- Version 3.3.31
- Published
- 73.2 kB
- 3 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @types/dockerode
yarn add @types/dockerode
pnpm add @types/dockerode
TypeScript definitions for dockerode
- buildImage()
- checkAuth()
- createConfig()
- createContainer()
- createImage()
- createNetwork()
- createPlugin()
- createSecret()
- createService()
- createVolume()
- df()
- getConfig()
- getContainer()
- getEvents()
- getExec()
- getImage()
- getNetwork()
- getNode()
- getPlugin()
- getSecret()
- getService()
- getTask()
- getVolume()
- importImage()
- info()
- listConfigs()
- listContainers()
- listImages()
- listNetworks()
- listNodes()
- listPlugins()
- listSecrets()
- listServices()
- listTasks()
- listVolumes()
- loadImage()
- modem
- ping()
- pruneContainers()
- pruneImages()
- pruneNetworks()
- pruneVolumes()
- pull()
- run()
- searchImages()
- swarmInit()
- swarmInspect()
- swarmJoin()
- swarmLeave()
- swarmUpdate()
- version()
- AutoRemove
- Binds
- BlkioDeviceReadBps
- BlkioDeviceReadIOps
- BlkioDeviceWriteBps
- BlkioDeviceWriteIOps
- BlkioWeight
- BlkioWeightDevice
- CapAdd
- CapDrop
- Cgroup
- CgroupParent
- ConsoleSize
- ContainerIDFile
- CpuCount
- CpuPercent
- CpuPeriod
- CpuQuota
- CpuRealtimePeriod
- CpuRealtimeRuntime
- CpusetCpus
- CpusetMems
- CpuShares
- DeviceCgroupRules
- DeviceRequests
- Devices
- DiskQuota
- Dns
- DnsOptions
- DnsSearch
- ExtraHosts
- GroupAdd
- Init
- IpcMode
- Isolation
- KernelMemory
- Links
- LogConfig
- MaskedPaths
- Memory
- MemoryReservation
- MemorySwap
- MemorySwappiness
- Mounts
- NanoCpus
- NetworkMode
- OomKillDisable
- OomScoreAdj
- PidMode
- PidsLimit
- PortBindings
- Privileged
- PublishAllPorts
- ReadonlyPaths
- ReadonlyRootfs
- RestartPolicy
- Runtime
- SecurityOpt
- ShmSize
- StorageOpt
- Sysctls
- Tmpfs
- Ulimits
- UsernsMode
- UTSMode
- VolumeDriver
- VolumesFrom
Type Aliases
class Config
class Config {}
constructor(modem: any, id: string);
property id
id: string;
property modem
modem: any;
method inspect
inspect: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<ConfigInfo>): void; (callback: Callback<ConfigInfo>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<ConfigInfo>;};
method remove
remove: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method update
update: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
class Container
class Container {}
constructor(modem: any, id: string);
property id
id: string;
property modem
modem: any;
method attach
attach: { ( options: ContainerAttachOptions, callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadWriteStream> ): void; (options: ContainerAttachOptions): Promise<NodeJS.ReadWriteStream>;};
method changes
changes: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method commit
commit: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method copy
copy: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
Deprecated since RAPI v1.20
method exec
exec: { (options: ExecCreateOptions, callback: Callback<Exec>): void; (options: ExecCreateOptions): Promise<Exec>;};
method export
export: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream>): void; (callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>;};
method getArchive
getArchive: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream>): void; (options: {}): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>;};
method infoArchive
infoArchive: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (options: {}): Promise<any>;};
method inspect
inspect: { ( options: ContainerInspectOptions, callback: Callback<ContainerInspectInfo> ): void; (callback: Callback<ContainerInspectInfo>): void; (options?: ContainerInspectOptions): Promise<ContainerInspectInfo>;};
method kill
kill: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method logs
logs: { ( options: ContainerLogsOptions & { follow?: false }, callback: Callback<Buffer> ): void; ( options: ContainerLogsOptions & { follow: true }, callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream> ): void; (callback: Callback<Buffer>): void; (options?: ContainerLogsOptions & { follow?: false }): Promise<Buffer>; ( options?: ContainerLogsOptions & { follow: true } ): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>;};
method pause
pause: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method putArchive
putArchive: { ( file: string | Buffer | NodeJS.ReadableStream, options: {}, callback: Callback<NodeJS.WritableStream> ): void; (file: any, options: {}): Promise<NodeJS.ReadWriteStream>;};
Parameter file
Filename (will read synchronously), Buffer or stream
method remove
remove: { (options: ContainerRemoveOptions, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method rename
rename: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (options: {}): Promise<any>;};
method resize
resize: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method restart
restart: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method start
start: { (options: ContainerStartOptions, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: ContainerStartOptions): Promise<any>;};
method stats
stats: { ( options: { stream?: false; 'one-shot'?: boolean }, callback: Callback<ContainerStats> ): void; (options: { stream: true }, callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream>): void; (callback: Callback<ContainerStats>): void; (options?: { stream?: false; 'one-shot'?: boolean; }): Promise<ContainerStats>; (options?: { stream: true }): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>;};
method stop
stop: { (options: ContainerStopOptions, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: ContainerStopOptions): Promise<any>;};
method top
top: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method unpause
unpause: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method update
update: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (options: {}): Promise<any>;};
method wait
wait: { (options: ContainerWaitOptions, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: ContainerWaitOptions): Promise<any>;};
class Dockerode
class Dockerode {}
constructor(options?: Dockerode.DockerOptions);
property modem
modem: DockerModem;
method buildImage
buildImage: { ( file: string | NodeJS.ReadableStream | Dockerode.ImageBuildContext, options: Dockerode.ImageBuildOptions, callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream> ): void; (file: any, callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream>): void; ( file: any, options?: Dockerode.ImageBuildOptions ): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>;};
method checkAuth
checkAuth: { (options: any, callback: Callback<any>): void; (options: any): Promise<any>;};
method createConfig
createConfig: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (options: {}): Promise<any>;};
method createContainer
createContainer: { ( options: Dockerode.ContainerCreateOptions, callback: Callback<Dockerode.Container> ): void; (options: Dockerode.ContainerCreateOptions): Promise<Dockerode.Container>;};
method createImage
createImage: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream>): void; (auth: any, options: {}, callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream>): void; (options: {}): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; (auth: any, options: {}): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>;};
method createNetwork
createNetwork: { ( options: Dockerode.NetworkCreateOptions, callback: Callback<Dockerode.Network> ): void; (options: Dockerode.NetworkCreateOptions): Promise<Dockerode.Network>;};
method createPlugin
createPlugin: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (options: {}): Promise<any>;};
method createSecret
createSecret: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (options: {}): Promise<any>;};
method createService
createService: { ( options: Dockerode.CreateServiceOptions, callback: Callback<Dockerode.Service> ): void; (options: Dockerode.CreateServiceOptions): Promise<Dockerode.Service>; ( auth: Dockerode.AuthConfig, options: Dockerode.ServiceSpec ): Promise<Dockerode.Service>;};
method createVolume
createVolume: { ( options: Dockerode.VolumeCreateOptions, callback: Callback<Dockerode.Volume> ): void; (callback: Callback<Dockerode.Volume>): void; ( options?: Dockerode.VolumeCreateOptions ): Promise<Dockerode.VolumeCreateResponse>;};
method df
df: { (callback: Callback<any>): void; (): Promise<any> };
method getConfig
getConfig: (id: string) => Dockerode.Config;
method getContainer
getContainer: (id: string) => Dockerode.Container;
method getEvents
getEvents: { ( options: Dockerode.GetEventsOptions, callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream> ): void; (callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream>): void; (options?: Dockerode.GetEventsOptions): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>;};
method getExec
getExec: (id: string) => Dockerode.Exec;
method getImage
getImage: (name: string) => Dockerode.Image;
method getNetwork
getNetwork: (id: string) => Dockerode.Network;
method getNode
getNode: (id: string) => Dockerode.Node;
method getPlugin
getPlugin: (name: string, remote: any) => Dockerode.Plugin;
method getSecret
getSecret: (id: string) => Dockerode.Secret;
method getService
getService: (id: string) => Dockerode.Service;
method getTask
getTask: (id: string) => Dockerode.Task;
method getVolume
getVolume: (name: string) => Dockerode.Volume;
method importImage
importImage: { ( file: string | NodeJS.ReadableStream, options: {}, callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream> ): void; (file: any, callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream>): void; (file: any, options?: {}): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>;};
method info
info: { (callback: Callback<any>): void; (): Promise<any> };
method listConfigs
listConfigs: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<Dockerode.ConfigInfo[]>): void; (callback: Callback<Dockerode.ConfigInfo[]>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<Dockerode.ConfigInfo[]>;};
method listContainers
listContainers: { ( options: Dockerode.ContainerListOptions, callback: Callback<Dockerode.ContainerInfo[]> ): void; (callback: Callback<Dockerode.ContainerInfo[]>): void; (options?: Dockerode.ContainerListOptions): Promise< Dockerode.ContainerInfo[] >;};
method listImages
listImages: { ( options: Dockerode.ListImagesOptions, callback: Callback<Dockerode.ImageInfo[]> ): void; (callback: Callback<Dockerode.ImageInfo[]>): void; (options?: Dockerode.ListImagesOptions): Promise<Dockerode.ImageInfo[]>;};
method listNetworks
listNetworks: { ( options: Dockerode.NetworkListOptions, callback: Callback<Dockerode.NetworkInspectInfo[]> ): void; (callback: Callback<Dockerode.NetworkInspectInfo[]>): void; (options?: Dockerode.NetworkListOptions): Promise< Dockerode.NetworkInspectInfo[] >;};
method listNodes
listNodes: { (options: Dockerode.NodeListOptions, callback: Callback<any[]>): void; (callback: Callback<any[]>): void; (options?: Dockerode.NodeListOptions): Promise<any[]>;};
method listPlugins
listPlugins: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<Dockerode.PluginInfo[]>): void; (callback: Callback<Dockerode.PluginInfo[]>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<Dockerode.PluginInfo[]>;};
method listSecrets
listSecrets: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<Dockerode.Secret[]>): void; (callback: Callback<Dockerode.Secret[]>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<Dockerode.Secret[]>;};
method listServices
listServices: { ( options: Dockerode.ServiceListOptions, callback: Callback<Dockerode.Service[]> ): void; (callback: Callback<Dockerode.Service[]>): void; (options?: Dockerode.ServiceListOptions): Promise<Dockerode.Service[]>;};
method listTasks
listTasks: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any[]>): void; (callback: Callback<any[]>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any[]>;};
method listVolumes
listVolumes: { ( options: Dockerode.VolumeListOptions, callback: Callback<{ Volumes: Dockerode.VolumeInspectInfo[]; Warnings: string[]; }> ): void; ( callback: Callback<{ Volumes: Dockerode.VolumeInspectInfo[]; Warnings: string[]; }> ): void; (options?: Dockerode.VolumeListOptions): Promise<{ Volumes: Dockerode.VolumeInspectInfo[]; Warnings: string[]; }>;};
method loadImage
loadImage: { ( file: string | NodeJS.ReadableStream, options: {}, callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream> ): void; (file: any, callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream>): void; (file: any, options?: {}): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>;};
method ping
ping: { (callback: Callback<any>): void; (): Promise<any> };
method pruneContainers
pruneContainers: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<Dockerode.PruneContainersInfo>): void; (callback: Callback<Dockerode.PruneContainersInfo>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<Dockerode.PruneContainersInfo>;};
method pruneImages
pruneImages: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<Dockerode.PruneImagesInfo>): void; (callback: Callback<Dockerode.PruneImagesInfo>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<Dockerode.PruneImagesInfo>;};
method pruneNetworks
pruneNetworks: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<Dockerode.PruneNetworksInfo>): void; (callback: Callback<Dockerode.PruneNetworksInfo>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<Dockerode.PruneNetworksInfo>;};
method pruneVolumes
pruneVolumes: { ( options: Dockerode.VolumePruneOptions, callback: Callback<Dockerode.PruneVolumesInfo> ): void; (callback: Callback<Dockerode.PruneVolumesInfo>): void; ( options?: Dockerode.VolumePruneOptions ): Promise<Dockerode.PruneVolumesInfo>;};
method pull
pull: { ( repoTag: string, options: {}, callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream>, auth?: {} ): Dockerode.Image; (repoTag: string, options?: {}): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>;};
method run
run: { ( image: string, cmd: string[], outputStream: NodeJS.WritableStream | NodeJS.WritableStream[], createOptions: Dockerode.ContainerCreateOptions, startOptions: Dockerode.ContainerStartOptions, callback: Callback<any> ): events.EventEmitter; ( image: string, cmd: string[], outputStream: any, createOptions: Dockerode.ContainerCreateOptions, callback: Callback<any> ): events.EventEmitter; ( image: string, cmd: string[], outputStream: any, callback: Callback<any> ): events.EventEmitter; ( image: string, cmd: string[], outputStream: any, createOptions?: Dockerode.ContainerCreateOptions, startOptions?: Dockerode.ContainerStartOptions ): Promise<any>;};
method searchImages
searchImages: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (options: {}): Promise<any>;};
method swarmInit
swarmInit: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (options: {}): Promise<any>;};
method swarmInspect
swarmInspect: { (callback: Callback<any>): void; (): Promise<any> };
method swarmJoin
swarmJoin: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (options: {}): Promise<any>;};
method swarmLeave
swarmLeave: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (options: {}): Promise<any>;};
method swarmUpdate
swarmUpdate: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (options: {}): Promise<any>;};
method version
version: { (callback: Callback<Dockerode.DockerVersion>): void; (): Promise<Dockerode.DockerVersion>;};
class Exec
class Exec {}
constructor(modem: any, id: string);
property id
id: string;
property modem
modem: any;
method inspect
inspect: { (options: ExecInspectOptions, callback: Callback<ExecInspectInfo>): void; (callback: Callback<ExecInspectInfo>): void; (options?: ExecInspectOptions): Promise<ExecInspectInfo>;};
method resize
resize: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (options: {}): Promise<any>;};
method start
start: { (options: ExecStartOptions, callback: Callback<stream.Duplex>): void; (options: ExecStartOptions): Promise<stream.Duplex>;};
class Image
class Image {}
constructor(modem: any, name: string);
property id
id: string;
property modem
modem: any;
method distribution
distribution: { ( options: ImageDistributionOptions, callback: Callback<ImageDistributionInfo> ): void; (callback: Callback<ImageDistributionInfo>): void; (options?: ImageDistributionOptions): Promise<ImageDistributionInfo>;};
method get
get: { (callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream>): void; (): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>;};
method history
history: { (callback: Callback<any>): void; (): Promise<any> };
method inspect
inspect: { (callback: Callback<ImageInspectInfo>): void; (): Promise<ImageInspectInfo>;};
method push
push: { (options: ImagePushOptions, callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream>): void; (callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream>): void; (options?: ImagePushOptions): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>;};
method remove
remove: { (options: ImageRemoveOptions, callback: Callback<ImageRemoveInfo>): void; (callback: Callback<ImageRemoveInfo>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method tag
tag: { (options: ImageTagOptions, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: ImageTagOptions): Promise<any>;};
class Network
class Network {}
constructor(modem: any, id: string);
property id
id: string;
property modem
modem: any;
method connect
connect: { (options: NetworkConnectOptions, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: NetworkConnectOptions): Promise<any>;};
method disconnect
disconnect: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method inspect
inspect: { (callback: Callback<any>): void; (): Promise<any> };
method remove
remove: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
class Node
class Node {}
constructor(modem: any, id: string);
property id
id: string;
property modem
modem: any;
method inspect
inspect: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method remove
remove: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method update
update: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
class Plugin
class Plugin {}
constructor(modem: any, name: string, remote?: any);
property modem
modem: any;
property name
name: string;
property remote
remote: any;
method configure
configure: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method disable
disable: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method enable
enable: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method inspect
inspect: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<PluginInspectInfo>): void; (callback: Callback<PluginInfo>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<PluginInfo>;};
method privileges
privileges: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method pull
pull: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (options: {}): Promise<any>;};
method push
push: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method remove
remove: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method upgrade
upgrade: { (auth: any, options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (auth: any, callback: Callback<any>): void; (auth: any, options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
class Secret
class Secret {}
constructor(modem: any, id: string);
property id
id: string;
property modem
modem: any;
method inspect
inspect: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<Secret>): void; (callback: Callback<Secret>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<Secret>;};
method remove
remove: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method update
update: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
class Service
class Service {}
constructor(modem: any, id: string);
property id
id: string;
property modem
modem: any;
method inspect
inspect: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method logs
logs: { ( options: ContainerLogsOptions, callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream> ): void; (callback: Callback<NodeJS.ReadableStream>): void; (options?: ContainerLogsOptions): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>;};
method remove
remove: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
method update
update: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (options: {}): Promise<any>;};
class Task
class Task {}
constructor(modem: any, id: string);
property id
id: string;
property modem
modem: any;
method inspect
inspect: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<any>;};
class Volume
class Volume {}
constructor(modem: any, name: string);
property modem
modem: any;
property name
name: string;
method inspect
inspect: { (options: {}, callback: Callback<VolumeInspectInfo>): void; (callback: Callback<VolumeInspectInfo>): void; (options?: {}): Promise<VolumeInspectInfo>;};
method remove
remove: { (options: VolumeRemoveOptions, callback: Callback<any>): void; (callback: Callback<any>): void; (options?: VolumeRemoveOptions): Promise<any>;};
interface Annotations
interface Annotations {}
interface Args
interface Args {}
property Description
Description: string;
property Name
Name: string;
property Settable
Settable: string[];
property Value
Value: string;
interface AuthConfig
interface AuthConfig {}
property auth
auth?: string;
property email
email?: string | undefined;
property identitytoken
identitytoken?: string;
property password
password?: string;
property registrytoken
registrytoken?: string;
property serveraddress
serveraddress?: string;
property username
username?: string;
interface BlkioStatEntry
interface BlkioStatEntry {}
interface BlkioStats
interface BlkioStats {}
property io_merged_recursive
io_merged_recursive: BlkioStatEntry[];
property io_queue_recursive
io_queue_recursive: BlkioStatEntry[];
property io_service_bytes_recursive
io_service_bytes_recursive: BlkioStatEntry[];
property io_service_time_recursive
io_service_time_recursive: BlkioStatEntry[];
property io_serviced_recursive
io_serviced_recursive: BlkioStatEntry[];
property io_time_recursive
io_time_recursive: BlkioStatEntry[];
property io_wait_time_recursive
io_wait_time_recursive: BlkioStatEntry[];
property sectors_recursive
sectors_recursive: BlkioStatEntry[];
interface CAConfig
interface CAConfig {}
property ExternalCAs
ExternalCAs?: ExternalCA[] | undefined;
property ForceRotate
ForceRotate?: number | undefined;
property NodeCertExpiry
NodeCertExpiry?: Duration | undefined;
property SigningCACert
SigningCACert?: string | undefined;
property SigningCAKey
SigningCAKey?: string | undefined;
interface ClusterInfo
interface ClusterInfo extends Meta {}
property DataPathPort
DataPathPort: number;
property DefaultAddrPool
DefaultAddrPool: string[];
property ID
ID: string;
property RootRotationInProgress
RootRotationInProgress: boolean;
property Spec
Spec: Spec;
property SubnetSize
SubnetSize: number;
property TLSInfo
TLSInfo: TLSInfo;
interface ConfigInfo
interface ConfigInfo {}
interface ConfigReference
interface ConfigReference {}
property ConfigID
ConfigID?: string | undefined;
property ConfigName
ConfigName?: string | undefined;
property File
File?: | { Name?: string | undefined; UID?: string | undefined; GID?: string | undefined; Mode: number | undefined; } | undefined;
interface ConfigSpec
interface ConfigSpec {}
interface ConfigVersion
interface ConfigVersion {}
property Index
Index: number;
interface ContainerAttachOptions
interface ContainerAttachOptions {}
property abortSignal
abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
property detachKeys
detachKeys?: string | undefined;
property hijack
hijack?: boolean | undefined;
property logs
logs?: boolean | undefined;
property stderr
stderr?: boolean | undefined;
property stdin
stdin?: boolean | undefined;
property stdout
stdout?: boolean | undefined;
property stream
stream?: boolean | undefined;
interface ContainerCreateOptions
interface ContainerCreateOptions {}
property abortSignal
abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
property ArgsEscaped
ArgsEscaped?: boolean | undefined;
property AttachStderr
AttachStderr?: boolean | undefined;
property AttachStdin
AttachStdin?: boolean | undefined;
property AttachStdout
AttachStdout?: boolean | undefined;
property Cmd
Cmd?: string[] | undefined;
property Domainname
Domainname?: string | undefined;
property Entrypoint
Entrypoint?: string | string[] | undefined;
property Env
Env?: string[] | undefined;
property ExposedPorts
ExposedPorts?: { [port: string]: {} } | undefined;
property Healthcheck
Healthcheck?: HealthConfig | undefined;
property HostConfig
HostConfig?: HostConfig | undefined;
property Hostname
Hostname?: string | undefined;
property Image
Image?: string | undefined;
property Labels
Labels?: { [label: string]: string } | undefined;
property MacAddress
MacAddress?: string | undefined;
property name
name?: string | undefined;
property NetworkDisabled
NetworkDisabled?: boolean | undefined;
property NetworkingConfig
NetworkingConfig?: | { EndpointsConfig?: EndpointsConfig | undefined; } | undefined;
property OnBuild
OnBuild?: string[] | undefined;
property OpenStdin
OpenStdin?: boolean | undefined;
property platform
platform?: string | undefined;
property Shell
Shell?: string[] | undefined;
property StdinOnce
StdinOnce?: boolean | undefined;
property StopSignal
StopSignal?: string | undefined;
property StopTimeout
StopTimeout?: number | undefined;
property Tty
Tty?: boolean | undefined;
property User
User?: string | undefined;
property Volumes
Volumes?: { [volume: string]: {} } | undefined;
property WorkingDir
WorkingDir?: string | undefined;
interface ContainerInfo
interface ContainerInfo {}
property Command
Command: string;
property Created
Created: number;
property HostConfig
HostConfig: { NetworkMode: string;};
property Id
Id: string;
property Image
Image: string;
property ImageID
ImageID: string;
property Labels
Labels: { [label: string]: string };
property Mounts
Mounts: Array<{ Name?: string | undefined; Type: string; Source: string; Destination: string; Driver?: string | undefined; Mode: string; RW: boolean; Propagation: string;}>;
property Names
Names: string[];
property NetworkSettings
NetworkSettings: { Networks: { [networkType: string]: NetworkInfo };};
property Ports
Ports: Port[];
property State
State: string;
property Status
Status: string;
interface ContainerInspectInfo
interface ContainerInspectInfo {}
property AppArmorProfile
AppArmorProfile: string;
property Args
Args: string[];
property Config
Config: { Hostname: string; Domainname: string; User: string; AttachStdin: boolean; AttachStdout: boolean; AttachStderr: boolean; ExposedPorts: { [portAndProtocol: string]: {} }; Tty: boolean; OpenStdin: boolean; StdinOnce: boolean; Env: string[]; Cmd: string[]; Image: string; Volumes: { [volume: string]: {} }; WorkingDir: string; Entrypoint?: string | string[] | undefined; OnBuild?: any; Labels: { [label: string]: string };};
property Created
Created: string;
property Driver
Driver: string;
property ExecIDs
ExecIDs?: string[] | undefined;
property GraphDriver
GraphDriver: { Name: string; Data: { DeviceId: string; DeviceName: string; DeviceSize: string; };};
property HostConfig
HostConfig: HostConfig;
property HostnamePath
HostnamePath: string;
property HostsPath
HostsPath: string;
property Id
Id: string;
property Image
Image: string;
property LogPath
LogPath: string;
property MountLabel
MountLabel: string;
property Mounts
Mounts: Array<{ Name?: string | undefined; Source: string; Destination: string; Mode: string; RW: boolean; Propagation: string;}>;
property Name
Name: string;
property NetworkSettings
NetworkSettings: { Bridge: string; SandboxID: string; HairpinMode: boolean; LinkLocalIPv6Address: string; LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen: number; Ports: { [portAndProtocol: string]: Array<{ HostIp: string; HostPort: string; }>; }; SandboxKey: string; SecondaryIPAddresses?: any; SecondaryIPv6Addresses?: any; EndpointID: string; Gateway: string; GlobalIPv6Address: string; GlobalIPv6PrefixLen: number; IPAddress: string; IPPrefixLen: number; IPv6Gateway: string; MacAddress: string; Networks: { [type: string]: { IPAMConfig?: any; Links?: any; Aliases?: any; NetworkID: string; EndpointID: string; Gateway: string; IPAddress: string; IPPrefixLen: number; IPv6Gateway: string; GlobalIPv6Address: string; GlobalIPv6PrefixLen: number; MacAddress: string; }; }; Node?: | { ID: string; IP: string; Addr: string; Name: string; Cpus: number; Memory: number; Labels: any; } | undefined;};
property Path
Path: string;
property Platform
Platform: string;
property ProcessLabel
ProcessLabel: string;
property ResolvConfPath
ResolvConfPath: string;
property RestartCount
RestartCount: number;
property State
State: { Status: string; Running: boolean; Paused: boolean; Restarting: boolean; OOMKilled: boolean; Dead: boolean; Pid: number; ExitCode: number; Error: string; StartedAt: string; FinishedAt: string; Health?: | { Status: string; FailingStreak: number; Log: Array<{ Start: string; End: string; ExitCode: number; Output: string; }>; } | undefined;};
interface ContainerInspectOptions
interface ContainerInspectOptions {}
property abortSignal
abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
interface ContainerListOptions
interface ContainerListOptions {}
property abortSignal
abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
property all
all?: boolean;
Return all containers. By default, only running containers are shown false
property filters
filters?: string | { [key: string]: string[] };
Filters to process on the container list, encoded as JSON (a map[string][]string). A dictionary of key/value list is also accepted.
property limit
limit?: number;
Return this number of most recently created containers, including non-running ones.
property size
size?: boolean;
Return the size of container as fields
. false
interface ContainerLogsOptions
interface ContainerLogsOptions {}
property abortSignal
abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
property details
details?: boolean | undefined;
property follow
follow?: boolean | undefined;
property since
since?: number | string | undefined;
property stderr
stderr?: boolean | undefined;
property stdout
stdout?: boolean | undefined;
property tail
tail?: number | undefined;
property timestamps
timestamps?: boolean | undefined;
property until
until?: number | string | undefined;
interface ContainerRemoveOptions
interface ContainerRemoveOptions {}
interface ContainerSpec
interface ContainerSpec {}
property Args
Args?: string[] | undefined;
property CapabilityAdd
CapabilityAdd?: string[] | undefined;
property CapabilityDrop
CapabilityDrop?: string[] | undefined;
property Command
Command?: string[] | undefined;
property Configs
Configs?: ConfigReference[] | undefined;
property Dir
Dir?: string | undefined;
property DNSConfig
DNSConfig?: DNSConfig | undefined;
property Env
Env?: string[] | undefined;
property Groups
Groups?: string[] | undefined;
property HealthCheck
HealthCheck?: HealthConfig | undefined;
property Hostname
Hostname?: string | undefined;
property Hosts
Hosts?: string[] | undefined;
property Image
Image?: string | undefined;
property Init
Init?: boolean | undefined;
property Isolation
Isolation?: string | undefined;
property Labels
Labels?: { [label: string]: string } | undefined;
property Mounts
Mounts?: MountSettings[] | undefined;
property OpenStdin
OpenStdin?: boolean | undefined;
property Privileges
Privileges?: Privileges | undefined;
property ReadOnly
ReadOnly?: boolean | undefined;
property Secrets
Secrets?: SecretReference[] | undefined;
property StopGracePeriod
StopGracePeriod?: number | undefined;
property StopSignal
StopSignal?: string | undefined;
property Sysctls
Sysctls?: { [key: string]: string } | undefined;
property TTY
TTY?: boolean | undefined;
property Ulimits
Ulimits?: Ulimit[] | undefined;
property User
User?: string | undefined;
interface ContainerStartOptions
interface ContainerStartOptions {}
property abortSignal
abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
property detachKeys
detachKeys?: string;
interface ContainerStats
interface ContainerStats {}
property blkio_stats
blkio_stats?: BlkioStats;
property cpu_stats
cpu_stats: CPUStats;
property memory_stats
memory_stats: MemoryStats;
property networks
networks: NetworkStats;
property num_procs
num_procs: number;
property pids_stats
pids_stats?: PidsStats;
property precpu_stats
precpu_stats: CPUStats;
property preread
preread: string;
property read
read: string;
property storage_stats
storage_stats?: StorageStats;
interface ContainerStopOptions
interface ContainerStopOptions {}
property abortSignal
abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
property signal
signal?: string;
property t
t?: number;
Number of seconds to wait before killing the container
interface ContainerTaskSpec
interface ContainerTaskSpec extends TaskSpecBase {}
property ContainerSpec
ContainerSpec?: ContainerSpec | undefined;
interface ContainerWaitOptions
interface ContainerWaitOptions {}
property abortSignal
abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
property condition
condition?: 'not-running' | 'next-exit' | 'removed' | undefined;
Since v1.30
interface CPUStats
interface CPUStats {}
property cpu_usage
cpu_usage: CPUUsage;
property online_cpus
online_cpus: number;
property system_cpu_usage
system_cpu_usage: number;
property throttling_data
throttling_data: ThrottlingData;
interface CPUUsage
interface CPUUsage {}
property percpu_usage
percpu_usage: number[];
property total_usage
total_usage: number;
property usage_in_kernelmode
usage_in_kernelmode: number;
property usage_in_usermode
usage_in_usermode: number;
interface CreateServiceOptions
interface CreateServiceOptions extends ServiceSpec {}
property abortSignal
abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
property authconfig
authconfig?: AuthConfig | undefined;
interface DeviceMapping
interface DeviceMapping {}
property CgroupPermissions
CgroupPermissions: string;
property PathInContainer
PathInContainer: string;
property PathOnHost
PathOnHost: string;
interface DeviceRequest
interface DeviceRequest {}
property Capabilities
Capabilities?: string[][] | undefined;
property Count
Count?: number | undefined;
property DeviceIDs
DeviceIDs?: string[] | undefined;
property Driver
Driver?: string | undefined;
property Options
Options?: { [key: string]: string } | undefined;
interface DiscreteGenericResource
interface DiscreteGenericResource {}
interface DispatcherConfig
interface DispatcherConfig {}
property HeartbeatPeriod
HeartbeatPeriod?: Duration | undefined;
interface DNSConfig
interface DNSConfig {}
property Nameservers
Nameservers?: string[] | undefined;
property Options
Options?: string[] | undefined;
property Search
Search?: string[] | undefined;
interface DockerOptions
interface DockerOptions {}
property ca
ca?: string | string[] | Buffer | Buffer[] | undefined;
property cert
cert?: string | string[] | Buffer | Buffer[] | undefined;
property headers
headers?: { [name: string]: string };
property host
host?: string | undefined;
property key
key?: string | string[] | Buffer | Buffer[] | KeyObject[] | undefined;
property port
port?: number | string | undefined;
property Promise
Promise?: typeof Promise | undefined;
property protocol
protocol?: 'https' | 'http' | 'ssh' | undefined;
property socketPath
socketPath?: string | undefined;
property sshAuthAgent
sshAuthAgent?: string | undefined;
property sshOptions
sshOptions?: ConnectConfig | undefined;
property timeout
timeout?: number | undefined;
property username
username?: string | undefined;
property version
version?: string | undefined;
interface DockerVersion
interface DockerVersion {}
property ApiVersion
ApiVersion: string;
property Arch
Arch: string;
property BuildTime
BuildTime: Date;
property Components
Components: Array<{ Details: { ApiVersion: string; Arch: string; BuildTime: Date; Experimental: string; GitCommit: string; GoVersion: string; KernelVersion: string; Os: string; }; Name: string; Version: string;}>;
property GitCommit
GitCommit: string;
property GoVersion
GoVersion: string;
property KernelVersion
KernelVersion: string;
property MinAPIVersion
MinAPIVersion: string;
property Os
Os: string;
property Platform
Platform: { Name: string;};
property Version
Version: string;
interface Driver
interface Driver {}
interface EncryptionConfig
interface EncryptionConfig {}
property AutoLockManagers
AutoLockManagers: boolean;
interface Endpoint
interface Endpoint {}
property Ports
Ports?: PortConfig[] | undefined;
property Spec
Spec?: EndpointSpec | undefined;
property VirtualIPs
VirtualIPs?: EndpointVirtualIP[] | undefined;
interface EndpointsConfig
interface EndpointsConfig {}
index signature
[key: string]: EndpointSettings;
interface EndpointSettings
interface EndpointSettings {}
property Aliases
Aliases?: string[] | undefined;
property DriverOpts
DriverOpts?: { [key: string]: string } | undefined;
property EndpointID
EndpointID?: string | undefined;
property Gateway
Gateway?: string | undefined;
property GlobalIPv6Address