- Version 5.1.5
- Published
- 9.31 kB
- 3 dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for levelup
variable levelup
const levelup: levelup.LevelUpConstructor;
interface LevelUp
interface LevelUp<DB = AbstractLevelDOWN, Iterator = AbstractIterator<any, any>> extends EventEmitter {}
property clear
clear: InferDBClear<DB>;
property del
del: InferDBDel<DB>;
property get
get: InferDBGet<DB>;
property getMany
getMany: InferDBGetMany<DB>;
property put
put: InferDBPut<DB>;
property status
readonly status: 'closed' | 'open' | 'opening' | 'new' | 'closing';
method batch
batch: { (array: AbstractBatch[], options?: any): Promise<void>; (array: AbstractBatch[], options: any, callback: (err?: any) => any): void; (array: AbstractBatch[], callback: (err?: any) => any): void; (): LevelUpChain<any, any>;};
method close
close: { (): Promise<void>; (callback?: ErrorCallback): void };
method createKeyStream
createKeyStream: (options?: AbstractIteratorOptions) => NodeJS.ReadableStream;
method createReadStream
createReadStream: (options?: AbstractIteratorOptions) => NodeJS.ReadableStream;
method createValueStream
createValueStream: (options?: AbstractIteratorOptions) => NodeJS.ReadableStream;
method isClosed
isClosed: () => boolean;
method isOpen
isOpen: () => boolean;
method isOperational
isOperational: () => boolean;
method iterator
iterator: (options?: AbstractIteratorOptions) => Iterator;
method on
on: { (event: 'put', cb: (key: any, value: any) => void): this; (event: 'del', cb: (key: any) => void): this; (event: 'batch', cb: (ary: any[]) => void): this; (event: 'clear', cb: (opts: any) => void): this; ( event: 'closed' | 'open' | 'opening' | 'closing' | 'ready', cb: () => void ): this;};
method open
open: { (): Promise<void>; (callback?: ErrorCallback): void };
interface LevelUpChain
interface LevelUpChain<K = any, V = any> {}
interface LevelUpConstructor
interface LevelUpConstructor {}
property errors
errors: { LevelUPError: typeof LevelUPError; InitializationError: typeof InitializationError; OpenError: typeof OpenError; ReadError: typeof ReadError; WriteError: typeof WriteError; NotFoundError: typeof NotFoundError; EncodingError: typeof EncodingError;};
construct signature
new <DB extends AbstractLevelDOWN = AbstractLevelDOWN>( db: DB, options: any, cb?: ErrorCallback): LevelUp<DB>;
construct signature
new <DB extends AbstractLevelDOWN = AbstractLevelDOWN>( db: DB, cb?: ErrorCallback): LevelUp<DB>;
call signature
<DB extends AbstractLevelDOWN = AbstractLevelDOWN>( db: DB, options: any, cb?: ErrorCallback): LevelUp<DB>;
call signature
<DB extends AbstractLevelDOWN = AbstractLevelDOWN>( db: DB, cb?: ErrorCallback): LevelUp<DB>;
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