- Version 11.1.4
- Published
- 8.11 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for lab
Type Aliases
variable assertions
const assertions: any;
Access the configured assertion library.
function script
script: (options?: ScriptOptions) => Lab & ExperimentAlt & TestAlt;
The test script.
interface AsyncOptions
interface AsyncOptions {}
property timeout
timeout?: number | undefined;
Set a specific timeout in milliseconds (disabled)
interface DoneNote
interface DoneNote {}
property note
note: (text: string) => void;
Attach a note to the test case
interface ExperimentAlt
interface ExperimentAlt {}
property describe
describe: SkipOnlyExperiment;
property experiment
experiment: SkipOnlyExperiment;
property suite
suite: SkipOnlyExperiment;
interface ExperimentOptions
interface ExperimentOptions {}
property only
only?: boolean | undefined;
Execute only this test/experiment? (false)
property parallel
parallel?: boolean | undefined;
Execute tests in parallel? (false)
property skip
skip?: boolean | undefined;
Skip execution? (false)
property timeout
timeout?: number | undefined;
Set a specific timeout in milliseconds (2000)
interface Lab
interface Lab {}
method after
after: { (cb: AsyncCallback): void; (promise: AsyncPromise): void; (options: AsyncOptions, cb: AsyncCallback): void; (options: AsyncOptions, promise: AsyncPromise): void;};
Perform async actions after the test suite
Perform async actions after the test suite using a promise
Perform async actions after the test suite with options
Perform async actions after the test suite with options, using a promise
method afterEach
afterEach: { (cb: AsyncCallback): void; (promise: AsyncPromise): void; (options: AsyncOptions, cb: AsyncCallback): void; (options: AsyncOptions, promise: AsyncPromise): void;};
Perform async actions after each test
Perform async actions after each test using a promise
Perform async actions after each test with options
Perform async actions after each test with options, using a promise
method before
before: { (cb: AsyncCallback): void; (promise: AsyncPromise): void; (options: AsyncOptions, cb: AsyncCallback): void; (options: AsyncOptions, promise: AsyncPromise): void;};
Perform async actions before the test suite
Perform async actions before the test suite using a promise
Perform async actions before the test suite with options
Perform async actions before the test suite with otions, using a promise
method beforeEach
beforeEach: { (cb: AsyncCallback): void; (promise: AsyncPromise): void; (options: AsyncOptions, cb: AsyncCallback): void; (options: AsyncOptions, promise: AsyncPromise): void;};
Perform async actions before each test
Perform async actions before each test using a promise
Perform async actions before each test with options
Perform async actions before each test with options, using a promise
method describe
describe: { (desc: string, cb: EmptyCallback): void; (desc: string, options: ExperimentOptions, cb: EmptyCallback): void;};
Create a test suite
Create a test suite with options
method experiment
experiment: { (desc: string, cb: EmptyCallback): void; (desc: string, options: ExperimentOptions, cb: EmptyCallback): void;};
Organise tests into an experiment
Organise tests into an experiment with options
method it
it: { (desc: string, cb: TestCallback): void; (desc: string, promise: TestPromise): void; (desc: string, options: TestOptions, cb: TestCallback): void; (desc: string, options: TestOptions, promise: TestPromise): void;};
The test spec
The test spec using a promise
The test spec with options
The test spec using a promise with options
method suite
suite: { (desc: string, cb: EmptyCallback): void; (desc: string, options: ExperimentOptions, cb: EmptyCallback): void;};
Create a test suite
Create a test suite with options
method test
test: { (desc: string, cb: TestCallback): void; (desc: string, promise: TestPromise): void; (desc: string, options: TestOptions, cb: TestCallback): void; (desc: string, options: TestOptions, promise: TestPromise): void;};
The test spec
The test spec using a promise
The test spec with options
The test spec using a promise with options
interface ScriptOptions
interface ScriptOptions {}
interface SkipOnlyExperiment
interface SkipOnlyExperiment {}
interface SkipOnlyTest
interface SkipOnlyTest {}
interface TestOptions
interface TestOptions extends ExperimentOptions {}
property plan
plan?: number | undefined;
The expected number of assertions to execute
Type Aliases
type AsyncCallback
type AsyncCallback = (done: DoneFunction) => void;
type AsyncPromise
type AsyncPromise = () => Promise<any>;
type CleanupFunction
type CleanupFunction = (func: (next: Function) => void) => void;
type DoneFunction
type DoneFunction = (err?: Error) => void;
type EmptyCallback
type EmptyCallback = () => void;
type ExperimentArgs
type ExperimentArgs = (desc: string, cb: EmptyCallback) => {};
type ExperimentWithOptionsArgs
type ExperimentWithOptionsArgs = ( desc: string, options: ExperimentOptions, cb: EmptyCallback) => {};
type TestArgs
type TestArgs = (desc: string, cb: TestCallback) => {};
type TestCallback
type TestCallback = ( done: DoneFunction & DoneNote, onCleanup?: CleanupFunction) => void;
type TestPromise
type TestPromise = () => Promise<any>;
type TestWithOptionsArgs
type TestWithOptionsArgs = ( desc: string, options: TestOptions, cb: TestCallback) => {};
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