- Version 2.5.7
- Published
- 31.8 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for coffeescript
- args
- array
- asKey
- base
- body
- bound
- boundFuncs
- cases
- classBody
- comments
- condition
- context
- elseBody
- expression
- expressions
- first
- flip
- generated
- guard
- index
- isChain
- isGenerator
- isNew
- isSuper
- locationData
- name
- negated
- object
- objects
- operator
- otherwise
- own
- param
- params
- parent
- pattern
- properties
- range
- returns
- second
- soak
- source
- subject
- subpattern
- this
- val
- value
- variable
- addDataToNode()
- attachCommentsToNode()
- baseFileName()
- buildTokenDataDictionary()
- compact()
- count()
- del()
- ends()
- extend()
- extractAllCommentTokens()
- flatten()
- invertLiterate()
- isBoolean()
- isCoffee()
- isFunction()
- isLiterate()
- isNumber()
- isPlainObject()
- isString()
- locationDataToString()
- merge()
- nameWhitespaceCharacter()
- parseNumber()
- repeat()
- replaceUnicodeCodePointEscapes()
- some
- starts()
- throwSyntaxError()
- updateSyntaxError()
Type Aliases
let FILE_EXTENSIONS: ['.coffee', '.coffee.md', '.litcoffee'];
List of precompiled CoffeeScript file extensions.
variable VERSION
let VERSION: string;
Version number of the CoffeeScript compiler.
function compile
compile: { (code: string, options: SourceMapOptions): CodeWithSourceMap; (code: string, options?: Options): string;};
Compiles CoffeeScript to JavaScript code, then outputs it as a string.
Parameter code
CoffeeScript code to be compiled.
Parameter options
CoffeeScript compiler options.
options.ast If true, output an abstract syntax tree of the input CoffeeScript source code.
options.bare If true, omit a top-level IIFE safety wrapper.
options.filename File name to compile.
options.header If true, output the
Generated by CoffeeScript
options.inlineMap If true, output the source map as a base64-encoded string in a comment at the bottom.
options.sourceMap If true, output a source map object with the code.
options.transpile Babel transpilation options - see
Compiled and unevaluated JavaScript code if
is falsy and/orundefined
. Ifoptions.sourceMap
, this returns a{js, v3SourceMap, sourceMap}
object, wheresourceMap
is aSourceMap
object handy for doing programmatic lookups.
function nodes
nodes: (code: string, options?: Options) => ASTBody;
Parse a string of CoffeeScript code or an array of lexed tokens, and return the AST. You can then compile it by calling
on the root, or traverse it by using.traverseChildren()
with a callback.Parameter code
CoffeeScript code to be compiled.
Parameter options
CoffeeScript compiler options.
options.ast If true, output an abstract syntax tree of the input CoffeeScript source code.
options.bare If true, omit a top-level IIFE safety wrapper.
options.filename File name to compile.
options.header If true, output the
Generated by CoffeeScript
options.inlineMap If true, output the source map as a base64-encoded string in a comment at the bottom.
options.sourceMap If true, output a source map object with the code.
options.transpile Babel transpilation options - see
Compiled and unevaluated JavaScript code.
function register
register: () => { (path: string): object; [path: string]: object };
Node's module loader, patched to be able to handle multi-dot extensions. This is a horrible thing that should not be required.
function run
run: (code: string, options?: Options) => any;
Compiles and executes a CoffeeScript string in the NodeJS environment. Evaluates
correctly in order to execute the CoffeeScript input.Parameter code
CoffeeScript code to be compiled.
Parameter options
CoffeeScript compiler options.
options.ast If true, output an abstract syntax tree of the input CoffeeScript source code.
options.bare If true, omit a top-level IIFE safety wrapper.
options.filename File name to compile.
options.header If true, output the
Generated by CoffeeScript
options.inlineMap If true, output the source map as a base64-encoded string in a comment at the bottom.
options.sourceMap If true, output a source map object with the code.
options.transpile Babel transpilation options - see
Output of evaluated CoffeeScript code in the NodeJS environment.
function transpile
transpile: (code: string, options?: Options) => Babel.BabelFileResult;
Transpiles CoffeeScript to legacy, high-compatibility ECMAScript versions using Babel.
Parameter code
CoffeeScript code to be compiled.
Parameter options
CoffeeScript compiler options.
options.ast If true, output an abstract syntax tree of the input CoffeeScript source code.
options.bare If true, omit a top-level IIFE safety wrapper.
options.filename File name to compile.
options.header If true, output the
Generated by CoffeeScript
options.inlineMap If true, output the source map as a base64-encoded string in a comment at the bottom.
options.sourceMap If true, output a source map object with the code.
options.transpile Babel transpilation options - see
Babel transpiler result for file.
interface AcornLocationData
interface AcornLocationData {}
Acorn.js parser location data object.
interface ASTBody
interface ASTBody {}
Container interface for CoffeeScript abstract syntax trees.
property classBody
classBody?: boolean;
property expressions
expressions: ASTNode[] | [];
property locationData
locationData: LocationData;
interface ASTNode
interface ASTNode {}
CoffeeScript's abstract syntax tree node interfaces with all possible node properties.
property args
args?: ASTNode[];
property array
array?: boolean | ASTNode;
property asKey
asKey?: boolean;
property base
base?: ASTNode;
property body
body?: ASTBody | ASTNode;
property bound
bound?: boolean;
property boundFuncs
boundFuncs?: ASTNode[];
property cases
cases?: ASTNode[][];
property classBody
classBody?: boolean;
property comments
comments?: string[];
property condition
condition?: ASTNode;
property context
context?: string;
property elseBody
elseBody?: ASTNode | null;
property expression
expression?: ASTNode;
property expressions
expressions?: ASTNode[];
property first
first?: ASTNode;
property flip
flip?: boolean;
property generated
generated?: boolean;
property guard
guard?: ASTNode;
property index
index?: ASTNode;
property isChain
isChain?: boolean;
property isGenerator
isGenerator?: boolean;
property isNew
isNew?: boolean;
property isSuper
isSuper?: boolean;
property locationData
locationData: LocationData;
property name
name?: ASTNode;
property negated
negated?: boolean;
property object
object?: boolean | ASTNode;
property objects
objects?: ASTNode[];
property operator
operator?: string;
property otherwise
otherwise?: ASTNode;
property own
own?: boolean;
property param
param?: boolean;
property params
params?: ASTNode[];
property parent
parent?: ASTNode | null;
property pattern
pattern?: boolean;
property properties
properties?: ASTNode[];
property range
range?: boolean | ASTNodeRange[];
property returns
returns?: boolean;
property second
second?: ASTNode;
property soak
soak?: boolean;
property source
source?: ASTNode;
property subject
subject?: ASTNode;
property subpattern
subpattern?: boolean;
property this
this?: boolean;
property val
val?: string;
property value
value?: ASTNode | string;
property variable
variable?: ASTNode;
interface ASTNodeRange
interface ASTNodeRange {}
Range data interface for CoffeeScript abstract syntax tree nodes.
property equals
equals: string;
property exclusive
exclusive: boolean;
property from
from: ASTNode | null;
property locationData
locationData: LocationData;
property to
to: ASTNode | null;
interface CodeWithSourceMap
interface CodeWithSourceMap {}
Output of
. Emitted as an object in the form{js, v3SourceMap, sourceMap}
property js
js: string;
property sourceMap
sourceMap: SourceMap;
property v3SourceMap
v3SourceMap: ReturnType<SourceMap['generate']>;
interface eval
interface eval {}
Compiles and executes a CoffeeScript string in a NodeJS-like browser environment. The CoffeeScript REPL uses this to run the input.
Parameter code
CoffeeScript code to be compiled.
Parameter options
CoffeeScript compiler options.
options.ast If true, output an abstract syntax tree of the input CoffeeScript source code.
options.bare If true, omit a top-level IIFE safety wrapper.
options.filename File name to compile.
options.header If true, output the
Generated by CoffeeScript
options.inlineMap If true, output the source map as a Base64-encoded string in a comment at the bottom.
options.sourceMap If true, output a source map object with the code.
options.transpile Babel transpilation options - see
Output of compiled CoffeeScript code.
call signature
(code: string, options?: Options): any;
interface helpers
interface helpers {}
Helpers used internally to compile CoffeeScript code.
property some
some: | typeof Array.prototype.some | ((this: any[], predicate: (value: any) => unknown) => boolean);
Polyfill for
used pre-transpilation in the compiler. Determines whether the specified callback function returns true for any element of an array.Parameter fn
Predicate function test for each array element.
Whether one or more elements return
when passed to the predicatefn(...)
method addDataToNode
addDataToNode: ( parserState: object, firstLocationData: LocationData, firstValue: ASTNode, lastLocationData: LocationData, lastValue: ASTNode, forceUpdateLocation?: boolean) => (obj: any) => any;
Generates a setter function that updates the location data of an object if it is a CoffeeScript abstract syntax tree node.
Parameter parserState
CoffeeScript parser state.
Parameter firstLocationData
Location data for first node.
Parameter firstValue
Abstract syntax tree for first node.
Parameter lastLocationData
Location data for last node.
Parameter lastValue
Abstract syntax tree for first node.
Parameter forceUpdateLocation
Whether to override the location data of the container and child nodes if the container has location data already.
method attachCommentsToNode
attachCommentsToNode: (comments: string[], node: ASTNode) => any;
Attaches a set of comments to the supplied node.
Parameter comments
Collection of comment strings.
Parameter node
Node associated with
merged with thecomments
method baseFileName
baseFileName: (file: string, stripExt?: boolean, useWinPathSep?: any) => string;
compatible version ofpath.basename
.Parameter file
File name path. Can be relative, absolute or missing a directory.
Parameter stripExt
Whether to strip the file extension in the output.
Parameter useWinPathSep
Whether to use the Windows path separator
as well as the Unix path separator/
File name without extension.
method buildTokenDataDictionary
buildTokenDataDictionary: (tokens: ASTNode[]) => object;
Build a dictionary of token comments organized by tokens’ locations used as lookup hashes.
Though multiple tokens can have the same location hash, using exclusive location data allows to distinguish between zero-length generated tokens and actual source tokens, for example.
The ranges for "overlapping" tokens with the same location data and and matching token hashes are merged into one array.
If there are duplicate comments, they will get sorted out later.
Parameter tokens
List of CoffeeScript abstract syntax tree tokens with or without comments.
Hashmap of token comments vs token location offsets.
method compact
compact: (array: any[]) => any[];
Trim out all falsy values from an array.
Parameter array
Array of boolean-operator indeterminate values.
Array of truthy values.
method count
count: (string: string, substr: string) => number;
Count the number of occurrences of a search string in another string.
Parameter string
Target string to search.
Parameter substring
Search string to compute against target.
Number of times the search string appears in the target string.
method del
del: (obj: object, key: any) => any;
Delete a key from an object, returning the value. Useful when a node is looking for a particular method in an options hash.
Parameter obj
Object to delete a key from.
Parameter key
Target key of object for the deletion operation.
The value of the deleted object entry.
method ends
ends: (string: string, literal: string, back?: number) => boolean;
Peek at the end of a given string to see if it matches a sequence.
Parameter string
Target string to check the suffix literal against.
Parameter literal
Literal string to use for the suffix check.
Parameter back
Zero-indexed backtracking position of the prefix. The offset following the last character of the string is
Whether the
suffix is found instring
at the backtracking position or end of the string.
method extend
extend: (object: object, properties: object) => object;
Extend a source object with the properties of another object (shallow copy).
Parameter object
Target object to extend.
Parameter properties
Source object to extend the source object.
The original
extended by theproperties
method extractAllCommentTokens
extractAllCommentTokens: (tokens: ASTNode[]) => string[];
Build a list of all comments attached to tokens.
Parameter tokens
Collection of CoffeeScript abstract syntax tree tokens, all sorted by source order.
List of comment strings present in CoffeeScript AST.
method flatten
flatten: (array: any[]) => any[];
Flattens an array recursively. Handy for getting a list of descendants from the nodes.
Parameter array
Array containing array and non-array elements.
A flattened version of the array with an array depth of
method invertLiterate
invertLiterate: (code: string) => string;
Helper function for extracting code from Literate CoffeeScript by stripping out all non-code blocks, producing a string of CoffeeScript code that can be compiled "normally."
Parameter code
Literate CoffeeScript code to extract code blocks from.
CoffeeScript code without surrounding Markdown documentation.
method isBoolean
isBoolean: (obj: any) => boolean;
Checks if an value is a primitive boolean or
instance.Parameter obj
JavaScript value to check.
True if
is a boolean.
method isCoffee
isCoffee: (file: string) => boolean;
Determine if a filename represents a CoffeeScript file. A CoffeeScript file has the file extensions
.Parameter file
Filename without directories.
Whether a filename is a CoffeeScript file.
method isFunction
isFunction: (obj: any) => boolean;
Checks if a value is a function.
Parameter obj
JavaScript value to check.
True if
is a function.
method isLiterate
isLiterate: (file: string) => boolean;
Determine if a filename represents a Literate CoffeeScript file. A Literate CoffeeScript file has the file extensions
, or.coffee.md
.Parameter file
Filename without directories.
Whether a filename is a CoffeeScript file.
method isNumber
isNumber: (obj: any) => boolean;
Checks if a value is a number.
Parameter obj
JavaScript value to check.
True if
is a number.
method isPlainObject
isPlainObject: (obj: any) => boolean;
Checks if an value is a literal JS object -
.Parameter obj
JavaScript value to check.
True if
is a literal JS object.
method isString
isString: (obj: any) => boolean;
Checks if an value is a string.
Parameter obj
JavaScript value to check.
True if
is a string.
method locationDataToString
locationDataToString: (obj: LocationData | ASTNode) => string;
Convert JISON location data to a string.
Parameter obj
Token or
String representation of location data.
method merge
merge: (options: object, overrides: object) => object;
Merge objects, returning a fresh copy with attributes from both sides. Used every time
is called, to allow properties in the options hash to propagate down the tree without polluting other branches.Parameter options
Original, target object for merge operation.
Parameter overrides
Map of override key-values for merge operation.
Cloned object that merges
. Theoverrides
properties have a higher merge priority thanoptions
method nameWhitespaceCharacter
nameWhitespaceCharacter: (string: any) => string;
Maps a whitespace character to a character name.
Parameter Single
character string.
Human-readable identifier for whitespace character, or the
method parseNumber
parseNumber: (string: string) => number;
Parses a CoffeeScript number string to a primitive JS number.
Parameter string
String representation of a number.
Parsed float or integer corresponding to number.
method repeat
repeat: (str: string, n: number) => string;
Repeat a string
times. Uses a clever algorithm to have O(log(n)) string concatenation operations.Parameter str
String to repeat.
Parameter n
1-indexed number of repetitions.
Repeated string.
method replaceUnicodeCodePointEscapes
replaceUnicodeCodePointEscapes: ( str: string, options?: ReplaceUnicodeCodePointEscapesOptions) => string;
in regexes without theu
flag.Parameter str
String that may contain Unicode brace syntax -
.Parameter options
Options for Unicode replacement.
[options.delimiter] Separator between two Unicode characters in
parameter ofcoffeescript.helpers.replaceUnicodeCodePointEscapes
[options.error=unicode code point escapes greater than \u{10ffff} are not allowed] Error message if
[options.flags] Which flags are present in the regular expression for the replacement operation. Must include
if provided to support Unicode escapes.Returns
RegExp string with Unicode brace groups in the format
method starts
starts: (string: string, literal: string, start: number) => boolean;
Peek at the start of a given string to see if it matches a sequence.
Parameter string
Target string to check the prefix literal against.
Parameter literal
Literal string to use for the prefix check.
Parameter start
Zero-indexed starting position of the prefix. The offset preceding the first character of the string is
Whether the
prefix is found instring
at the providedstart
method throwSyntaxError
throwSyntaxError: (message: any, location: any) => never;
Throws a
from a given location. The error'stoString
will return an error message following the "standard" format<filename>:<line>:<col>: <message>
plus the line with the error and a marker showing where the error is.Instead of showing the compiler's stacktrace, show our custom error message (this is useful when the error bubbles up in Node.js applications that compile CoffeeScript for example).
Error object with location data and string representation.
method updateSyntaxError
updateSyntaxError: (error: any, code: string, filename: string) => any;
Update a compiler
with source code information if it didn't have it already.Parameter error
Syntax error with or without source code information.
Parameter code
Source code that produced the syntax error.
Parameter filename
File name for invalid CoffeeScript resource.
Syntax error with source code.
interface JisonLocationData
interface JisonLocationData {}
Jison parser location data object.
property first_column
first_column: number;
property first_line
first_line: number;
property last_column
last_column: number;
property last_line
last_line: number;
interface LineMap
interface LineMap {}
Tracker object for line and column positions for a single line. Used to implement the
property add
add: ( column: number, source: SourceLocation, options?: { noReplace: boolean }) => SourceLocation | undefined;
Add source location data to line map.
Parameter column
Zero-indexed column number.
Parameter source
Source line and column to insert into map.
Parameter options
Column insertion options,
options.noReplace If
, column replacement is allowed.Returns
Added source location data.
property columns
columns: Array<{ column: number; line: number; sourceColumn: number; sourceLine: number;}>;
property line
line: number;
property sourceLocation
sourceLocation: (column: number) => SourceLocation | void;
Fetch source location data for a specific column.
Parameter column
Zero-indexed column number.
[sourceLine, sourceColumn]
if it exists in line map.
interface Options
interface Options {}
CoffeeScript compiler options.
property ast
ast?: boolean;
If true, output an abstract syntax tree of the input CoffeeScript source code.
property bare
bare?: boolean;
If true, omit a top-level IIFE safety wrapper.
property filename
filename?: string;
File name to compile - defaults to
property header
header?: boolean;
If true, output the
Generated by CoffeeScript
property inlineMap
inlineMap?: boolean;
If true, output the source map as a base64-encoded string in a comment at the bottom.
property sourceMap
sourceMap?: boolean;
If true, output a source map object with the code.
property transpile
transpile?: Babel.TransformOptions;
Babel transpilation options - see
interface RawSourceMap
interface RawSourceMap {}
Mozilla V3 raw source map.
property file
file: string;
The generated filename this source map is associated with (optional).
property mappings
mappings: string;
A string of base64 VLQs which contain the actual mappings.
property names
names: string[];
An array of identifiers which can be referenced by individual mappings.
property sourceRoot
sourceRoot?: string;
The URL root from which all sources are relative (optional).
property sources
sources: string[];
An array of URLs to the original source files.
property sourcesContent
sourcesContent?: string[];
An array of contents of the original source files (optional).
property version
version: number;
Which version of the source map spec this map is following.
interface ReplaceUnicodeCodePointEscapesOptions
interface ReplaceUnicodeCodePointEscapesOptions {}
Options for
property delimiter
delimiter?: string;
Which flags are present in the regular expression for the replacement operation. Must include
if provided to support Unicode escapes.
property error
error?: string;
Separator between two Unicode characters in
parameter ofcoffeescript.helpers.replaceUnicodeCodePointEscapes
property flags
flags?: string;
Error message if
fails. Default:unicode code point escapes greater than \\u{10ffff} are not allowed
interface require
interface require {}
Synchronous module definitions for the CoffeeScript library files.
Parameter path
Path to CoffeeScript library submodule relative to the
CoffeeScript library submodule.
call signature
(path: string): require[keyof require];
index signature
[path: string]: object;
interface SourceMap
interface SourceMap {}
Maps locations.
property add
add: ( sourceLocation: SourceLocation, generatedLocation: SourceLocation, options?: { noReplace: boolean }) => ReturnType<LineMap['add']>;
Adds a mapping to the source map.
Parameter sourceLocation
Zero-indexed source location.
Parameter generatedLocation
Source line and column to insert into map.
Parameter options
Column insertion options.
[options.noReplace] If
, column replacement is allowed.Returns
Added source location data.
property encodeBase64
encodeBase64: (value: string) => string;
Base-64 encoding for byte number.
Parameter value
Byte number in ASCII.
Base-64 encoded value or undefined.
"Cannot Base64 encode value: ${value}"
property encodeVlq
encodeVlq: (value: string) => string;
VLQ encoding in reverse byte order.
Parameter value
Base-64 encoded value.
Reversed VLQ-encoded value.
"Cannot Base64 encode value: ${value}"
property generate
generate: ( column: number, source: SourceLocation, options?: { noReplace: boolean }) => string;
Generates a V3 source map, returning the generated JSON as a string.
Parameter options
Column insertion options
[options.generatedFile] Property
in source map.Parameter
[options.sourceFiles] Property
in source map.Parameter
[options.sourceRoot] Property
in source map.Returns
Added source location data.
property lines
lines: LineMap[];
property sourceLocation
sourceLocation: (column: number) => SourceLocation | void;
Fetch source location data for a specific column.
Parameter column
Zero-indexed column number.
[sourceLine, sourceColumn]
if it exists in line map.
interface SourceMapOptions
interface SourceMapOptions {}
CoffeeScript compiler options for source map output. Type for compiler options when
property ast
ast?: boolean;
If true, output an abstract syntax tree of the input CoffeeScript source code.
property bare
bare?: boolean;
If true, omit a top-level IIFE safety wrapper.
property filename
filename?: string;
File name to compile - defaults to
property header
header?: boolean;
If true, output the
Generated by CoffeeScript
property inlineMap
inlineMap?: boolean;
If true, output the source map as a base64-encoded string in a comment at the bottom.
property sourceMap
sourceMap: true;
Output a source map object with the code.
property transpile
transpile?: Babel.TransformOptions;
Babel transpilation options - see
interface SyntaxError
interface SyntaxError {}
Syntax error thrown by CoffeeScript compiler.
property code
code?: string;
Source code that generated the
compiler error
property filename
filename?: string;
File name for invalid CoffeeScript resource.
property location
location: LocationData;
Starting and ending location data.
property stack
stack: ReturnType<SyntaxError['toString']>;
String representation of syntax error.
property toString
toString: () => string;
Stack trace generator for error.
Type Aliases
type LocationData
type LocationData = AcornLocationData | JisonLocationData;
CoffeeScript abstract syntax tree location data.
type SourceLocation
type SourceLocation = [ /** Zero-indexed line number. */ number, /** Zero-indexed column number. */ number];
Source location array.
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