- Version 0.1.4
- Published
- 6.82 kB
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- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for imurmurhash
variable MurmurHash3
var MurmurHash3: { (text?: string, seed?: number): MurmurHash3; new (text?: string, seed?: number): MurmurHash3;};
interface MurmurHash3
interface MurmurHash3 {}
An incremental implementation of MurmurHash3 for JavaScript
method hash
hash: (value: string) => this;
Incrementally add string to the hash. This can be called as many times as you want for the hash state object, including after a call to result()
method reset
reset: (seed?: number) => this;
Reset the state object for reuse, optionally using the given seed (defaults to 0 like the constructor). Returns this so calls can be chained. 0
method result
result: () => number;
Get the result of the hash as a 32-bit positive integer. This performs the tail and finalizer portions of the algorithm, but does not store the result in the state object. This means that it is perfectly safe to get results and then continue adding strings via hash.
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