
  • Version 2.2.6
  • Published
  • 5.87 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for child-process-promise



function exec

exec: {
command: Readonly<string>,
options: Readonly<Options & { encoding: 'buffer' | null } & ExecOptions>
): ChildProcessPromise<PromiseResult<Buffer>>;
(command: string, options: Readonly<any>): ChildProcessPromise<
(command: string, options: Readonly<any>): ChildProcessPromise<
(command: string, options?: Readonly<any>): ChildProcessPromise<

    function execFile

    execFile: {
    file: Readonly<string>,
    options: Readonly<Options & ExecFileOptionsWithBufferEncoding>
    ): ChildProcessPromise<PromiseResult<Buffer>>;
    file: string,
    args: readonly string[],
    options: Readonly<any>
    ): ChildProcessPromise<PromiseResult<Buffer>>;
    (file: string, options: Readonly<any>): ChildProcessPromise<
    (file: string, options: Readonly<any>): ChildProcessPromise<PromiseResult<any>>;
    file: string,
    args: readonly string[],
    options: Readonly<any>
    ): ChildProcessPromise<PromiseResult<any>>;
    file: string,
    args?: readonly string[],
    options?: Readonly<any>
    ): ChildProcessPromise<PromiseResult<string>>;

      function fork

      fork: (
      modulePath: string,
      args?: readonly string[],
      options?: Readonly<Options & ForkOptions>
      ) => ChildProcessPromise<SpawnPromiseResult>;

        function spawn

        spawn: (
        command: Readonly<string>,
        args?: readonly string[] | null,
        options?: Readonly<Options & SpawnOptions>
        ) => ChildProcessPromise<SpawnPromiseResult>;


          interface ChildProcessPromise

          interface ChildProcessPromise<T> extends Promise<T> {}

            property childProcess

            childProcess: ChildProcess;

              interface Options

              interface Options {}

                property capture

                | []
                | ['stdout' | 'stderr']
                | ['stdout', 'stderr']
                | ['stderr', 'stdout']
                | undefined;
                • Pass an additional capture option to buffer the result of stdout and/or stderr Default: []

                property successfulExitCodes

                successfulExitCodes?: number[] | undefined;
                • Array of the numbers that should be interpreted as successful execution codes Default: [0]

                interface PromiseResult

                interface PromiseResult<Enc extends string | Buffer> {}
                • Simple wrapper around the child_process module that makes use of promises

                property childProcess

                childProcess: ChildProcess;

                  property stderr

                  stderr: Enc;

                    property stdout

                    stdout: Enc;

                      interface SpawnPromiseResult

                      interface SpawnPromiseResult extends PromiseResult<string> {}

                        property code

                        code: number;

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