- Version 6.4.0
- Published
- 9.68 kB
- 3 dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for jest-image-snapshot
- allowSizeMismatch
- blur
- comparisonMethod
- customDiffConfig
- customDiffDir
- customReceivedDir
- customReceivedPostfix
- customSnapshotIdentifier
- customSnapshotsDir
- diffDirection
- dumpDiffToConsole
- dumpInlineDiffToConsole
- failureThreshold
- failureThresholdType
- maxChildProcessBufferSizeInBytes
- noColors
- onlyDiff
- runInProcess
- runtimeHooksPath
- storeReceivedOnFailure
- updatePassedSnapshot
function configureToMatchImageSnapshot
configureToMatchImageSnapshot: ( options: MatchImageSnapshotOptions) => () => { message(): string; pass: boolean };
Configurable function that can be passed to jest's expect.extend. Example: import { configureToMatchImageSnapshot } from 'jest-image-snapshot'; const toMatchImageSnapshot = configureToMatchImageSnapshot({ noColors: true }); expect.extend({ toMatchImageSnapshot });
function toMatchImageSnapshot
toMatchImageSnapshot: (options?: MatchImageSnapshotOptions) => { message(): string; pass: boolean;};
Function to be passed to jest's expect.extend. Example: import { toMatchImageSnapshot } from 'jest-image-snapshot'; expect.extend({ toMatchImageSnapshot });
function updateSnapshotState
updateSnapshotState: <TObject, TPartial>( originalSnapshotState: TObject, partialSnapshotState: TPartial) => TObject & TPartial;
Mutates original state with new state
interface MatchImageSnapshotOptions
interface MatchImageSnapshotOptions {}
property allowSizeMismatch
allowSizeMismatch?: boolean | undefined;
If set to true, the build will not fail when the screenshots to compare have different sizes. false
property blur
blur?: number | undefined;
Applies Gaussian Blur on compared images, accepts radius in pixels as value. Useful when you have noise after scaling images per different resolutions on your target website, usually setting its value to 1-2 should be enough to solve that problem. 0.
property comparisonMethod
comparisonMethod?: 'pixelmatch' | 'ssim' | undefined;
The method by which images are compared.
does a pixel by pixel comparison, whereasssim
does a structural similarity comparison. 'pixelmatch'
property customDiffConfig
customDiffConfig?: PixelmatchOptions | Partial<SSIMOptions> | undefined;
Custom config passed to 'pixelmatch' or 'ssim'
property customDiffDir
customDiffDir?: string | undefined;
A custom absolute path of a directory to keep this diff in
property customReceivedDir
customReceivedDir?: string | undefined;
A custom absolute path of a directory to keep this received image in.
property customReceivedPostfix
customReceivedPostfix?: string | undefined;
A custom postfix which is added to the snapshot name of the received image '-received'
property customSnapshotIdentifier
customSnapshotIdentifier?: | ((parameters: { testPath: string; currentTestName: string; counter: number; defaultIdentifier: string; }) => string) | string | undefined;
A custom name to give this snapshot. If not provided, one is computed automatically. When a function is provided it is called with an object containing testPath, currentTestName, counter and defaultIdentifier as its first argument. The function must return an identifier to use for the snapshot.
property customSnapshotsDir
customSnapshotsDir?: string | undefined;
Custom snapshots directory. Absolute path of a directory to keep the snapshot in.
property diffDirection
diffDirection?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | undefined;
Changes diff image layout direction. 'horizontal'
property dumpDiffToConsole
dumpDiffToConsole?: boolean | undefined;
Will output base64 string of a diff image to console in case of failed tests (in addition to creating a diff image). This string can be copy-pasted to a browser address string to preview the diff for a failed test. false
property dumpInlineDiffToConsole
dumpInlineDiffToConsole?: boolean | undefined;
Will output the image to the terminal using iTerm's Inline Images Protocol. If the term is not compatible, it does the same thing as
. false
property failureThreshold
failureThreshold?: number | undefined;
Sets the threshold that would trigger a test failure based on the failureThresholdType selected. This is different to the customDiffConfig.threshold above - the customDiffConfig.threshold is the per pixel failure threshold, whereas this is the failure threshold for the entire comparison. 0.
property failureThresholdType
failureThresholdType?: 'pixel' | 'percent' | undefined;
Sets the type of threshold that would trigger a failure. 'pixel'.
property maxChildProcessBufferSizeInBytes
maxChildProcessBufferSizeInBytes?: number | undefined;
Sets the max number of bytes for stdout/stderr when running diff-snapshot in a child process. 10 * 1024 * 1024 (10,485,760)
property noColors
noColors?: boolean | undefined;
Removes coloring from the console output, useful if storing the results to a file. false.
property onlyDiff
onlyDiff?: boolean | undefined;
Either only include the difference between the baseline and the received image in the diff image, or include the 3 images (following the direction set by
). false
property runInProcess
runInProcess?: boolean | undefined;
Runs the diff in process without spawning a child process. false.
property runtimeHooksPath
runtimeHooksPath?: string | undefined;
This needs to be set to a existing file, like
. This file can expose a few hooks: -onBeforeWriteToDisc
: before saving any image to the disc, this function will be called (can be used to write EXIF data to images for instance) -onBeforeWriteToDisc: (arguments: { buffer: Buffer; destination: string; testPath: string; currentTestName: string }) => Buffer
property storeReceivedOnFailure
storeReceivedOnFailure?: boolean | undefined;
Store the received images separately from the composed diff images on failure. This can be useful when updating baseline images from CI. false
property updatePassedSnapshot
updatePassedSnapshot?: boolean | undefined;
Updates a snapshot even if it passed the threshold against the existing one. false.
namespace global
namespace global {}
namespace global.jest
namespace global.jest {}
interface Matchers
interface Matchers<R, T> {}
method toMatchImageSnapshot
toMatchImageSnapshot: (options?: MatchImageSnapshotOptions) => R;
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