
  • Version 10.0.4
  • Published
  • 6.7 kB
  • 2 dependencies
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for postcss-url



variable url

const url: PluginCreator<url.Options | url.Options[]>;


    interface Options

    interface Options {}

      property assetsPath

      assetsPath?: boolean | string | undefined;
      • The assets files will be copied in that destination.


      property basePath

      basePath?: string | string[] | undefined;
      • Specify the base path or list of base paths where to search images from.

      property fallback

      fallback?: CustomTransformFunction | undefined;
      • The fallback method to use if the maximum size is exceeded or the URL contains a hash.

      property filter

      filter?: RegExp | CustomFilterFunction | string | undefined;
      • Determine wether a file should be inlined.

      property hashOptions

      | {
      * Hashing method or custom function.
      method?: 'xxhash32' | 'xxhash64' | CustomHashFunction | undefined;
      * Shrink hast to certain length.
      shrink?: number | undefined;
      * Append the original filename in resulting filename.
      append?: boolean | undefined;
      | undefined;
      • Hash options

      property ignoreFragmentWarning

      ignoreFragmentWarning?: boolean | undefined;
      • Do not warn when an SVG URL with a fragment is inlined. PostCSS-URL does not support partial inlining. The entire SVG file will be inlined. By default a warning will be issued when this occurs.


      property includeUriFragment

      includeUriFragment?: boolean | undefined;
      • Specifies whether the URL's fragment identifer value, if present, will be added to the inlined data URI.


      property maxSize

      maxSize?: number | undefined;
      • Specify the maximum file size to inline (in kilobytes).

      property optimizeSvgEncode

      optimizeSvgEncode?: boolean | undefined;
      • Reduce size of inlined svg (IE9+, Android 3+)


      property url

      url?: 'copy' | 'inline' | 'rebase' | CustomTransformFunction | undefined;
      • URL rewriting mechanism.


      property useHash

      useHash?: boolean | undefined;
      • Rename the path of the files by a hash name.


      Type Aliases

      type CustomFilterFunction

      type CustomFilterFunction = (file: string) => boolean;

        type CustomHashFunction

        type CustomHashFunction = (file: Buffer) => string;

          type CustomTransformFunction

          type CustomTransformFunction = (
          asset: {
          * Original URL.
          url: string;
          * URL pathname.
          pathname?: string | undefined;
          * Absolute path to asset.
          absolutePath?: string | undefined;
          * Current relative path to asset.
          relativePath?: string | undefined;
          * Querystring from URL.
          search?: string | undefined;
          * Hash from URL.
          hash?: string | undefined;
          dir: {
          * PostCSS from option.
          from?: string | undefined;
          * PostCSS to option.
          to?: string | undefined;
          * File path.
          file?: string | undefined;
          ) => string | Promise<string>;

            type Url

            type Url = PluginCreator<Options | Options[]>;

              Package Files (1)

              Dependencies (2)

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              No peer dependencies.


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