- Version 1.2.5
- Published
- 6.27 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for minimist
function minimist
minimist: { (args?: string[], opts?: minimist.Opts): minimist.ParsedArgs; <T>(args?: string[], opts?: minimist.Opts): T & minimist.ParsedArgs; <T extends minimist.ParsedArgs>(args?: string[], opts?: minimist.Opts): T;};
Return an argument object populated with the array arguments from args
Parameter args
An optional argument array (typically
)Parameter opts
An optional options object to customize the parsing
Return an argument object populated with the array arguments from args. Strongly-typed to be the intersect of type T with minimist.ParsedArgs.
The type that will be intersected with minimist.ParsedArgs to represent the argument objectParameter args
An optional argument array (typically
)Parameter opts
An optional options object to customize the parsing
Return an argument object populated with the array arguments from args. Strongly-typed to be the the type T which should extend minimist.ParsedArgs
The type that extends minimist.ParsedArgs and represents the argument objectParameter args
An optional argument array (typically
)Parameter opts
An optional options object to customize the parsing
interface Opts
interface Opts {}
property "--"
'--'?: boolean | undefined;
When true, populate argv._ with everything before the -- and argv['--'] with everything after the --. Note that with -- set, parsing for arguments still stops after the
property alias
alias?: { [key: string]: string | string[] } | undefined;
An object mapping string names to strings or arrays of string argument names to use as aliases
property boolean
boolean?: boolean | string | string[] | undefined;
A boolean, string or array of strings to always treat as booleans. If true will treat all double hyphenated arguments without equals signs as boolean (e.g. affects
, not-f
property default
default?: { [key: string]: any } | undefined;
An object mapping string argument names to default values
property stopEarly
stopEarly?: boolean | undefined;
When true, populate argv._ with everything after the first non-option
property string
string?: string | string[] | undefined;
A string or array of strings argument names to always treat as strings
property unknown
unknown?: ((arg: string) => boolean) | undefined;
A function which is invoked with a command line parameter not defined in the opts configuration object. If the function returns false, the unknown option is not added to argv
interface ParsedArgs
interface ParsedArgs {}
property "--"
'--'?: string[] | undefined;
If opts['--'] is true, populated with everything after the --
index signature
[arg: string]: any;
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