- Version 8.11.10
- Published
- 16.5 kB
- 3 dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for pg
Type Aliases
function escapeIdentifier
escapeIdentifier: (str: string) => string;
function escapeLiteral
escapeLiteral: (str: string) => string;
class Client
class Client extends ClientBase {}
constructor(config?: string | ClientConfig);
property database
database?: string;
property host
host: string;
property password
password?: string;
property port
port: number;
property ssl
ssl: boolean;
property user
user?: string;
method end
end: { (): Promise<void>; (callback: (err: Error) => void): void };
class ClientBase
class ClientBase extends events.EventEmitter {}
constructor(config?: string | ClientConfig);
property escapeIdentifier
escapeIdentifier: (str: string) => string;
property escapeLiteral
escapeLiteral: (str: string) => string;
property getTypeParser
getTypeParser: any;
property setTypeParser
setTypeParser: any;
method connect
connect: { (): Promise<void>; (callback: (err: Error) => void): void };
method copyFrom
copyFrom: (queryText: string) => stream.Writable;
method copyTo
copyTo: (queryText: string) => stream.Readable;
method on
on: { (event: 'drain', listener: () => void): this; (event: 'error', listener: (err: Error) => void): this; (event: 'notice', listener: (notice: NoticeMessage) => void): this; (event: 'notification', listener: (message: Notification) => void): this; (event: 'end', listener: () => void): this;};
method pauseDrain
pauseDrain: () => void;
method query
query: { <T extends Submittable>(queryStream: T): T; <R extends any[] = any[], I = any[]>( queryConfig: QueryArrayConfig<I>, values?: QueryConfigValues<I> ): Promise<QueryArrayResult<R>>; <R extends QueryResultRow = any, I = any>( queryConfig: QueryConfig<I> ): Promise<QueryResult<R>>; <R extends QueryResultRow = any, I = any[]>( queryTextOrConfig: string | QueryConfig<I>, values?: QueryConfigValues<I> ): Promise<QueryResult<R>>; <R extends any[] = any[], I = any[]>( queryConfig: QueryArrayConfig<I>, callback: (err: Error, result: QueryArrayResult<R>) => void ): void; <R extends QueryResultRow = any, I = any[]>( queryTextOrConfig: string | QueryConfig<I>, callback: (err: Error, result: QueryResult<R>) => void ): void; <R extends QueryResultRow = any, I = any[]>( queryText: string, values: QueryConfigValues<I>, callback: (err: Error, result: QueryResult<R>) => void ): void;};
method resumeDrain
resumeDrain: () => void;
class Connection
class Connection extends events.EventEmitter {}
constructor(config?: ClientConfig);
property stream
readonly stream: stream.Duplex;
method bind
bind: (config: BindConfig | null, more: boolean) => void;
method close
close: (msg: MessageConfig, more: boolean) => void;
method describe
describe: (msg: MessageConfig, more: boolean) => void;
method end
end: () => void;
method execute
execute: (config: ExecuteConfig | null, more: boolean) => void;
method flush
flush: () => void;
method parse
parse: (query: QueryParse, more: boolean) => void;
method query
query: (text: string) => void;
method sync
sync: () => void;
class Events
class Events extends events.EventEmitter {}
method on
on: (event: 'error', listener: (err: Error, client: Client) => void) => this;
class Pool
class Pool extends events.EventEmitter {}
constructor(config?: PoolConfig);
Every field of the config object is entirely optional. The config passed to the pool is also passed to every client instance within the pool when the pool creates that client.
property ended
readonly ended: boolean;
property ending
readonly ending: boolean;
property expiredCount
readonly expiredCount: number;
property idleCount
readonly idleCount: number;
property options
options: PoolOptions;
property totalCount
readonly totalCount: number;
property waitingCount
readonly waitingCount: number;
method connect
connect: { (): Promise<PoolClient>; ( callback: ( err: Error, client: PoolClient, done: (release?: any) => void ) => void ): void;};
method end
end: { (): Promise<void>; (callback: () => void): void };
method on
on: { ( event: 'release' | 'error', listener: (err: Error, client: PoolClient) => void ): this; ( event: 'connect' | 'acquire' | 'remove', listener: (client: PoolClient) => void ): this;};
method query
query: { <T extends Submittable>(queryStream: T): T; <R extends any[] = any[], I = any[]>( queryConfig: QueryArrayConfig<I>, values?: QueryConfigValues<I> ): Promise<QueryArrayResult<R>>; <R extends QueryResultRow = any, I = any[]>( queryConfig: QueryConfig<I> ): Promise<QueryResult<R>>; <R extends QueryResultRow = any, I = any[]>( queryTextOrConfig: string | QueryConfig<I>, values?: QueryConfigValues<I> ): Promise<QueryResult<R>>; <R extends any[] = any[], I = any[]>( queryConfig: QueryArrayConfig<I>, callback: (err: Error, result: QueryArrayResult<R>) => void ): void; <R extends QueryResultRow = any, I = any[]>( queryTextOrConfig: string | QueryConfig<I>, callback: (err: Error, result: QueryResult<R>) => void ): void; <R extends QueryResultRow = any, I = any[]>( queryText: string, values: QueryConfigValues<I>, callback: (err: Error, result: QueryResult<R>) => void ): void;};
class Query
class Query<R extends QueryResultRow = any, I extends any[] = any> extends events.EventEmitter implements Submittable {}
constructor(queryTextOrConfig?: string | QueryConfig<I>, values?: any[]);
property submit
submit: (connection: Connection) => void;
method on
on: { (event: 'row', listener: (row: R, result?: ResultBuilder<R>) => void): this; (event: 'error', listener: (err: Error) => void): this; (event: 'end', listener: (result: ResultBuilder<R>) => void): this;};
interface BindConfig
interface BindConfig {}
property binary
binary?: string | undefined;
property portal
portal?: string | undefined;
property statement
statement?: string | undefined;
property valueMapper
valueMapper?: ValueMapper | undefined;
property values
values?: Array<Buffer | null | undefined | string> | undefined;
interface ClientConfig
interface ClientConfig {}
property application_name
application_name?: string | undefined;
property connectionString
connectionString?: string | undefined;
property connectionTimeoutMillis
connectionTimeoutMillis?: number | undefined;
property database
database?: string | undefined;
property host
host?: string | undefined;
property idle_in_transaction_session_timeout
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout?: number | undefined;
property keepAlive
keepAlive?: boolean | undefined;
property keepAliveInitialDelayMillis
keepAliveInitialDelayMillis?: number | undefined;
property options
options?: string | undefined;
property password
password?: string | (() => string | Promise<string>) | undefined;
property port
port?: number | undefined;
property query_timeout
query_timeout?: number | undefined;
property ssl
ssl?: boolean | ConnectionOptions | undefined;
property statement_timeout
statement_timeout?: false | number | undefined;
property stream
stream?: () => stream.Duplex | stream.Duplex | undefined;
property types
types?: CustomTypesConfig | undefined;
property user
user?: string | undefined;
interface CustomTypesConfig
interface CustomTypesConfig {}
property getTypeParser
getTypeParser: typeof pgTypes.getTypeParser;
interface Defaults
interface Defaults extends ClientConfig {}
property binary
binary?: boolean | undefined;
property parseInputDatesAsUTC
parseInputDatesAsUTC?: boolean | undefined;
property parseInt8
parseInt8?: boolean | undefined;
property poolIdleTimeout
poolIdleTimeout?: number | undefined;
property poolSize
poolSize?: number | undefined;
property reapIntervalMillis
reapIntervalMillis?: number | undefined;
interface ExecuteConfig
interface ExecuteConfig {}
interface FieldDef
interface FieldDef {}
property columnID
columnID: number;
property dataTypeID
dataTypeID: number;
property dataTypeModifier
dataTypeModifier: number;
property dataTypeSize
dataTypeSize: number;
property format
format: string;
property name
name: string;
property tableID
tableID: number;
interface MessageConfig
interface MessageConfig {}
interface Notification
interface Notification {}
interface PoolClient
interface PoolClient extends ClientBase {}
method release
release: (err?: Error | boolean) => void;
interface PoolConfig
interface PoolConfig extends ClientConfig {}
property allowExitOnIdle
allowExitOnIdle?: boolean | undefined;
property Client
Client?: (new () => ClientBase) | undefined;
property idleTimeoutMillis
idleTimeoutMillis?: number | undefined | null;
property log
log?: ((...messages: any[]) => void) | undefined;
property max
max?: number | undefined;
property maxLifetimeSeconds
maxLifetimeSeconds?: number | undefined;
property maxUses
maxUses?: number | undefined;
property min
min?: number | undefined;
property Promise
Promise?: PromiseConstructorLike | undefined;
interface PoolOptions
interface PoolOptions extends PoolConfig {}
property allowExitOnIdle
allowExitOnIdle: boolean;
property idleTimeoutMillis
idleTimeoutMillis: number | null;
property max
max: number;
property maxLifetimeSeconds
maxLifetimeSeconds: number;
property maxUses
maxUses: number;
interface QueryArrayConfig
interface QueryArrayConfig<I = any[]> extends QueryConfig<I> {}
property rowMode
rowMode: 'array';
interface QueryArrayResult
interface QueryArrayResult<R extends any[] = any[]> extends QueryResultBase {}
property rows
rows: R[];
interface QueryConfig
interface QueryConfig<I = any[]> {}
interface QueryParse
interface QueryParse {}
interface QueryResult
interface QueryResult<R extends QueryResultRow = any> extends QueryResultBase {}
property rows
rows: R[];
interface QueryResultBase
interface QueryResultBase {}
interface QueryResultRow
interface QueryResultRow {}
index signature
[column: string]: any;
interface ResultBuilder
interface ResultBuilder<R extends QueryResultRow = any> extends QueryResult<R> {}
method addRow
addRow: (row: R) => void;
interface Submittable
interface Submittable {}
property submit
submit: (connection: Connection) => void;
Type Aliases
type ConnectionConfig
type ConnectionConfig = ClientConfig;
type QueryConfigValues
type QueryConfigValues<T> = T extends Array<infer U> ? T : never;
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