
  • Version 1.14.3
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TypeScript definitions for dashdash



function addOptionType

addOptionType: (optionType: OptionType) => void;
  • Add a new option type.

function bashCompletionFromOptions

bashCompletionFromOptions: (args: BashCompletionConfiguration) => string;

    function bashCompletionSpecFromOptions

    bashCompletionSpecFromOptions: (args: BashCompletionSpecConfiguration) => string;

      function createParser

      createParser: (config: ParserConfiguration) => Parser;

        function getOptionType

        getOptionType: (name: string) => OptionType;

          function parse

          parse: (config: ParsingConfiguration) => Results;
          • Parse argv with the given options.

            Parameter config

            A merge of all the available fields from dashdash.Parser and dashdash.Parser.parse: options, interspersed, argv, env, slice.

          function synopsisFromOpt

          synopsisFromOpt: (o: Option) => string;
          • Return a synopsis string for the given option spec.

            Examples: > synopsisFromOpt({names: ['help', 'h'], type: 'bool'}); '[ --help | -h ]' > synopsisFromOpt({name: 'file', type: 'string', helpArg: 'FILE'}); '[ --file=FILE ]'


          class Parser

          class Parser {}


            constructor(config: ParserConfiguration);

              property allowUnknown

              allowUnknown: boolean;
              • Don't allow unknown flags. true

              property interpersed

              interpersed: boolean;
              • Allow interspersed arguments. true

              method bashCompletion

              bashCompletion: (args: BashCompletionConfiguration) => string;
              • Return a string suitable for a Bash completion file for this tool.

              method help

              help: (config?: HelpConfiguration) => string;
              • Return help output for the current options.

                E.g.: if the current options are: [{names: ['help', 'h'], type: 'bool', help: 'Show help and exit.'}] then this would return: ' -h, --help Show help and exit.\n'

              method parse

              parse: (inputs?: string[] | ParsingConfiguration) => Results;
              • Parse options from the given argv.


              interface Arg

              interface Arg {}

                property from

                from: string;

                  property name

                  name: string;

                    property value

                    value: any;

                      interface BashCompletionConfiguration

                      interface BashCompletionConfiguration {}

                        property argtypes

                        argtypes?: string[] | undefined;
                        • Array of completion types for positional args (i.e. non-options). If not given, positional args will use Bash's 'default' completion.

                        property name

                        name: string;
                        • The tool name.

                        property options

                        options?: Array<Option | Group> | undefined;
                        • The array of dashdash option specs.

                        property specExtra

                        specExtra?: string | undefined;
                        • Extra Bash code content to add to the end of the "spec". Typically this is used to append Bash "complete_TYPE" functions for custom option types.

                        interface BashCompletionSpecConfiguration

                        interface BashCompletionSpecConfiguration {}

                          property argtypes

                          argtypes?: string[] | undefined;
                          • Array of completion types for positional args (i.e. non-options). If not given, positional args will use Bash's 'default' completion.

                          property context

                          context?: string | undefined;
                          • A context string for the "local cmd*" vars in the spec. By default it is the empty string. When used to scope for completion on a *sub-command*.

                          property includeHidden

                          includeHidden?: boolean | undefined;
                          • By default hidden options and subcmds are "excluded". Here excluded means they won't be offered as a completion, but if used, their argument type will be completed. "Hidden" options and subcmds are ones with the hidden: true attribute to exclude them from default help output.

                          property options

                          options: Array<Option | Group>;
                          • The array of dashdash option specs.

                          interface Group

                          interface Group {}

                            property group

                            group: string;

                              interface HelpConfiguration

                              interface HelpConfiguration {}

                                property headingIndent

                                headingIndent?: number | string | undefined;
                                • Set to a number (for that many spaces) or a string for the literal indent. This indent applies to group heading lines, between normal option lines. Default: half length of indent

                                property helpCol

                                helpCol?: number | undefined;
                                • If not set a reasonable value will be determined between minHelpCol and maxHelpCol.

                                property helpWrap

                                helpWrap?: boolean | undefined;
                                • Set to false to have option help strings not be textwrapped to the helpCol..maxCol range. Default: true

                                property includeDefault

                                includeDefault?: boolean | undefined;
                                • If the option has a default value (via the default option spec attribute, or a default on the option's type), then a "Default: VALUE" string will be appended to the help string. Default: false

                                property includeEnv

                                includeEnv?: boolean | undefined;
                                • If the option has associated environment variables (via the env option spec attribute), then append mentioned of those envvars to the help string. Default: false

                                property indent

                                indent?: number | string | undefined;
                                • Set to a number (for that many spaces) or a string for the literal indent. Default: 4

                                property maxCol

                                maxCol?: number | undefined;
                                • Note that reflow is just done on whitespace so a long token in the option help can overflow maxCol. Default: 80

                                property maxHelpCol

                                maxHelpCol?: number | undefined;
                                • Default: 40

                                property minHelpCol

                                minHelpCol?: number | undefined;
                                • Default: 20

                                property nameSort

                                nameSort?: string | undefined;
                                • By default the names are sorted to put the short opts first (i.e. '-h, --help' preferred to '--help, -h'). Set to 'none' to not do this sorting. Default: 'length'

                                interface OptionBase

                                interface OptionBase {}

                                  property completionType

                                  completionType?: string | undefined;
                                  • This is used for Bash completion for an option argument. If not specified, then the value of type is used. Any string may be specified, but only the following values have meaning: - none: Provide no completions. - file: Bash's default completion (i.e. complete -o default), which includes filenames. - Any string FOO for which a function complete_FOO Bash function is defined. This is for custom completions for a given tool. Typically these custom functions are provided in the specExtra argument to dashdash.bashCompletionFromOptions().

                                  property default

                                  default?: string | undefined;
                                  • A default value used for this option, if the option isn't specified in argv.

                                  property env

                                  env?: string | string[] | undefined;
                                  • An environment variable name (or names) that can be used as a fallback for this option. An environment variable is only used as a fallback, i.e. it is ignored if the associated option is given in argv.

                                  property help

                                  help?: string | undefined;
                                  • Used for parser.help() output.

                                  property helpArg

                                  helpArg?: string | undefined;
                                  • Used in help output as the placeholder for the option argument.

                                  property helpWrap

                                  helpWrap?: boolean | undefined;
                                  • Set this to false to have that option's help not be text wrapped in .help() output.

                                  property hidden

                                  hidden?: boolean | undefined;
                                  • If true, help output will not include this option.

                                  property type

                                  type: string;
                                  • One of: bool, string, number, integer, positiveInteger, arrayOfBool, arrayOfString, arrayOfNumber, arrayOfInteger, arrayOfPositiveInteger, arrayOfDate, date (epoch seconds, e.g. 1396031701, or ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SS[.sss][Z]], e.g. "2014-03-28T18:35:01.489Z"). You can add your own custom option types with dashdash.addOptionType These names attempt to match with asserts on assert-plus.

                                  interface OptionType

                                  interface OptionType {}

                                    property array

                                    array?: boolean | undefined;
                                    • Set to true if this is an 'arrayOf' type that collects multiple usages of the option in process.argv and puts results in an array.

                                    property arrayFlatten

                                    arrayFlatten?: boolean | undefined;

                                      property completionType

                                      completionType?: any;

                                        property default

                                        default?: any;
                                        • Default value for options of this type, if no default is specified in the option type usage.

                                        property helpArg

                                        helpArg?: string | undefined;
                                        • Required iff takesArg === true. The string to show in generated help for options of this type.

                                        property name

                                        name: string;

                                          property takesArg

                                          takesArg: boolean;
                                          • Whether this type of option takes an argument on process.argv. Typically this is true for all but the "bool" type.

                                          method parseArg

                                          parseArg: (option: Option, optstr: string, arg: string) => any;
                                          • parser that takes a string argument and returns an instance of the appropriate type, or throws an error if the arg is invalid.

                                          interface OptionWithAliases

                                          interface OptionWithAliases extends OptionBase {}

                                            property names

                                            names: string[];
                                            • The option name and aliases. The first name (if more than one given) is the key for the parsed opts object.

                                            interface OptionWithoutAliases

                                            interface OptionWithoutAliases extends OptionBase {}

                                              property name

                                              name: string;
                                              • The option name

                                              interface ParserConfiguration

                                              interface ParserConfiguration {}

                                                property allowUnknown

                                                allowUnknown?: boolean | undefined;
                                                • Whether to throw on unknown options. If false, then unknown args are included in the _args array. Default: false

                                                property interspersed

                                                interspersed?: boolean | undefined;
                                                • Whether to allow interspersed arguments (non-options) and options.

                                                  E.g.: node tool.js arg1 arg2 -v

                                                  '-v' is after some args here. If interspersed: false then '-v' would not be parsed out. Note that regardless of interspersed the presence of '--' will stop option parsing, as all good option parsers should.

                                                  Default: true

                                                property options

                                                options: Array<Option | Group>;
                                                • Array of option specs.

                                                interface ParsingConfiguration

                                                interface ParsingConfiguration {}

                                                  property argv

                                                  argv?: string[] | undefined;
                                                  • The argv to parse. Defaults to process.argv.

                                                  property env

                                                  env?: any;
                                                  • The env to use for 'env' entries in the option specs. Defaults to process.env.

                                                  property options

                                                  options?: Array<Option | Group> | undefined;

                                                    property slice

                                                    slice?: number | undefined;
                                                    • The index into argv at which options/args begin. Default is 2, as appropriate for process.argv.

                                                    interface Results

                                                    interface Results {}

                                                      index signature

                                                      [key: string]: any;

                                                        Type Aliases

                                                        type Option

                                                        type Option = OptionWithoutAliases | OptionWithAliases;

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