- Version 2.4.4
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- 22.1 kB
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- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for chroma-js
Type Aliases
variable chroma
var chroma: chroma.ChromaStatic;
interface ChromaStatic
interface ChromaStatic {}
property brewer
brewer: { OrRd: string[]; PuBu: string[]; BuPu: string[]; Oranges: string[]; BuGn: string[]; YlOrBr: string[]; YlGn: string[]; Reds: string[]; RdPu: string[]; Greens: string[]; YlGnBu: string[]; Purples: string[]; GnBu: string[]; Greys: string[]; YlOrRd: string[]; PuRd: string[]; Blues: string[]; PuBuGn: string[]; Viridis: string[]; Spectral: string[]; RdYlGn: string[]; RdBu: string[]; PiYG: string[]; PRGn: string[]; RdYlBu: string[]; BrBG: string[]; RdGy: string[]; PuOr: string[]; Set2: string[]; Accent: string[]; Set1: string[]; Set3: string[]; Dark2: string[]; Paired: string[]; Pastel2: string[]; Pastel1: string[];};
chroma.brewer is an map of ColorBrewer scales that are included in chroma.js for convenience. chroma.scale uses the colors to construct.
method average
average: ( colors: Array<string | Color>, colorSpace?: InterpolationMode, weights?: number[]) => Color;
Similar to mix, but accepts more than two colors. Simple averaging of R,G,B components and the alpha channel.
method bezier
bezier: (colors: string[]) => { (t: number): Color; scale(): Scale };
Returns a function that [bezier-interpolates]https://www.vis4.net/blog/posts/mastering-multi-hued-color-scales/ between colors in Lab space. The input range of the function is [0..1]. You can convert it to a scale instance by calling chroma.bezier(...).scale()
method blend
blend: ( color1: string | Color, color2: string | Color, blendMode: | 'multiply' | 'darken' | 'lighten' | 'screen' | 'overlay' | 'burn' | 'dodge') => Color;
Blends two colors using RGB channel-wise blend functions.
method cmyk
cmyk: (c: number, m: number, y: number, k: number) => Color;
method contrast
contrast: (color1: string | Color, color2: string | Color) => number;
Computes the WCAG contrast ratio between two colors. A minimum contrast of 4.5:1 is recommended https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/G18.html to ensure that text is still readable against a background color.
method css
css: (col: string) => Color;
method cubehelix
cubehelix: () => Cubehelix;
method deltaE
deltaE: ( color1: string | Color, color2: string | Color, L?: number, C?: number) => number;
Computes color difference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_difference#CMC_l:c_.281984.29 as developed by the Colour Measurement Committee of the Society of Dyers and Colourists (CMC) in 1984. The implementation is adapted from Bruce Lindbloom. https://web.archive.org/web/20160306044036/http://www.brucelindbloom.com/javascript/ColorDiff.js The parameters L (default 1) and C (default 1) are weighting factors for lightness and chromacity.
method distance
distance: ( color1: string | Color, color2: string | Color, colorSpace?: keyof ColorSpaces) => number;
Computes the eucledian distance between two colors in a given color space (default is 'lab'). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_distance#Three_dimensions
method gl
gl: (red: number, green: number, blue: number, alpha?: number) => Color;
GL is a variant of RGB(A), with the only difference that the components are normalized to the range of 0..1.
method hcl
hcl: (h: number, c: number, l: number, alpha?: number) => Color;
Same meaning as lch(), but in different order.
method hex
hex: (color: string) => Color;
Create a color from a hex or string representation (as supported in CSS).
This is an alias of chroma.css().
Parameter color
The string to convert to a color. the color object.
method hsl
hsl: (h: number, s: number, l: number, alpha?: number) => Color;
method hsv
hsv: (h: number, s: number, v: number, alpha?: number) => Color;
method interpolate
interpolate: ( color1: string | Color, color2: string | Color, f?: number, colorSpace?: InterpolationMode) => Color;
Alias for .
method lab
lab: (lightness: number, a: number, b: number, alpha?: number) => Color;
method lch
lch: (l: number, c: number, h: number, alpha?: number) => Color;
method limits
limits: (data: number[], mode: 'e' | 'q' | 'l' | 'k', c: number) => number[];
Helper function that computes class breaks based on data. Mode: equidistant 'e' breaks are computed by dividing the total range of the data into n groups of equal size. quantile 'q' input domain is divided by quantile ranges. logarithmic 'l' breaks are equidistant breaks but on a logarithmic scale. k-means 'k' breaks use the 1-dimensional [k-means clustering algorithm]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means_clustering to find (roughly) n groups of "similar" values. Note that this k-means implementation does not guarantee to find exactly n groups.
method mix
mix: ( color1: string | Color, color2: string | Color, f?: number, colorSpace?: InterpolationMode) => Color;
Mixes two colors. The mix ratio is a value between 0 and 1. The color mixing produces different results based the color space used for interpolation. Defaults to LRGB.
Example 1
chroma.mix('red', 'blue', 0.25) // => #bf0040
Example 2
chroma.mix('red', 'blue', 0.5, 'hsl') // => #ff00ff
method oklab
oklab: (lightness: number, a: number, b: number, alpha?: number) => Color;
method oklch
oklch: (l: number, c: number, h: number, alpha?: number) => Color;
method random
random: () => Color;
Returns a random color.
method rgb
rgb: (r: number, g: number, b: number, alpha?: number) => Color;
method scale
scale: { (name: string | Color): Scale; (colors?: (string | Color)[]): Scale<Color>;};
method temperature
temperature: (t: number) => Color;
Returns a color from the color temperature scale. light 2000K, bright sunlight 6000K. Based on Neil Bartlett's implementation. https://github.com/neilbartlett/color-temperature
method valid
valid: (color: any, mode?: string) => boolean;
call signature
(color: string | number | Color): Color;
Creates a color from a string representation (as supported in CSS). Creates a color from a number representation [0; 16777215]
Parameter color
The string to convert to a color. the color object.
call signature
(a: number, b: number, c: number, colorSpace?: keyof ColorSpaces): Color;
Create a color in the specified color space using a, b and c as values.
Parameter colorSpace
The color space to use. Defaults to "rgb". the color object.
call signature
( a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, colorSpace?: keyof ColorSpaces): Color;
call signature
(values: number[], colorSpace?: keyof ColorSpaces): Color;
Create a color in the specified color space using values.
Parameter values
An array of values (e.g. [r, g, b, a?]).
Parameter colorSpace
The color space to use. Defaults to "rgb". the color object.
interface Color
interface Color {}
property clipped
clipped: () => boolean;
Test if a color has been clipped or not. Colors generated from CIELab color space may have their RGB channels clipped to the range of [0..255]. Colors outside that range may exist in nature but are not displayable on RGB monitors (such as ultraviolet).
Example 1
chroma.hcl(50, 40, 20).clipped() === true
property cmyk
cmyk: () => ColorSpaces['cmyk'];
Just like color.rgb but adds the alpha channel to the returned array.
Example 1
chroma('orange').rgba() === [255,165,0,1] chroma('hsla(20, 100%, 40%, 0.5)').rgba() === [204,68,0,0.5]
property gl
gl: () => ColorSpaces['gl'];
Returns an array with the cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black) components, each as a normalized value between 0 and 1.
Example 1
chroma('33cc00').gl() === [0.2,0.8,0,1]
property hcl
hcl: () => ColorSpaces['hcl'];
Alias of [lch](#color-lch), but with the components in reverse order.
Example 1
chroma('skyblue').hcl() === [235.11,25.94,79.21]
property hsi
hsi: () => ColorSpaces['hsi'];
Returns an array with the
, andintensity
components, each as number between 0 and 255. Note that for hue-less colors (black, white, and grays), the hue component will be NaN.Example 1
chroma('orange').hsi() === [39.64,1,0.55] chroma('white').hsi() === [NaN,0,1]
property hsl
hsl: () => ColorSpaces['hsl'];
Returns an array with the
, andlightness
component. Hue is the color angle in degree (0..360
), saturation and lightness are within0..1
. Note that for hue-less colors (black, white, and grays), the hue component will be NaN.Example 1
chroma('orange').hsl() === [38.82,1,0.5,1] chroma('white').hsl() === [NaN,0,1,1]
property hsv
hsv: () => ColorSpaces['hsv'];
Returns an array with the
, andvalue
components. Hue is the color angle in degree (0..360
), saturation and value are within0..1
. Note that for hue-less colors (black, white, and grays), the hue component will be NaN.Example 1
chroma('orange').hsv() === [38.82,1,1] chroma('white').hsv() === [NaN,0,1]
property lab
lab: () => ColorSpaces['lab'];
Returns an array with the **L**, **a**, and **b** components.
Example 1
chroma('orange').lab() === [74.94,23.93,78.95]
property lch
lch: () => ColorSpaces['lch'];
Returns an array with the **Lightness**, **chroma**, and **hue** components.
Example 1
chroma('skyblue').lch() === [79.21,25.94,235.11]
property oklab
oklab: () => ColorSpaces['oklab'];
Returns an array with the **L**, **a**, and **b** components.
Example 1
chroma('orange').oklab() === [0.7927,0.0566,0.1614]
property oklch
oklch: () => ColorSpaces['oklch'];
Returns an array with the **Lightness**, **chroma**, and **hue** components.
Example 1
chroma('skyblue').oklch() === [0.8148,0.0819,225.8]
property rgb
rgb: (round?: boolean) => ColorSpaces['rgb'];
Returns an array with the red, green, and blue component, each as number within the range 0..255. Chroma internally stores RGB channels as floats but rounds the numbers before returning them. You can pass false to prevent the rounding.
Example 1
chroma('orange').rgb() === [255,165,0] chroma('orange').darken().rgb() === [198,118,0] chroma('orange').darken().rgb(false) === [198.05,118.11,0]
property rgba
rgba: (round?: boolean) => ColorSpaces['rgba'];
Just like color.rgb but adds the alpha channel to the returned array.
Example 1
chroma('orange').rgba() === [255,165,0,1] chroma('hsla(20, 100%, 40%, 0.5)').rgba() === [204,68,0,0.5]
method alpha
alpha: { (a: number): Color; (): number };
Get and set the color opacity.
method brighten
brighten: (f?: number) => Color;
method css
css: (mode?: 'hsl') => string;
Returns a RGB() or HSL() string representation that can be used as CSS-color definition. mode defaults to 'rgb'
method darken
darken: (f?: number) => Color;
method desaturate
desaturate: (s?: number) => Color;
Similar to saturate, but the opposite direction.
method get
get: (modechan: string) => number;
Returns a single channel value. Also
See Also
method hex
hex: (mode?: 'auto' | 'rgb' | 'rgba') => string;
Get color as hexadecimal string.
Parameter mode
- string will include alpha channel only if it's less than 1.rgb
- string will not include alpha channel.rgba
- string will include alpha channel.Example 1
chroma('orange').hex() === '#ffa500' chroma('orange').alpha(0.5).hex() === '#ffa50080' chroma('orange').alpha(0.5).hex('rgb') === '#ffa500'
method luminance
luminance: { (): number; (l: number, colorSpace?: InterpolationMode): Color };
Relative brightness, according to the [WCAG]http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-WCAG20-20081211/#relativeluminancedef definition. Normalized to 0 for darkest black and 1 for lightest white.
Set luminance of color. The source color will be interpolated with black or white until the correct luminance is found. The color space used defaults to RGB.
method mix
mix: ( targetColor: string | Color, f?: number, colorSpace?: keyof ColorSpaces) => Color;
method name
name: () => string;
Returns the named color. Falls back to hexadecimal RGB string, if the color isn't present.
method num
num: () => number;
Returns the numeric representation of the hexadecimal RGB color.
Example 1
chroma('#000000').num() === 0 chroma('#0000ff').num() === 255 chroma('#00ff00').num() === 65280 chroma('#ff0000').num() === 16711680
method saturate
saturate: (s?: number) => Color;
Changes the saturation of a color by manipulating the Lch chromacity.
method set
set: (modechan: string, v: number | string) => Color;
Changes a single channel and returns the result a new chroma object.
Example 1
// half Lab lightness chroma('orangered').set('lab.l', '*0.5')
Example 2
// double Lch saturation chroma('darkseagreen').set('lch.c', '*2')
method temperature
temperature: () => number;
Estimate the temperature in Kelvin of any given color, though this makes the only sense for colors from the [temperature gradient]ChromaStatic.temperature above.
interface ColorSpaces
interface ColorSpaces {}
property cmyk
cmyk: [number, number, number, number];
property gl
gl: [number, number, number, number];
property hcl
hcl: [number, number, number];
property hsi
hsi: [number, number, number];
property hsl
hsl: [number, number, number];
property hsv
hsv: [number, number, number];
property lab
lab: [number, number, number];
property lch
lch: [number, number, number];
property oklab
oklab: [number, number, number];
property oklch
oklch: [number, number, number];
property rgb
rgb: [number, number, number];
property rgba
rgba: [number, number, number, number];
interface Cubehelix
interface Cubehelix {}
method gamma
gamma: (g: number) => Cubehelix;
gamma factor can be used to emphasise low or high intensity values, default=1
method lightness
lightness: (l: number[]) => Cubehelix;
lightness range: default: [0,1] (black -> white)
method rotations
rotations: (r: number) => Cubehelix;
number (and direction) of hue rotations (e.g. 1=360°, 1.5=
`), default=-1.5
method scale
scale: () => Scale;
You can call cubehelix.scale() to use the cube-helix through the chroma.scale interface.
method start
start: (s: number) => Cubehelix;
Set start color for hue rotation, default=300
interface Scale
interface Scale<OutType = Color> {}
method cache
cache: (use: boolean) => boolean;
method classes
classes: (c: number | number[]) => this;
If you want the scale function to return a distinct set of colors instead of a continuous gradient, you can use scale.classes. If you pass a number the scale will broken into equi-distant classes. You can also define custom class breaks by passing them as array
method colors
colors: { ( c: number | undefined, format: | undefined | null | 'alpha' | 'darken' | 'brighten' | 'saturate' | 'desaturate' ): Color[]; (c: number, format: 'luminance' | 'temperature'): number[]; <K extends keyof ColorSpaces>(c: number, format: K): ColorSpaces[K][]; (c: number, format?: 'hex' | 'name'): string[];};
You can call scale.colors(n) to quickly grab
equi-distant colors from a color scale. If called with no arguments, scale.colors returns the original array of colors used to create the scale.
method correctLightness
correctLightness: (enable?: boolean) => this;
method domain
domain: (d?: number[], n?: number, mode?: string) => this;
method gamma
gamma: (g: number) => this;
method mode
mode: (mode: InterpolationMode) => this;
method out
out: { (format: null): Scale; <K extends keyof ColorSpaces>(format: K): Scale<ColorSpaces[K]>; (format: 'hex'): Scale<string>;};
Set out format for scale() call. Passing null will result in a scale which outputs colors.
method padding
padding: (p: number | number[]) => this;
call signature
(c: string[]): Scale;
call signature
(value: number | null | undefined): OutType;
Type Aliases
type InterpolationMode
type InterpolationMode = | 'rgb' | 'hsl' | 'hsv' | 'hsi' | 'lab' | 'oklab' | 'lch' | 'oklch' | 'hcl' | 'lrgb';
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