- Version 1.0.16
- Published
- 45 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
npm i @types/passport
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TypeScript definitions for passport
Type Aliases
variable passport
const passport: passport.PassportStatic;
interface AuthenticateOptions
interface AuthenticateOptions {}
property assignProperty
assignProperty?: string | undefined;
Assign the object provided by the verify callback to given property.
property authInfo
authInfo?: boolean | undefined;
property failureFlash
failureFlash?: string | boolean | undefined;
True to flash failure messages or a string to use as a flash message for failures (overrides any from the strategy itself).
property failureMessage
failureMessage?: boolean | string | undefined;
True to store failure message in
, or a string to use as override message for failure.
property failureRedirect
failureRedirect?: string | undefined;
After failed login, redirect to given URL.
property failWithError
failWithError?: boolean | undefined;
property keepSessionInfo
keepSessionInfo?: boolean | undefined;
property passReqToCallback
passReqToCallback?: boolean | undefined;
property pauseStream
pauseStream?: boolean | undefined;
Pause the request stream before deserializing the user object from the session. Defaults to
. Should be set totrue
in cases where middleware consuming the request body is configured after passport and the deserializeUser method is asynchronous.
property prompt
prompt?: string | undefined;
property scope
scope?: string | string[] | undefined;
property session
session?: boolean | undefined;
Save login state in session, defaults to
property state
state?: string | undefined;
property successFlash
successFlash?: string | boolean | undefined;
True to flash success messages or a string to use as a flash message for success (overrides any from the strategy itself).
property successMessage
successMessage?: boolean | string | undefined;
True to store success message in
, or a string to use as override message for success.
property successRedirect
successRedirect?: string | undefined;
After successful login, redirect to given URL.
property successReturnToOrRedirect
successReturnToOrRedirect?: string | undefined;
property userProperty
userProperty?: string | undefined;
Determines what property on
will be set to the authenticated user object. Default'user'
interface Authenticator
interface Authenticator< InitializeRet = express.Handler, AuthenticateRet = any, AuthorizeRet = AuthenticateRet, AuthorizeOptions = AuthenticateOptions> {}
method authenticate
authenticate: { ( strategy: string | string[] | Strategy, callback?: AuthenticateCallback | ((...args: any[]) => any) ): AuthenticateRet; ( strategy: string | string[] | Strategy, options: AuthenticateOptions, callback?: AuthenticateCallback | ((...args: any[]) => any) ): AuthenticateRet;};
Authenticates requests.
Applies the
ed strategy (or strategies) to the incoming request, in order to authenticate the request. If authentication is successful, the user will be logged in and populated atreq.user
and a session will be established by default. If authentication fails, an unauthorized response will be sent.Options: -
Save login state in session, defaults totrue
. -successRedirect
After successful login, redirect to given URL. -successMessage
True to store success message inreq.session.messages
, or a string to use as override message for success. -successFlash
True to flash success messages or a string to use as a flash message for success (overrides any from the strategy itself). -failureRedirect
After failed login, redirect to given URL. -failureMessage
True to store failure message inreq.session.messages
, or a string to use as override message for failure. -failureFlash
True to flash failure messages or a string to use as a flash message for failures (overrides any from the strategy itself). -assignProperty
Assign the object provided by the verify callback to given property.An optional
can be supplied to allow the application to override the default manner in which authentication attempts are handled. The callback has the following signature, whereuser
will be set to the authenticated user on a successful authentication attempt, orfalse
otherwise. An optionalinfo
argument will be passed, containing additional details provided by the strategy's verify callback - this could be information about a successful authentication or a challenge message for a failed authentication. An optionalstatus
argument will be passed when authentication fails - this could be a HTTP response code for a remote authentication failure or similar.app.get('/protected', function(req, res, next) { passport.authenticate('local', function(err, user, info, status) { if (err) { return next(err) } if (!user) { return res.redirect('/signin') } res.redirect('/account'); })(req, res, next); });
Note that if a callback is supplied, it becomes the application's responsibility to log-in the user, establish a session, and otherwise perform the desired operations.
passport.authenticate('local', { successRedirect: '/', failureRedirect: '/login' });
passport.authenticate('basic', { session: false });
method authorize
authorize: { ( strategy: string | string[], callback?: AuthenticateCallback | ((...args: any[]) => any) ): AuthorizeRet; ( strategy: string | string[], options: AuthorizeOptions, callback?: AuthenticateCallback | ((...args: any[]) => any) ): AuthorizeRet;};
Create third-party service authorization middleware.
Returns middleware that will authorize a connection to a third-party service.
This middleware is identical to using middleware with the
option set to'account'
. This is useful when a user is already authenticated (for example, using a username and password) and they want to connect their account with a third-party service.In this scenario, the user's third-party account will be set at
, and the existingreq.user
and login session data will be be left unmodified. A route handler can then link the third-party account to the existing local account.All arguments to this function behave identically to those accepted by .
Example 1
app.get('/oauth/callback/twitter', passport.authorize('twitter'));
method deserializeUser
deserializeUser: { <TID>( fn: ( id: TID, done: (err: any, user?: Express.User | false | null) => void ) => void ): void; <TID, TR extends IncomingMessage = express.Request>( fn: ( req: TR, id: TID, done: (err: any, user?: false | Express.User) => void ) => void ): void; < User extends Express.User = Express.User, Request extends IncomingMessage = express.Request >( serializedUser: unknown, req: Request, done: (err: any, user?: false | User) => any ): void; <User extends Express.User = Express.User>( serializedUser: unknown, done: (err: any, user?: false | User) => any ): void;};
Registers a function used to deserialize user objects out of the session.
passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) { User.findById(id, function (err, user) { done(err, user); }); });
Private implementation that traverses the chain of deserializers, attempting to deserialize a user.
Private implementation that traverses the chain of deserializers, attempting to deserialize a user.
For backwards compatibility.
method framework
framework: <X, Y, Z>(fw: Framework<X, Y, Z>) => Authenticator<X, Y, Z>;
Adapt this
to work with a specific framework.By default, Passport works as -style middleware, which makes it compatible with . For any app built using Express, there is no need to call this function.
method initialize
initialize: (options?: InitializeOptions) => InitializeRet;
Passport initialization.
Intializes Passport for incoming requests, allowing authentication strategies to be applied.
As of v0.6.x, it is typically no longer necessary to use this middleware. It exists for compatiblity with apps built using previous versions of Passport, in which this middleware was necessary.
The primary exception to the above guidance is when using strategies that depend directly on
or earlier. These earlier versions of Passport monkeypatch Node.jshttp.IncomingMessage
in a way that expects certain Passport-specific properties to be available. This middleware provides a compatibility layer for this situation.Options: -
Determines what property onreq
will be set to the authenticated user object. Default'user'
, enables a compatibility layer for packages that depend onpassport@0.4.x
or earlier. Defaulttrue
If sessions are being utilized, applications must set up Passport with functions to serialize a user into and out of a session. For example, a common pattern is to serialize just the user ID into the session (due to the fact that it is desirable to store the minimum amount of data in a session). When a subsequent request arrives for the session, the full User object can be loaded from the database by ID.
Note that additional middleware is required to persist login state, so we must use the
middleware _before_passport.initialize()
.If sessions are being used, this middleware must be in use by the Connect/Express application for Passport to operate. If the application is entirely stateless (not using sessions), this middleware is not necessary, but its use will not have any adverse impact.
app.use(connect.cookieParser()); app.use(connect.session({ secret: 'keyboard cat' })); app.use(passport.initialize()); app.use(passport.session());
passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) { done(null, user.id); });
passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) { User.findById(id, function (err, user) { done(err, user); }); });
method serializeUser
serializeUser: { <TID>( fn: (user: Express.User, done: (err: any, id?: TID) => void) => void ): void; <TID, TR extends IncomingMessage = express.Request>( fn: ( req: TR, user: Express.User, done: (err: any, id?: TID) => void ) => void ): void; < User extends Express.User = Express.User, Request extends IncomingMessage = express.Request >( user: User, req: Request, done: (err: any, serializedUser?: unknown) => any ): void; <User extends Express.User = Express.User>( user: User, done: (err: any, serializedUser?: unknown) => any ): void;};
Registers a function used to serialize user objects into the session.
passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) { done(null, user.id); });
Private implementation that traverses the chain of serializers, attempting to serialize a user.
Private implementation that traverses the chain of serializers, attempting to serialize a user.
For backwards compatibility.
method session
session: (options?: SessionOptions) => AuthenticateRet;
Middleware that will restore login state from a session.
Web applications typically use sessions to maintain login state between requests. For example, a user will authenticate by entering credentials into a form which is submitted to the server. If the credentials are valid, a login session is established by setting a cookie containing a session identifier in the user's web browser. The web browser will send this cookie in subsequent requests to the server, allowing a session to be maintained.
If sessions are being utilized, and a login session has been established, this middleware will populate
with the current user.Note that sessions are not strictly required for Passport to operate. However, as a general rule, most web applications will make use of sessions. An exception to this rule would be an API server, which expects each HTTP request to provide credentials in an Authorization header.
app.use(connect.cookieParser()); app.use(connect.session({ secret: 'keyboard cat' })); app.use(passport.initialize()); app.use(passport.session());
Options: -
Pause the request stream before deserializing the user object from the session. Defaults tofalse
. Should be set totrue
in cases where middleware consuming the request body is configured after passport and the deserializeUser method is asynchronous.
method transformAuthInfo
transformAuthInfo: { (fn: (info: any, done: (err: any, info: any) => void) => void): void; <InitialInfo = unknown, Request extends IncomingMessage = express.Request>( info: unknown, req: Request, done: (err: any, transformedAuthInfo?: unknown) => any ): void; <InitialInfo = unknown>( info: unknown, done: (err: any, transformedAuthInfo?: unknown) => any ): void;};
Registers a function used to transform auth info.
In some circumstances authorization details are contained in authentication credentials or loaded as part of verification.
For example, when using bearer tokens for API authentication, the tokens may encode (either directly or indirectly in a database), details such as scope of access or the client to which the token was issued.
Such authorization details should be enforced separately from authentication. Because Passport deals only with the latter, this is the responsiblity of middleware or routes further along the chain. However, it is not optimal to decode the same data or execute the same database query later. To avoid this, Passport accepts optional
along with the authenticateduser
in a strategy'ssuccess()
action. This info is set atreq.authInfo
, where said later middlware or routes can access it.Optionally, applications can register transforms to proccess this info, which take effect prior to
being set. This is useful, for example, when the info contains a client ID. The transform can load the client from the database and include the instance in the transformed info, allowing the full set of client properties to be convieniently accessed.If no transforms are registered,
supplied by the strategy will be left unmodified.Examples:
passport.transformAuthInfo(function(info, done) { Client.findById(info.clientID, function (err, client) { info.client = client; done(err, info); }); });
Private implementation that traverses the chain of transformers, attempting to transform auth info.
If no transformers are registered (or they all pass), the default behavior is to use the un-transformed info as-is.
Private implementation that traverses the chain of transformers, attempting to transform auth info.
If no transformers are registered (or they all pass), the default behavior is to use the un-transformed info as-is.
For backwards compatibility.
method unuse
unuse: (name: string) => this;
Deregister a strategy that was previously registered with the given name.
In a typical application, the necessary authentication strategies are registered when initializing the app and, once registered, are always available. As such, it is typically not necessary to call this function.
Example 1
method use
use: { (strategy: Strategy): this; (name: string, strategy: Strategy): this };
Register a strategy for later use when authenticating requests. The name with which the strategy is registered is passed to .
Example 1
Register strategy. passport.use(new GoogleStrategy(...));
Example 2
Register strategy and override name. passport.use('password', new LocalStrategy(function(username, password, cb) { // ... }));
interface Framework
interface Framework< InitializeRet = any, AuthenticateRet = any, AuthorizeRet = AuthenticateRet> {}
method authenticate
authenticate: ( passport: Authenticator<InitializeRet, AuthenticateRet, AuthorizeRet>, name: string, options?: any, callback?: (...args: any[]) => any) => (...args: any[]) => AuthenticateRet;
Authenticates requests.
Applies the
ed strategy (or strategies) to the incoming request, in order to authenticate the request. If authentication is successful, the user will be logged in and populated atreq.user
and a session will be established by default. If authentication fails, an unauthorized response will be sent.Options: -
Save login state in session, defaults totrue
. -successRedirect
After successful login, redirect to given URL. -successMessage
True to store success message inreq.session.messages
, or a string to use as override message for success. -successFlash
True to flash success messages or a string to use as a flash message for success (overrides any from the strategy itself). -failureRedirect
After failed login, redirect to given URL. -failureMessage
True to store failure message inreq.session.messages
, or a string to use as override message for failure. -failureFlash
True to flash failure messages or a string to use as a flash message for failures (overrides any from the strategy itself). -assignProperty
Assign the object provided by the verify callback to given property.An optional
can be supplied to allow the application to override the default manner in which authentication attempts are handled. The callback has the following signature, whereuser
will be set to the authenticated user on a successful authentication attempt, orfalse
otherwise. An optionalinfo
argument will be passed, containing additional details provided by the strategy's verify callback - this could be information about a successful authentication or a challenge message for a failed authentication. An optionalstatus
argument will be passed when authentication fails - this could be a HTTP response code for a remote authentication failure or similar.app.get('/protected', function(req, res, next) { passport.authenticate('local', function(err, user, info, status) { if (err) { return next(err) } if (!user) { return res.redirect('/signin') } res.redirect('/account'); })(req, res, next); });
Note that if a callback is supplied, it becomes the application's responsibility to log-in the user, establish a session, and otherwise perform the desired operations.
passport.authenticate('local', { successRedirect: '/', failureRedirect: '/login' });
passport.authenticate('basic', { session: false });
method authorize
authorize: ( passport: Authenticator<InitializeRet, AuthenticateRet, AuthorizeRet>, name: string, options?: any, callback?: (...args: any[]) => any) => (...args: any[]) => AuthorizeRet;
Create third-party service authorization middleware.
Returns middleware that will authorize a connection to a third-party service.
This middleware is identical to using middleware with the
option set to'account'
. This is useful when a user is already authenticated (for example, using a username and password) and they want to connect their account with a third-party service.In this scenario, the user's third-party account will be set at
, and the existingreq.user
and login session data will be be left unmodified. A route handler can then link the third-party account to the existing local account.All arguments to this function behave identically to those accepted by .
Example 1
app.get('/oauth/callback/twitter', passport.authorize('twitter'));
method initialize
initialize: ( passport: Authenticator<InitializeRet, AuthenticateRet, AuthorizeRet>, options?: any) => (...args: any[]) => InitializeRet;
Passport initialization.
Intializes Passport for incoming requests, allowing authentication strategies to be applied.
If sessions are being utilized, applications must set up Passport with functions to serialize a user into and out of a session. For example, a common pattern is to serialize just the user ID into the session (due to the fact that it is desirable to store the minimum amount of data in a session). When a subsequent request arrives for the session, the full User object can be loaded from the database by ID.
Note that additional middleware is required to persist login state, so we must use the
middleware _before_passport.initialize()
.If sessions are being used, this middleware must be in use by the Connect/Express application for Passport to operate. If the application is entirely stateless (not using sessions), this middleware is not necessary, but its use will not have any adverse impact.
app.use(connect.cookieParser()); app.use(connect.session({ secret: 'keyboard cat' })); app.use(passport.initialize()); app.use(passport.session());
passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) { done(null, user.id); });
passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) { User.findById(id, function (err, user) { done(err, user); }); });
interface InitializeOptions
interface InitializeOptions {}
property compat
compat?: boolean;
, enables a compatibility layer for packages that depend onpassport@0.4.x
or earlier. Defaulttrue
property userProperty
userProperty?: string;
Determines what property on
will be set to the authenticated user object. Default'user'
interface LogInOptions
interface LogInOptions extends LogOutOptions {}
property session
session: boolean;
Save login state in session, defaults to
interface LogOutOptions
interface LogOutOptions {}
property keepSessionInfo
keepSessionInfo?: boolean;
interface PassportStatic
interface PassportStatic extends Authenticator {}
property Authenticator
Authenticator: { new (): Authenticator };
Create a new
property Passport
Passport: PassportStatic['Authenticator'];
Create a new
property strategies
strategies: { /** * Create a new `SessionStrategy` object. * * An instance of this strategy is automatically used when creating an * {@link Authenticator `Authenticator`}. As such, it is typically unnecessary to create an * instance using this constructor. * * This `Strategy` authenticates HTTP requests based on the contents * of session data. * * The login session must have been previously initiated, typically upon the * user interactively logging in using a HTML form. During session initiation, * the logged-in user's information is persisted to the session so that it can * be restored on subsequent requests. * * Note that this strategy merely restores the authentication state from the * session, it does not authenticate the session itself. Authenticating the * underlying session is assumed to have been done by the middleware * implementing session support. This is typically accomplished by setting a * signed cookie, and verifying the signature of that cookie on incoming * requests. * * In {@link https://expressjs.com/ Express}-based apps, session support is * commonly provided by {@link https://github.com/expressjs/session `express-session`} * or {@link https://github.com/expressjs/cookie-session `cookie-session`}. * * Options: * * - `key` Determines what property ("key") on * the session data where login session data is located. The login * session is stored and read from `req.session[key]`. * Default `'passport'`. */ SessionStrategy: { new (deserializeUser: DeserializeUserFunction): SessionStrategy; new ( options: SessionStrategyOptions, deserializeUser: DeserializeUserFunction ): SessionStrategy; };};
property Strategy
Strategy: { new (): Strategy & StrategyCreatedStatic };
Creates an instance of
interface Profile
interface Profile {}
property displayName
displayName: string;
property emails
emails?: | Array<{ value: string; type?: string | undefined; }> | undefined;
property id
id: string;
property name
name?: | { familyName: string; givenName: string; middleName?: string | undefined; } | undefined;
property photos
photos?: | Array<{ value: string; }> | undefined;
property provider
provider: string;
property username
username?: string | undefined;
interface SessionOptions
interface SessionOptions {}
property pauseStream
pauseStream: boolean;
Pause the request stream before deserializing the user object from the session. Defaults to
. Should be set totrue
in cases where middleware consuming the request body is configured after passport and the deserializeUser method is asynchronous.
interface SessionStrategy
interface SessionStrategy extends Strategy {}
property name
readonly name: 'session';
The name of the strategy, set to
method authenticate
authenticate: ( req: IncomingMessage, options?: Pick<AuthenticateOptions, 'pauseStream'>) => void;
Authenticate request based on current session data.
When login session data is present in the session, that data will be used to restore login state across across requests by calling the deserialize user function.
If login session data is not present, the request will be passed to the next middleware, rather than failing authentication - which is the behavior of most other strategies. This deviation allows session authentication to be performed at the application-level, rather than the individual route level, while allowing both authenticated and unauthenticated requests and rendering responses accordingly. Routes that require authentication will need to guard that condition.
This function is **protected**, and should _not_ be called directly. Instead, use
middleware and specify the of this strategy and any options.Options: -
, data events on the request will be paused, and then resumed after the asynchronousdeserializeUser
function has completed. This is only necessary in cases where later middleware in the stack are listening for events, and ensures that those events are not missed. Defaultfalse
.Example 1
interface SessionStrategyOptions
interface SessionStrategyOptions {}
property key
key: string;
Determines what property ("key") on the session data where login session data is located. The login session is stored and read from
. Default'passport'
interface Strategy
interface Strategy {}
property name
name?: string | undefined;
method authenticate
authenticate: ( this: StrategyCreated<this>, req: express.Request, options?: any) => any;
Authenticate request.
This function must be overridden by subclasses. In abstract form, it always throws an exception.
interface StrategyCreatedStatic
interface StrategyCreatedStatic {}
method error
error: (err: any) => void;
Internal error while performing authentication.
Strategies should call this function when an internal error occurs during the process of performing authentication; for example, if the user directory is not available.
method fail
fail: (challenge?: StrategyFailure | string | number, status?: number) => void;
Fail authentication, with optional
, defaulting to401
.Strategies should call this function to fail an authentication attempt.
method pass
pass: () => void;
Pass without making a success or fail decision.
Under most circumstances, Strategies should not need to call this function. It exists primarily to allow previous authentication state to be restored, for example from an HTTP session.
method redirect
redirect: (url: string, status?: number) => void;
Redirect to
with optionalstatus
, defaulting to 302.Strategies should call this function to redirect the user (via their user agent) to a third-party website for authentication.
method success
success: (user: Express.User, info?: object) => void;
, with optionalinfo
.Strategies should call this function to successfully authenticate a user.
should be an object supplied by the application after it has been given an opportunity to verify credentials.info
is an optional argument containing additional user information. This is useful for third-party authentication strategies to pass profile details.
interface StrategyFailure
interface StrategyFailure {}
property message
message?: string;
index signature
[key: string]: any;
Type Aliases
type AuthenticateCallback
type AuthenticateCallback = ( err: any, user?: Express.User | false | null, info?: object | string | Array<string | undefined>, status?: number | Array<number | undefined>) => any;
An optional callback supplied to allow the application to override the default manner in which authentication attempts are handled. The callback has the following signature, where
will be set to the authenticated user on a successful authentication attempt, orfalse
otherwise. An optionalinfo
argument will be passed, containing additional details provided by the strategy's verify callback - this could be information about a successful authentication or a challenge message for a failed authentication. An optionalstatus
argument will be passed when authentication fails - this could be a HTTP response code for a remote authentication failure or similar.app.get('/protected', function(req, res, next) { passport.authenticate('local', function callback(err, user, info, status) { if (err) { return next(err) } if (!user) { return res.redirect('/signin') } res.redirect('/account'); })(req, res, next); });
Note that if a callback is supplied, it becomes the application's responsibility to log-in the user, establish a session, and otherwise perform the desired operations.
type AuthorizeCallback
type AuthorizeCallback = AuthenticateCallback;
type DeserializeUserFunction
type DeserializeUserFunction = ( serializedUser: unknown, req: express.Request, done: DoneCallback) => void;
type DoneCallback
type DoneCallback = (err: any, user?: Express.User | false | null) => void;
type StrategyCreated
type StrategyCreated<T, O = T & StrategyCreatedStatic> = { [P in keyof O]: O[P];};
namespace global
namespace global {}
namespace global.Express
namespace global.Express {}
interface AuthenticatedRequest
interface AuthenticatedRequest extends Request {}
property user
user: User;
interface AuthInfo
interface AuthInfo {}
interface Request
interface Request {}
property authInfo
authInfo?: AuthInfo | undefined;
property user
user?: User | undefined;
method isAuthenticated
isAuthenticated: () => this is AuthenticatedRequest;
Test if request is authenticated.
method isUnauthenticated
isUnauthenticated: () => this is UnauthenticatedRequest;
Test if request is unauthenticated.
method login
login: { (user: User, done: (err: any) => void): void; (user: User, options: passport.LogInOptions, done: (err: any) => void): void;};
Initiate a login session for
.Options: -
Save login state in session, defaults totrue
req.logIn(user, { session: false });
req.logIn(user, function(err) { if (err) { throw err; } // session saved });
method logIn
logIn: { (user: User, done: (err: any) => void): void; (user: User, options: passport.LogInOptions, done: (err: any) => void): void;};
Initiate a login session for
.Options: -
Save login state in session, defaults totrue
req.logIn(user, { session: false });
req.logIn(user, function(err) { if (err) { throw err; } // session saved });
method logout
logout: { (options: passport.LogOutOptions, done: (err: any) => void): void; (done: (err: any) => void): void;};
Terminate an existing login session.
method logOut
logOut: { (options: passport.LogOutOptions, done: (err: any) => void): void; (done: (err: any) => void): void;};
Terminate an existing login session.
interface UnauthenticatedRequest
interface UnauthenticatedRequest extends Request {}
property user
user?: undefined;
interface User
interface User {}
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