- Version 1.2.3
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TypeScript definitions for he
function escape
escape: (text: string) => string;
Escape XML entities
This function takes a string of text and escapes it for use in text contexts in XML or HTML documents. Only the following characters are escaped: &, <, >, ", ', and `.
interface Decode
interface Decode {}
property options
options: DecodeOptions;
call signature
(html: string, options?: DecodeOptions): string;
Decode a string of HTML text
This function takes a string of HTML and decodes any named and numerical character references in it using the algorithm described in section of the HTML spec.
interface DecodeOptions
interface DecodeOptions {}
property isAttributeValue
isAttributeValue?: boolean | undefined;
The default value for the isAttributeValue option is false. This means that decode() will decode the string as if it were used in a text context in an HTML document. HTML has different rules for parsing character references in attribute values — set this option to true to treat the input string as if it were used as an attribute value.
property strict
strict?: boolean | undefined;
The default value for the strict option is false. This means that decode() will decode any HTML text content you feed it, even if it contains any entities that cause parse errors. To throw an error when such invalid HTML is encountered, set the strict option to true. This option makes it possible to use he as part of HTML parsers and HTML validators.
interface Encode
interface Encode {}
property options
options: EncodeOptions;
call signature
(text: string, options?: EncodeOptions): string;
Encode a string of text
This function takes a string of text and encodes (by default) any symbols that aren’t printable ASCII symbols and &, <, >, ", ', and `, replacing them with character references.
As long as the input string contains allowed code points only, the return value of this function is always valid HTML. Any (invalid) code points that cannot be represented using a character reference in the input are not encoded.
interface EncodeOptions
interface EncodeOptions {}
property allowUnsafeSymbols
allowUnsafeSymbols?: boolean | undefined;
The default value for the allowUnsafeSymbols option is false. This means that characters that are unsafe for use in HTML content (&, <, >, ", ', and `) will be encoded. When set to true, only non-ASCII characters will be encoded. If the encodeEverything option is set to true, this option will be ignored.
property decimal
decimal?: boolean | undefined;
The default value for the decimal option is false. If the option is enabled, encode will generally use decimal escapes (e.g. ©) rather than hexadecimal escapes (e.g. ©). Beside of this replacement, the basic behavior remains the same when combined with other options. For example: if both options useNamedReferences and decimal are enabled, named references (e.g. ©) are used over decimal escapes. HTML entities without a named reference are encoded using decimal escapes.
property encodeEverything
encodeEverything?: boolean | undefined;
The default value for the encodeEverything option is false. This means that encode() will not use any character references for printable ASCII symbols that don’t need escaping. Set it to true to encode every symbol in the input string. When set to true, this option takes precedence over allowUnsafeSymbols (i.e. setting the latter to true in such a case has no effect).
property strict
strict?: boolean | undefined;
The default value for the strict option is false. This means that encode() will encode any HTML text content you feed it, even if it contains any symbols that cause parse errors. To throw an error when such invalid HTML is encountered, set the strict option to true. This option makes it possible to use he as part of HTML parsers and HTML validators.
property useNamedReferences
useNamedReferences?: boolean | undefined;
The default value for the useNamedReferences option is false. This means that encode() will not use any named character references (e.g. ©) in the output — hexadecimal escapes (e.g. ©) will be used instead. Set it to true to enable the use of named references.
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