- Version 12.0.4
- Published
- 20.9 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for @koa/router
Type Aliases
class Layer
class Layer {}
constructor( path: string | RegExp, methods: string[], middleware: any, opts?: LayerOptions);
property methods
methods: string[];
property name
name: string;
property opts
opts: LayerOptions;
property paramNames
paramNames: ParamName[];
property path
path: string | RegExp;
property regexp
regexp: RegExp;
property stack
stack: Koa.Middleware< StateT, ContextT & RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>, BodyT>[];
method captures
captures: (path: string) => string[];
Returns array of regexp url path captures.
method match
match: (path: string) => boolean;
Returns whether request
matches route.
method param
param: (param: string, middleware: ParamMiddleware) => Layer;
Run validations on route named parameters.
Example 1
router.param('user', function (id, ctx, next) {ctx.user = users[id];if (!ctx.user) return ctx.status = 404;next();}).get('/users/:user', function (ctx, next) {ctx.body = ctx.user;});
method params
params: <ParamT extends string = string>( path: string | RegExp, captures: ParamT[], params?: Record<string, any>) => { [key in ParamT]?: string };
Returns map of URL parameters for given
method setPrefix
setPrefix: (prefix: string) => Layer;
Prefix route path.
method url
url: (params: object) => string;
Generate URL for route using given
.Example 1
const route = new Layer('/users/:id', ['GET'], fn);route.url({ id: 123 }); // => "/users/123"
class ParamName
class ParamName {}
class Router
class Router<StateT = Koa.DefaultState, ContextT = Koa.DefaultContext> {}
constructor(opt?: Router.RouterOptions);
Create a new router.
property methods
methods: string[];
property opts
opts: Router.RouterOptions;
property params
params: {};
property stack
stack: Router.Layer[];
method all
all: { <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( name: string, path: string | RegExp, ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U, B>> ): Router<StateT, ContextT>; <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( path: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[], ...middleware: Koa.Middleware< StateT, ContextT & Router.RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>, BodyT >[] ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;};
Register route with all methods.
method allowedMethods
allowedMethods: ( options?: Router.RouterAllowedMethodsOptions) => Koa.Middleware< StateT, ContextT & Router.RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>, BodyT>;
Returns separate middleware for responding to
requests with anAllow
header containing the allowed methods, as well as responding with405 Method Not Allowed
and501 Not Implemented
as appropriate.Example 1
var Koa = require('koa');var Router = require('koa-router');var app = new Koa();var router = new Router();app.use(router.routes());app.use(router.allowedMethods());**Example with [Boom](https://github.com/hapijs/boom)**
var Koa = require('koa');var Router = require('koa-router');var Boom = require('boom');var app = new Koa();var router = new Router();app.use(router.routes());app.use(router.allowedMethods({throw: true,notImplemented: () => new Boom.notImplemented(),methodNotAllowed: () => new Boom.methodNotAllowed()}));
method del
del: { <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( name: string, path: string | RegExp, ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U, B>> ): Router<StateT, ContextT>; <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( path: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[], ...middleware: Koa.Middleware< StateT, ContextT & Router.RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>, BodyT >[] ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;};
Alias for
because delete is a reserved word
method delete
delete: { <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( name: string, path: string | RegExp, ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U, B>> ): Router<StateT, ContextT>; <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( path: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[], ...middleware: Koa.Middleware< StateT, ContextT & Router.RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>, BodyT >[] ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;};
HTTP delete method
method get
get: { <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( name: string, path: string | RegExp, ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U, B>> ): Router<StateT, ContextT>; <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( path: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[], ...middleware: Koa.Middleware< StateT, ContextT & Router.RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>, BodyT >[] ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;};
HTTP get method
method head
head: { <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( name: string, path: string | RegExp, ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U, B>> ): Router<StateT, ContextT>; <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( path: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[], ...middleware: Koa.Middleware< StateT, ContextT & Router.RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>, BodyT >[] ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;};
HTTP head method
method link
link: { <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( name: string, path: string | RegExp, ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U, B>> ): Router<StateT, ContextT>; <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( path: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[], ...middleware: Koa.Middleware< StateT, ContextT & Router.RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>, BodyT >[] ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;};
HTTP link method
method match
match: (path: string, method: string) => Router.RoutesMatch;
Match given
and return corresponding routes.
method middleware
middleware: () => Koa.Middleware< StateT, ContextT & Router.RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>, BodyT>;
Returns router middleware which dispatches a route matching the request.
method options
options: { <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( name: string, path: string | RegExp, ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U, B>> ): Router<StateT, ContextT>; <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( path: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[], ...middleware: Koa.Middleware< StateT, ContextT & Router.RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>, BodyT >[] ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;};
HTTP options method
method param
param: <BodyT = unknown>( param: string, middleware: Router.ParamMiddleware<StateT, ContextT, BodyT>) => Router<StateT, ContextT>;
Run middleware for named route parameters. Useful for auto-loading or validation.
Example 1
router.param('user', (id, ctx, next) => {ctx.user = users[id];if (!ctx.user) return ctx.status = 404;return next();}).get('/users/:user', ctx => {ctx.body = ctx.user;}).get('/users/:user/friends', ctx => {return ctx.user.getFriends().then(function(friends) {ctx.body = friends;});})// /users/3 => {"id": 3, "name": "Alex"}// /users/3/friends => [{"id": 4, "name": "TJ"}]
method patch
patch: { <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( name: string, path: string | RegExp, ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U, B>> ): Router<StateT, ContextT>; <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( path: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[], ...middleware: Koa.Middleware< StateT, ContextT & Router.RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>, BodyT >[] ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;};
HTTP patch method
method post
post: { <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( name: string, path: string | RegExp, ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U, B>> ): Router<StateT, ContextT>; <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( path: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[], ...middleware: Koa.Middleware< StateT, ContextT & Router.RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>, BodyT >[] ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;};
HTTP post method
method prefix
prefix: (prefix: string) => Router<StateT, ContextT>;
Set the path prefix for a Router instance that was already initialized.
Example 1
method put
put: { <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( name: string, path: string | RegExp, ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U, B>> ): Router<StateT, ContextT>; <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( path: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[], ...middleware: Koa.Middleware< StateT, ContextT & Router.RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>, BodyT >[] ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;};
HTTP put method
method redirect
redirect: ( source: string, destination: string, code?: number) => Router<StateT, ContextT>;
URL with optional 30x statuscode
can be route names.router.redirect('/login', 'sign-in');This is equivalent to:
router.all('/login', ctx => {ctx.redirect('/sign-in');ctx.status = 301;});
method register
register: ( path: string | RegExp, methods: string[], middleware: | Router.Middleware<StateT, ContextT> | Array<Router.Middleware<StateT, ContextT>>, opts?: Router.LayerOptions) => Router.Layer;
Create and register a route.
method route
route: (name: string) => Router.Layer | boolean;
Lookup route with given
method routes
routes: () => Koa.Middleware< StateT, ContextT & Router.RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>, BodyT>;
Returns router middleware which dispatches a route matching the request.
method unlink
unlink: { <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( name: string, path: string | RegExp, ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U, B>> ): Router<StateT, ContextT>; <T = {}, U = {}, B = unknown>( path: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[], ...middleware: Koa.Middleware< StateT, ContextT & Router.RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>, BodyT >[] ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;};
HTTP unlink method
method url
static url: (path: string | RegExp, params: object) => string;
Generate URL for route. Takes either map of named
or series of arguments (for regular expression routes)router = new Router(); router.get('user', "/users/:id", ...
router.url('user', { id: 3 }); // => "/users/3"
Query can be generated from third argument:
router.url('user', { id: 3 }, { query: { limit: 1 } }); // => "/users/3?limit=1"
router.url('user', { id: 3 }, { query: "limit=1" }); // => "/users/3?limit=1"
Generate URL for route. Takes a route name and map of named
.Example 1
router.get('user', '/users/:id', (ctx, next) => {// ...});router.url('user', 3);// => "/users/3"router.url('user', { id: 3 });// => "/users/3"router.use((ctx, next) => {// redirect to named routectx.redirect(ctx.router.url('sign-in'));})router.url('user', { id: 3 }, { query: { limit: 1 } });// => "/users/3?limit=1"router.url('user', { id: 3 }, { query: "limit=1" });// => "/users/3?limit=1"
method use
use: { (...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT, ContextT>>): Router< StateT, ContextT >; ( path: string | RegExp | string[], ...middleware: Koa.Middleware< StateT, ContextT & Router.RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>, BodyT >[] ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;};
Use given middleware.
Middleware run in the order they are defined by
. They are invoked sequentially, requests start at the first middleware and work their way "down" the middleware stack.
interface LayerOptions
interface LayerOptions {}
property end
end?: boolean | undefined;
(default: false)
property ignoreCaptures
ignoreCaptures?: boolean | undefined;
property name
name: string | null;
Route name
property prefix
prefix?: string | undefined;
(default: '')
property sensitive
sensitive?: boolean | undefined;
Case sensitive (default: false)
property strict
strict?: boolean | undefined;
Require the trailing slash (default: false)
interface ParamMiddleware
interface ParamMiddleware< StateT = Koa.DefaultState, ContextT = Koa.DefaultContext, BodyT = unknown> {}
call signature
( param: string, ctx: RouterContext<StateT, ContextT, BodyT>, next: Koa.Next): any;
interface RouterAllowedMethodsOptions
interface RouterAllowedMethodsOptions {}
property methodNotAllowed
methodNotAllowed?: (() => any) | undefined;
throw the returned value in place of the default MethodNotAllowed error
property notImplemented
notImplemented?: (() => any) | undefined;
throw the returned value in place of the default NotImplemented error
property throw
throw?: boolean | undefined;
throw error instead of setting status and header
interface RouterOptions
interface RouterOptions {}
property exclusive
exclusive?: boolean | undefined;
Only run last matched route's controller when there are multiple matches
property host
host?: string | RegExp | undefined;
Host for router match
property methods
methods?: string[] | undefined;
Methods which should be supported by the router.
property prefix
prefix?: string | undefined;
Prefix for all routes.
property routerPath
routerPath?: string | undefined;
property sensitive
sensitive?: boolean | undefined;
Whether or not routing should be case-sensitive.
property strict
strict?: boolean | undefined;
Whether or not routes should matched strictly.
If strict matching is enabled, the trailing slash is taken into account when matching routes.
interface RouterParamContext
interface RouterParamContext< StateT = Koa.DefaultState, ContextT = Koa.DefaultContext> {}
interface RoutesMatch
interface RoutesMatch {}
property path
path: Layer[];
property pathAndMethod
pathAndMethod: Layer[];
property route
route: boolean;
interface UrlOptionsQuery
interface UrlOptionsQuery {}
property query
query: object | string;
Type Aliases
type Middleware
type Middleware< StateT = Koa.DefaultState, ContextT = Koa.DefaultContext, BodyT = unknown> = Koa.Middleware<StateT, ContextT & RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>, BodyT>;
type RouterContext
type RouterContext< StateT = Koa.DefaultState, ContextT = Koa.DefaultContext, BodyT = unknown> = Koa.ParameterizedContext< StateT, ContextT & RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>, BodyT>;
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