- Version 13.1.8
- Published
- 24.9 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
npm i @types/react-beautiful-dnd
yarn add @types/react-beautiful-dnd
pnpm add @types/react-beautiful-dnd
TypeScript definitions for react-beautiful-dnd
Type Aliases
- Announce
- Axis
- ContextId
- Direction
- DraggableChildrenFn
- DraggableId
- DroppableId
- DroppableMode
- DropReason
- ElementId
- Id
- ImpactLocation
- InOutAnimationMode
- MovementMode
- Omit
- OnBeforeCaptureResponder
- OnBeforeDragStartResponder
- OnDragEndResponder
- OnDragStartResponder
- OnDragUpdateResponder
- Sensor
- State
- StateWhenUpdatesAllowed
- TryGetLock
- TypeId
variable useKeyboardSensor
const useKeyboardSensor: Sensor;
variable useMouseSensor
const useMouseSensor: Sensor;
variable useTouchSensor
const useTouchSensor: Sensor;
function resetServerContext
resetServerContext: () => void;
class DragDropContext
class DragDropContext extends React.Component<DragDropContextProps> {}
class Draggable
class Draggable extends React.Component<DraggableProps> {}
class Droppable
class Droppable extends React.Component<DroppableProps> {}
interface BeforeCapture
interface BeforeCapture {}
property draggableId
draggableId: DraggableId;
property mode
mode: MovementMode;
interface BoxModel
interface BoxModel {}
property border
border: Spacing;
property borderBox
borderBox: Rect;
property contentBox
contentBox: Rect;
property margin
margin: Spacing;
property marginBox
marginBox: Rect;
property padding
padding: Spacing;
property paddingBox
paddingBox: Rect;
interface ClientPositions
interface ClientPositions {}
property borderBoxCenter
borderBoxCenter: Position;
property offset
offset: Position;
property selection
selection: Position;
interface CollectingState
interface CollectingState extends Omit<DraggingState, 'phase'> {}
property phase
phase: 'COLLECTING';
interface Combine
interface Combine {}
property draggableId
draggableId: DraggableId;
property droppableId
droppableId: DroppableId;
interface CombineImpact
interface CombineImpact {}
interface CompletedDrag
interface CompletedDrag {}
property afterCritical
afterCritical: LiftEffect;
property critical
critical: Critical;
property impact
impact: DragImpact;
property result
result: DropResult;
interface Critical
interface Critical {}
interface DimensionMap
interface DimensionMap {}
property draggables
draggables: DraggableDimensionMap;
property droppables
droppables: DroppableDimensionMap;
interface Displaced
interface Displaced {}
interface DisplacedBy
interface DisplacedBy {}
interface Displacement
interface Displacement {}
property draggableId
draggableId: DraggableId;
property shouldAnimate
shouldAnimate: boolean;
interface DisplacementGroups
interface DisplacementGroups {}
interface DisplacementMap
interface DisplacementMap {}
index signature
[key: string]: Displacement;
interface DragActions
interface DragActions {}
property cancel
cancel: (args?: StopDragOptions) => void;
property drop
drop: (args?: StopDragOptions) => void;
property isActive
isActive: () => boolean;
property shouldRespectForcePress
shouldRespectForcePress: () => boolean;
interface DragDropContextProps
interface DragDropContextProps extends Responders {}
property children
children: React.ReactNode | null;
property dragHandleUsageInstructions
dragHandleUsageInstructions?: string | undefined;
property enableDefaultSensors
enableDefaultSensors?: boolean | undefined;
property nonce
nonce?: string | undefined;
property sensors
sensors?: Sensor[] | undefined;
interface DraggableDescriptor
interface DraggableDescriptor {}
property droppableId
droppableId: DroppableId;
property id
id: DraggableId;
property index
index: number;
property type
type: TypeId;
interface DraggableDimension
interface DraggableDimension {}
property client
client: BoxModel;
property descriptor
descriptor: DraggableDescriptor;
property displaceBy
displaceBy: Position;
property page
page: BoxModel;
property placeholder
placeholder: Placeholder;
interface DraggableDimensionMap
interface DraggableDimensionMap {}
index signature
[key: string]: DraggableDimension;
interface DraggableIdMap
interface DraggableIdMap {}
index signature
[id: string]: true;
interface DraggableLocation
interface DraggableLocation {}
property droppableId
droppableId: DroppableId;
property index
index: number;
interface DraggableOptions
interface DraggableOptions {}
property canDragInteractiveElements
canDragInteractiveElements: boolean;
property isEnabled
isEnabled: boolean;
property shouldRespectForcePress
shouldRespectForcePress: boolean;
interface DraggableProps
interface DraggableProps {}
property children
children: DraggableChildrenFn;
property disableInteractiveElementBlocking
disableInteractiveElementBlocking?: boolean | undefined;
property draggableId
draggableId: DraggableId;
property index
index: number;
property isDragDisabled
isDragDisabled?: boolean | undefined;
property shouldRespectForcePress
shouldRespectForcePress?: boolean | undefined;
interface DraggableProvided
interface DraggableProvided {}
property draggableProps
draggableProps: DraggableProvidedDraggableProps;
property dragHandleProps
dragHandleProps: DraggableProvidedDragHandleProps | null | undefined;
property innerRef
innerRef: (element: HTMLElement | null) => void;
interface DraggableProvidedDraggableProps
interface DraggableProvidedDraggableProps {}
property "data-rbd-draggable-context-id"
'data-rbd-draggable-context-id': string;
property "data-rbd-draggable-id"
'data-rbd-draggable-id': string;
property onTransitionEnd
onTransitionEnd?: React.TransitionEventHandler<any> | undefined;
property style
style?: DraggingStyle | NotDraggingStyle | undefined;
interface DraggableProvidedDragHandleProps
interface DraggableProvidedDragHandleProps {}
property "aria-describedby"
'aria-describedby': ElementId;
property "data-rbd-drag-handle-context-id"
'data-rbd-drag-handle-context-id': ContextId;
property "data-rbd-drag-handle-draggable-id"
'data-rbd-drag-handle-draggable-id': DraggableId;
property draggable
draggable: boolean;
property onDragStart
onDragStart: React.DragEventHandler<any>;
property role
role: string;
property tabIndex
tabIndex: number;
interface DraggableRubric
interface DraggableRubric {}
property draggableId
draggableId: DraggableId;
property source
source: DraggableLocation;
property type
type: TypeId;
interface DraggableStateSnapshot
interface DraggableStateSnapshot {}
property combineTargetFor
combineTargetFor: DraggableId | null | undefined;
property combineWith
combineWith: DraggableId | null | undefined;
property draggingOver
draggingOver: DroppableId | null | undefined;
property dropAnimation
dropAnimation: DropAnimation | null | undefined;
property isClone
isClone: boolean;
property isDragging
isDragging: boolean;
property isDropAnimating
isDropAnimating: boolean;
property mode
mode: MovementMode | null | undefined;
interface DraggingState
interface DraggingState {}
property afterCritical
afterCritical: LiftEffect;
property critical
critical: Critical;
property current
current: DragPositions;
property dimensions
dimensions: DimensionMap;
property forceShouldAnimate
forceShouldAnimate: boolean | null | undefined;
property impact
impact: DragImpact;
property initial
initial: DragPositions;
property isDragging
isDragging: true;
property isWindowScrollAllowed
isWindowScrollAllowed: boolean;
property movementMode
movementMode: MovementMode;
property onLiftImpact
onLiftImpact: DragImpact;
property phase
phase: 'DRAGGING';
property scrollJumpRequest
scrollJumpRequest: Position | null | undefined;
property viewport
viewport: Viewport;
interface DraggingStyle
interface DraggingStyle {}
property boxSizing
boxSizing: 'border-box';
property height
height: number;
property left
left: number;
property opacity
opacity: number | undefined;
This value will actually be
instead ofundefined
.The type is fudged because
is not compatible with theReact.CSSProperties
prop should interpretnull
the same way.
property pointerEvents
pointerEvents: 'none';
property position
position: 'fixed';
property top
top: number;
property transform
transform: string | undefined;
This value will actually be
instead ofundefined
.The type is fudged because
is not compatible with theReact.CSSProperties
prop should interpretnull
the same way.
property transition
transition: string;
property width
width: number;
property zIndex
zIndex: number;
interface DragImpact
interface DragImpact {}
property at
at: ImpactLocation | null | undefined;
property displaced
displaced: DisplacementGroups;
property displacedBy
displacedBy: DisplacedBy;
interface DragPositions
interface DragPositions {}
interface DragUpdate
interface DragUpdate extends DragStart {}
property combine
combine: Combine | null | undefined;
property destination
destination: DraggableLocation | null | undefined;
interface DropAnimatingState
interface DropAnimatingState {}
property completed
completed: CompletedDrag;
property dimensions
dimensions: DimensionMap;
property dropDuration
dropDuration: number;
property newHomeClientOffset
newHomeClientOffset: Position;
property phase
interface DropAnimation
interface DropAnimation {}
property curve
curve: string;
property duration
duration: number;
property moveTo
moveTo: Position;
property opacity
opacity: number | undefined;
This value will actually be
instead ofundefined
.The type is fudged because
is not compatible with theReact.CSSProperties
prop should interpretnull
the same way.
property scale
scale: number | undefined;
This value will actually be
instead ofundefined
.The type is fudged because
is not compatible with theReact.CSSProperties
prop should interpretnull
the same way.
interface DroppableDescriptor
interface DroppableDescriptor {}
interface DroppableDimension
interface DroppableDimension {}
property axis
axis: Axis;
property client
client: BoxModel;
property descriptor
descriptor: DroppableDescriptor;
property frame
frame: Scrollable | null | undefined;
property isCombineEnabled
isCombineEnabled: boolean;
property isEnabled
isEnabled: boolean;
property isFixedOnPage
isFixedOnPage: boolean;
property page
page: BoxModel;
property subject
subject: DroppableSubject;
interface DroppableDimensionMap
interface DroppableDimensionMap {}
index signature
[key: string]: DroppableDimension;
interface DroppableIdMap
interface DroppableIdMap {}
index signature
[id: string]: true;
interface DroppableProps
interface DroppableProps {}
property direction
direction?: Direction | undefined;
property droppableId
droppableId: DroppableId;
property getContainerForClone
getContainerForClone?: (() => HTMLElement) | undefined;
property ignoreContainerClipping
ignoreContainerClipping?: boolean | undefined;
property isCombineEnabled
isCombineEnabled?: boolean | undefined;
property isDropDisabled
isDropDisabled?: boolean | undefined;
property mode
mode?: DroppableMode | undefined;
property renderClone
renderClone?: DraggableChildrenFn | undefined;
property type
type?: TypeId | undefined;
method children
children: ( provided: DroppableProvided, snapshot: DroppableStateSnapshot) => React.ReactElement<HTMLElement>;
interface DroppableProvided
interface DroppableProvided {}
property droppableProps
droppableProps: DroppableProvidedProps;
property innerRef
innerRef: (element: HTMLElement | null) => void;
property placeholder
placeholder: React.ReactNode;
interface DroppableProvidedProps
interface DroppableProvidedProps {}
property "data-rbd-droppable-context-id"
'data-rbd-droppable-context-id': ContextId;
property "data-rbd-droppable-id"
'data-rbd-droppable-id': DroppableId;
interface DroppablePublish
interface DroppablePublish {}
property droppableId
droppableId: DroppableId;
property scroll
scroll: Position;
interface DroppableStateSnapshot
interface DroppableStateSnapshot {}
property draggingFromThisWith
draggingFromThisWith: DraggableId | null | undefined;
property draggingOverWith
draggingOverWith: DraggableId | null | undefined;
property isDraggingOver
isDraggingOver: boolean;
property isUsingPlaceholder
isUsingPlaceholder: boolean;
interface DroppableSubject
interface DroppableSubject {}
property active
active: Rect | null | undefined;
property page
page: BoxModel;
property withPlaceholder
withPlaceholder: PlaceholderInSubject | null | undefined;
interface DropPendingState
interface DropPendingState extends Omit<DraggingState, 'phase'> {}
interface DropResult
interface DropResult extends DragUpdate {}
property reason
reason: DropReason;
interface FluidDragActions
interface FluidDragActions extends DragActions {}
property move
move: (clientSelection: Position) => void;
interface HorizontalAxis
interface HorizontalAxis {}
property crossAxisEnd
crossAxisEnd: 'bottom';
property crossAxisLine
crossAxisLine: 'y';
property crossAxisSize
crossAxisSize: 'height';
property crossAxisStart
crossAxisStart: 'top';
property direction
direction: 'horizontal';
property end
end: 'right';
property line
line: 'x';
property size
size: 'width';
property start
start: 'left';
interface IdleState
interface IdleState {}
property completed
completed: CompletedDrag | null | undefined;
property phase
phase: 'IDLE';
property shouldFlush
shouldFlush: boolean;
interface LiftEffect
interface LiftEffect {}
property displacedBy
displacedBy: DisplacedBy;
property effected
effected: DraggableIdMap;
property inVirtualList
inVirtualList: boolean;
interface LiftRequest
interface LiftRequest {}
property draggableId
draggableId: DraggableId;
property scrollOptions
scrollOptions: ScrollOptions;
interface NotDraggingStyle
interface NotDraggingStyle {}
property transform
transform: string | undefined;
This value will actually be
instead ofundefined
.The type is fudged because
is not compatible with theReact.CSSProperties
prop should interpretnull
the same way.
property transition
transition: 'none' | undefined;
This value will actually be
instead ofundefined
.The type is fudged because
is not compatible with theReact.CSSProperties
prop should interpretnull
the same way.
interface PagePositions
interface PagePositions {}
property borderBoxCenter
borderBoxCenter: Position;
property offset
offset: Position;
property selection
selection: Position;
interface Placeholder
interface Placeholder {}
interface PlaceholderInSubject
interface PlaceholderInSubject {}
property increasedBy
increasedBy: Position | null | undefined;
property oldFrameMaxScroll
oldFrameMaxScroll: Position | null | undefined;
property placeholderSize
placeholderSize: Position;
interface PreDragActions
interface PreDragActions {}
property abort
abort: () => void;
property fluidLift
fluidLift: (clientSelection: Position) => FluidDragActions;
property isActive
isActive: () => boolean;
property shouldRespectForcePress
shouldRespectForcePress: () => boolean;
property snapLift
snapLift: () => SnapDragActions;
interface Published
interface Published {}
interface Rect
interface Rect {}
interface ReorderImpact
interface ReorderImpact {}
property destination
destination: DraggableLocation;
property type
type: 'REORDER';
interface ResponderProvided
interface ResponderProvided {}
property announce
announce: Announce;
interface Responders
interface Responders {}
property onBeforeCapture
onBeforeCapture?: OnBeforeCaptureResponder | undefined;
property onBeforeDragStart
onBeforeDragStart?: OnBeforeDragStartResponder | undefined;
property onDragEnd
onDragEnd: OnDragEndResponder;
property onDragStart
onDragStart?: OnDragStartResponder | undefined;
property onDragUpdate
onDragUpdate?: OnDragUpdateResponder | undefined;
interface Scrollable
interface Scrollable {}
property frameClient
frameClient: BoxModel;
property pageMarginBox
pageMarginBox: Rect;
property scroll
scroll: ScrollDetails;
property scrollSize
scrollSize: ScrollSize;
property shouldClipSubject
shouldClipSubject: boolean;
interface ScrollDetails
interface ScrollDetails {}
interface ScrollDifference
interface ScrollDifference {}
property displacement
displacement: Position;
property value
value: Position;
interface ScrollOptions
interface ScrollOptions {}
property shouldPublishImmediately
shouldPublishImmediately: boolean;
interface ScrollSize
interface ScrollSize {}
property scrollHeight
scrollHeight: number;
property scrollWidth
scrollWidth: number;
interface SensorAPI
interface SensorAPI {}
property canGetLock
canGetLock: (id: DraggableId) => boolean;
property findClosestDraggableId
findClosestDraggableId: (event: Event) => DraggableId | null;
property findOptionsForDraggable
findOptionsForDraggable: (id: DraggableId) => DraggableOptions | null;
property isLockClaimed
isLockClaimed: () => boolean;
property tryGetLock
tryGetLock: TryGetLock;
property tryReleaseLock
tryReleaseLock: () => void;
interface SnapDragActions
interface SnapDragActions extends DragActions {}
interface Spacing
interface Spacing {}
interface StopDragOptions
interface StopDragOptions {}
property shouldBlockNextClick
shouldBlockNextClick: boolean;
interface TryGetLockOptions
interface TryGetLockOptions {}
property sourceEvent
sourceEvent?: Event | undefined;
interface VerticalAxis
interface VerticalAxis {}
property crossAxisEnd
crossAxisEnd: 'right';
property crossAxisLine
crossAxisLine: 'x';
property crossAxisSize
crossAxisSize: 'width';
property crossAxisStart
crossAxisStart: 'left';
property direction
direction: 'vertical';
property end
end: 'bottom';
property line
line: 'y';
property size
size: 'height';
property start
start: 'top';
Type Aliases
type Announce
type Announce = (message: string) => void;
type Axis
type Axis = VerticalAxis | HorizontalAxis;
type ContextId
type ContextId = Id;
type Direction
type Direction = 'horizontal' | 'vertical';
type DraggableChildrenFn
type DraggableChildrenFn = ( provided: DraggableProvided, snapshot: DraggableStateSnapshot, rubric: DraggableRubric) => React.ReactElement<HTMLElement>;
type DraggableId
type DraggableId = Id;
type DroppableId
type DroppableId = Id;
type DroppableMode
type DroppableMode = 'standard' | 'virtual';
type DropReason
type DropReason = 'DROP' | 'CANCEL';
type ElementId
type ElementId = Id;
type Id
type Id = string;
type ImpactLocation
type ImpactLocation = ReorderImpact | CombineImpact;
type InOutAnimationMode
type InOutAnimationMode = 'none' | 'open' | 'close';
type MovementMode
type MovementMode = 'FLUID' | 'SNAP';
type Omit
type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
type OnBeforeCaptureResponder
type OnBeforeCaptureResponder = (before: BeforeCapture) => void;
type OnBeforeDragStartResponder
type OnBeforeDragStartResponder = (start: DragStart) => void;
type OnDragEndResponder
type OnDragEndResponder = (result: DropResult, provided: ResponderProvided) => void;
type OnDragStartResponder
type OnDragStartResponder = (start: DragStart, provided: ResponderProvided) => void;
type OnDragUpdateResponder
type OnDragUpdateResponder = ( update: DragUpdate, provided: ResponderProvided) => void;
type Sensor
type Sensor = (api: SensorAPI) => void;
type State
type State = | IdleState | DraggingState | CollectingState | DropPendingState | DropAnimatingState;
type StateWhenUpdatesAllowed
type StateWhenUpdatesAllowed = DraggingState | CollectingState;
type TryGetLock
type TryGetLock = ( draggableId: DraggableId, forceStop?: () => void, options?: TryGetLockOptions) => PreDragActions | null;
type TypeId
type TypeId = Id;
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