- Version 1.3.5
- Published
- 11.3 kB
- 6 dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for node-red
Type Aliases
variable nodeRed
const nodeRed: nodeRed.NodeRedApp;
interface EditorNodeCredential
interface EditorNodeCredential extends editorClient.NodeCredential {}
interface EditorNodeDef
interface EditorNodeDef< TProps extends EditorNodeProperties = EditorNodeProperties, TCreds = undefined, TInstProps extends TProps = TProps> extends editorClient.NodeDef<TProps, TCreds, TInstProps> {}
Node Definition Read more: https://nodered.org/docs/creating-nodes/node-html#node-definition
interface EditorNodeProperties
interface EditorNodeProperties extends editorClient.NodeProperties {}
Node properties Read more: https://nodered.org/docs/creating-nodes/properties
interface EditorNodePropertyDef
interface EditorNodePropertyDef< TVal, TInstProps extends EditorNodeProperties = EditorNodeProperties> extends editorClient.NodePropertyDef<TVal, TInstProps> {}
Property definition Read more: https://nodered.org/docs/creating-nodes/properties#property-definitions
interface EditorRED
interface EditorRED extends editorClient.RED {}
Type def for the global
in the node .html files. Should be used to accessRED.nodes.registerType
function registering a node with the editor.Example:
declare const RED: EditorRED;RED.nodes.registerType<MyNodeProps>("my-node", {...})
interface EditorWidgetEditableList
interface EditorWidgetEditableList extends editorClient.WidgetEditableList {}
interface EditorWidgetEditableListOptions
interface EditorWidgetEditableListOptions<T> extends editorClient.WidgetEditableListOptions<T> {}
interface EditorWidgetTypedInput
interface EditorWidgetTypedInput extends editorClient.WidgetTypedInput {}
interface EditorWidgetTypedInputOptions
interface EditorWidgetTypedInputOptions extends editorClient.WidgetTypedInputOptions {}
interface EditorWidgetTypedInputTypeDefinition
interface EditorWidgetTypedInputTypeDefinition extends editorClient.WidgetTypedInputTypeDefinition {}
interface Node
interface Node<TCreds extends {} = {}> extends registry.Node<TCreds> {}
interface NodeAPI
interface NodeAPI<TSets extends NodeAPISettingsWithData = NodeAPISettingsWithData> extends registry.NodeAPI<TSets> {}
interface NodeAPISettingsWithData
interface NodeAPISettingsWithData extends registry.NodeAPISettingsWithData {}
interface NodeConstructor
interface NodeConstructor< TNode extends Node<TCreds>, TNodeDef extends NodeDef, TCreds extends {}> extends registry.NodeConstructor<TNode, TNodeDef, TCreds> {}
interface NodeContext
interface NodeContext extends registry.NodeContext {}
interface NodeContextData
interface NodeContextData extends registry.NodeContextData {}
interface NodeCredential
interface NodeCredential extends registry.NodeCredential {}
interface NodeDef
interface NodeDef extends registry.NodeDef {}
interface NodeInitializer
interface NodeInitializer< TSets extends NodeAPISettingsWithData = NodeAPISettingsWithData> extends registry.NodeInitializer<TSets> {}
Type def for the functions that should be exported by the node .js files.
interface NodeMessage
interface NodeMessage extends registry.NodeMessage {}
interface NodeMessageInFlow
interface NodeMessageInFlow extends registry.NodeMessageInFlow {}
interface NodeMessageParts
interface NodeMessageParts extends registry.NodeMessageParts {}
interface NodeRedApp
interface NodeRedApp {}
property auth
auth: editorAPI.Auth;
The editor authentication api.
property events
events: EventEmitter;
Runtime events emitter
property hooks
hooks: util.Hooks;
Runtime hooks engine
property httpAdmin
readonly httpAdmin: Express;
The express application for the Editor Admin API
property httpNode
readonly httpNode: Express;
The express application for HTTP Nodes
property init
init: (httpServer: HttpServer, userSettings: runtime.LocalSettings) => void;
Initialise the Node-RED application.
Parameter httpServer
the HTTP server object to use
Parameter userSettings
an object containing the runtime settings
property log
log: util.Log;
Logging utilities
property nodes
readonly nodes: runtime.InternalNodesModule;
This provides access to the internal nodes module of the runtime. The details of this API remain undocumented as they should not be used directly.
Most administrative actions should be performed use the runtime api under @node-red/runtime.
property plugins
readonly plugins: runtime.InternalPluginsModule;
This provides access to the internal plugins module of the runtime. The details of this API remain undocumented as they should not be used directly.
Most administrative actions should be performed use the runtime api under @node-red/runtime.
property runtime
runtime: runtime.RuntimeModule;
The runtime api
property server
readonly server: HttpServer;
The HTTP Server used by the runtime
property settings
readonly settings: runtime.PersistentSettings;
This provides access to the internal settings module of the runtime.
property start
start: () => Promise<void>;
Start the Node-RED application.
property stop
stop: () => Promise<void>;
Stop the Node-RED application.
property util
util: util.Util;
General utilities
property version
readonly version: string;
Get the version of the runtime
interface NodeSetting
interface NodeSetting<T> extends registry.NodeSetting<T> {}
interface NodeStatus
interface NodeStatus extends registry.NodeStatus {}
Type Aliases
type EditorNodeCredentials
type EditorNodeCredentials<T> = editorClient.NodeCredentials<T>;
type EditorNodeInstance
type EditorNodeInstance<TProps extends EditorNodeProperties = EditorNodeProperties> = editorClient.NodeInstance<TProps>;
type EditorNodePropertiesDef
type EditorNodePropertiesDef< TProps extends EditorNodeProperties, TInstProps extends TProps = TProps> = editorClient.NodePropertiesDef<TProps, TInstProps>;
Properties definitions (
object) Read more: https://nodered.org/docs/creating-nodes/properties
type EditorWidgetTypedInputType
type EditorWidgetTypedInputType = editorClient.WidgetTypedInputType;
type NodeCredentials
type NodeCredentials<TCreds> = registry.NodeCredentials<TCreds>;
type NodeSettings
type NodeSettings<TSets> = registry.NodeSettings<TSets>;
type NodeStatusFill
type NodeStatusFill = registry.NodeStatusFill;
type NodeStatusShape
type NodeStatusShape = registry.NodeStatusShape;
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