- Version 4.1.7
- Published
- 7.55 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for hoek
- abort()
- applyToDefaults()
- applyToDefaultsWithShallow()
- assert()
- base64urlDecode()
- base64urlEncode()
- callStack()
- clone()
- cloneWithShallow()
- contain()
- deepEqual()
- displayStack()
- escapeHeaderAttribute()
- escapeHtml()
- escapeRegex()
- flatten()
- ignore()
- intersect()
- isInteger()
- mapToObject()
- merge()
- nextTick()
- once()
- reach()
- reachTemplate()
- shallow()
- stringify()
- transform()
- unique()
- uniqueFilename()
function abort
abort: (message: string | Error) => void;
Throw if process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test'. Else display most recent stack and exit process.
function applyToDefaults
applyToDefaults: <T1, T2>( defaults: T1, options: T2, isNullOverride?: boolean) => T1 & T2;
Apply options to a copy of the defaults.
function applyToDefaultsWithShallow
applyToDefaultsWithShallow: <T1, T2>( defaults: T1, options: T2, keys?: string[]) => T1 & T2;
Apply options to a copy of the defaults.
function assert
assert: (condition: boolean, message: string | Error) => void | Error;
Print message or throw error if condition fails.
function base64urlDecode
base64urlDecode: (value: string) => string;
Decode string into Base64 or URL encoding.
function base64urlEncode
base64urlEncode: (value: string) => string;
Encode value of string or buffer type in Base64 or URL encoding.
function callStack
callStack: (slice?: any) => any[];
Return a trace stack array.
function clone
clone: <T>(obj: T) => T;
Clone an object or an array.
function cloneWithShallow
cloneWithShallow: (obj: any, keys: string[]) => any;
Clone an object or array.
function contain
contain: (ref: any, values: any, options?: ContainOptions) => boolean;
Test if the reference value contains the provided values.
function deepEqual
deepEqual: <T>(b: T, a: T, options?: any) => T;
Perform a deep comparison of the two values.
function displayStack
displayStack: (slice?: any) => string[];
Display the trace stack.
function escapeHeaderAttribute
escapeHeaderAttribute: (attribute: string) => string;
Escape attribute value for use in HTTP header.
function escapeHtml
escapeHtml: (htmlString: string) => string;
Escape html characters.
function escapeRegex
escapeRegex: (regexString: string) => string;
Escape string for Regex construction.
function flatten
flatten: (array: any[], target?: any[]) => any[];
Flatten an array.
function ignore
ignore: () => void;
A simple no-op function.
function intersect
intersect: (array1: any[], array2: any[]) => any;
Find the common unique items in two arrays.
function isInteger
isInteger: (value: any) => boolean;
Check value to see if it is an integer.
function mapToObject
mapToObject: (array: any[], key?: string) => any;
Convert an Array into an Object.
function merge
merge: <T1, T2>( target: T1, source: T2, isNullOverride?: boolean, isMergeArrays?: boolean) => T1 & T2;
Merge all the properties of source into target.
function nextTick
nextTick: (fn: () => void) => () => void;
Wrap fn in process.nextTick.
function once
once: (fn: () => void) => () => void;
Make sure fn is only run once.
function reach
reach: (obj: any, chain: any, options?: ReachOptions) => any;
Convert an object key chain string to reference.
function reachTemplate
reachTemplate: (obj: any, template: string, options?: ReachOptions) => any;
Replace string parameters ({name}) with their corresponding object key values.
function shallow
shallow: (obj: any) => any;
Perform a shallow copy by copying the references of all the top level children.
function stringify
stringify: (obj: any) => string;
Convert an object to string. Any errors are caught and reported back in the form of the returned string.
function transform
transform: (obj: any, transform: any, options?: ReachOptions) => any;
Transform an existing object into a new one based on the supplied obj and transform map.
function unique
unique: <T>(array: T[], key?: string) => T[];
Remove duplicate items from Array.
function uniqueFilename
uniqueFilename: (path: string, extension?: string) => string;
path to prepend to a randomly generated file name.
class Bench
class Bench {}
Same as Timer, except ts stores the internal node clock.
interface ContainOptions
interface ContainOptions {}
property deep
deep?: boolean | undefined;
Perform a deep comparison of the values?
property once
once?: boolean | undefined;
Allow only one occurrence of each value?
property only
only?: boolean | undefined;
Don't allow values not explicitly listed?
property part
part?: boolean | undefined;
Allow partial match of the values?
interface ReachOptions
interface ReachOptions {}
property default
default?: any;
Value to return if the path or value is not present. Default is undefined.
property functions
functions?: boolean | undefined;
Allow traversing functions for properties?
property separator
separator?: string | undefined;
String to split chain path on. Defaults to ".".
property strict
strict?: boolean | undefined;
Throw an error on missing member? Default is false.
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