- Version 3.0.5
- Published
- 5.43 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @types/hosted-git-info
yarn add @types/hosted-git-info
pnpm add @types/hosted-git-info
TypeScript definitions for hosted-git-info
- auth
- browse()
- browsefiletemplate
- browsetemplate
- bugs()
- bugstemplate
- committish
- default
- docs()
- docstemplate
- domain
- file()
- filetemplate
- getDefaultRepresentation()
- git()
- gittemplate
- hash()
- hashformat()
- https()
- httpstemplate
- opts
- path()
- pathmatch
- pathtemplate
- project
- protocols
- protocols_re
- shortcut()
- shortcuttemplate
- ssh()
- sshtemplate
- sshurl()
- sshurltemplate
- tarball()
- tarballtemplate
- toString()
- treepath
- type
- user
Type Aliases
function fromUrl
fromUrl: (gitUrl: string, opts?: Options) => GitHost | undefined;
class GitHost
class GitHost {}
constructor( type: GitHost.Hosts, user: string, auth: string, project: string, committish?: string, defaultRepresentation?: GitHost.Representation, opts?: GitHost.FillOptions);
property auth
auth?: string;
property browsefiletemplate
browsefiletemplate: string;
property browsetemplate
browsetemplate: string;
property bugstemplate
bugstemplate: string;
property committish
committish?: string;
property default
default?: string;
property docstemplate
docstemplate: string;
property domain
domain: string;
property filetemplate
filetemplate: string;
property gittemplate
gittemplate?: string;
property httpstemplate
httpstemplate: string;
property opts
opts: GitHost.Options;
property pathmatch
pathmatch: RegExp;
property pathtemplate
pathtemplate: string;
property project
project: string;
property protocols
protocols: string[];
property protocols_re
protocols_re: RegExp;
property shortcuttemplate
shortcuttemplate: string;
property sshtemplate
sshtemplate: string;
property sshurltemplate
sshurltemplate: string;
property tarballtemplate
tarballtemplate: string;
property treepath
treepath?: string;
property type
type: GitHost.Hosts;
property user
user: string;
method browse
browse: { (opts?: GitHost.FillOptions): string; (path: string, opts?: GitHost.FillOptions): string; (path: string, fragment: string, opts?: GitHost.FillOptions): string;};
method bugs
bugs: (opts?: GitHost.FillOptions) => string;
method docs
docs: (opts?: GitHost.FillOptions) => string;
method file
file: (path: string, opts?: GitHost.FillOptions) => string;
method getDefaultRepresentation
getDefaultRepresentation: () => GitHost.Representation | undefined;
method git
git: (opts?: GitHost.FillOptions) => string;
method hash
hash: () => string;
method hashformat
hashformat: (fragment: string) => string;
method https
https: (opts?: GitHost.FillOptions) => string;
method path
path: (opts?: GitHost.FillOptions) => string;
method shortcut
shortcut: (opts?: GitHost.FillOptions) => string;
method ssh
ssh: (opts?: GitHost.FillOptions) => string;
method sshurl
sshurl: (opts?: GitHost.FillOptions) => string;
method tarball
tarball: (opts?: GitHost.FillOptions) => string;
method toString
toString: (opts?: GitHost.FillOptions) => string;
interface FillOptions
interface FillOptions extends Options {}
property auth
auth?: string | undefined;
property committish
committish?: string | undefined;
property fragment
fragment?: string | undefined;
property path
path?: string | undefined;
property treepath
treepath?: string | undefined;
interface Options
interface Options {}
property noCommittish
noCommittish?: boolean | undefined;
property noGitPlus
noGitPlus?: boolean | undefined;
Type Aliases
type Hosts
type Hosts = 'github' | 'bitbucket' | 'gitlab' | 'gist';
type Representation
type Representation = | 'hash' | 'ssh' | 'sshurl' | 'browse' | 'docs' | 'bugs' | 'https' | 'git' | 'shortcut' | 'path' | 'tarball' | 'file';
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (0)
No dependencies.
Dev Dependencies (0)
No dev dependencies.
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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