
  • Version 1.8.16
  • Published
  • 14 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for nedb



class Nedb

class Nedb<G = any> extends EventEmitter {}


    constructor(pathOrOptions?: string | Nedb.DataStoreOptions);

      property persistence

      persistence: Nedb.Persistence;

        method addListener

        addListener: (event: 'compaction.done', listener: () => void) => this;

          method addToIndexes

          addToIndexes: <T extends G>(doc: T | T[]) => void;
          • Add one or several document(s) to all indexes

          method count

          count: {
          (query: any, callback: (err: Error | null, n: number) => void): void;
          (query: any): Nedb.CursorCount;
          • Count all documents matching the query

            Parameter query

            MongoDB-style query

          method ensureIndex

          ensureIndex: (
          options: Nedb.EnsureIndexOptions,
          cb?: (err: Error | null) => void
          ) => void;
          • Ensure an index is kept for this field. Same parameters as lib/indexes For now this function is synchronous, we need to test how much time it takes We use an async API for consistency with the rest of the code

            Parameter cb

            Optional callback, signature: err

          method find

          find: {
          <T extends G>(
          query: any,
          projection: any,
          callback: (err: Error | null, documents: T[]) => void
          ): void;
          <T extends G>(query: any, projection?: any): Nedb.Cursor<T>;
          <T extends G>(
          query: any,
          callback: (err: Error, documents: T[]) => void
          ): void;
          • Find all documents matching the query If no callback is passed, we return the cursor so that user can limit, skip and finally exec

            Parameter query

            MongoDB-style query

            Parameter projection

            MongoDB-style projection

          • Find all documents matching the query If no callback is passed, we return the cursor so that user can limit, skip and finally exec *

            Parameter query

            MongoDB-style query

          method findOne

          findOne: {
          <T extends G>(
          query: any,
          projection: any,
          callback: (err: Error | null, document: T) => void
          ): void;
          <T extends G>(query: any, callback: (err: Error, document: T) => void): void;
          • Find one document matching the query

            Parameter query

            MongoDB-style query

            Parameter projection

            MongoDB-style projection

          • Find one document matching the query

            Parameter query

            MongoDB-style query

          method getAllData

          getAllData: () => any[];
          • Get an array of all the data in the database

          method getCandidates

          getCandidates: (query: any) => void;
          • Return the list of candidates for a given query Crude implementation for now, we return the candidates given by the first usable index if any We try the following query types, in this order: basic match, $in match, comparison match One way to make it better would be to enable the use of multiple indexes if the first usable index returns too much data. I may do it in the future.

            TODO: needs to be moved to the Cursor module

          method insert

          insert: {
          <T extends G>(
          newDoc: T,
          cb?: (err: Error | null, document: T) => void
          ): void;
          <T extends G>(newDocs: T[], cb?: (err: Error, documents: T[]) => void): void;
          • Insert one or more new documents

            Parameter cb

            Optional callback, signature: err, insertedDoc

          method listenerCount

          listenerCount: (type: 'compaction.done') => number;

            method listeners

            listeners: (event: 'compaction.done') => Array<() => void>;

              method loadDatabase

              loadDatabase: (cb?: (err: Error | null) => void) => void;
              • Load the database from the datafile, and trigger the execution of buffered commands if any

              method off

              off: (event: 'compaction.done', listener: () => void) => this;

                method on

                on: (event: 'compaction.done', listener: () => void) => this;

                  method once

                  once: (event: 'compaction.done', listener: () => void) => this;

                    method prependListener

                    prependListener: (event: 'compaction.done', listener: () => void) => this;

                      method prependOnceListener

                      prependOnceListener: (event: 'compaction.done', listener: () => void) => this;

                        method rawListeners

                        rawListeners: (event: 'compaction.done') => Array<() => void>;

                          method remove

                          remove: {
                          query: any,
                          options: Nedb.RemoveOptions,
                          cb?: (err: Error | null, n: number) => void
                          ): void;
                          (query: any, cb?: (err: Error, n: number) => void): void;
                          • Remove all docs matching the query For now very naive implementation (similar to update)

                            Parameter options

                            Optional options options.multi If true, can update multiple documents (defaults to false)

                            Parameter cb

                            Optional callback, signature: err, numRemoved

                            private Use Datastore.remove which has the same signature

                          method removeFromIndexes

                          removeFromIndexes: <T extends G>(doc: T | T[]) => void;
                          • Remove one or several document(s) from all indexes

                          method removeIndex

                          removeIndex: (fieldName: string, cb?: (err: Error | null) => void) => void;
                          • Remove an index

                            Parameter cb

                            Optional callback, signature: err

                          method removeListener

                          removeListener: (event: 'compaction.done', listener: () => void) => this;

                            method resetIndexes

                            resetIndexes: (newData: any) => void;
                            • Reset all currently defined indexes

                            method update

                            update: {
                            query: any,
                            updateQuery: any,
                            options?: Nedb.UpdateOptions,
                            cb?: (
                            err: Error | null,
                            numberOfUpdated: number,
                            upsert: boolean
                            ) => void
                            ): void;
                            <T extends G>(
                            query: any,
                            updateQuery: any,
                            options?: Nedb.UpdateOptions,
                            cb?: (
                            err: Error,
                            numberOfUpdated: number,
                            affectedDocuments: any,
                            upsert: boolean
                            ) => void
                            ): void;
                            • Update all docs matching query v1.7.4 and prior signature. For now, very naive implementation (recalculating the whole database)

                              Parameter options

                              Optional options options.multi If true, can update multiple documents (defaults to false) options.upsert If true, document is inserted if the query doesn't match anything

                              Parameter cb

                              Optional callback, signature: err, numReplaced, upsert (set to true if the update was in fact an upsert)

                              private Use Datastore.update which has the same signature

                            • Update all docs matching query v1.8 signature. For now, very naive implementation (recalculating the whole database)

                              Parameter options

                              Optional options options.multi If true, can update multiple documents (defaults to false) options.upsert If true, document is inserted if the query doesn't match anything

                              Parameter cb

                              Optional callback, signature: err, numAffected, affectedDocuments (when returnUpdatedDocs is set to true), obj or array upsert (set to true if the update was in fact an upsert)

                              private Use Datastore.update which has the same signature

                            method updateIndexes

                            updateIndexes: {
                            <T extends G>(oldDoc: T, newDoc: T): void;
                            <T extends G>(updates: { oldDoc: T; newDoc: T }[]): void;
                            • Update one or several documents in all indexes To update multiple documents, oldDoc must be an array of { oldDoc, newDoc } pairs If one update violates a constraint, all changes are rolled back


                            interface Cursor

                            interface Cursor<T> {}

                              method exec

                              exec: (callback: (err: Error | null, documents: T[]) => void) => void;

                                method limit

                                limit: (n: number) => Cursor<T>;

                                  method projection

                                  projection: (query: any) => Cursor<T>;

                                    method skip

                                    skip: (n: number) => Cursor<T>;

                                      method sort

                                      sort: (query: any) => Cursor<T>;

                                        interface CursorCount

                                        interface CursorCount {}

                                          method exec

                                          exec: (callback: (err: Error | null, count: number) => void) => void;

                                            interface DataStoreOptions

                                            interface DataStoreOptions {}

                                              property autoload

                                              autoload?: boolean | undefined;

                                                property corruptAlertThreshold

                                                corruptAlertThreshold?: number | undefined;

                                                  property filename

                                                  filename?: string | undefined;

                                                    property inMemoryOnly

                                                    inMemoryOnly?: boolean | undefined;

                                                      property nodeWebkitAppName

                                                      nodeWebkitAppName?: boolean | undefined;

                                                        property timestampData

                                                        timestampData?: boolean | undefined;

                                                          method afterSerialization

                                                          afterSerialization: (line: string) => string;

                                                            method beforeDeserialization

                                                            beforeDeserialization: (line: string) => string;

                                                              method onload

                                                              onload: (error: Error | null) => any;

                                                                interface EnsureIndexOptions

                                                                interface EnsureIndexOptions {}

                                                                  property expireAfterSeconds

                                                                  expireAfterSeconds?: number | undefined;

                                                                    property fieldName

                                                                    fieldName: string;

                                                                      property sparse

                                                                      sparse?: boolean | undefined;

                                                                        property unique

                                                                        unique?: boolean | undefined;

                                                                          interface Persistence

                                                                          interface Persistence {}

                                                                            method compactDatafile

                                                                            compactDatafile: () => void;

                                                                              method setAutocompactionInterval

                                                                              setAutocompactionInterval: (interval: number) => void;

                                                                                method stopAutocompaction

                                                                                stopAutocompaction: () => void;

                                                                                  interface RemoveOptions

                                                                                  interface RemoveOptions {}
                                                                                  • options only one option for now: multi which allows the removal of multiple documents if set to true. Default is false

                                                                                  property multi

                                                                                  multi?: boolean | undefined;

                                                                                    interface UpdateOptions

                                                                                    interface UpdateOptions {}
                                                                                    • multi (defaults to false) which allows the modification of several documents if set to true upsert (defaults to false) if you want to insert a new document corresponding to the update rules if your query doesn't match anything

                                                                                    property multi

                                                                                    multi?: boolean | undefined;

                                                                                      property returnUpdatedDocs

                                                                                      returnUpdatedDocs?: boolean | undefined;

                                                                                        property upsert

                                                                                        upsert?: boolean | undefined;

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