
  • Version 2.2.8
  • Published
  • 6.19 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for loader-runner



function getContext

getContext: (resource: string) => string;

    function runLoaders

    runLoaders: (
    options: RunLoaderOption,
    callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, result: RunLoaderResult) => any
    ) => void;


      interface ExtendedLoaderContext

      interface ExtendedLoaderContext {}

        property addContextDependency

        addContextDependency: (context: string) => void;

          property addDependency

          addDependency: (file: string) => void;

            property async

            async: (() => (() => void) | undefined) | null;

              property cacheable

              cacheable: (flag: boolean) => void;

                property callback

                callback: (() => void) | null;

                  property clearDependencies

                  clearDependencies: () => void;

                    property context

                    context: string | null;

                      property currentRequest

                      currentRequest: string;

                        property data

                        data: any;

                          property dependency

                          dependency: (file: string) => void;

                            property getContextDependencies

                            getContextDependencies: () => string[];

                              property getDependencies

                              getDependencies: () => string[];

                                property loaderIndex

                                loaderIndex: number;

                                  property loaders

                                  loaders: Loader[];

                                    property previousRequest

                                    previousRequest: string;

                                      property query

                                      | {
                                      [key: string]: any;
                                      | string;

                                        property remainingRequest

                                        remainingRequest: string;

                                          property request

                                          request: string;

                                            property resource

                                            resource: string;

                                              property resourcePath

                                              resourcePath: string | undefined;

                                                property resourceQuery

                                                resourceQuery: string | undefined;

                                                  interface Loader

                                                  interface Loader {}

                                                    property data

                                                    data: any;

                                                      property normal

                                                      normal: null | ((request: string) => string);

                                                        property normalExecuted

                                                        normalExecuted: boolean;

                                                          property options

                                                          options: any;

                                                            property path

                                                            path: string;

                                                              property pitch

                                                              pitch: null | ((request: string) => string);

                                                                property pitchExecuted

                                                                pitchExecuted: boolean;

                                                                  property query

                                                                  query: string;

                                                                    property raw

                                                                    raw: string;

                                                                      property request

                                                                      request: string;

                                                                        interface RunLoaderOption

                                                                        interface RunLoaderOption {}

                                                                          property context

                                                                          context: any;

                                                                            property loaders

                                                                            loaders: any[];

                                                                              property readResource

                                                                              readResource: (
                                                                              filename: string,
                                                                              callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, data: Buffer | null) => void
                                                                              ) => void;

                                                                                property resource

                                                                                resource: string;

                                                                                  interface RunLoaderResult

                                                                                  interface RunLoaderResult {}

                                                                                    property cacheable

                                                                                    cacheable: boolean;

                                                                                      property contextDependencies

                                                                                      contextDependencies: string[];

                                                                                        property fileDependencies

                                                                                        fileDependencies: string[];

                                                                                          property resourceBuffer

                                                                                          resourceBuffer?: Buffer | null | undefined;

                                                                                            property result

                                                                                            result?: Array<Buffer | null> | undefined;

                                                                                              Package Files (1)

                                                                                              Dependencies (1)

                                                                                              Dev Dependencies (0)

                                                                                              No dev dependencies.

                                                                                              Peer Dependencies (0)

                                                                                              No peer dependencies.


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