>): (...args: any[]) => Bluebird<R>;};
Returns a new function that wraps the given function
. The new function will always return a promise that is fulfilled with the original functions return values or rejected with thrown exceptions from the original function. This method is convenient when a function can sometimes return synchronously or throw synchronously.
method nodeify
nodeify: { ( callback: (err: any, value?: R) => void, options?: Bluebird.SpreadOption ): this; (...sink: any[]): this;};
Register a node-style callback on this promise.
When this promise is is either fulfilled or rejected, the node callback will be called back with the node.js convention where error reason is the first argument and success value is the second argument.
The error argument will be
in case of success. If thecallback
argument is not a function, this method does not do anything.
method onPossiblyUnhandledRejection
static onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: { (handler: (reason: any) => any): void; (handler?: (error: Error, promise: Bluebird<any>) => void): void;};
as the handler to call when there is a possibly unhandled rejection. The default handler logs the error stack to stderr orconsole.error
in browsers.Passing no value or a non-function will have the effect of removing any kind of handling for possibly unhandled rejections.
Add handler as the handler to call when there is a possibly unhandled rejection. The default handler logs the error stack to stderr or console.error in browsers.
Passing no value or a non-function will have the effect of removing any kind of handling for possibly unhandled rejections.
Note: this hook is specific to the bluebird instance its called on, application developers should use global rejection events.
method promisify
static promisify: { <T>( func: (callback: (err: any, result?: T) => void) => void, options?: Bluebird.PromisifyOptions ): () => Bluebird<T>; <T, A1>( func: (arg1: A1, callback: (err: any, result?: T) => void) => void, options?: Bluebird.PromisifyOptions ): (arg1: A1) => Bluebird<T>; <T, A1, A2>( func: ( arg1: A1, arg2: A2, callback: (err: any, result?: T) => void ) => void, options?: Bluebird.PromisifyOptions ): (arg1: A1, arg2: A2) => Bluebird<T>; <T, A1, A2, A3>( func: ( arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3, callback: (err: any, result?: T) => void ) => void, options?: Bluebird.PromisifyOptions ): (arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3) => Bluebird<T>; <T, A1, A2, A3, A4>( func: ( arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3, arg4: A4, callback: (err: any, result?: T) => void ) => void, options?: Bluebird.PromisifyOptions ): (arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3, arg4: A4) => Bluebird<T>; <T, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5>( func: ( arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3, arg4: A4, arg5: A5, callback: (err: any, result?: T) => void ) => void, options?: Bluebird.PromisifyOptions ): (arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3, arg4: A4, arg5: A5) => Bluebird<T>; ( nodeFunction: (...args: any[]) => void, options?: Bluebird.PromisifyOptions ): (...args: any[]) => Bluebird<any>;};
Returns a function that will wrap the given
.Instead of taking a callback, the returned function will return a promise whose fate is decided by the callback behavior of the given node function. The node function should conform to node.js convention of accepting a callback as last argument and calling that callback with error as the first argument and success value on the second argument.
If the
calls its callback with multiple success values, the fulfillment value will be an array of them.If you pass a
, thenodeFunction
will be called as a method on thereceiver
method promisifyAll
static promisifyAll: <T extends object>( target: T, options?: Bluebird.PromisifyAllOptions<T>) => PromisifyAll<T>;
Promisifies the entire object by going through the object's properties and creating an async equivalent of each function on the object and its prototype chain.
The promisified method name will be the original method name postfixed with
. Returns the input object.Note that the original methods on the object are not overwritten but new methods are created with the
-postfix. For example, if youpromisifyAll()
the node.jsfs
object usefs.statAsync()
to call the promisifiedstat
method props
static props: { <K, V>(map: Resolvable<Map<K, Resolvable<V>>>): Bluebird<Map<K, V>>; <T>(object: PromiseLike<Bluebird.ResolvableProps<T>>): Bluebird<T>; <T>(object: Bluebird.ResolvableProps<T>): Bluebird<T>;};
Same as calling
. With the exception that if this promise is bound to a value, the returned promise is bound to that value too.Like ``Promise.all`` but for object properties instead of array items. Returns a promise that is fulfilled when all the properties of the object are fulfilled.
The promise's fulfillment value is an object with fulfillment values at respective keys to the original object. If any promise in the object rejects, the returned promise is rejected with the rejection reason.
is a trustedPromise
, then it will be treated as a promise for object rather than for its properties. All other objects are treated for their properties as is returned byObject.keys
- the object's own enumerable properties.*The original object is not modified.*
method race
static race: <R>(values: Resolvable<Iterable<Resolvable<R>>>) => Bluebird<R>;
Same as calling
Promise.race(thisPromise, count)
. With the exception that if this promise is bound to a value, the returned promise is bound to that value too.Given an array, or a promise of an array, which contains promises (or a mix of promises and values) return a promise that is fulfilled or rejected as soon as a promise in the array is fulfilled or rejected with the respective rejection reason or fulfillment value.
**Note** If you pass empty array or a sparse array with no values, or a promise/thenable for such, it will be forever pending.
method reason
reason: () => any;
Get the rejection reason for the underlying promise. Throws if the promise isn't rejected yet.
method reduce
static reduce: <R, U>( values: Resolvable<Iterable<Resolvable<R>>>, reducer: ( total: U, current: R, index: number, arrayLength: number ) => Resolvable<U>, initialValue?: Resolvable<U>) => Bluebird<U>;
Same as calling
Promise.reduce(thisPromise, Function reducer, initialValue)
. With the exception that if this promise is bound to a value, the returned promise is bound to that value too.Reduce an array, or a promise of an array, which contains a promises (or a mix of promises and values) with the given
function with the signature(total, current, index, arrayLength)
is the resolved value of a respective promise in the input array. If any promise in the input array is rejected the returned promise is rejected as well.If the reducer function returns a promise or a thenable, the result for the promise is awaited for before continuing with next iteration.
*The original array is not modified. If no
is given and the array doesn't contain at least 2 items, the callback will not be called andundefined
is returned.If
is given and the array doesn't have at least 1 item,initialValue
is returned.*
method reflect
reflect: () => Bluebird<Bluebird.Inspection<R>>;
Synchronously inspect the state of this
. ThePromiseInspection
will represent the state of the promise as snapshotted at the time of calling.reflect()
method reject
static reject: (reason: any) => Bluebird<never>;
Create a promise that is rejected with the given
method resolve
static resolve: { (): Bluebird<void>; <R>(value: Resolvable<R>): Bluebird<R> };
Create a promise that is resolved with the given
. Ifvalue
is a thenable or promise, the returned promise will assume its state.
method return
return: { (): Bluebird<void>; <U>(value: U): Bluebird<U> };
Convenience method for:
.then(function() { return value; });
in the case where
doesn't change its value. That meansvalue
is bound at the time of calling.return()
for compatibility with earlier ECMAScript version.
method some
static some: <R>( values: Resolvable<Iterable<Resolvable<R>>>, count: number) => Bluebird<R[]>;
Same as calling
. With the exception that if this promise is bound to a value, the returned promise is bound to that value too. Same as callingPromise.some(thisPromise)
. With the exception that if this promise is bound to a value, the returned promise is bound to that value too.Initiate a competitive race between multiple promises or values (values will become immediately fulfilled promises). When
amount of promises have been fulfilled, the returned promise is fulfilled with an array that contains the fulfillment values of the winners in order of resolution.If too many promises are rejected so that the promise can never become fulfilled, it will be immediately rejected with an array of rejection reasons in the order they were thrown in.
*The original array is not modified.*
method spread
spread: <U, Q>( this: Bluebird<R & Iterable<Q>>, fulfilledHandler: (...values: Q[]) => Resolvable<U>) => Bluebird<U>;
Like calling
, but the fulfillment value or rejection reason is assumed to be an array, which is flattened to the formal parameters of the handlers.
method suppressUnhandledRejections
suppressUnhandledRejections: () => void;
Basically sugar for doing: somePromise.catch(function(){});
Which is needed in case error handlers are attached asynchronously to the promise later, which would otherwise result in premature unhandled rejection reporting.
method tap
tap: (onFulFill: (value: R) => Resolvable<any>) => Bluebird<R>;
, but not called for rejections.
method tapCatch
tapCatch: { (onReject: (error?: any) => Resolvable<any>): Bluebird<R>; <E1, E2, E3, E4, E5>( filter1: Constructor<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2>, filter3: Constructor<E3>, filter4: Constructor<E4>, filter5: Constructor<E5>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2 | E3 | E4 | E5) => any ): Bluebird<R>; <E1, E2, E3, E4, E5>( filter1: Constructor<E1> | CatchFilter<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2> | CatchFilter<E2>, filter3: Constructor<E3> | CatchFilter<E3>, filter4: Constructor<E4> | CatchFilter<E4>, filter5: Constructor<E5> | CatchFilter<E5>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2 | E3 | E4 | E5) => any ): Bluebird<R>; <E1, E2, E3, E4>( filter1: Constructor<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2>, filter3: Constructor<E3>, filter4: Constructor<E4>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2 | E3 | E4) => any ): Bluebird<R>; <E1, E2, E3, E4>( filter1: Constructor<E1> | CatchFilter<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2> | CatchFilter<E2>, filter3: Constructor<E3> | CatchFilter<E3>, filter4: Constructor<E4> | CatchFilter<E4>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2 | E3 | E4) => any ): Bluebird<R>; <E1, E2, E3>( filter1: Constructor<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2>, filter3: Constructor<E3>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2 | E3) => any ): Bluebird<R>; <E1, E2, E3>( filter1: Constructor<E1> | CatchFilter<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2> | CatchFilter<E2>, filter3: Constructor<E3> | CatchFilter<E3>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2 | E3) => any ): Bluebird<R>; <E1, E2>( filter1: Constructor<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2) => any ): Bluebird<R>; <E1, E2>( filter1: Constructor<E1> | CatchFilter<E1>, filter2: Constructor<E2> | CatchFilter<E2>, onReject: (error: E1 | E2) => any ): Bluebird<R>; <E1>(filter1: Constructor<E1>, onReject: (error: E1) => any): Bluebird<R>; <E1>( filter1: Constructor<E1> | CatchFilter<E1>, onReject: (error: E1) => any ): Bluebird<R>;};
but rethrows the error
method then
then: { <U>( onFulfill?: (value: R) => Resolvable<U>, onReject?: (error: any) => Resolvable<U> ): Bluebird<U>; <TResult1 = R, TResult2 = never>( onfulfilled?: (value: R) => Resolvable<TResult1>, onrejected?: (reason: any) => Resolvable<TResult2> ): Bluebird<TResult1 | TResult2>;};
. Returns a new promise chained from this promise.The new promise will be rejected or resolved depending on the passed
and the state of this promise.
method thenReturn
thenReturn: { (): Bluebird<void>; <U>(value: U): Bluebird<U> };
method thenThrow
thenThrow: (reason: Error) => Bluebird<never>;
method throw
throw: (reason: Error) => Bluebird<never>;
Convenience method for:
.then(function() { throw reason; }); Same limitations apply as with
for compatibility with earlier ECMAScript version.
method timeout
timeout: (ms: number, message?: string | Error) => Bluebird<R>;
Returns a promise that will be fulfilled with this promise's fulfillment value or rejection reason. However, if this promise is not fulfilled or rejected within ms milliseconds, the returned promise is rejected with a TimeoutError or the error as the reason.
You may specify a custom error message with the
method toJSON
toJSON: () => object;
This is implicitly called by
when serializing the object. Returns a serialized representation of thePromise
method toString
toString: () => string;
Convert to String.
method try
static try: <R>(fn: () => Resolvable<R>) => Bluebird<R>;
Start the chain of promises with
. Any synchronous exceptions will be turned into rejections on the returned promise.Note about second argument: if it's specifically a true array, its values become respective arguments for the function call. Otherwise it is passed as is as the first argument for the function call.
Alias for
for compatibility with earlier ECMAScript version.
method using
static using: { <R, T>( disposer: Bluebird.Disposer<R>, executor: (transaction: R) => PromiseLike<T> ): Bluebird<T>; <R1, R2, T>( disposer: Bluebird.Disposer<R1>, disposer2: Bluebird.Disposer<R2>, executor: (transaction1: R1, transaction2: R2) => PromiseLike<T> ): Bluebird<T>; <R1, R2, R3, T>( disposer: Bluebird.Disposer<R1>, disposer2: Bluebird.Disposer<R2>, disposer3: Bluebird.Disposer<R3>, executor: ( transaction1: R1, transaction2: R2, transaction3: R3 ) => PromiseLike<T> ): Bluebird<T>;};
In conjunction with
, using will make sure that no matter what, the specified disposer will be called when the promise returned by the callback passed to using has settled. The disposer is necessary because there is no standard interface in node for disposing resources.
method value
value: () => R;
Get the fulfillment value of the underlying promise. Throws if the promise isn't fulfilled yet.
class CancellationError
class CancellationError extends Error {}
Signals that an operation has been aborted or cancelled. The default reason used by
class Disposer
class Disposer<R> {}
returned by
class OperationalError
class OperationalError extends Error {}
Represents an error is an explicit promise rejection as opposed to a thrown error. For example, if an error is errbacked by a callback API promisified through undefined or undefined and is not a typed error, it will be converted to a
which has the original error in the.cause
s are caught in.error
class TimeoutError
class TimeoutError extends Error {}
Signals that an operation has timed out. Used as a custom cancellation reason in
interface ConcurrencyOption
interface ConcurrencyOption {}
property concurrency
concurrency: number;
interface CoroutineOptions
interface CoroutineOptions {}
method yieldHandler
yieldHandler: (value: any) => any;
interface FromNodeOptions
interface FromNodeOptions {}
property multiArgs
multiArgs?: boolean | undefined;
interface Inspection
interface Inspection<R> {}
method isCancelled
isCancelled: () => boolean;
See if the underlying promise was cancelled at the creation time of this inspection object.
method isFulfilled
isFulfilled: () => boolean;
See if the underlying promise was fulfilled at the creation time of this inspection object.
method isPending
isPending: () => boolean;
See if the underlying promise was defer at the creation time of this inspection object.
method isRejected
isRejected: () => boolean;
See if the underlying promise was rejected at the creation time of this inspection object.
method reason
reason: () => any;
Get the rejection reason for the underlying promise. Throws if the promise wasn't rejected at the creation time of this inspection object.
method value
value: () => R;
Get the fulfillment value of the underlying promise. Throws if the promise wasn't fulfilled at the creation time of this inspection object.
interface PromisifyAllOptions
interface PromisifyAllOptions<T> extends PromisifyOptions {}
property suffix
suffix?: string | undefined;
method filter
filter: ( name: string, func: (...args: any[]) => any, target?: any, passesDefaultFilter?: boolean) => boolean;
method promisifier
promisifier: ( this: T, originalMethod: (...args: any[]) => any, defaultPromisifer: (...args: any[]) => (...args: any[]) => Bluebird<any>) => () => PromiseLike<any>;
interface PromisifyOptions
interface PromisifyOptions {}
interface Resolver
interface Resolver<R> {}
property promise
promise: Bluebird<R>;
Returns a reference to the controlled promise that can be passed to clients.
method callback
callback: (err: any, value: R, ...values: R[]) => void;
Gives you a callback representation of the
. Note that this is not a method but a property. The callback accepts error object in first argument and success values on the 2nd parameter and the rest, I.E. node js conventions.If the the callback is called with multiple success values, the resolver fulfills its promise with an array of the values.
method reject
reject: (reason: any) => void;
Reject the underlying promise with
as the rejection reason.
method resolve
resolve: { (value: R): void; (): void };
Resolve the underlying promise with
as the resolution value. Ifvalue
is a thenable or a promise, the underlying promise will assume its state.
interface SpreadOption
interface SpreadOption {}
property spread
spread: boolean;
Type Aliases
type ResolvableProps
type ResolvableProps<T> = object & { [K in keyof T]: Resolvable<T[K]> };
type Thenable
type Thenable<T> = PromiseLike<T>;
Use PromiseLike directly.
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