- Version 3.0.4
- Published
- 6.68 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
npm i @types/istanbul-reports
yarn add @types/istanbul-reports
pnpm add @types/istanbul-reports
TypeScript definitions for istanbul-reports
Type Aliases
function create
create: <T extends keyof ReportOptions>( name: T, options?: Partial<ReportOptions[T]>) => ReportBase;
interface CloverOptions
interface CloverOptions extends FileOptions, ProjectOptions {}
interface CoberturaOptions
interface CoberturaOptions extends FileOptions, ProjectOptions {}
interface FileOptions
interface FileOptions {}
property file
file: string;
interface HtmlOptions
interface HtmlOptions {}
property linkMapper
linkMapper: LinkMapper;
property skipEmpty
skipEmpty: boolean;
property subdir
subdir: string;
property verbose
verbose: boolean;
interface HtmlSpaOptions
interface HtmlSpaOptions extends HtmlOptions {}
property metricsToShow
metricsToShow: Array<'lines' | 'branches' | 'functions' | 'statements'>;
interface LcovOnlyOptions
interface LcovOnlyOptions extends FileOptions, ProjectOptions {}
interface LcovOptions
interface LcovOptions extends FileOptions, ProjectOptions {}
interface LinkMapper
interface LinkMapper {}
method assetPath
assetPath: (node: Node, name: string) => string;
method getPath
getPath: (node: string | Node) => string;
method relativePath
relativePath: (source: string | Node, target: string | Node) => string;
interface ProjectOptions
interface ProjectOptions {}
property projectRoot
projectRoot: string;
interface ReportOptions
interface ReportOptions {}
property "html-spa"
'html-spa': HtmlSpaOptions;
property "json-summary"
'json-summary': JsonSummaryOptions;
property "text-lcov"
'text-lcov': TextLcovOptions;
property "text-summary"
'text-summary': TextSummaryOptions;
property clover
clover: CloverOptions;
property cobertura
cobertura: CoberturaOptions;
property html
html: HtmlOptions;
property json
json: JsonOptions;
property lcov
lcov: LcovOptions;
property lcovonly
lcovonly: LcovOnlyOptions;
property none
none: never;
property teamcity
teamcity: TeamcityOptions;
property text
text: TextOptions;
interface TeamcityOptions
interface TeamcityOptions extends FileOptions {}
property blockName
blockName: string;
interface TextOptions
interface TextOptions extends FileOptions {}
Type Aliases
type JsonOptions
type JsonOptions = FileOptions;
type JsonSummaryOptions
type JsonSummaryOptions = FileOptions;
type ReportType
type ReportType = keyof ReportOptions;
type TextLcovOptions
type TextLcovOptions = ProjectOptions;
type TextSummaryOptions
type TextSummaryOptions = FileOptions;
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (1)
Dev Dependencies (0)
No dev dependencies.
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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