
  • Version 19.0.0
  • Published
  • 5.75 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for react-is



variable AsyncMode

const AsyncMode: Symbol;
  • Deprecated

variable ContextConsumer

const ContextConsumer: Symbol;

    variable ContextProvider

    const ContextProvider: Symbol;

      variable Element

      const Element: Symbol;

        variable ForwardRef

        const ForwardRef: Symbol;

          variable Fragment

          const Fragment: Symbol;

            variable Lazy

            const Lazy: Symbol;

              variable Memo

              const Memo: Symbol;

                variable Portal

                const Portal: Symbol;

                  variable Profiler

                  const Profiler: Symbol;

                    variable StrictMode

                    const StrictMode: Symbol;

                      variable Suspense

                      const Suspense: Symbol;

                        variable SuspenseList

                        const SuspenseList: Symbol;


                          function isAsyncMode

                          isAsyncMode: (value: any) => value is ReactElement;
                          • Deprecated

                          function isContextConsumer

                          isContextConsumer: (value: any) => value is ReactElement;

                            function isContextProvider

                            isContextProvider: (value: any) => value is ReactElement;

                              function isElement

                              isElement: (value: any) => value is ReactElement;

                                function isForwardRef

                                isForwardRef: (value: any) => value is ReactElement;

                                  function isFragment

                                  isFragment: (value: any) => value is ReactElement;

                                    function isLazy

                                    isLazy: (value: any) => value is LazyExoticComponent<any>;

                                      function isMemo

                                      isMemo: (value: any) => value is MemoExoticComponent<any>;

                                        function isPortal

                                        isPortal: (value: any) => value is ReactElement;

                                          function isProfiler

                                          isProfiler: (value: any) => value is ReactElement;

                                            function isStrictMode

                                            isStrictMode: (value: any) => value is ReactElement;

                                              function isSuspense

                                              isSuspense: (value: any) => value is ReactElement;

                                                function isSuspenseList

                                                isSuspenseList: (value: any) => value is ReactElement;

                                                  function isValidElementType

                                                  isValidElementType: (value: any) => value is ElementType;

                                                    function typeOf

                                                    typeOf: (value: any) => symbol | undefined;

                                                      Package Files (2)

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                                                      No dev dependencies.

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                                                      No peer dependencies.


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