
  • Version 1.0.5
  • Published
  • 5.56 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for deep-diff



function applyChange

applyChange: <LHS>(target: LHS, source: any, change: Diff<LHS, any>) => void;

    function applyDiff

    applyDiff: <LHS, RHS = LHS>(
    target: LHS,
    source: RHS,
    filter?: Filter<LHS, RHS>
    ) => void;

      function deepDiff

      deepDiff: typeof deepDiff;

        function diff

        diff: {
        <LHS, RHS = LHS>(lhs: LHS, rhs: RHS, prefilter?: PreFilter<LHS, RHS>):
        | Array<Diff<LHS, RHS>>
        | undefined;
        <LHS, RHS = LHS>(
        lhs: LHS,
        rhs: RHS,
        prefilter?: PreFilter<LHS, RHS>,
        acc?: Accumulator<LHS, RHS>
        ): Accumulator<LHS, RHS>;

          function observableDiff

          observableDiff: <LHS, RHS = LHS>(
          lhs: LHS,
          rhs: RHS,
          observer?: Observer<LHS, RHS>,
          prefilter?: PreFilter<LHS, RHS>,
          orderIndependent?: boolean
          ) => Array<Diff<LHS, RHS>>;

            function orderIndependentDeepDiff

            orderIndependentDeepDiff: <LHS, RHS = LHS>(
            lhs: LHS,
            rhs: RHS,
            changes: Array<Diff<LHS, RHS>>,
            prefilter: PreFilter<LHS, RHS>,
            path: any[],
            key: any,
            stack: any[]
            ) => void;

              function orderIndependentDiff

              orderIndependentDiff: {
              <LHS, RHS = LHS>(lhs: LHS, rhs: RHS, prefilter?: PreFilter<LHS, RHS>):
              | Array<Diff<LHS, RHS>>
              | undefined;
              <LHS, RHS = LHS>(
              lhs: LHS,
              rhs: RHS,
              prefilter?: PreFilter<LHS, RHS>,
              acc?: Accumulator<LHS, RHS>
              ): Accumulator<LHS, RHS>;

                function orderIndepHash

                orderIndepHash: (object: any) => number;

                  function revertChange

                  revertChange: <LHS>(target: LHS, source: any, change: Diff<LHS, any>) => void;


                    interface Accumulator

                    interface Accumulator<LHS, RHS = LHS> {}

                      property length

                      length: number;

                        method push

                        push: (diff: Diff<LHS, RHS>) => void;

                          interface DiffArray

                          interface DiffArray<LHS, RHS = LHS> {}

                            property index

                            index: number;

                              property item

                              item: Diff<LHS, RHS>;

                                property kind

                                kind: 'A';

                                  property path

                                  path?: any[] | undefined;

                                    interface DiffDeleted

                                    interface DiffDeleted<LHS> {}

                                      property kind

                                      kind: 'D';

                                        property lhs

                                        lhs: LHS;

                                          property path

                                          path?: any[] | undefined;

                                            interface DiffEdit

                                            interface DiffEdit<LHS, RHS = LHS> {}

                                              property kind

                                              kind: 'E';

                                                property lhs

                                                lhs: LHS;

                                                  property path

                                                  path?: any[] | undefined;

                                                    property rhs

                                                    rhs: RHS;

                                                      interface DiffNew

                                                      interface DiffNew<RHS> {}

                                                        property kind

                                                        kind: 'N';

                                                          property path

                                                          path?: any[] | undefined;

                                                            property rhs

                                                            rhs: RHS;

                                                              interface PreFilterObject

                                                              interface PreFilterObject<LHS, RHS = LHS> {}

                                                                method normalize

                                                                normalize: (
                                                                currentPath: any,
                                                                key: any,
                                                                lhs: LHS,
                                                                rhs: RHS
                                                                ) => [LHS, RHS] | undefined;

                                                                  method prefilter

                                                                  prefilter: (path: any[], key: any) => boolean;

                                                                    Type Aliases

                                                                    type Diff

                                                                    type Diff<LHS, RHS = LHS> =
                                                                    | DiffNew<RHS>
                                                                    | DiffDeleted<LHS>
                                                                    | DiffEdit<LHS, RHS>
                                                                    | DiffArray<LHS, RHS>;

                                                                      type Filter

                                                                      type Filter<LHS, RHS = LHS> = (
                                                                      target: LHS,
                                                                      source: RHS,
                                                                      change: Diff<LHS, RHS>
                                                                      ) => boolean;

                                                                        type Observer

                                                                        type Observer<LHS, RHS = LHS> = (diff: Diff<LHS, RHS>) => void;

                                                                          type PreFilter

                                                                          type PreFilter<LHS, RHS = LHS> = PreFilterFunction | PreFilterObject<LHS, RHS>;

                                                                            type PreFilterFunction

                                                                            type PreFilterFunction = (path: any[], key: any) => boolean;

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