- Version 7.19.3
- Published
- 18.9 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
npm i @types/npm
yarn add @types/npm
pnpm add @types/npm
TypeScript definitions for npm
- "add-user"
- "dist-tag"
- "dist-tags"
- "find-dupes"
- "help-search"
- "install-ci-test"
- "install-test"
- "run-script"
- "set-script"
- access
- adduser
- apihelp
- audit
- author
- bin
- bugs
- build
- c
- cache
- ci
- cit
- completion
- config
- ddp
- dedupe
- deprecate
- diff
- docs
- doctor
- edit
- exec
- explain
- explore
- faq
- find
- fund
- get
- help
- home
- hook
- i
- info()
- init
- install
- isntall
- issues
- it
- la
- link
- list
- ll
- logout
- long
- ls
- org
- outdated
- owner
- pack
- ping
- prefix
- profile
- prune
- publish
- r
- rb
- rebuild
- remove
- repo
- restart
- rm
- root
- s
- se
- search
- set
- show()
- shrinkwrap
- star
- stars
- start
- stop
- submodule
- substack
- t
- tag
- team
- test
- token
- tst
- un
- unbuild
- uninstall
- unlink
- unpublish
- unstar
- up
- update
- v()
- version
- view()
- visnup
- whoami
- why
- x
- xmas
- "always-auth"
- "bin-links"
- "cache-lock-retries"
- "cache-lock-stale"
- "cache-lock-wait"
- "cache-max"
- "cache-min"
- "engine-strict"
- "fetch-retries"
- "fetch-retry-factor"
- "fetch-retry-maxtimeout"
- "fetch-retry-mintimeout"
- "git-tag-version"
- "https-proxy"
- "ignore-scripts"
- "init-module"
- "init.author.email"
- "init.author.name"
- "init.author.url"
- "init.license"
- "init.version"
- "local-address"
- "node-version"
- "onload-script"
- "proprietary-attribs"
- "rebuild-bundle"
- "save-bundle"
- "save-dev"
- "save-exact"
- "save-optional"
- "save-prefix"
- "sign-git-tag"
- "strict-ssl"
- "unsafe-perm"
- "user-agent"
- browser
- ca
- cache
- cafile
- cert
- color
- depth
- description
- dev
- editor
- force
- git
- global
- globalconfig
- group
- heading
- json
- key
- link
- loglevel
- logstream
- long
- message
- npat
- optional
- parseable
- prefix
- production
- proxy
- registry
- rollback
- save
- scope
- searchexclude
- searchopts
- searchsort
- shell
- shrinkwrap
- spin
- tag
- tmp
- umask
- unicode
- usage
- user
- userconfig
- version
- versions
- viewer
- "always-auth"
- "bin-links"
- "cache-lock-retries"
- "cache-lock-stale"
- "cache-lock-wait"
- "cache-max"
- "cache-min"
- "engine-strict"
- "fetch-retries"
- "fetch-retry-factor"
- "fetch-retry-maxtimeout"
- "fetch-retry-mintimeout"
- "git-tag-version"
- "https-proxy"
- "ignore-scripts"
- "init-module"
- "init.author.email"
- "init.author.name"
- "init.author.url"
- "init.license"
- "init.version"
- "local-address"
- "node-version"
- "onload-script"
- "proprietary-attribs"
- "rebuild-bundle"
- "save-bundle"
- "save-dev"
- "save-exact"
- "save-optional"
- "save-prefix"
- "sign-git-tag"
- "strict-ssl"
- "unsafe-perm"
- "user-agent"
- browser
- ca
- cache
- cafile
- cert
- color
- depth
- description
- dev
- editor
- force
- git
- global
- globalconfig
- group
- heading
- json
- key
- link
- loglevel
- logstream
- long
- message
- npat
- optional
- parseable
- prefix
- production
- proxy
- registry
- rollback
- save
- scope
- searchexclude
- searchopts
- searchsort
- shell
- shrinkwrap
- spin
- tag
- tmp
- umask
- unicode
- usage
- user
- userconfig
- version
- versions
- viewer
variable npm
var npm: npm.Static;
interface CommandCallback
interface CommandCallback {}
call signature
(err?: Error, result?: any, result2?: any, result3?: any, result4?: any): void;
interface CommandFunction
interface CommandFunction {}
call signature
(args: string[], callback: CommandCallback): void;
interface Commands
interface Commands {}
property "add-user"
'add-user': CommandFunction;
property "dist-tag"
'dist-tag': CommandFunction;
property "dist-tags"
'dist-tags': CommandFunction;
Alias for
property "find-dupes"
'find-dupes': CommandFunction;
property "help-search"
'help-search': CommandFunction;
property "install-ci-test"
'install-ci-test': CommandFunction;
property "install-test"
'install-test': CommandFunction;
property "run-script"
'run-script': CommandFunction;
property "set-script"
'set-script': CommandFunction;
property access
access: CommandFunction;
property adduser
adduser: CommandFunction;
property apihelp
apihelp: CommandFunction;
property audit
audit: CommandFunction;
property author
author: CommandFunction;
property bin
bin: CommandFunction;
property bugs
bugs: CommandFunction;
property build
build: CommandFunction;
property c
c: CommandFunction;
property cache
cache: CommandFunction;
property ci
ci: CommandFunction;
property cit
cit: CommandFunction;
Alias for
property completion
completion: CommandFunction;
property config
config: CommandFunction;
property ddp
ddp: CommandFunction;
property dedupe
dedupe: CommandFunction;
property deprecate
deprecate: CommandFunction;
property diff
diff: CommandFunction;
property docs
docs: CommandFunction;
property doctor
doctor: CommandFunction;
property edit
edit: CommandFunction;
property exec
exec: CommandFunction;
property explain
explain: CommandFunction;
property explore
explore: CommandFunction;
property faq
faq: CommandFunction;
property find
find: CommandFunction;
property fund
fund: CommandFunction;
property get
get: CommandFunction;
property help
help: CommandFunction;
property home
home: CommandFunction;
property hook
hook: CommandFunction;
property i
i: CommandFunction;
property init
init: CommandFunction;
property install
install: CommandFunction;
property isntall
isntall: CommandFunction;
property issues
issues: CommandFunction;
property it
it: CommandFunction;
Alias for
property la
la: CommandFunction;
property link
link: CommandFunction;
property list
list: CommandFunction;
property ll
ll: CommandFunction;
property logout
logout: CommandFunction;
property long
long: CommandFunction;
property ls
ls: CommandFunction;
property org
org: CommandFunction;
property outdated
outdated: CommandFunction;
property owner
owner: CommandFunction;
property pack
pack: CommandFunction;
property ping
ping: CommandFunction;
property prefix
prefix: CommandFunction;
property profile
profile: CommandFunction;
property prune
prune: CommandFunction;
property publish
publish: CommandFunction;
property r
r: CommandFunction;
property rb
rb: CommandFunction;
property rebuild
rebuild: CommandFunction;
property remove
remove: CommandFunction;
property repo
repo: CommandFunction;
property restart
restart: CommandFunction;
property rm
rm: CommandFunction;
property root
root: CommandFunction;
property s
s: CommandFunction;
property se
se: CommandFunction;
property search
search: CommandFunction;
property set
set: CommandFunction;
property shrinkwrap
shrinkwrap: CommandFunction;
property star
star: CommandFunction;
property stars
stars: CommandFunction;
property start
start: CommandFunction;
property stop
stop: CommandFunction;
property submodule
submodule: CommandFunction;
property substack
substack: CommandFunction;
property t
t: CommandFunction;
property tag
tag: CommandFunction;
property team
team: CommandFunction;
property test
test: CommandFunction;
property token
token: CommandFunction;
property tst
tst: CommandFunction;
property un
un: CommandFunction;
property unbuild
unbuild: CommandFunction;
property uninstall
uninstall: CommandFunction;
property unlink
unlink: CommandFunction;
property unpublish
unpublish: CommandFunction;
property unstar
unstar: CommandFunction;
property up
up: CommandFunction;
property update
update: CommandFunction;
property version
version: CommandFunction;
property visnup
visnup: CommandFunction;
property whoami
whoami: CommandFunction;
property why
why: CommandFunction;
Alias for
property x
x: CommandFunction;
Alias for
property xmas
xmas: CommandFunction;
method info
info: { (args: string[], callback: CommandCallback): void; (args: string[], silent: boolean, callback: CommandCallback): void;};
method show
show: { (args: string[], callback: CommandCallback): void; (args: string[], silent: boolean, callback: CommandCallback): void;};
method v
v: { (args: string[], callback: CommandCallback): void; (args: string[], silent: boolean, callback: CommandCallback): void;};
method view
view: { (args: string[], callback: CommandCallback): void; (args: string[], silent: boolean, callback: CommandCallback): void;};
interface Config
interface Config {}
property Conf
Conf: ConfigStatic;
property defs
defs: ConfigDefs;
property loaded
loaded: boolean;
property root
root?: Config | undefined;
property rootConf
rootConf: Config;
property sources
sources: Dictionary<ConfigSource>;
property usingBuiltin
usingBuiltin: boolean;
method add
add: (data: Object, marker: Object) => any;
method addEnv
addEnv: (env: Dictionary<string>) => any;
method addFile
addFile: (file: string, name: string) => Config;
method findPrefix
findPrefix: (prefix: string, cb: SimpleCallback<string>) => void;
method get
get: (setting: string) => any;
method getCredentialsByURI
getCredentialsByURI: (uri: string) => Credentials;
method loadCAFile
loadCAFile: (caFilePath: string, cb: ErrorCallback) => void;
method loadExtras
loadExtras: (cb: ErrorCallback) => void;
method loadPrefix
loadPrefix: (cb: ErrorCallback) => void;
method loadUid
loadUid: (cb: SimpleCallback<string>) => void;
method parse
parse: (content: string, file: string) => any;
method save
save: (where: string, cb: ErrorCallback) => Config;
method set
set: (setting: string, value: any) => void;
method setCredentialsByURI
setCredentialsByURI: (uri: string, cred: Credentials) => void;
method setUser
setUser: (cb: ErrorCallback) => void;
interface ConfigDefs
interface ConfigDefs {}
interface ConfigOptions
interface ConfigOptions {}
property "always-auth"
'always-auth'?: boolean | undefined;
property "bin-links"
'bin-links'?: boolean | undefined;
property "cache-lock-retries"
'cache-lock-retries'?: number | undefined;
property "cache-lock-stale"
'cache-lock-stale'?: number | undefined;
property "cache-lock-wait"
'cache-lock-wait'?: number | undefined;
property "cache-max"
'cache-max'?: number | undefined;
property "cache-min"
'cache-min'?: number | undefined;
property "engine-strict"
'engine-strict'?: boolean | undefined;
property "fetch-retries"
'fetch-retries'?: number | undefined;
property "fetch-retry-factor"
'fetch-retry-factor'?: number | undefined;
property "fetch-retry-maxtimeout"
'fetch-retry-maxtimeout'?: number | undefined;
property "fetch-retry-mintimeout"
'fetch-retry-mintimeout'?: number | undefined;
property "git-tag-version"
'git-tag-version'?: boolean | undefined;
property "https-proxy"
'https-proxy'?: string | undefined;
property "ignore-scripts"
'ignore-scripts'?: boolean | undefined;
property "init-module"
'init-module'?: string | undefined;
property "init.author.email"
'init.author.email'?: string | undefined;
property "init.author.name"
'init.author.name'?: string | undefined;
property "init.author.url"
'init.author.url'?: string | undefined;
property "init.license"
'init.license'?: string | undefined;
property "init.version"
'init.version'?: string | undefined;
property "local-address"
'local-address'?: string | undefined;
property "node-version"
'node-version'?: string | undefined;
property "onload-script"
'onload-script'?: boolean | undefined;
property "proprietary-attribs"
'proprietary-attribs'?: boolean | undefined;
property "rebuild-bundle"
'rebuild-bundle'?: boolean | undefined;
property "save-bundle"
'save-bundle'?: boolean | undefined;
property "save-dev"
'save-dev'?: boolean | undefined;
property "save-exact"
'save-exact'?: boolean | undefined;
property "save-optional"
'save-optional'?: boolean | undefined;
property "save-prefix"
'save-prefix'?: string | undefined;
property "sign-git-tag"
'sign-git-tag'?: boolean | undefined;
property "strict-ssl"
'strict-ssl'?: boolean | undefined;
property "unsafe-perm"
'unsafe-perm'?: boolean | undefined;
property "user-agent"
'user-agent'?: string | undefined;
property browser
browser?: string | undefined;
property ca
ca?: any;
property cache
cache?: string | undefined;
property cafile
cafile?: string | undefined;
property cert
cert?: string | undefined;
property color
color?: any;
property depth
depth?: number | undefined;
property description
description?: boolean | undefined;
property dev
dev?: boolean | undefined;
property editor
editor?: string | undefined;
property force
force?: boolean | undefined;
property git
git?: string | undefined;
property global
global?: boolean | undefined;
property globalconfig
globalconfig?: string | undefined;
property group
group?: any;
property heading
heading?: string | undefined;
property json
json?: boolean | undefined;
property key
key?: string | undefined;
property link
link?: boolean | undefined;
property loglevel
loglevel?: string | undefined;
property logstream
logstream?: NodeJS.ReadWriteStream | undefined;
property long
long?: boolean | undefined;
property message
message?: string | undefined;
property npat
npat?: boolean | undefined;
property optional
optional?: boolean | undefined;
property parseable
parseable?: boolean | undefined;
property prefix
prefix?: string | undefined;
property production
production?: boolean | undefined;
property proxy
proxy?: any;
property registry
registry?: string | undefined;
property rollback
rollback?: boolean | undefined;
property save
save?: boolean | undefined;
property scope
scope?: string | undefined;
property searchexclude
searchexclude?: string | undefined;
property searchopts
searchopts?: string | undefined;
property searchsort
searchsort?: string | undefined;
property shell
shell?: string | undefined;
property shrinkwrap
shrinkwrap?: boolean | undefined;
property spin
spin?: any;
property tag
tag?: string | undefined;
property tmp
tmp?: string | undefined;
property umask
umask?: number | undefined;
property unicode
unicode?: boolean | undefined;
property usage
usage?: boolean | undefined;
property user
user?: any;
property userconfig
userconfig?: string | undefined;
property version
version?: boolean | undefined;
property versions
versions?: boolean | undefined;
property viewer
viewer?: string | undefined;
interface ConfigShorthands
interface ConfigShorthands {}
property "?"
'?': any[];
property "local"
local: any[];
property "no-desc"
'no-desc': any[];
property "no-reg"
'no-reg': any[];
property B
B: any[];
property C
C: any[];
property d
d: any[];
property D
D: any[];
property dd
dd: any[];
property ddd
ddd: any[];
property desc
desc: any[];
property E
E: any[];
property f
f: any[];
property g
g: any[];
property gangsta
gangsta: any[];
property gangster
gangster: any[];
property h
h: any[];
property H
H: any[];
property help
help: any[];
property l
l: any[];
property m
m: any[];
property n
n: any[];
property N
N: any[];
property noreg
noreg: any[];
property O
O: any[];
property p
p: any[];
property porcelain
porcelain: any[];
property q
q: any[];
property quiet
quiet: any[];
property reg
reg: any[];
property s
s: any[];
property S
S: any[];
property silent
silent: any[];
property v
v: any[];
property verbose
verbose: any[];
property y
y: any[];
interface ConfigSource
interface ConfigSource {}
interface ConfigStatic
interface ConfigStatic {}
construct signature
new (base: Config): Config;
call signature
(base: Config): Config;
interface ConfigTypes
interface ConfigTypes {}
property "always-auth"
'always-auth': typeof Boolean;
property "bin-links"
'bin-links': typeof Boolean;
property "cache-lock-retries"
'cache-lock-retries': typeof Number;
property "cache-lock-stale"
'cache-lock-stale': typeof Number;
property "cache-lock-wait"
'cache-lock-wait': typeof Number;
property "cache-max"
'cache-max': typeof Number;
property "cache-min"
'cache-min': typeof Number;
property "engine-strict"
'engine-strict': typeof Boolean;
property "fetch-retries"
'fetch-retries': typeof Number;
property "fetch-retry-factor"
'fetch-retry-factor': typeof Number;
property "fetch-retry-maxtimeout"
'fetch-retry-maxtimeout': typeof Number;
property "fetch-retry-mintimeout"
'fetch-retry-mintimeout': typeof Number;
property "git-tag-version"
'git-tag-version': typeof Boolean;
property "https-proxy"
'https-proxy': any[];
property "ignore-scripts"
'ignore-scripts': typeof Boolean;
property "init-module"
'init-module': typeof String;
property "init.author.email"
'init.author.email': typeof String;
property "init.author.name"
'init.author.name': typeof String;
property "init.author.url"
'init.author.url': typeof String;
property "init.license"
'init.license': typeof String;
property "init.version"
'init.version': typeof String;
property "local-address"
'local-address': typeof String;
property "node-version"
'node-version': any[];
property "onload-script"
'onload-script': any[];
property "proprietary-attribs"
'proprietary-attribs': typeof Boolean;
property "rebuild-bundle"
'rebuild-bundle': Boolean;
property "save-bundle"
'save-bundle': typeof Boolean;
property "save-dev"
'save-dev': typeof Boolean;
property "save-exact"
'save-exact': typeof Boolean;
property "save-optional"
'save-optional': typeof Boolean;
property "save-prefix"
'save-prefix': typeof String;
property "sign-git-tag"
'sign-git-tag': typeof Boolean;
property "strict-ssl"
'strict-ssl': typeof Boolean;
property "unsafe-perm"
'unsafe-perm': typeof Boolean;
property "user-agent"
'user-agent': typeof String;
property browser
browser: any[];
property ca
ca: any[];
property cache
cache: typeof String;
property cafile
cafile: typeof String;
property cert
cert: typeof String;
property color
color: any[];
property depth
depth: typeof Number;
property description
description: typeof Boolean;
property dev
dev: typeof Boolean;
property editor
editor: typeof String;
property force
force: typeof Boolean;
property git
git: typeof String;
property global
global: typeof Boolean;
property globalconfig
globalconfig: typeof String;
property group
group: any[];
property heading
heading: typeof String;
property json
json: typeof Boolean;
property key
key: any[];
property link
link: typeof Boolean;
property loglevel
loglevel: any[];
property logstream
logstream: any;
property long
long: typeof Boolean;
property message
message: typeof String;
property npat
npat: typeof Boolean;
property optional
optional: typeof Boolean;
property parseable
parseable: typeof Boolean;
property prefix
prefix: typeof String;
property production
production: typeof Boolean;
property proxy
proxy: any[];
property registry
registry: any[];
property rollback
rollback: typeof Boolean;
property save
save: typeof Boolean;
property scope
scope: typeof String;
property searchexclude
searchexclude: any[];
property searchopts
searchopts: typeof String;
property searchsort
searchsort: any[];
property shell
shell: typeof String;
property shrinkwrap
shrinkwrap: typeof Boolean;
property spin
spin: any[];
property tag
tag: typeof String;
property tmp
tmp: typeof String;
property umask
umask: typeof Number;
property unicode
unicode: typeof Boolean;
property usage
usage: typeof Boolean;
property user
user: any;
property userconfig
userconfig: typeof String;
property version
version: typeof Boolean;
property versions
versions: typeof Boolean;
property viewer
viewer: typeof String;
interface Credentials
interface Credentials {}
interface Dictionary
interface Dictionary<T> {}
index signature
[key: string]: T;
interface ErrorCallback
interface ErrorCallback {}
call signature
(err?: Error): void;
interface SimpleCallback
interface SimpleCallback<T> {}
call signature
(err?: Error, result?: T): void;
interface Spinner
interface Spinner {}
interface Static
interface Static extends NodeJS.EventEmitter {}
property abbrevs
abbrevs: Dictionary<string>;
property bin
bin: string;
property cache
cache: string;
property commands
commands: Commands;
property config
config: Config;
property dir
dir: string;
property fullList
fullList: string[];
property globalBin
globalBin: string;
property globalDir
globalDir: string;
property prefix
prefix: string;
property rollbacks
rollbacks: any[];
property root
root: string;
property spinner
spinner: Spinner;
property tmp
tmp: string;
method deref
deref: (command: string) => string;
method load
load: (callback?: SimpleCallback<void>) => Promise<void>;
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (1)
Dev Dependencies (0)
No dev dependencies.
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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Package analyzed in 5253 ms. - Missing or incorrect documentation? Open an issue for this package.