
  • Version 3.0.6
  • Published
  • 15.9 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for d3-brush



function brush

brush: <Datum>() => BrushBehavior<Datum>;
  • Create a new two-dimensional brush.

    The generic "Datum" refers to the type of the data of the selected svg:g element to which the returned BrushBehavior will be applied.

function brushSelection

brushSelection: (node: SVGGElement) => BrushSelection | null;
  • Return the current brush selection for the specified node. Internally, an element’s brush state is stored as element.__brush; however, you should use this method rather than accessing it directly. If the given node has no selection, returns null. Otherwise, the selection is defined as an array of numbers.

    Parameter node

    The node for which the brush selection should be returned.

function brushX

brushX: <Datum>() => BrushBehavior<Datum>;
  • Creates a new one-dimensional brush along the x-dimension.

    The generic "Datum" refers to the type of the data of the selected svg:g element to which the returned BrushBehavior will be applied.

function brushY

brushY: <Datum>() => BrushBehavior<Datum>;
  • Creates a new one-dimensional brush along the y-dimension.

    The generic "Datum" refers to the type of the data of the selected svg:g element to which the returned BrushBehavior will be applied.


interface BrushBehavior

interface BrushBehavior<Datum> {}
  • A D3 brush behavior

    The generic refers to the type of the datum for the group element on which brush behavior is defined.

method clear

clear: (group: Selection<SVGGElement, Datum, any, any>, event?: Event) => void;
  • Clear the active selection of the brush on the specified SVG G element(s) selection.

    Parameter group

    A D3 selection of SVG G elements.

    Parameter event

method extent

extent: {
(): ValueFn<SVGGElement, Datum, [[number, number], [number, number]]>;
(extent: [[number, number], [number, number]]): this;
extent: ValueFn<SVGGElement, Datum, [[number, number], [number, number]]>
): this;
  • Returns the current extent accessor.

  • Set the brushable extent to the specified array of points and returns this brush.

    The brush extent determines the size of the invisible overlay and also constrains the brush selection; the brush selection cannot go outside the brush extent.

    Parameter extent

    array of points [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]], where [x0, y0] is the top-left corner and [x1, y1] is the bottom-right corner.

  • Set the brushable extent to the specified array of points returned by the accessor function evaluated for each element in the selection/transition and returns this brush.

    The brush extent determines the size of the invisible overlay and also constrains the brush selection; the brush selection cannot go outside the brush extent.

    Parameter extent

    An extent accessor function which is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d), the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element. The function returns an array of points [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]], where [x0, y0] is the top-left corner and [x1, y1] is the bottom-right corner.

method filter

filter: {
(): (this: SVGGElement, event: any, d: Datum) => boolean;
(filterFn: (this: SVGGElement, event: any, d: Datum) => boolean): this;
  • Returns the current filter function.

  • Sets the filter to the specified filter function and returns the brush.

    If the filter returns falsey, the initiating event is ignored and no brush gesture is started. Thus, the filter determines which input events are ignored. The default filter ignores mousedown events on secondary buttons, since those buttons are typically intended for other purposes, such as the context menu.

    Parameter filterFn

    A filter function which is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current event event and datum d, with the this context as the current DOM element. The function returns a boolean value.

method handleSize

handleSize: { (): number; (size: number): this };
  • Returns the current handle size, which defaults to six.

  • Sets the size of the brush handles to the specified number and returns the brush.

    This method must be called before applying the brush to a selection; changing the handle size does not affect brushes that were previously rendered. The default size is 6.

    Parameter size

    Size of the handle.

method keyModifiers

keyModifiers: { (): boolean; (modifiers: boolean): this };
  • Returns the current key modifiers flag.

  • Sets the key modifiers flag and returns the brush.

    The key modifiers flag determines whether the brush listens to key events during brushing. The default value is true.

    Parameter modifiers

    New value for key modifiers flag.

method move

move: (
| Selection<SVGGElement, Datum, any, any>
| TransitionLike<SVGGElement, Datum>,
| null
| BrushSelection
| ValueFn<SVGGElement, Datum, BrushSelection>,
event?: Event
) => void;
  • Clear the active selection of the brush on the specified SVG G element(s) selection.

    Parameter group

    A selection or a transition of SVG G elements

    Parameter selection

    The selection must be defined as an array of numbers, or null to clear the brush selection. For a two-dimensional brush, it must be defined as [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]], where x0 is the minimum x-value, y0 is the minimum y-value, x1 is the maximum x-value, and y1 is the maximum y-value. For an x-brush, it must be defined as [x0, x1]; for a y-brush, it must be defined as [y0, y1]. The selection may also be specified as a function which returns such an array; if a function, it is invoked for each selected element, being passed the current datum d and index i, with the this context as the current DOM element. The returned array defines the brush selection for that element.

    Parameter event

method on

on: {
(typenames: string): (this: SVGGElement, event: any, d: Datum) => void;
(typenames: string, listener: null): this;
typenames: string,
listener: (this: SVGGElement, event: any, d: Datum) => void
): this;
  • Returns the first currently-assigned listener matching the specified typenames, if any.

    Parameter typenames

    The typenames is a string containing one or more typename separated by whitespace. Each typename is a type, optionally followed by a period (.) and a name, such as "brush.foo"" and "brush.bar"; the name allows multiple listeners to be registered for the same type. The type must be one of the following: start (at the start of a brush gesture, such as on mousedown), brush (when the brush moves, such as on mousemove), or end (at the end of a brush gesture, such as on mouseup.)

  • Removes the current event listeners for the specified typenames, if any.

    Parameter typenames

    The typenames is a string containing one or more typename separated by whitespace. Each typename is a type, optionally followed by a period (.) and a name, such as "brush.foo"" and "brush.bar"; the name allows multiple listeners to be registered for the same type. The type must be one of the following: start (at the start of a brush gesture, such as on mousedown), brush (when the brush moves, such as on mousemove), or end (at the end of a brush gesture, such as on mouseup.)

    Parameter listener

    Use null to remove the listener.

  • Sets the event listener for the specified typenames and returns the brush. If an event listener was already registered for the same type and name, the existing listener is removed before the new listener is added. When a specified event is dispatched, each listener will be invoked with the same context and arguments as selection.on listeners.

    Parameter typenames

    The typenames is a string containing one or more typename separated by whitespace. Each typename is a type, optionally followed by a period (.) and a name, such as "brush.foo"" and "brush.bar"; the name allows multiple listeners to be registered for the same type. The type must be one of the following: start (at the start of a brush gesture, such as on mousedown), brush (when the brush moves, such as on mousemove), or end (at the end of a brush gesture, such as on mouseup.)

    Parameter listener

    An event listener function which is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current event event and datum d, with the this context as the current DOM element.

method touchable

touchable: {
(): ValueFn<SVGGElement, Datum, boolean>;
(touchable: boolean): this;
(touchable: ValueFn<SVGGElement, Datum, boolean>): this;
  • Returns the current touch support detector, which defaults to a function returning true, if the "ontouchstart" event is supported on the current element.

  • Sets the touch support detector to the specified boolean value and returns the brush.

    Touch event listeners are only registered if the detector returns truthy for the corresponding element when the brush is applied. The default detector works well for most browsers that are capable of touch input, but not all; Chrome’s mobile device emulator, for example, fails detection.

    Parameter touchable

    A boolean value. true when touch event listeners should be applied to the corresponding element, otherwise false.

  • Sets the touch support detector to the specified function and returns the drag behavior.

    Touch event listeners are only registered if the detector returns truthy for the corresponding element when the brush is applied. The default detector works well for most browsers that are capable of touch input, but not all; Chrome’s mobile device emulator, for example, fails detection.

    Parameter touchable

    A touch support detector function, which returns true when touch event listeners should be applied to the corresponding element. The function is evaluated for each selected element to which the brush was applied, in order, being passed the current datum (d), the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element. The function returns a boolean value.

call signature

(group: Selection<SVGGElement, Datum, any, any>, ...args: any[]): void;
  • Applies the brush to the specified group, which must be a selection of SVG G elements. This function is typically not invoked directly, and is instead invoked via selection.call.

    For details see: https://github.com/d3/d3-brush#_brush

    Parameter group

    A D3 selection of SVG G elements.

    Parameter args

    Optional arguments to be passed in.

interface D3BrushEvent

interface D3BrushEvent<Datum> {}
  • D3 brush event

    The generic refers to the type of the datum for the group element on which brush was defined.

property mode

mode: 'drag' | 'space' | 'handle' | 'center';
  • The mode of the brush.

property selection

selection: BrushSelection | null;
  • The current brush selection associated with the event. This is null when the selection is empty.

property sourceEvent

sourceEvent: any;
  • The underlying input event, such as mousemove or touchmove.

property target

target: BrushBehavior<Datum>;
  • The BrushBehavior associated with the event

property type

type: 'start' | 'brush' | 'end' | string;
  • The event type for the BrushEvent

Type Aliases

type BrushSelection

type BrushSelection = [[number, number], [number, number]] | [number, number];
  • Type alias for a BrushSelection. For a two-dimensional brush, it must be defined as [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]], where x0 is the minimum x-value, y0 is the minimum y-value, x1 is the maximum x-value, and y1 is the maximum y-value. For an x-brush, it must be defined as [x0, x1]; for a y-brush, it must be defined as [y0, y1].

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