- Version 3.0.3
- Published
- 14.6 kB
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- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for d3-random
variable randomBates
const randomBates: RandomBates;
variable randomBernoulli
const randomBernoulli: RandomBernoulli;
variable randomBeta
const randomBeta: RandomBeta;
variable randomBinomial
const randomBinomial: RandomBinomial;
variable randomCauchy
const randomCauchy: RandomCauchy;
variable randomExponential
const randomExponential: RandomExponential;
variable randomGamma
const randomGamma: RandomGamma;
variable randomGeometric
const randomGeometric: RandomGeometric;
variable randomInt
const randomInt: RandomInt;
variable randomIrwinHall
const randomIrwinHall: RandomIrwinHall;
variable randomLogistic
const randomLogistic: RandomLogistic;
variable randomLogNormal
const randomLogNormal: RandomLogNormal;
variable randomNormal
const randomNormal: RandomNormal;
variable randomPareto
const randomPareto: RandomPareto;
variable randomPoisson
const randomPoisson: RandomPoisson;
variable randomUniform
const randomUniform: RandomUniform;
variable randomWeibull
const randomWeibull: RandomWeibull;
function randomLcg
randomLcg: (seed?: number) => () => number;
Returns a linear congruential generator; this function can be called repeatedly to obtain pseudorandom values well-distributed on the interval [0,1) and with a long period (up to 1 billion numbers), similar to Math.random. A seed can be specified as a real number in the interval [0,1) or as any integer. In the latter case, only the lower 32 bits are considered. Two generators instanced with the same seed generate the same sequence, allowing to create reproducible pseudo-random experiments. If the seed is not specified, one is chosen using Math.random.
Parameter seed
A seed that is either a real number in the interval [0,1) or any integer.
interface RandomBates
interface RandomBates extends RandomNumberGenerationSource {}
A configurable random number generator for the Bates distribution.
call signature
(n: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating random numbers with a Bates distribution with n independent variables. The case of fractional n is handled as with d3.randomIrwinHall, and d3.randomBates(0) is equivalent to d3.randomUniform().
Parameter n
Number of independent random variables to use.
interface RandomBernoulli
interface RandomBernoulli extends RandomNumberGenerationSource {}
A configurable random 0 or 1 generator according to a Bernoulli distribution.
call signature
(p: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating either 1 or 0 according to a Bernoulli distribution with 1 being returned with success probability p and 0 with failure probability q = 1 - p. The value p is in the range [0, 1].
Parameter p
interface RandomBeta
interface RandomBeta extends RandomNumberGenerationSource {}
A configurable random number generator with a beta distribution.
call signature
(alpha: number, beta: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating random numbers with a beta distribution with alpha and beta shape parameters, which must both be positive.
Parameter alpha
Shape parameter
Parameter beta
Shape paramter
interface RandomBinomial
interface RandomBinomial extends RandomNumberGenerationSource {}
A configurable random number generator with a binomial distribution.
call signature
(p: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating numbers with a geometric distribution with success probability p. The value p is in the range (0, 1].
Parameter p
Success probability
interface RandomCauchy
interface RandomCauchy extends RandomNumberGenerationSource {}
A configurable random number generator with a Cauchy distribution.
call signature
(a?: number, b?: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating random numbers with a Cauchy distribution. a and b have the same meanings and default values as in d3.randomWeibull.
Parameter a
Location parameter
Parameter b
Scale parameter
interface RandomExponential
interface RandomExponential extends RandomNumberGenerationSource {}
A configurable random number generator for the exponential distribution.
call signature
(lambda: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating random numbers with an exponential distribution with the rate lambda; equivalent to time between events in a Poisson process with a mean of 1 / lambda.
Parameter lambda
Expected time between events.
interface RandomGamma
interface RandomGamma extends RandomNumberGenerationSource {}
A configurable random number generator with a gamma distribution.
call signature
(k: number, theta?: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating random numbers with a gamma distribution with k the shape parameter and theta the scale parameter. The value k must be a positive value; if theta is not specified, it defaults to 1.
Parameter k
Shape parameter
Parameter theta
Scale paramter
interface RandomGeometric
interface RandomGeometric extends RandomNumberGenerationSource {}
A configurable random number generator with a geometric distribution.
call signature
(p: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating numbers with a geometric distribution with success probability p. The value p is in the range [0, 1].
Parameter p
Success probability
interface RandomInt
interface RandomInt extends RandomNumberGenerationSource {}
A configurable random integer generator for the uniform distribution.
call signature
(max: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating random integers with a uniform distribution. The minimum allowed value of a returned number is ⌊min⌋ (inclusive), and the maximum is ⌊max - 1⌋ (inclusive) Min defaults to 0.
Parameter max
The maximum allowed value of a returned number.
call signature
(min: number, max: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating random integers with a uniform distribution. The minimum allowed value of a returned number is ⌊min⌋ (inclusive), and the maximum is ⌊max - 1⌋ (inclusive)
Parameter min
The minimum allowed value of a returned number.
Parameter max
The maximum allowed value of a returned number.
interface RandomIrwinHall
interface RandomIrwinHall extends RandomNumberGenerationSource {}
A configurable random number generator for the Irwin–Hall distribution.
call signature
(n: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating random numbers with an Irwin–Hall distribution with n independent variables. If the fractional part of n is non-zero, this is treated as adding d3.randomUniform() times that fractional part to the integral part.
Parameter n
Number of independent random variables to use.
interface RandomLogistic
interface RandomLogistic extends RandomNumberGenerationSource {}
A configurable random number generator with a logistic distribution.
call signature
(a?: number, b?: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating random numbers with a logistic distribution. a and b have the same meanings and default values as in d3.randomWeibull.
Parameter a
Location parameter
Parameter b
Scale parameter
interface RandomLogNormal
interface RandomLogNormal extends RandomNumberGenerationSource {}
A configurable random number generator for the log-normal distribution.
call signature
(mu?: number, sigma?: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating random numbers with a log-normal distribution. The expected value of the random variable’s natural logarithm is mu, with the given standard deviation sigma. If mu is not specified, it defaults to 0; if sigma is not specified, it defaults to 1.
Parameter mu
Expected value, defaults to 0.
Parameter sigma
Standard deviation, defaults to 1.
interface RandomNormal
interface RandomNormal extends RandomNumberGenerationSource {}
A configurable random number generator for the normal (Gaussian) distribution.
call signature
(mu?: number, sigma?: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating random numbers with a normal (Gaussian) distribution. The expected value of the generated numbers is mu, with the given standard deviation sigma. If mu is not specified, it defaults to 0; if sigma is not specified, it defaults to 1.
Parameter mu
Expected value, defaults to 0.
Parameter sigma
Standard deviation, defaults to 1.
interface RandomNumberGenerationSource
interface RandomNumberGenerationSource {}
method source
source: (source: () => number) => this;
Returns the same type of function for generating random numbers but where the given random number generator source is used as the source of randomness instead of Math.random. This is useful when a seeded random number generator is preferable to Math.random.
Parameter source
Source (pseudo-)random number generator implementing the Math.random interface. The given random number generator must implement the same interface as Math.random and only return values in the range [0, 1).
interface RandomPareto
interface RandomPareto extends RandomNumberGenerationSource {}
A configurable random number generator with an Pareto distribution.
call signature
(alpha: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating random numbers with a Pareto distribution with the shape alpha. The value alpha must be a positive value.
Parameter alpha
interface RandomPoisson
interface RandomPoisson extends RandomNumberGenerationSource {}
A configurable random number generator with a Poisson distribution.
call signature
(lambda: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating random numbers with a Poisson distribution with mean lambda.
Parameter lambda
interface RandomUniform
interface RandomUniform extends RandomNumberGenerationSource {}
A configurable random number generator for the uniform distribution.
call signature
(max?: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating random numbers with a uniform distribution. The minimum allowed value of a returned number is min (inclusive), and the maximum is max (exclusive). Min defaults to 0; if max is not specified, it defaults to 1.
Parameter max
The maximum allowed value of a returned number, defaults to 1.
call signature
(min: number, max: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating random numbers with a uniform distribution. The minimum allowed value of a returned number is min (inclusive), and the maximum is max (exclusive).
Parameter min
The minimum allowed value of a returned number.
Parameter max
The maximum allowed value of a returned number.
interface RandomWeibull
interface RandomWeibull extends RandomNumberGenerationSource {}
A configurable random number generator with one of the generalized extreme value distributions.
call signature
(k: number, a?: number, b?: number): () => number;
Returns a function for generating random numbers with one of the generalized extreme value distributions, depending on k: If k is positive, the Weibull distribution with shape parameter k If k is zero, the Gumbel distribution If k is negative, the Fréchet distribution with shape parameter −k In all three cases, a is the location parameter and b is the scale parameter. If a is not specified, it defaults to 0; if b is not specified, it defaults to 1.
Parameter k
Shape parameter
Parameter a
Location parameter
Parameter b
Scale parameter
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