
  • Version 3.1.5
  • Published
  • 16.9 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for ejs



variable cache

let cache: Cache;
  • EJS template function cache. This can be a LRU object from lru-cache NPM module. By default, it is utils.cache, a simple in-process cache that grows continuously.

variable closeDelimiter

let closeDelimiter: string;
  • The closing delimiter for all statements. This allows to to clearly delinate the difference between template code and existing delimiters. (It is recommended to synchronize this with the openDelimiter property.)


variable delimiter

let delimiter: string;
  • The delimiter used in template compilation.


variable fileLoader

let fileLoader: fileLoader;

    variable localsName

    let localsName: string;
    • Name of the object containing the locals.

      This variable is overridden by Options.localsName if it is not undefined.


    variable name

    const name: string;
    • Name for detection of EJS.

    variable openDelimiter

    let openDelimiter: string;
    • The opening delimiter for all statements. This allows you to clearly delinate the difference between template code and existing delimiters. (It is recommended to synchronize this with the closeDelimiter property.)


    variable promiseImpl

    let promiseImpl: PromiseConstructorLike;
    • Promise implementation -- defaults to the native implementation if available This is mostly just for testability


    variable VERSION

    const VERSION: string;
    • Version of EJS.


    function clearCache

    clearCache: () => void;
    • Clear intermediate JavaScript cache. Calls Cache#reset.

    function compile

    compile: {
    template: string,
    opts: Options & { async: true; client?: false | undefined }
    ): AsyncTemplateFunction;
    template: string,
    opts: Options & { async: true; client: true }
    ): AsyncClientFunction;
    template: string,
    opts?: Options & { async?: false; client?: false }
    ): TemplateFunction;
    template: string,
    opts?: Options & { async?: false; client: true }
    ): ClientFunction;
    (template: string, opts?: Options): AsyncTemplateFunction | TemplateFunction;
    • Compile the given str of ejs into a template function.

    function escapeXML

    escapeXML: (markup?: any) => string;
    • Escape characters reserved in XML.

      This is simply an export of utils.escapeXML.

      If markup is undefined or null, the empty string is returned.

    function render

    render: {
    (template: string, data?: Data, opts?: Options & { async: false }): string;
    (template: string, data: Data, opts: Options & { async: true }): Promise<string>;
    (template: string, data: Data, opts: Options & { async?: undefined }): string;
    (template: string, data?: Data, opts?: Options): string | Promise<string>;
    • Render the given template of ejs.

      If you would like to include options but not data, you need to explicitly call this function with data being an empty object or null.

    function renderFile

    renderFile: {
    <T>(path: string, cb: RenderFileCallback<T>): T;
    <T>(path: string, data: Data, cb: RenderFileCallback<T>): T;
    <T>(path: string, data: Data, opts: Options, cb: RenderFileCallback<T>): T;
    (path: string, data?: Data, opts?: Options): Promise<string>;
    • Render an EJS file at the given path and callback cb(err, str).

      If you would like to include options but not data, you need to explicitly call this function with data being an empty object or null.

    function resolveInclude

    resolveInclude: (name: string, filename: string, isDir?: boolean) => string;
    • Get the path to the included file from the parent file path and the specified path.

      Parameter name

      specified path

      Parameter filename

      parent file path

      Parameter isDir

      whether the parent file path is a directory


    class Template

    class Template {}


      constructor(text: string, opts?: Options);

        property source

        readonly source: string;
        • The compiled JavaScript function source, or the empty string if the template hasn't been compiled yet.

        property templateText

        readonly templateText: string;
        • The EJS template source text.

        method compile

        compile: () =>
        | TemplateFunction
        | AsyncTemplateFunction
        | ClientFunction
        | AsyncClientFunction;
        • Compiles the EJS template.


        interface Cache

        interface Cache {}

          method get

          get: (key: string) => TemplateFunction | undefined;
          • Get the cached intermediate JavaScript function for a template.

            Parameter key

            key for caching

          method reset

          reset: () => void;
          • Clear the entire cache.

          method set

          set: (key: string, val: TemplateFunction) => void;
          • Cache the intermediate JavaScript function for a template.

            Parameter key

            key for caching

            Parameter val

            cached function

          interface Data

          interface Data {}

            index signature

            [name: string]: any;

              interface Options

              interface Options {}

                property async

                async?: boolean | undefined;
                • Whether or not to create an async function instead of a regular function. This requires language support.


                property beautify

                beautify?: boolean | undefined;
                • Make sure to set this to 'false' in order to skip UglifyJS parsing, when using ES6 features (const, etc) as UglifyJS doesn't understand them. true

                property cache

                cache?: boolean | undefined;
                • Whether or not to enable caching of template functions. Beware that the options of compilation are not checked as being the same, so special handling is required if, for example, you want to cache client and regular functions of the same file.

                  Requires filename to be set. Only works with rendering function.


                property client

                client?: boolean | undefined;
                • Whether or not to compile a ClientFunction that can be rendered in the browser without depending on ejs.js. Otherwise, a TemplateFunction will be compiled.


                property closeDelimiter

                closeDelimiter?: string | undefined;
                • The closing delimiter for all statements. This allows to to clearly delinate the difference between template code and existing delimiters. (It is recommended to synchronize this with the openDelimiter property.)


                property compileDebug

                compileDebug?: boolean | undefined;
                • Include additional runtime debugging information in generated template functions.


                property context

                context?: any;
                • The Object to which this is set during rendering.


                property debug

                debug?: boolean | undefined;
                • Log the generated JavaScript source for the EJS template to the console.


                property delimiter

                delimiter?: string | undefined;
                • Character to use with angle brackets for open/close '%'

                property destructuredLocals

                destructuredLocals?: string[] | undefined;
                • An array of local variables that are always destructured from localsName, available even in strict mode.


                property escape

                escape?: EscapeCallback | undefined;
                • The escaping function used with <%= construct. It is used in rendering and is .toString()ed in the generation of client functions.


                property filename

                filename?: string | undefined;
                • The filename of the template. Required for inclusion and caching unless you are using renderFile. Also used for error reporting.


                property includer

                includer?: IncluderCallback;
                • Custom function to handle EJS includes

                property localsName

                localsName?: string | undefined;
                • Name to use for the object storing local variables when not using with or destructuring.


                property openDelimiter

                openDelimiter?: string | undefined;
                • The opening delimiter for all statements. This allows you to clearly delinate the difference between template code and existing delimiters. (It is recommended to synchronize this with the closeDelimiter property.)


                property outputFunctionName

                outputFunctionName?: string | undefined;
                • Set to a string (e.g., 'echo' or 'print') for a function to print output inside scriptlet tags.

                property rmWhitespace

                rmWhitespace?: boolean | undefined;
                • Remove all safe-to-remove whitespace, including leading and trailing whitespace. It also enables a safer version of -%> line slurping for all scriptlet tags (it does not strip new lines of tags in the middle of a line).


                property root

                root?: string[] | string | undefined;
                • The path to templates root(s). When this is set, absolute paths for includes (/filename.ejs) will be relative to the templates root(s).


                property strict

                strict?: boolean | undefined;
                • Whether to run in strict mode or not. Enforces _with=false.


                property views

                views?: string[] | undefined;
                • An array of paths to use when resolving includes with relative paths

                Type Aliases

                type AsyncClientFunction

                type AsyncClientFunction = (
                locals?: Data,
                escape?: EscapeCallback,
                include?: IncludeCallback,
                rethrow?: RethrowCallback
                ) => Promise<string>;
                • This type of function is returned from compile, when Options.client is true.

                  This is also used internally to generate a TemplateFunction.

                  Parameter locals

                  an object of data to be passed into the template. The name of this variable is adjustable through localsName.

                  Parameter escape

                  callback used to escape variables

                  Parameter include

                  callback used to include files at runtime with include()

                  Parameter rethrow

                  callback used to handle and rethrow errors

                  Return type depends on Options.async.

                type AsyncTemplateFunction

                type AsyncTemplateFunction = (data?: Data) => Promise<string>;
                • This type of function is returned from compile, when Options.client is false.

                  Parameter data

                  an object of data to be passed into the template. Return type depends on Options.async.

                type ClientFunction

                type ClientFunction = (
                locals?: Data,
                escape?: EscapeCallback,
                include?: IncludeCallback,
                rethrow?: RethrowCallback
                ) => string;
                • This type of function is returned from compile, when Options.client is true.

                  This is also used internally to generate a TemplateFunction.

                  Parameter locals

                  an object of data to be passed into the template. The name of this variable is adjustable through localsName.

                  Parameter escape

                  callback used to escape variables

                  Parameter include

                  callback used to include files at runtime with include()

                  Parameter rethrow

                  callback used to handle and rethrow errors

                  Return type depends on Options.async.

                type EscapeCallback

                type EscapeCallback = (markup?: any) => string;
                • Escapes a string using HTML/XML escaping rules.

                  Returns the empty string for null or undefined.

                  Parameter markup

                  Input string Escaped string

                type fileLoader

                type fileLoader = (path: string) => string | { toString(): string };
                • Custom file loader. Useful for template preprocessing or restricting access to a certain part of the filesystem.

                  Parameter path

                  the path of the file to be read the contents of the file as a string or object that implements the toString() method


                type IncludeCallback

                type IncludeCallback = (path: string, data?: Data) => string;
                • The callback called by ClientFunction to include files at runtime with include()

                  Parameter path

                  Path to be included

                  Parameter data

                  Data passed to the template Contents of the file requested

                type IncluderCallback

                type IncluderCallback = (originalPath: string, parsedPath: string) => IncluderResult;
                • Parameter originalPath

                  the path as it appears in the include statement

                  Parameter parsedPath

                  the previously resolved path

                  An IncluderResult object containing the filename or template data.

                type IncluderResult

                type IncluderResult =
                | { filename: string; template?: never }
                | { template: string; filename?: never };
                • An object where filename is the final parsed path or template is the content of the included template

                type RenderFileCallback

                type RenderFileCallback<T> = (err: Error | null, str: string) => T;
                • Callback for receiving data from renderFile.

                  Parameter err

                  error, if any resulted from the rendering process

                  Parameter str

                  output string, is undefined if there is an error

                type RethrowCallback

                type RethrowCallback = (
                err: Error,
                str: string,
                filename: string | null | undefined,
                lineno: number,
                esc: EscapeCallback
                ) => never;
                • This type of callback is used when Options.compileDebug is true, and an error in the template is thrown.

                  By default it is used to rethrow an error in a better-formatted way.

                  Parameter err

                  Error object

                  Parameter str

                  full EJS source

                  Parameter filename

                  file name of the EJS source

                  Parameter lineno

                  line number of the error

                type TemplateFunction

                type TemplateFunction = (data?: Data) => string;
                • This type of function is returned from compile, when Options.client is false.

                  Parameter data

                  an object of data to be passed into the template. Return type depends on Options.async.


                namespace Template

                namespace Template {}

                  enum modes

                  enum modes {
                  EVAL = 'eval',
                  ESCAPED = 'escaped',
                  RAW = 'raw',
                  COMMENT = 'comment',
                  LITERAL = 'literal',

                    member COMMENT

                    COMMENT = 'comment'

                      member ESCAPED

                      ESCAPED = 'escaped'

                        member EVAL

                        EVAL = 'eval'

                          member LITERAL

                          LITERAL = 'literal'

                            member RAW

                            RAW = 'raw'

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