- Version 3.0.2
- Published
- 6.48 kB
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- MIT license
npm i @types/html-encoding-sniffer
yarn add @types/html-encoding-sniffer
pnpm add @types/html-encoding-sniffer
TypeScript definitions for html-encoding-sniffer
function sniffHTMLEncoding
sniffHTMLEncoding: ( htmlBytes: Uint8Array, options?: sniffHTMLEncoding.Options) => string;
Determine the Encoding of a HTML Byte Stream.
Implements the HTML Standard's [encoding sniffing algorithm](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#encoding-sniffing-algorithm) in all its glory. The most interesting part of this is how it pre-scans the first 1024 bytes in order to search for certain
<meta charset>
-related patterns.Parameter htmlBytes
The typed array containing the (X)HTML source text.
The canonical [encoding name](https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#names-and-labels) for use with the [
](https://github.com/jsdom/whatwg-encoding) or similar package.Example 1
import htmlEncodingSniffer = require("html-encoding-sniffer"); import * as fs from "fs";
const htmlBytes = fs.readFileSync("./html-page.html"); const sniffedEncoding = htmlEncodingSniffer(htmlBytes);
interface Options
interface Options {}
property defaultEncoding
defaultEncoding?: string | undefined;
The ultimate fallback encoding used if no valid encoding is supplied by the transport layer, and no encoding is sniffed from the bytes.
'windows-1252'Which is recommended by the algorithm's table of suggested defaults for "All other locales" (including the
property transportLayerEncodingLabel
transportLayerEncodingLabel?: string | undefined;
An encoding label that is obtained from the "transport layer" (probably an HTTP
header), which overrides everything but a BOM.
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