- Version 3.0.10
- Published
- 6.24 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for d3-queue
function queue
queue: (concurrency?: number) => Queue;
Construct a new queue with the specified concurrency. If concurrency is not specified, the queue has infinite concurrency. Otherwise, concurrency is a positive integer. For example, if concurrency is 1, then all tasks will be run in series. If concurrency is 3, then at most three tasks will be allowed to proceed concurrently; this is useful, for example, when loading resources in a web browser.
Parameter concurrency
Maximum number of deferred tasks to execute concurrently.
is negative or zero, will throw anError
interface Queue
interface Queue {}
A d3-queue queue object as returned by queue(...)
method abort
abort: () => this;
Aborts any active tasks, invoking each active task’s task.abort function, if any. Also prevents any new tasks from starting, and immediately invokes the queue.await or queue.awaitAll callback with an error indicating that the queue was aborted.
method await
await: (callback: (error: any | null, ...results: any[]) => void) => this;
Sets the callback to be invoked when all deferred tasks have finished (individual result arguments).
Parameter callback
Callback function to be executed, when error occurred or all deferred tasks have completed. The first argument to the callback is the first error that occurred, or null if no error occurred. If an error occurred, there are no additional arguments to the callback. Otherwise, the callback is passed each result as an additional argument.
If called several times or after
, will throw anError
method awaitAll
awaitAll: (callback: (error: any | null, results?: any[]) => void) => this;
Sets the callback to be invoked when all deferred tasks have finished (results array).
Parameter callback
Callback function to be executed, when error occurred or all deferred tasks have completed. The first argument to the callback is the first error that occurred, or null if no error occurred. If an error occurred, there are no additional arguments to the callback. Otherwise, the callback is also passed an array of results as the second argument.
If called several times or after
, will throw anError
method defer
defer: (task: (...args: any[]) => void, ...args: any[]) => this;
Adds the specified asynchronous task callback to the queue, with any optional arguments.
Parameter task
Task to be executed.The task is a function that will be called when the task should start. It is passed the specified optional arguments and an additional callback as the last argument; the callback must be invoked by the task when it finishes. The task must invoke the callback with two arguments: the error, if any, and the result of the task. To return multiple results from a single callback, wrap the results in an object or array.
Parameter args
Additional, optional arguments to be passed into deferred task on invocation.
If called after an
, will throw anError
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