
  • Version 1.1.12
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TypeScript definitions for d3-voronoi



function voronoi

voronoi: <T = [number, number]>() => VoronoiLayout<T>;
  • Creates a new Voronoi layout with default x- and y- accessors and a null extent. x- and y-accessors may have to be set to correspond to the data type provided by the generic.

    The generic refers to the type of the data for the corresponding element. Without specifying a generic the layout is assumed to be based on data represented by a two-dimensional coordinate [number, number] for x- and y-coordinate, respectively.


interface VoronoiCell

interface VoronoiCell<T> {}
  • A Voronoi Cell in the diagram is an object with the following properties: site and halfedges

    The generic refers to the type of the data for the corresponding element.

property halfedges

halfedges: number[];
  • An array of indexes into diagram.edges representing the cell’s polygon.

property site

site: VoronoiSite<T>;
  • The Voronoi Site of the cell’s associated input point.

interface VoronoiDiagram

interface VoronoiDiagram<T> {}
  • Computed Voronoi diagram

    The generic refers to the type of the data for the corresponding element.

property cells

cells: Array<VoronoiCell<T> | null>;
  • Array of Voronoi Cells, one per input point; a cell may be null for a coincident point.

property edges

edges: Array<VoronoiEdge<T>>;
  • Array of Voronoi Edges

method find

find: (x: number, y: number, radius?: number) => VoronoiSite<T> | null;
  • Return the nearest Voronoi Site to point [x, y]. If radius is specified, only sites within radius distance are considered. If no Voronoi Site can be found (within the specified radius), null is returned.

    Parameter x


    Parameter y


    Parameter radius

    Optional parameter for search radius around [x, y]

links: () => Array<VoronoiLink<T>>;
  • Returns the Delaunay triangulation of the specified data array as an array of links, one for each edge in the mesh. Each link has the following attributes: - source (the source node, an element in data) - target (the target node, an element in data)

    Since the triangulation is computed as the dual of the Voronoi diagram, and the Voronoi diagram is clipped by the extent, a subset of the Delaunay links is returned.

method polygons

polygons: () => Array<VoronoiPolygon<T>>;
  • Return an array of polygons clipped to the extent, one for each cell in the diagram. Each polygon is represented as an array of points [x, y] where x and y are the point coordinates, and a data field that refers to the corresponding element in data. Polygons are open: they do not contain a closing point that duplicates the first point; a triangle, for example, is an array of three points. Polygons are also counterclockwise, assuming the origin ⟨0,0⟩ is in the top-left corner.

    If the cell’s site is coincident with an earlier site, the associated polygon is null.

method triangles

triangles: () => Array<VoronoiTriangle<T>>;
  • Returns the Delaunay triangulation of the specified data array as an array of triangles. Each triangle is a three-element array of elements from data. Since the triangulation is computed as the dual of the Voronoi diagram, and the Voronoi diagram is clipped by the extent, a subset of the Delaunay triangulation is returned.

interface VoronoiEdge

interface VoronoiEdge<T> extends VoronoiPointPair {}
  • Voronoi Edge in the diagram is an array [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]] with two additional properties: left and right.

    The generic refers to the type of the data for the corresponding element.

property left

left: VoronoiSite<T>;
  • The Voronoi site on the left side of the edge.

property right

right: VoronoiSite<T> | null;
  • The Voronoi site on the right side of the edge; null for a clipped border edge.

interface VoronoiLayout

interface VoronoiLayout<T> {}
  • A Voronoi Layout.

    The generic refers to the type of the data for the corresponding element.

method extent

extent: {
(): [[number, number], [number, number]] | null;
(extent: [[number, number], [number, number]]): this;
  • Returns the current clip extent which defaults to null.

    The extent bounds are specified as an array [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]], where x0 is the left side of the extent, y0 is the top, x1 is the right and y1 is the bottom.

    A clip extent is required when using voronoi.polygons.

  • Set the clip extent of the Voronoi layout to the specified bounds and return the layout.

    A clip extent is required when using voronoi.polygons.

    Parameter extent

    The extent bounds are specified as an array [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]], where x0 is the left side of the extent, y0 is the top, x1 is the right and y1 is the bottom.

links: (data: T[]) => Array<VoronoiLink<T>>;
  • Return the Delaunay triangulation of the specified data array as an array of links. Each link has source and target attributes referring to elements in data.

    Parameter data

    Array of data points.

method polygons

polygons: (data: T[]) => Array<VoronoiPolygon<T>>;
  • Return an array of polygons clipped to the extent, one for each input point in the specified data points, corresponding to the cells in the computed Voronoi diagram.

    Each polygon is represented as an array of points [x, y] where x and y are the point coordinates, and a data field that refers to the corresponding element in data. Polygons are open: they do not contain a closing point that duplicates the first point; a triangle, for example, is an array of three points. Polygons are also counterclockwise, assuming the origin ⟨0,0⟩ is in the top-left corner.

    If the cell’s site is coincident with an earlier site, the associated polygon is null.

    Important: Using polygon requires the extent to be set for the layout.

    Parameter data

    Array of data points.

method size

size: { (): [number, number] | null; (size: [number, number]): this };
  • Get the clip size of the Voronoi layout. Size is an alias for voronoi.extent where the minimum x and y of the extent are ⟨0,0⟩.

  • Set the clip size and return the layout.

    Size is an alias for voronoi.extent where the minimum x and y of the extent are ⟨0,0⟩.

    Parameter size

    An array representing the x- and y-size of the clip extent, where the minimum x and y of the extent are ⟨0,0⟩.

method triangles

triangles: (data: T[]) => Array<VoronoiTriangle<T>>;
  • Return the Delaunay triangulation of the specified data array as an array of triangles. Each triangle is a three-element array of elements from data.

    Parameter data

    Array of data points.

method x

x: { (): (d: T) => number; (x: (d: T) => number): this };
  • Return the current x-coordinate accessor, which defaults to accessing the first element of an array (i.e. at index 0).

  • Set the x-coordinate accessor and return the layout.

    Parameter x

    An accessor function which takes a data element as input and return a numeric value for the x-coordinate.

method y

y: { (): (d: T) => number; (y: (d: T) => number): this };
  • Return the current y-coordinate accessor, which defaults to accessing the second element of an array (i.e. at index 1).

  • Set the y-coordinate accessor and return the layout.

    Parameter y

    An accessor function which takes a data element as input and return a numeric value for the y-coordinate.

call signature

(data: T[]): VoronoiDiagram<T>;
  • Computes the Voronoi diagram for the specified data points.

    Parameter data

    Array of data elements

interface VoronoiLink<T> {}
  • Voronoi Link for an edge in the mesh created by the Delaunay triangulation of the specified data array. Each link has the following attributes: source and target.

    The generic refers to the type of the data for the corresponding element.

property source

source: T;
  • The source node, an element in data.

property target

target: T;
  • The target node, an element in data.

interface VoronoiPoint

interface VoronoiPoint extends Array<number> {}
  • The VoronoiPoint interface is defined as a cue that the array is strictly of type [number, number] with two elements for x and y coordinates. However, it is used as a base for interface definitions, and [number, number] cannot be extended.

property 0

0: number;

    property 1

    1: number;

      interface VoronoiPointPair

      interface VoronoiPointPair extends Array<[number, number]> {}
      • The VoronoiPointPair interface is defined as a cue that the array is strictly of type [[number, number], [number, number]] with two elements, one for each point containing the respective x and y coordinates. However, it is used as a base for interface definitions, and [[number, number], [number, number]] cannot be extended.

      property 0

      0: [number, number];

        property 1

        1: [number, number];

          interface VoronoiPolygon

          interface VoronoiPolygon<T> extends Array<[number, number]> {}
          • A Voronoi Polygon is represented as an array of points [x, y] where x and y are the point coordinates, and a data field that refers to the corresponding element in data. Polygons are open: they do not contain a closing point that duplicates the first point; a triangle, for example, is an array of three points. Polygons are also counterclockwise, assuming the origin ⟨0,0⟩ is in the top-left corner.

            The generic refers to the type of the data for the corresponding element.

          property data

          data: T;
          • The input data corresponding to this Voronoi polygon.

          interface VoronoiSite

          interface VoronoiSite<T> extends VoronoiPoint {}
          • A Voronoi Site in the diagram is an array [x, y] with two additional properties: index and data.

            The generic refers to the type of the data for the corresponding element.

          property data

          data: T;
          • The input data corresponding to this site.

          property index

          index: number;
          • The Voronoi Site’s index, corresponding to the associated input point.

          Type Aliases

          type VoronoiTriangle

          type VoronoiTriangle<T> = [T, T, T];
          • Voronoi Triangle is a three-element array of elements from data.

            The generic refers to the type of the data for the corresponding element.

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