
  • Version 1.0.8
  • Published
  • 10.8 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for gapi.client



namespace gapi

namespace gapi {}

    function load

    load: (api: string, callback: () => void) => void;
    • Pragmatically initialize gapi class member.

    namespace gapi.auth

    namespace gapi.auth {}

      function authorize

      authorize: (
      params: {
      client_id?: string | undefined;
      immediate?: boolean | undefined;
      response_type?: string | undefined;
      scope?: string | string[] | undefined;
      callback: (authResult: GoogleApiOAuth2TokenObject) => void
      ) => void;
      • Initiates the OAuth 2.0 authorization process. The browser displays a popup window prompting the user authenticate and authorize. After the user authorizes, the popup closes and the callback function fires.

        Parameter params

        A key/value map of parameters for the request. If the key is not one of the expected OAuth 2.0 parameters, it is added to the URI as a query parameter.

        Parameter callback

        The function to call once the login process is complete. The function takes an OAuth 2.0 token object as its only parameter.

      function getToken

      getToken: () => GoogleApiOAuth2TokenObject;
      • Retrieves the OAuth 2.0 token for the application. The OAuth 2.0 token.

      function init

      init: (callback: () => any) => void;
      • Initializes the authorization feature. Call this when the client loads to prevent popup blockers from blocking the auth window on gapi.auth.authorize calls.

        Parameter callback

        A callback to execute when the auth feature is ready to make authorization calls.

      function setToken

      setToken: (token: GoogleApiOAuth2TokenObject) => void;
      • Sets the OAuth 2.0 token for the application.

        Parameter token

        The token to set.

      interface GoogleApiOAuth2TokenObject

      interface GoogleApiOAuth2TokenObject {}
      • The OAuth 2.0 token object represents the OAuth 2.0 token and any associated data.

      property access_token

      access_token: string;
      • The OAuth 2.0 token. Only present in successful responses

      property error

      error: string;
      • Details about the error. Only present in error responses

      property expires_in

      expires_in: string;
      • The duration, in seconds, the token is valid for. Only present in successful responses

      property state

      state: string;
      • The Google API scopes related to this token

      namespace gapi.client

      namespace gapi.client {}

        function load

        load: {
        (name: string, version: string, callback: () => any): void;
        (name: string, version: string): Promise<void>;
        • Loads the client library interface to a particular API. The new API interface will be in the form gapi.client.api.collection.method.

          Parameter name

          The name of the API to load.

          Parameter version

          The version of the API to load

          Parameter callback

          the function that is called once the API interface is loaded

        function newBatch

        newBatch: () => Batch<any>;
        • Creates a batch object for batching individual requests.

        function request

        request: (args: {
        path: string;
        method?: string | undefined;
        params?: any;
        headers?: any;
        body?: any;
        }) => Request<any>;
        • Creates a HTTP request for making RESTful requests. An object encapsulating the various arguments for this method.

        function setApiKey

        setApiKey: (apiKey: string) => void;
        • Sets the API key for the application.

          Parameter apiKey

          The API key to set

        interface Batch

        interface Batch<T> extends Promise<Response<ResponseMap<T>>> {}
        • Represents an HTTP Batch operation. Individual HTTP requests are added with the add method and the batch is executed using execute.

        method add

        add: <T>(
        request: Request<T>,
        opt_params?: {
        id: string;
        callback(individualResponse: Response<T>, rawBatchResponse: string): any;
        ) => void;
        • Adds a gapi.client.Request to the batch.

          Parameter request

          The HTTP request to add to this batch.

          Parameter opt_params

          extra parameters for this batch entry.

        method execute

        execute: (
        callback: (responseMap: ResponseMap<T>, rawBatchResponse: string) => any
        ) => void;
        • Executes all requests in the batch. The supplied callback is executed on success or failure.

          Parameter callback

          The callback to execute when the batch returns.

        interface Request

        interface Request<T> extends Promise<Response<T>> {}
        • An object encapsulating an HTTP request. This object is not instantiated directly, rather it is returned by gapi.client.request.

        method execute

        execute: (callback: (response: Response<T>) => any) => void;
        • Executes the request and runs the supplied callback on response.

          Parameter callback

          The callback function which executes when the request succeeds or fails.

        interface Response

        interface Response<T> {}
        • An object containing information about the HTTP response

        property body

        body: string;

          property headers

          headers?: { [headerName: string]: string } | undefined;

            property result

            result: T;

              property status

              status?: number | undefined;

                property statusText

                statusText?: string | undefined;

                  interface ResponseMap

                  interface ResponseMap<T> {}

                    index signature

                    [id: string]: Response<T>;

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