
  • Version 0.3.6
  • Published
  • 10.1 kB
  • 2 dependencies
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for orchestrator



class Orchestrator

class Orchestrator extends events.EventEmitter {}
  • A module for sequencing and executing tasks and dependencies in maximum concurrency

property doneCallback

doneCallback?: (error?: any) => any;

    property isRunning

    isRunning: boolean;

      property seq

      seq: any[];

        property sequence

        sequence: Orchestrator.Sequencify;

          property start

          start: Orchestrator.StartMethod;

            property tasks

            tasks: { [name: string]: Orchestrator.Task };

              method add

              add: {
              (name: string, fn?: Orchestrator.TaskFunc): Orchestrator;
              (name: string, deps?: string[], fn?: Orchestrator.TaskFunc): Orchestrator;
              • Define a task

                Parameter name

                The name of the task.

                Parameter fn

                The function that performs the task's operations. For asynchronous tasks, you need to provide a hint when the task is complete: - Take in a callback - Return a stream or a promise

              • Define a task

                Parameter name

                The name of the task.

                Parameter deps

                An array of task names to be executed and completed before your task will run.

                Parameter fn

                The function that performs the task's operations. For asynchronous tasks, you need to provide a hint when the task is complete: - Take in a callback - Return a stream or a promise

              method allDone

              allDone: () => boolean;

                method hasTask

                hasTask: (name: string) => boolean;
                • Have you defined a task with this name?

                  Parameter name

                  The task name to query

                method on

                on: (
                event: Orchestrator.EventNames,
                cb: (e: Orchestrator.OnCallbackEvent) => any
                ) => this;
                • Listen to orchestrator internals

                  Parameter event

                  Event name to listen to: - start: from start() method, shows you the task sequence - stop: from stop() method, the queue finished successfully - err: from stop() method, the queue was aborted due to a task error - task_start: from _runTask() method, task was started - task_stop: from _runTask() method, task completed successfully - task_err: from _runTask() method, task errored - task_not_found: from start() method, you're trying to start a task that doesn't exist - task_recursion: from start() method, there are recursive dependencies in your task list

                  Parameter cb

                  Passes single argument: e: event details

                method onAll

                onAll: (cb: (e: Orchestrator.OnAllCallbackEvent) => any) => void;
                • Listen to all orchestrator events from one callback

                  Parameter cb

                  Passes single argument: e: event details

                method reset

                reset: () => Orchestrator;

                  method stop

                  stop: (err?: any, successfulFinish?: boolean) => void;

                    method task

                    task: {
                    (name: string): Orchestrator.Task;
                    (name: string, fn: Orchestrator.TaskFunc): void;
                    (name: string, dep: string[], fn: Orchestrator.TaskFunc): void;


                      interface AddMethod

                      interface AddMethod {}

                        call signature

                        (name: string, fn?: TaskFunc): Orchestrator;
                        • Define a task

                          Parameter name

                          The name of the task.

                          Parameter fn

                          The function that performs the task's operations. For asynchronous tasks, you need to provide a hint when the task is complete: - Take in a callback - Return a stream or a promise

                        call signature

                        (name: string, deps?: string[], fn?: TaskFunc): Orchestrator;
                        • Define a task

                          Parameter name

                          The name of the task.

                          Parameter deps

                          An array of task names to be executed and completed before your task will run.

                          Parameter fn

                          The function that performs the task's operations. For asynchronous tasks, you need to provide a hint when the task is complete: - Take in a callback - Return a stream or a promise

                        interface Meta

                        interface Meta {}

                          property duration

                          duration: number;

                            property hrDuration

                            hrDuration: [number, number];

                              property runMethod

                              runMethod: 'callback' | 'catch' | 'promise' | 'stream' | 'sync';

                                interface OnAllCallbackEvent

                                interface OnAllCallbackEvent extends OnCallbackEvent {}

                                  property src

                                  src: string;

                                    interface OnCallbackEvent

                                    interface OnCallbackEvent {}

                                      property duration

                                      duration?: number | undefined;

                                        property err

                                        err: any;

                                          property message

                                          message: string;

                                            property task

                                            task: string;

                                              interface StartMethod

                                              interface StartMethod {}
                                              • Start running the tasks

                                              call signature

                                              (tasks: Strings, cb?: (error?: any) => any): Orchestrator;
                                              • Start running the tasks

                                                Parameter tasks

                                                Tasks to be executed. You may pass any number of tasks as individual arguments.

                                                Parameter cb

                                                Callback to call after run completed.

                                              call signature

                                              (...tasks: Strings[] /*, cb?: (error: any) => any */): Orchestrator;
                                              • Start running the tasks

                                                Parameter tasks

                                                Tasks to be executed. You may pass any number of tasks as individual arguments.

                                                Parameter cb

                                                Callback to call after run completed.

                                              call signature

                                              (task1: Strings, task2: Strings, cb?: (error?: any) => any): Orchestrator;

                                                call signature

                                                task1: Strings,
                                                task2: Strings,
                                                task3: Strings,
                                                cb?: (error?: any) => any
                                                ): Orchestrator;

                                                  call signature

                                                  task1: Strings,
                                                  task2: Strings,
                                                  task3: Strings,
                                                  task4: Strings,
                                                  cb?: (error?: any) => any
                                                  ): Orchestrator;

                                                    call signature

                                                    task1: Strings,
                                                    task2: Strings,
                                                    task3: Strings,
                                                    task4: Strings,
                                                    task5: Strings,
                                                    cb?: (error?: any) => any
                                                    ): Orchestrator;

                                                      call signature

                                                      task1: Strings,
                                                      task2: Strings,
                                                      task3: Strings,
                                                      task4: Strings,
                                                      task5: Strings,
                                                      task6: Strings,
                                                      cb?: (error?: any) => any
                                                      ): Orchestrator;

                                                        interface Task

                                                        interface Task {}

                                                          property dep

                                                          dep: string[];

                                                            property done

                                                            done?: boolean | undefined;

                                                              property duration

                                                              duration?: number | undefined;

                                                                property fn

                                                                fn: TaskFunc;

                                                                  property hrDuration

                                                                  hrDuration?: [number, number] | undefined;

                                                                    property name

                                                                    name: string;

                                                                      property running

                                                                      running?: boolean | undefined;

                                                                        Type Aliases

                                                                        type EventNames

                                                                        type EventNames =
                                                                        | 'start'
                                                                        | 'stop'
                                                                        | 'err'
                                                                        | 'task_start'
                                                                        | 'task_stop'
                                                                        | 'task_err'
                                                                        | 'task_not_found'
                                                                        | 'task_recursion';

                                                                          type RunTask

                                                                          type RunTask = (
                                                                          task: Orchestrator.TaskFunc,
                                                                          done: (err: any, meta: Orchestrator.Meta) => void
                                                                          ) => void;
                                                                          • The method export generated by orchestrator/lib/runTask.js

                                                                          type Sequencify

                                                                          type Sequencify = (
                                                                          tasks: Array<{ dep: string[] }>,
                                                                          names: string[]
                                                                          ) => {
                                                                          sequence: string[];
                                                                          missingTasks: string[];
                                                                          recursiveDependencies: string[];
                                                                          • The module export of the sequencify package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/sequencify

                                                                          type Strings

                                                                          type Strings = string | string[];

                                                                            type TaskFunc

                                                                            type TaskFunc = (
                                                                            callback: (err?: any) => void
                                                                            ) => Q.Promise<any> | stream.Stream | any;
                                                                            • A task, can either call a callback to indicate task completion or return a promise or a stream: (task is marked complete when promise.then() resolves/fails or stream ends)

                                                                            Package Files (1)

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                                                                            No dev dependencies.

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                                                                            No peer dependencies.


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