
  • Version 1.0.5
  • Published
  • 7.82 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for caniuse-lite



variable agents

const agents: Readonly<{ [id: string]: Readonly<Agent> }>;
  • Information about user agents (browsers, platforms) indexed by their ID.

variable features

const features: { [featureID: string]: PackedFeature };
  • Features index by their ID. The feature ID is a human readable identifier. The associated value is a packed version of information about the feature that can be unpacked using the function feature(packed)


function feature

feature: (packedFeature: PackedFeature) => Feature;
  • Parameter packedFeature

    a packed feature obtained from features[key] for some valid key. the unpacked information as Feature.

function region

region: (packedRegion: PackedRegion) => {
[agentID: string]: Readonly<{ [version: string]: number }>;
  • Parameter packedRegion

    a packed version of regional usage data by agent OD. the unpacked usage data indexed by agent ID and then version.


interface Agent

interface Agent {}
  • Provides information about the Agent.

property browser

browser: string;
  • The agent's name

property prefix

prefix: string;
  • The agents vendor prefix

property prefix_exceptions

prefix_exceptions?: { [version: string]: string | undefined } | undefined;
  • Exceptions to vendor prefix use.

property release_date

release_date: { [version: string]: number | undefined };
  • Release dates as seconds since epoch by version.

property usage_global

usage_global: UsageByVersion;
  • Global agent usage by version

property versions

versions: [
// Tuple of 70 version slots:
string | null,
string | null,
string | null,
string | null,
string | null,
string | null,
string | null,
string | null,
string | null,
string | null,
string | null,
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string | null,
string | null,
string | null,
string | null,
string | null,
string | null,
string | null,
string | null,
string | null,
string | null
  • Version matrix. See [caniuse](https://caniuse.com)

interface Feature

interface Feature {}
  • Specifies a feature and its support status in all known agent versions.

property shown

shown: boolean;
  • Whether the feature appears on caniuse.com.

property stats

stats: StatsByAgentID;
  • Agent support matrix for this feature.

property status

status: FeatureStatus;
  • Specification status of the feature.

property title

title: string;
  • Descriptive title of the feature.

interface PackedFeature

interface PackedFeature {}
  • A space optimized version of Feature that can be unpacked using feature(PackedFeature).

index signature

[encodedKey: string]: any;

    interface PackedRegion

    interface PackedRegion {}
    • A space optimized version of Region that can be unpacked using region(PackedFeature).

    index signature

    [encodedKey: string]: any;

      Type Aliases

      type AgentsByID

      type AgentsByID = Readonly<{ [id: string]: Readonly<Agent> | undefined }>;
      • Agents indexed by their ID. .

      type FeatureStatus

      type FeatureStatus = 'ls' | 'rec' | 'pr' | 'cr' | 'wd' | 'other' | 'unoff' | string;
      • The standardization status of a feature: * ls - WHATWG living standard * rec - W3C recommendation * pr - W3C proposed recommendation * cr - W3C candidate recommendation * wd - W3C working draft * other - Non-W3C, but reputable * unoff - Unofficial

      type StatsByAgentID

      type StatsByAgentID = Readonly<{ [agentID: string]: SupportStatusByVersion }>;
      • Feature support status by version indexed by agent ID.

      type SupportStatus

      type SupportStatus = 'n' | 'p' | 'u' | 'a x' | 'a' | 'y x' | 'y' | string;
      • Encoded support status: * n - not supported * p - not supported, polyfill available * u - unknown * a x - partially supported, vendor prefix * a - partially supported * y x - fully supported, vendor prefix * y - fully supported

        The support status can additionally have one or more footnote references as #<n>, f.e. a x #1 #3.

      type SupportStatusByVersion

      type SupportStatusByVersion = Readonly<{ [version: string]: SupportStatus }>;
      • Feature support status indexed by an agent's versions.

      type UsageByVersion

      type UsageByVersion = Readonly<{ [version: string]: number | undefined }>;
      • Usage (percentage/market share) indexed by an agent's versions.

      Package Files (1)

      Dependencies (0)

      No dependencies.

      Dev Dependencies (0)

      No dev dependencies.

      Peer Dependencies (0)

      No peer dependencies.


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